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  • 音乐
  • 2023-05-03
  • 泡泡堂森林音乐
  • 泡泡堂音乐合集
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  • 泡泡堂森林音乐






    Aqua(水叮当合唱团)创建于1998年的AQUA合唱团由来自挪威的女主唱Leone Nystrom、DJ Rene Norren和Claus Noreen、Soren Rasted四位成员组成,他们造型定位鲜明,有着很强的卡通味道,老少皆宜。曲风则是以目前十分流行且上口的Techno舞曲为主。1996年的EP大碟〈MyohMy〉使他们一鸣惊人,而翌年的专辑〈Barbie Girl〉更令AQUA的卡通舞曲风潮席卷了欧美、日本和东南亚地区。

    他们全欧冠军单曲〈Barbie Girl〉和〈Docotor Jones〉也迅速地在世界各地的舞池和大街小巷四处蔓延。随即,卡通舞曲的形式亦被许多新吵纤兴的舞曲组合和歌手们争相效仿,连“小燕子”赵薇那张狂卖的专辑〈爱情大魔咒〉也忍蠢碰隐不住借AQUA的热门单曲〈Docotor Jones〉的旋律火了一把。

    继安徒生之后最成功的丹麦外销品恐怕就是AQUA(水叮当)了。他们首张专辑中的单曲"Barbie Girl","Dr. Jones","My Oh My","Turn Back Time"连获英国金榜冠军,尤其是"Barbie Girl"更是将AQUA塑造成乐团最具卡通个性的流行队伍。


    1 Cartoon Heroes

    2 Around The World

    3 Freaky Friday

    4 We Belong To The Sea

    5 An Apple A Day

    6 Halloween

    7 Good Guys

    8 Back From Mars

    9 Aquarius 专辑里的唯一一首慢歌

    10 Cuba Libre

    11 Bumble Bees

    12 Goodbye To The Circus


    13 Happy Boys & Girls

    14 My Oh My

    15 Barbie Girl

    16 Roses Are Red

    17 Doctor Jones 赵薇《爱情大魔咒》的英文原版

    18 Heat Of The Night

    19 Lollipop (Candyman)


    1、Barbie Girl


    2、Around The World


    3、We Belong To The Sea


    4、My Oh My








    回答者:cx5021072 - 经理 四级 9-24 17:50

    Aqua 的《bumble bees》




    I know I'm not the only flower you see

    But what can I do, you are a good looking bee

    Wham bam, thank you mam

    Bumble bee, bump into me I am in for pollination

    Bumble bee, take what you see

    I'm in need for your donation

    I can't wait for your invasion

    Be my love Cause I'm a single flower, feeling free

    Blooming now Take me honey, be my favorite bee

    Hey Rose I'm ready again

    I've got my radar tuned in on you baby

    I'm all set and ready to land

    I'm the bum , here I come

    Getting ready for a wham bam

    Bumble bee, bump into me

    I am in for pollination

    Bumble bee, take what you see

    I'm in need for your donation

    You don't need no invitation

    Wham bam, thank you mam

    I'散培m going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see

    And one little flower is not enough for a bee, like me

    All I know Is you're my honey, and I can't say no

    Just a little bit shy

    And so excited, when I see you fly

    Hey Rose I'm ready again

    I've got my radar tuned in on you baby

    I'm all set and ready to land

    I'm the bum, here I come

    Getting ready for a wham bam

    Bumble bee, bump into me

    I am in for pollination

    Bumble bee, take what you see

    I'm in need for your donation

    You don't need no invitation

    Wham bam,thank you mam

    I'm going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see

    And one little flower is not enough for a bee

    No, one little flower is not enough for a bee, like me

    I know I'm not the only flower you see

    But what can I do, you are a good looking bee

    Honey, it's a job, it's a dream come true

    You're my favourite flower, when I'm intimate with you

    Wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see

    And one little flower is not enough for a bee

    Going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see

    And you, my flower ain't enough for me

    You got to be faithful, it's not fair for a bee

    You got to be faithful, it's not fair for a bee, like me

    回答者:conan_conan - 副总裁 十级 9-24 17:56


    I know I'm not the only flower you see

    But what can I do, you are a good looking bee

    Wham bam, thank you mam

    Bumble bee, bump into me I am in for pollination

    Bumble bee, take what you see

    I'm in need for your donation

    I can't wait for your invasion

    Be my love Cause I'm a single flower, feeling free

    Blooming now Take me honey, be my favorite bee

    Hey Rose I'm ready again

    I've got my radar tuned in on you baby

    I'm all set and ready to land

    I'm the bum , here I come

    Getting ready for a wham bam

    Bumble bee, bump into me

    I am in for pollination

    Bumble bee, take what you see

    I'm in need for your donation

    You don't need no invitation

    Wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see

    And one little flower is not enough for a bee, like me

    All I know Is you're my honey, and I can't say no

    Just a little bit shy

    And so excited, when I see you fly

    Hey Rose I'm ready again

    I've got my radar tuned in on you baby

    I'm all set and ready to land

    I'm the bum, here I come

    Getting ready for a wham bam

    Bumble bee, bump into me

    I am in for pollination

    Bumble bee, take what you see

    I'm in need for your donation

    You don't need no invitation

    Wham bam,thank you mam

    I'm going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see

    And one little flower is not enough for a bee

    No, one little flower is not enough for a bee, like me

    I know I'm not the only flower you see

    But what can I do, you are a good looking bee

    Honey, it's a job, it's a dream come true

    You're my favourite flower, when I'm intimate with you

    Wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see

    And one little flower is not enough for a bee

    Going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see

    And you, my flower ain't enough for me

    You got to be faithful, it's not fair for a bee

    You got to be faithful, it's not fair for a bee, like me



    I know I'm not the only flower you see

    But what can I do, you are a good looking bee

    Wham bam, thank you mam

    Bumble bee, bump into me I am in for pollination

    Bumble bee, take what you see

    I'm in need for your donation

    I can't wait for your invasion

    Be my love Cause I'm a single flower, feeling free

    Blooming now Take me honey, be my favorite bee

    Hey Rose I'm ready again

    I've got my radar tuned in on you baby

    I'm all set and ready to land

    I'm the bum , here I come

    Getting ready for a wham bam

    Bumble bee, bump into me

    I am in for pollination

    Bumble bee, take what you see

    I'm in need for your donation

    You don't need no invitation

    Wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see

    And one little flower is not enough for a bee, like me

    All I know Is you're my honey, and I can't say no

    Just a little bit shy

    And so excited, when I see you fly

    Hey Rose I'm ready again

    I've got my radar tuned in on you baby

    I'm all set and ready to land

    I'm the bum, here I come

    Getting ready for a wham bam

    Bumble bee, bump into me

    I am in for pollination

    Bumble bee, take what you see

    I'm in need for your donation

    You don't need no invitation

    Wham bam,thank you mam

    I'm going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see

    And one little flower is not enough for a bee

    No, one little flower is not enough for a bee, like me

    I know I'm not the only flower you see

    But what can I do, you are a good looking bee

    Honey, it's a job, it's a dream come true

    You're my favourite flower, when I'm intimate with you

    Wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see

    And one little flower is not enough for a bee

    Going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm going wham bam, thank you mam

    I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see

    And you, my flower ain't enough for me

    You got to be faithful, it's not fair for a bee

    You got to be faithful, it's not fair for a bee, like me




    哎 虽然也算是老玩家了穗亩闭 还是力不从心耐判啊 ,没怎么看过·

