学校餐厅英语?lunchroom的读音:英 /ˈlʌntʃruːm 美 /[ˈlʌntʃruːm]。1、Tomorrow I want you to look around the lunchroom to see if other people are eating by themselves. 明天我想让你看看餐厅里是否有其他人在独自用餐。2、那么,学校餐厅英语?一起来了解一下吧。
lunchroom的读音:英 /ˈlʌntʃruːm 美 /[ˈlʌntʃruːm]。
1、Tomorrow I want you to look around the lunchroom to see if other people are eating by themselves. 明天我想让你看看餐厅里是否有其他人在独自用餐。
2、( They enter the lunchroom. A sign says, "Welcome Evan".) (他们走进餐厅,一个牌子上写着"欢迎埃文"。)
3、The meals at the school lunchroom don't look appealing. 学校餐厅的饭菜看上去不吸引人。
4、We have bought ice and bottled water kept in the lunchroom. 我们买了在餐厅和被装瓶的水保留的冰。
5、If galaxies were high school lunchrooms, the star cluster named HVGC-1 would be a social pariah. 如果说银河系是学校食堂,HUGC-1星团就像是一个餐厅里不受欢迎的学生。
dining room是指家里的餐厅(英文解释a room used mainly for eating meals in) 跟beding room 和living room对应
restaurant(英文解释a place where you can buy and eat a meal)是餐馆 外面吃饭的那种 应该知道吧
例子:an Italian restaurant一家意大利餐馆
canteen就是食堂了(英文解释a place where food and drink are served in a factory,a school,etc.)
例子:a crowded canteen
那个 给个建议 英语单词辨析中文解释不清楚 看英文解释 你就比较能抓住这个词重点了 希望我给你帮助了
dinning hall中国的好像不能用cafeteria 没那么高级,大学里最多就是dinning hall
1、in the dining hall
2、In the canteen
3in the dining room
以上就是学校餐厅英语的全部内容,学校食堂的英文表达为:school cafeteria。学校食堂是为学生提供餐饮服务的场所,通常在校园内。在英文中,"school"表示学校,"cafeteria"则意为餐厅或自助餐厅。因此,"school cafeteria"这一词组准确描述了为学校学生提供餐食的地方。具体来说,食堂是学校内的一个重要设施,为学生们提供早餐、。