目录台湾三峡区英文 中国三峡英文怎么写 写旅游的英语重庆 中国三峡英文翻译 长江三峡的英语怎么说
三峡 The Three Gorges
The Three Gorges (simplified Chinese: 三峡; traditional Chinese: 三峡; pinyin: Sānxiá [listen (help·info)]) region is a scenic area along the Yangtze River in the People's Republic of China with a total length of approximately 200 km. The Three Gorges occupy approximately 120 km within this region. Although it is primarily famous for its scenery, the Three Gorges region is historically and culturally an important region in China. A representation of the westernmost gorge appears on China's currency, the back of the paper 10 yuan note.
The Three Gorges region attracted attention globally due to the construction of the Three Gorges Dam, which is changing the scenery of the region.
The Dam of the Three Gorges / The Three Gorges Dam三峡大坝
三搭激雹峡知帆铅颤 the Three Gorges
名词解释 :三峡大中迹坝位于中国湖北省宜昌市境内,距下游葛洲坝水利枢纽工程38公里;是当今世界最大的水利发电工程——三峡水电站的主体工程、三峡大坝旅游区的核心景观、三峡水库的东端。你知道怎么用英语表达吗兆早?
Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest hydropower project, will be free to Chinese tourists from Thursday, China Three Gorges Corporation and Yichang municipal government announced on Wednesday.
The dam in Yichang City of central China's Hubei Province will be free to all Chinese tourists, including overseas Chinese and those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, according to the announcement.
Chinese tourists can make online reservation or walk up with an identity card. The maximum number of tourists every day will be restricted to 40,000.
文中的Three Gorges Dam就是“三峡大坝卖猜并”的意思,其中名词gorge解释为“峡谷”,与ravine(溪谷,峡谷)和canyon(峡谷)类似。世界上著名的峡谷还有位于美国亚利桑那州的Grand Canyon(大峡谷)和中国云南的Tiger Leaping Gorge(虎跳峡)等。
此外,文中的hydropower用作名词,解释为“水电”,相当于hydroelectric power;前缀hydro-表示“水的”,又如hydrolysis(水解)、hydrotherapy(水疗法)等。
分类:教育/科学 >> 外语学习
Changjiang Sanxia
Three Ges Dam
Sanxia Water Control Project planning
Yangtze River Three Ges International Touri *** Festival
The key water projects at the Three Ges on the Yangtze River and at Xiaolangdi on the Yellow River
The Three Ges Project on the Yangtze River and the Xiaolangdi Project on the Yellow River successfully pleted damming.
Will the Three Ges Project prove to be a monumental achievement or nothing more than a giant fiasco ?
The ship went up the Yangtze Ges under her own steam.
Hydroelectricity, which will be the energy discharged by the project, causes much less pollution than coal-burning power plants.
A parative *** ysis of the positive and negative aspects of the Three Ges Project will perhaps provide us with a better sense of the eventual impact of the massive water control program.
山峡[shān xiá]
[释义]nek; donga;
[网络]gorge; ravine; gap;
He carefully nosed his lorry into the small gap.
自三峡七百里中,两岸连山,略无阙(quē)处.重岩叠嶂,隐天蔽日.自非亭午夜分,不见曦(x ī )月.
春冬之时,则素湍绿潭,回清倒影.绝巘(yǎn ) 多生怪柏,悬泉瀑布,飞漱其间.清荣峻茂,良多趣味.
自 / 三 峡 七 百 里 中 , 两 岸 / 连 山 , 略 无 / 阙(quē) 处 . 重(chóng) 岩 / 叠 嶂(zhàng) , 隐 天 / 蔽 日 . 自 非 / 亭 午 夜 分 , 不 见 / 曦(xī )月 .
至 于 夏 / 水 襄 陵 , 沿 / 溯(sù) / 阻 绝 . 或 / 王 命 急 宣 , 有 时 / 朝(zhāo )发 白 帝 , 暮 到 / 江 陵 , 其 间(jiān )/ 千 二 百 里 , 虽 / 乘 奔(bēn )御 风 , 不 以 / 疾 也 .
春 冬 之 时 , 则 / 素 湍(tuān) / 绿 潭 , 回 清 / 倒 影 . 绝 谳(yǎn) / 多 生 怪 柏(bǎi) , 悬 泉 / 瀑 布 , 飞 漱(shù) / 其 间 . 清 / 荣 / 峻 /手闭旦 茂 , 良 / 多 / 趣 / 味 .
