随手关灯用英语怎么说?Turn Off Lights When Leaving 网络 随手关灯;[例句]Turn off lights when leaving a room.离开房间时随手关灯。那么,随手关灯用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。
Turn off the lights to protect the environment
Turn off the lights to protect the environment
1.According to the above results, some major suggestions for enviroment protection, including the measures for prevention and control of pollution for some specific zone are also discussed.
2.He recently hosted a conference on developing markets for ecosystem services, with the idea of paying stewards of the forest to keep the trees standing.
3.People should be encouraged to travel less by car and more by bus
Turn Off Lights When Leaving
[例句]Turn off lights when leaving a room.
节约用水 Save water
离开教室时随手关灯 Turn off the lights before you leave the classroom.
禁止吸烟 No Smoking
禁止喧哗Don't make noise
左下右上 Left up right down
节约用水 Saving water
小心地滑 Watch out for the wet floor
请勿随地吐痰No spitting
请勿乱扔垃圾Not littering
小心火灾 Watch out for fire
请勿携带饮料进机房 No drinks in the computer room
安全出口 Fire escape
节约粮食 Saving food
文明用餐 Civilized dining
自觉排队 Queue up
男女厕所 Men and women toilet
楼层指示牌 Floor sign
节约用电、随手关灯 Turn off the lights when leaving for saving energy
请勿践踏草坪 No stepping
消防栓 Fire hydrant
冲厕所- -、Flush the toilet
请勿投入物品堵塞水池 No throwing into the pool
以上就是随手关灯用英语怎么说的全部内容,2、turn off lights 3、turn off the light 例句:Please switch off the lights when you leave .出门时请随手关灯。Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed .临睡前别忘了关灯。He puts out his hand to turn off the light .他伸手去关灯。