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  • 2023-04-24
  • 英语新闻报道作文80词
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  • 英语新闻报道作文80词

    on donation.do you know that every year there are millions of people die from short of food,and thousands of chinese students drop out for they can not afford the studying fee,and every day there are thousands and hundreds of people are in helpless situation?but you can make a difference!what you can do is donate one yuan or more ,and we can make things right.when we receive the money you donate,our workers will distribute it to those who need it most ,and we also want you to carry the torch to people around you .because if everyone donate his love ,there will be more love than difficulties,and we can make the world better and better.thank you.


    the Advantages and Disadvantages of Donating BooksSome students donate their books that they don't use any more to those in need nowadays.It is true that donating books has some advantages.First,it can save resources and reduce wasting.Books' reusing will help save the paper which is made from wood.That means we can advoid cutting down more trees.Second,It can help the students from poor families.Second,it will benefit the children who can't afford the books.Hower,every coin has o sides.Donating books can have some disadvantages.For example,because they have been used,there may be some problems in them,such as lacking pages.Anyway,donating books has more advantages over its disadvantages,and should be encouraged.

















    A lot of people ask me which book is my most favorite one, and I always proudly answer them >, which is all history about China. This will be a long story for me to read this book. First time I touched this book is when I was 5 years old. My mother bought it to me as my 5-years-old gift. This is a really wonderful present to me,which is opening a history gate to me , a totally innocent boy. I almost fot the dinner after I read the first page. From then on, I was the historist in my class and showed my knowledge from that book to my clas *** eates. When I became older and older, I knew more about it and feel more confident about my own China. I am proud that I am a Chinese and I will make more effort to build a more powerful country and let Chinese history more brilliant. As me, this is the most important book in my life and now I still read it and recite some part of it. I think everyone should read it and get this wonderful experenice.


    1、Books are my friends.When I study at school, Iread textbook in order to get knowledge; before I go to bed, I read novels to make me relaxed; If I'm very sad because of some bad things, I'll read some ic books to make me happy...Books are everywhere as if they're my best friends. Without any books, we couldn't do anything.Just read more books, they will lead the way to success2、Books are my good friends I have many friends,but my best friend is book. When I was five years old,I met her for the first time. I was deeply attracted by her.There are pictures on the book.With the growth of the age,I learn lots of things from you,you tell me what is the truth and what is wrong.You take me happy and you always around me. You are my good friend,I can't leave you一共有两篇,你自己看看哪篇好希望对你有帮助,如果满意的话,望采纳,谢谢


    Thebook which I like best is 3 kingdoms, for a simple reason that it is thebination of Chinese culture, history and wisdom. It was written by LuoGuanZhong, a well-known Chinese novelist, also a dramatist. Apart from thi *** ook, Luo wrote a number of famous others, such as the history of biography intang and five dynasties, biography of Sui Tang Dynasty, etc. Thanks to Mr. Luofor his contribution to the heritage of China's culture and history. I bothhave read the book and watched the TV version, which made me feel that the writingwas really splendid. As a result, I fully remend you to read the book ratherthan watching TV.


    Be a moral person to enjoy the blue sky love to donate books activities projectIn order to conscientiously pudong new district of pudong new area civilization office, not memoration and pudong new area education bureau decided to carry out the "be a moral person"--2010 pudong new area "and enjoy the blue sky" love to donate books spirit of Shanghai and support activities in xinjiang in xinjiang kashi signing named work *** oothly to effectively develop, guide the students in our school do a moral man, this love specific activities to donate books are arranged as following: A: our school object, participate in all the teachers and student




    这个是我用【考研1号】考研英语写作《写作160篇》的一些方法,你可以参考一下!我是分下面五个步骤复习的: (1)背诵 背诵一些经典的话题范文,尽量达到“滚瓜烂熟、脱口而出、多多益善”。


