“go on studying”,这个表达直接对应了“继续深造”的意思,适用于口语和书面语。
“continue one's studies”,是比较常用的表达,例如“After graduation, he decided to continue his studies.”(毕业后,他决定继续深造)。
“further one's study”,例如“I'll further my study.”(我要继续深造)。
“pursue one's studies”,如“She decided to pursue her studies after obtaining her first degree.”(她决定在获得学士学位之后继续深造)。
“go for further education”,例如“He wants to go for further education instead of starting work immediately.”(他想要继续深造而不是马上开始工作)。
“be engaged in further study”,可以表示从事进一步的学习深造,例如“Many students are engaged in further study after college.”(许多学生大学毕业后继续深造)。
“Paul prolonged his education with six years of advanced study in English.”(保罗延长了他的受教育时间,打算花6年时间深造英语)。
“She is pursuing her studies at the university.”(她在大学继续深造)。
“My teacher encourages me to progress in further study.”(我的老师鼓励我进行深造)。