赏菊英语?英文表示:重阳节 Double Ninth Festival 出游赏秋 enjoy the autumn 登高远眺 overlook the high 观赏菊花 admire the chrysanthemum 遍插茱萸 insert the Cornus 吃重阳糕 eat the heavy Sun Cake 饮菊花酒 drink the chrysanthemum wine 重阳节的来源:重阳的源头,可追溯到先秦之前。那么,赏菊英语?一起来了解一下吧。
重阳节,这个承载着尊老、赏菊和登高寓意的传统节日,在英文中有着多种表达方式。首先,"Double Ninth Festival" 直译即为农历九月初九,是中国的传统节日。"Elders' Day" 则强调了尊老的习俗,而"Chrysanthemum Festival" 则突出了赏菊这一重要活动,因此重阳节也被亲切地称为菊花节。在英语中,人们会说"The Double Ninth Festival is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month",并提到"climbing mountains"(登高节)是节日的传统活动,"people like to climb mountains On the Double Ninth Festival"。
除了这些习俗,重阳节还与赏菊花(Enjoy chrysanthemums)和喝菊花酒(Drink chrysanthemum wine)紧密相连,古时人们相信这可以祈福避灾。爬山(Hike a mountain)的习俗源于对健康和长寿的追求,因此重阳节也有"登高"的寓意。在唐朝,佩戴茱萸(Wear dogwood)的传统十分盛行,茱萸被认为有驱邪避病的效用。
清明节 tomb sweeping festival 中秋节mid-autumn day 端午节dragon boat festival 重阳节the Double Ninth Festival 腊八节the laba Rice Porridge Festival 元宵节lantern's day 除夕New Year's Eve 春节Spring Festival 七夕节Chinese Valentine's Day
新年-New Year’s Day
春节-Spring Festival
三八节-International Working Women’s Day
五一节-May Day
五四节-Chinese Youth Day
六一节-International Children’s Day
八一建军节-Army Day
中国共产党成立纪念日-Aniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China
国庆节-National Day
春联-Spring Festival Couplets
年画-New Year pictures
除夕-the New Year’s eve
守岁-stay up late on the New Year’s eve
放鞭炮-let off fire crackers
拜年-pay a New Year visit
团圆饭-family reunion dinner
元宵节-Lantern Festival
元宵-sweet dumplings
花灯-festival lantern
灯谜-lantern riddle
龙灯-dragon lantern
扫墓-sweep graves of one’s ancestors or loved ones
祭祖宗-offer scarifices to the ancestors
踏青-go for an outing in spring
赛龙舟-dragon-boat racing
赏月-appreciate the glorious full moon
九九重阳节-Double Ninth Day
赏菊-admire the beauty of chrysanthemum
Enjoy the autumn The autumn chrysanthemum appreciation ascent
Dragon Boat Day
National Day
Tomb-sweeping Day
New Year's Day
以上就是赏菊英语的全部内容,重阳节的习俗英语 1、赏菊 Enjoy chrysanthemums 喝菊花酒 Drink chrysanthemum wine 重阳日,历来就有赏菊花的风俗,所以古来又称菊花节。人们还会喝菊花酒。2、爬山 Hike a mountain 人们相信在重阳节当天爬上高处可以预防疾病的传说,所以它也被称“登高节”。3、。