每 至 / 晴 初 霜 旦 , 林 寒 / 涧 肃 , 常 有 / 高 猿 长 啸 , 属(zhǔ )/ 引 凄 异 , 空 谷 / 传 响 , 哀 转 / 久 绝 . 故 / 渔 者 歌 曰 :“ 巴 东 三 峡 巫 峡 长(cháng), 猿 鸣 三 声 泪 沾态型 裳. ”
【三峡】: 选自《水经注疏》.瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡的总称,在长江上游重庆奉节和湖北宜昌之间.郦道元(466或472—527),范阳涿(zhuō)县(现在属河北)人,北魏地理学家.好学博览,留心水道等地理现象,撰《水经注》.其书名为注释《水经》,实则以《水经》为纲,详细记载了一千多条大小河流及有关的历史遗址、人物掌故、神话传说等,是我国古代最全面、最的综合性地理著作.该书还记录了不少碑刻墨迹和渔歌民谣,文笔绚烂,语言清丽,具有较高的文学价值.
1、或王命急宣(或 古义:有时 )
(或 今义:常用于选择复句的关联词)
2、至于夏水襄陵(至于古义:一个动词“到”和一个介词“于” )
3、虽乘奔御风 (虽 古义:即使 )
(虽 今义:虽然)
② 哀转久绝(“转”通“啭”,鸟叫声)
《三峡》以凝练生动的笔墨,写出了三峡的雄奇险拔、清幽秀丽的景色.作者抓住景物的特点进行描写.写山,突出连绵不断、遮天蔽日的特点.写水,则描绘不同季节的不同景象.夏天,江水漫上丘陵,来往的船只都被阻绝了.“春冬之时,则素湍绿潭,回清倒影.绝 多生怪柏,悬泉瀑布,飞漱其间.”雪白的激流,碧绿的潭水,回旋的清波,美丽的倒影,使作者禁不住赞叹“良多趣味”.而到了秋天,则“林寒涧肃,常有高猿长啸”,那凄异的叫声持续不断,在空旷的山谷里“哀转久绝”.三峡的奇异景象,被描绘得淋漓尽致.作者写景,采用的是大笔点染的手法,寥寥一百五十余字,就把七百里三峡万千气象尽收笔底.写春冬之景,着“素”“绿”“清”“影”数字;写秋季的景色,着“寒”“肃”“凄”“哀”数字,便将景物的神韵生动地表现了出来.文章先写山,后写水,布局自然,思路清晰.写水则分不同季节分别着墨.在文章的节奏上,也是动静相生,摇曳多姿.高峻的山峰,汹涌的江流,清澈的碧水,飞悬的瀑布,哀转的猿鸣,悲凉的渔歌,构成了一幅幅风格迥异而又自然和谐的画面,给读者以深刻的印象.引用的诗句表现了渔人漂泊不定的悲伤,衬托了秋的凄凉.体现了作品的人文关怀.
(原文翻译)700 years since the Three Gorges, the cross-strait Hill, slightly non-Que (quē) Office. Heavy rock peaks, hidden-day blocks out the sun. Since the non-kiosk midnight hours, but no-Xi (x ī) months.
As for the summer water xiangling along the Su (sù) denial. Or Wang Ming emergency declared, and sometimes hair Bai Di towards the morning, to Gangneung, during Qianer Bai years, although by Ben Yufeng, not to disease also.
When spring and winter, then the prime turbulence Green Lake, back to the Qing reflection. Must Yan (yǎn) have more strange Bo, hanging spring waterfall, flying during rinse. Ching Young-jun-mao, much fun.
Every once to clear first frost, Lin Han Jian Su, often high-ape Chosho belongs to (zhǔ) cited desolate vary, lonely valley of the transmission ring, Mourning never turn a long time. Therefore, those who fish song said: "The Three Gorges Wu Gorge Badong long, ape-ming sound of tears 3 James Sang
(译文翻译)In the 700 years-long Three Gorges, the two sides mountains stretching, there is no vacant place. Heavily upon layer of Yanfeng as barriers, like the sky and the sun was eclipsed, if not not see the sun at noon, if not the middle of the night will not see the moon. In summer, the river diffuse the hills, the upper and lower vessels have been blocked off. If the emperor's command eager to communicate, and sometimes early morning departure from Baidicheng the evening went to the Jiangling. This is about the middle of more than 1200, even riding the flying horses, sail Changfeng, or if it move faster ah! To the spring and winter season, the white rapids swing the Shiba, green lake rocks mirrored reflection of trees. High peaks of the Cooper Health Changzhaoxuduo grotesque, hanging with the springs and waterfalls, Fei Xie Chong from their swing down the middle. Shuiqing, Shumao, mountain high, grass-sheng, it is a lot of fun. The beginning of every autumn, sunny, Xiangshuang morning, the cold silence of the woods a mountain stream. Standing height of the apes often elongated voice calls, calls continuous, tone is very bleak, empty valley came the echo, sorrow mildly, very long time to disappear. Therefore, a fisherman who sang: "The Three Gorges Wu Gorge Badong long, ape-Ming James Sang tears three times."