    (2)写作 背完之后还是要动笔写!“好记性不如烂笔头”,可以用各类型的话题多加练习。


    (3)对比检查 写完后,和原来的范文对照一下,看一下自己在哪方面还有不足的地方,然后突击复习。

    (4)默写 背熟后把书合上,把这篇文章默写下来。




    (5)模仿 就是仿写你背过的文章再写出一篇新文章。





    "My favorite book" One of my favorite book is "lubin sun Crusoe. This book really I benefited a lot from! I read the book, see the ship deck stand such a man: he gave up the rich and fortable life, disgust the scrurinsed life and began a near-death duel survival big challenge. Various adversities and problems is overwhelm lubin sun, on the contrary make him more strong. God gives lubin sun difficulties, for he also more challenging! Storm tsunami, the whole ship except lubin sun none escape by luck, true survival challenge is just beginning! To survive, he island in order to find proper shelter, on the shore run a whole day, in a rocks was found under a shelter. Lubin sun in hill pitched a tent, and as far as possible some bigger, inside hit again a few stake to hang hammock. The next day, he put all the boxes and board, do lengji materials, pile into a temporary fence, fortifications. But just 10 days, sudden collapse. Lubin sun not only the fallen fertilizsr be shipped, return to pack the ceiling, and USES below columns support up, lest appear again landslide disaster. Never give up, lubin sun laid the basis of life. Myself alone, until "on Friday, the emergence of this hope" queen came back to rise! Finally aboard a ship returned to his own country. Lubin sun is great, persistence, studied in this deserted island life 27 years. He dares to fight with the bad environment, diligence, the island of labor management in good order. He in adversity exercise yourself, achievement some extraordinary career. The book teaches us only by sticking to victory, only work to make us out of difficulties, action is more important than faith... My life will also with this book and set sail, in life's sailing, advance bravely, never give up! 翻译是 《我最喜欢的一本书》我最喜欢的一本书是《鲁滨孙漂流记》。

    这本书真的使我受益匪浅! 我看完了这本书,仿佛看到轮船甲板上站着这样的一个人:他放弃了富裕而又舒适的生活,厌恶那庸庸碌碌的人生,从而开始了一次与死神决斗的生存大挑战。


    上苍给予鲁滨孙的困难,对于他也更具有挑战性! 风暴海啸,全船除鲁滨孙无一幸免,真正的生存挑战才刚刚开始! 流落孤岛,他为了找到合适的住所,在岸上跑了一整天,在一个山岩下找到了一个栖身之所。










    这本书教会我们只有坚持才能胜利,只有实干才能让我们摆脱困境,实干比信念更重要…… 我的人生也会随着这本书而起航,在人生的航海中,勇敢前进,永不放弃!

    A class of 29, for the students can see some social and historical aspects of philosophy, natural science, book.Li Kaifu: "to be the best of yourself"; Daniel Gorman: "who moved my cheese?"Chinese classics:The "Analects of Confucius", "moral", "book of changes", "Sun Tzu" and "thirty-six", "Three Kingdoms", "historical records"Western masterpieces:Russell the history of western philosophy, Hegel's "Dialectics", Hawking with "a brief history of time" and so on, there are helpful for us to deepen our understanding of thingsCelebrity biography:"Zheng Guofan plete letters", "biography of Hu Xueyan" China famous BiographiesThinking training:Edward de Bono (De Bono Edward) is internationally recognized as the leading creative thinking master. More than 60 kinds of books. The representative work mainly includes: "the training of thinking", "six thinking hats"Reading the book before graduation to find work:"No *** all work", "you work for whom", "don't just do what I tell you", "I love stupid boss"Two, management classic 21(a) (also translated as Drucker) is known as masters of Management Master Peter Drucker, following his masterpiece, to read intensive reading through. The students interested in his book can be seen a book to buy one, read more useful (preferential Machinery Industry Press):The "very fruitful management" senior managers must read classic"Practice of management" will be the management science to bee a discipline"Management: tasks, responsibilities, practices" for the study of the management of students to provide a systematic textbook"Achievement management", "the challenge of management in enty-first Century" and "the spectator: The Memoirs of a master of management Drucker"

    转载请注明出处 » 英文报道为贫困山区学生捐书英语作文









    In the future, I hope I can become a journalist. In order to find a lot of good news, I will travel in different cities every day.

    For example, if there is a terrible accident, I will quickly arrive at the scene and report to the people who I like to be a journalist as soon as possible, because as a journalist, I can help many poor people, for example, some people need the help of the society I can write a report to tell the public that these people need their help first.

    I will study hard. As a reporter, I should be proficient in Chinese. If I have to report in English, I also need to study English very hard from now on.

    I will read every day. I will try to write a diary to practice my writing skills. Becoming a journalist is my future goal Will study hard to realize it.





    1. 采访报道的英语作文怎么写

    What has been described as the "heaviest rain in six decades" left at least 37 people dead and raised critici *** about Beijing's infrastructure and the government's response to disasters.被形容为“六十年来最严重的大雨”,造成至少纯兄隐37人死亡,并引起了对北京基础设施以及 *** 应对灾害的批评。

    The torrential downpour lasted 10 hours over the weekend, producing gusty winds and a tornado in one suburb, according to local media.据当地媒体报道,上周末倾盆大雨持续了10个小时,某个郊区还刮起了大风和龙卷风。 The deluge was the largest since 1951, when the state weather record was established, according to Beijing Morning Post, bringing about 6.7 inches of rain in some parts of Beijing, and as much as 18 inches in the suburban Fangshan district.据《北京晨报》报道,这次洪水是自1951年尘旦国家气象记录成立以来最大的一次,北京一些地区降雨量约达6.7英尺,并郊区的房山县则高达18英寸。

    Of the 37 deaths in Beijing, 25 people drowned, reported Xinhua. Another six were killed in collapsing houses, five were electrocuted, and one was hit by lightning, the agency reported, citing the municipal government.据新华社引用市 *** 的报道称,在这次洪水死亡的37人中,有25人溺水身亡,6人在房屋倒塌中身亡,5人触电死亡,和1人闪电击中。 The flooding killed 95 people and 45 were reported missing in 17 provincial areas of China, Xinhua reported. Nearly 6.23 million people were affected by the heavy rains, which started July 20.据新华社报道,这次洪水造成95人死亡,45人失踪在中国17个省级地区。

    7月20日开始,受到暴雨影响人数将近623万。The deaths from the storm triggered a torrent of critici *** , even from a state-run newspaper, as well as Sina Weibo, the popular Chinese microblogging site. Some social media users implied the number of deaths was much higher.这次暴风雨造成的死亡人数引发了一场批评洪流,从一家做厅国营报纸到中国受欢迎的微博网站——新浪微博。

    一些社会媒体用户暗示,死亡人数要高得多。 CNN contacted Beijing's flood control office, municipal government emergency office and municipal meteorological bureau to get an updated death toll. The agencies said that they were too busy summarizing data and couldn't make ments at the time.中国新闻网联系北京防汛办公室,市 *** 应急办,市气象局,以获取更新的死亡人数。

    该机构说,他们忙于汇总数据,这时候无法作出评论。Questions CNN sent by fax to the state meteorological bureau were not returned by Monday afternoon.中国新闻网通过传真发送到国家气象局的问题直到星期一下午都没有回应。

    Although the weather had cleared in Beijing by Sunday morning, the flooding remained a hot topic, with many expressing outrage over the deaths and what they perceived as a botched government response.The Global Times published an article stating that the downpour"exposes holes in the modernization drive." 虽然星期天早上北京的天气已经放晴,但是洪水仍然是一个热门话题,许多人对死亡表示愤慨,他们认为这是一个拙劣的 *** 响应。《环球时报》发表的一篇文章指出倾盆大雨暴露了现代化建设中的漏洞。

    "In recent years, floods caused by rain storms have repeatedly occurred in Chinese cities. And the latest downpour in Beijing has stirred up a new round of skeptici *** on the quality of infrastructure amid rapid urbanization." “近年来,由暴雨引发的洪水已多次发生在中国的城市。北京最近的这场倾盆大雨在掀起了对快速城市化进程中基础设施的质量的新一轮质疑。”

    Many people marveled at how fragile the Beijing's infrastructure seemed for a modern metropolis. Despite the billions of dollars spent to upgrade its roads and buildings, the city's sewage system appeared quickly overwhelmed by the rainstorm.很多人惊讶于对于一个现代化大都市来说,北京的基础设施是多么的脆弱。尽管数十亿美元用于升级其道路和建筑物,城市的污水处理还是被来势凶猛的暴雨所淹没。

    The Beijing-based media group, Caixin wrote on Weibo: "Why is this happening once and again? Year after year Beijing faces the same challenge, not even hosting the Olympics can provide a solution. That's how vulnerable our capital city can be." 总部设在北京的一个媒体集团,财新网在微博上写到:“为什么这一局面再次发生?北京一年又一年地面临着同样的挑战,这不是举办奥运会就可以提供解决方案的。我们的首都是多么的脆弱。”

    Another user, chuntiangushi wrote: "We can host the most luxurious Olympics and send satellites into space but can never seem to fix this drainage system. What a shame." 另一个用户,春天故事写道:“我们可以举办最豪华的奥运会,将卫星送入太空,但似乎从来没有解决这个排水。真羞愧!” 。

    2. 求英语作文 (写报道)的格式



    When the police in Taizhou traffic police




    3. 写一篇英语报道

    Nowadays,graduated students' working problem is atracting people's eyes.In spite of this,we have interviewed some students and specialists. Most students want to find a proper job with high salaties.Part of them just keep their attitude and waiting for a good chance.Only a little want to begin their career all by themselves. In specialists' opinion,a graduated studet shouldn't just wait,he should find a job soon.As he can accumulate experience and earn his own living.In a way,it will be more difficult to find a job in the next year. All above is some attitudes from o different personalities.Perhaps,we should have a deeper think about this problem。

    4. 英语应用文写作,报道类的应该怎么写







    基本写作格式——1)Heading:书端;2)Addressee's Name, Title,




    基本写作格式——1)Give your suggestions:给你的建议;2)Explain the reasons:解释原因;3) Other



    基本习作格式——1) show your interest:展示你的兴趣;2) describe your previous

    experience:描述自己以前的工作经验;3) explain why you would be suitable for the



    基本写作格式——1) Invite them to the party:邀请他们参加party;

    2) Elaborate on the reason why such a party should be held:阐述举行这个聚会的原因;3)

    What activities will be arranged for them:将会为他们安排什么样的活动;4)Signature:署名。

    5. 新闻报道格式的英语作文




    第二段要把你概括的事件拓展一下,也就是要写what is this about。

    第三段是写5w+h,也就是,what who when where why,还有how。


    然后就结束了!记得写上你的大名哈~~~~^ ^

    good luck~

    6. 英语作文:写一篇新闻报道(100


    The Australian Middle School Student Visit Our School

    On June second,the ten people Australian delegation visited our school.They arrived in school at 9 A.M. and receive warmly wele.The president and the guests talked to us in the conference severally after the ceremony of 9:30.They also visited our school lab library and industrial office.Otherwise they listened to the english lesson. At 3P.M. the guests chatted with some teachers and students then they left school at 5P.M.

    7. 新闻报道的英语作文

    South China Agricultural University" Lotus Cup" graduate student basketball league, my courtyard by institutes of life science Sixteen thirty on October 27th, our institute and the school of life sciences at Yanshan District basketball field 1 sites were a basketball game. The tournament is following the South China Agricultural University" Lotus Cup" graduate student basketball league first group stage match since I Institute to start second games. The game started, dressed in blue uniforms of the student team beginning showed strong successful desire. They borrow a height advantage on our team attack. Our team is unable to obtain the offensive advantage, had to defend. The first festival in 0: the score of 4 not enemy opponent. The beginning of the second quarter, because after the first adaptation, our team after the adjustment of tactics, to play with, quick strike, make full use of advantage of steady rebound bounce, grab the opponent repeatedly rebounding. To the end of the second quarter, the score is 12 to 13 level, slightly after the opponent. The girls in the game in midfield, our college players and team launched a fierce petition. The end of the game after that whistle sounded, the score was kept at 2: 2 *** ooth rice, end neither in victory nor defeat. In order to decide the oute, both sides made a free throw petition qualification. The tense atmosphere is my courtyard Ou Chunfeng students to a wonderful ball break, the audience an a *** , the score reached 3 : 2. In the next third games, players are girls in our hospital team victory inspired, make persistent efforts, with 10: 3 score wins the match. The fourth section is a decisive time. Although the total score of 2 points ahead of his opponent, but they dare not let down. Graduate team learned previously unsuccessful lesson, decided to launch a counterattack, until to the end of the game only three minutes, the total score was back to 35: 34, just behind my team a. Tense moment is ing! The team played out of all of the skills, their lightning speed, accurate steals, sharp breakthrough, fancy moves again and again set off the atmosphere of the scene, the audience cheers wave then wave. In the imminent victory moment, my courtyard players did not dare to stand firmly and fight steadily, relax, do not give adversary has an opportunity, will score in the frame 40 : 35, with 5 minutes of a graduate school. It was a good game, players play the best level, tension, the climax happen frequently. The game of victory, the sense is great, is my hospital following the last game defeat, in the basketball league 's first victory, mark our hospital has achieved the second phase of the final qualification. End my courtyard to participate in 1 / 4 finals will be held in the afternoon of October 31st, please look forward to.。





    第二段要把你概括的事件拓展一下,也就是要写what is this about。

    第三段是写5w+h,也就是,what who when where why,还有how。


    然后就结束了!记得写上你的大名哈~~~~^ ^

    good luck~


    U.S. Vice President Mike Pence swore in Betsy DeVos as U.S. secretary of education on Tuesday after casting the tie-breaking Senate vote to confirm President Donald Trump's controversial nominee. It was the first time in American history that a vice president had been needed to get a Cabi pick approved.美国副总统彭斯主持了教育部长贝齐?德沃斯的宣誓就职仪式。



    DeVos pledged at her swearing-in to "support and defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." In the words of her official vow, she also pledged to "well and faithfully" discharge the duties of her office.德沃斯星期二晚上宣誓时说,她将“支持和捍卫美国对抗所有敌人,无论来自国外还是国内”。


    The ceremony took place quickly and without fanfare, except for the whirring and clicking of cameras and other media equipment. After the short ceremony was over, a *** all audience of family and friends burst into polite applause.宣誓就职仪式快速完毕,没有喧闹,只有照相机的快门声和其他媒体设备的响声。


    Earlier in the day, o Republicans voted with a united Democratic caucus in opposition to DeVos. The result was a 50-50 split before Pence cast the deciding vote, as the Constitution mandates when the chamber is evenly divided.星期二早些时候,两名参议院共和党人投票站在了团结一致反对德沃斯任命的民主党人一边,导致支持和反对票数为50-50,副总统彭斯按宪法规定在参议院各执一词时投出了决定性一票。














    中国,充满投资机会东部沿海百家“三资”企业调查(节录) 记者最近对东部沿海地区100家“三资”企业做的调查发现,有39家已先后追加了投资。












    记者列入调查的其他一些问题还有:“你对 *** 提供的服务有何评价”,“你是否拥有生产经营自主权”,“你在中国的业余生活如何”等。

    18家企业的外商认为“ *** 是外商投资企业的支柱”,“ *** 的帮助是实实在在的”,而17家则认为“没有得到 *** 多大的帮助”。

    82家表示他们拥有较大的自主权,能够独立自主的管理企业,另外18家则称常常受到来自企业外部主要是一些 *** 部门的牵制和干预。


    [新华社北京9月14日电(1990年)]《写一篇新闻报道》教学设计 江苏海安西场实验小学 王 丽 设计理念: 从读知写,以读促写,读写结合,通过习作例文的学习,让学生掌握新闻报道的一般写法,引导学生关注生活,热爱生活,培养学生主动获取信息、创造性的处理和加工信息、主动交流信息的能力,从而提高学生的语文素养和信息素养。

    教学目标 1、读懂例文,了解这则新闻报道是怎样报道“我市第九届小学生男子篮球比赛”决赛情况的。



    课前准备 搜集几条自己感兴趣的新闻,留心最近学校里开展的活动或社会上发生的新鲜事。

    教学过程 一、导入 1、交流最近所听到或看到的广播、电视、报纸上的新闻报道。




    二、学文 1、自读例文。



    三、悟法 1、出示以前学的报道《和书籍交朋友》,讨论比较例文和这则报道的不同之处。




    3、如何将要报道的新闻告诉听者或读者呢? 用“开头……接下来……最后……”的句式说。


    (板书:开头: 交代结果 接下来:事情经过 最后: 补充交代) 四、采访 1、分组进行“小记者在行动”活动,每组一名记者采访最近社会上发生的新鲜事或学校里开展的活动。




    英语作文校园的新闻 60词
























    liuwenqiangThe Australian Middle School Student Visit Our SchoolOn June second,the ten people Australian delegation visited our school.They arrived in school at 9 A.M. and receive warmly wele.The president and the guests talked to us in the conference severally after the ceremony of 9:30.They also visited our school lab library and industrial office.Otherwise they listened to the english lesson. At 3P.M. the guests chatted with some teachers and students then they left school at 5P.M.


    Miss Lin is a village schoolteacher. She has been awarded Individual Achievement Award. She dedicates herself to the education. She saved the money for curing her illness, and paid for her former students' college tuition. She helps the students who study not so well in her free time. Miss Lin always puts responsibility as the first consideration. Her dedication and affecting deeds should be learned by all of us.我自己翻译的,希望能被采纳,谢谢。











    The increasing popularity of the news media makes it now of really powerful force and easy to be harnessed to cause negative influence. This is because many news media panies tend to broadcast sensational news in order to attract audience's attention and therefore get a high viewing ratings. This can easily lead to the false report which can distort the public's values and at the same time destroy an innocent person's life, for instance, a report on a crime without actual investigation.

    转载请注明出处 » 新闻报道格式的英语作文



    Mingled with the light rain with breeze blowing, along with our school passed the three days of exciting games.

    Although the weather is not to force, but the students's morale, as usual, passionate, not fade.

    The day game is superior and confrontation with the good from every class spare for the final victory in the final.

    Look, on the 400 - meter track, female athletes are spirited, with the lithe step, strong will, to the ideal.

    Athletes of the rain will rain sound into applause, galloping, completed a new challenge to himself, and got good grades.
