目录小学生啦啦舞第一套 runawaybaby啦啦队舞蹈 oh歌曲舞蹈花球 花球有节奏的音乐 足球宝贝音乐
I wanna be immortal
Like a god in the sky
I wanna be a silk flower
Like i'm never gonna die
I wanna live forever
Forever in your heart
And we'll always be together
From the end to the start
That's what we do it for
To reserve a place
It's just another part of the human race
That's what we do it for
To reserve a space
In history it's just
Part of the human race
I'm forever chasing after time
But everybody dies dies
If i could buy forever at a price
I would buy it twice twice
But if the earth ends in fire
And the seas are frozen in time
There'll be just one survivor
The memory that i was yours and you were mine
Everybody dies dies
Chasing after time time
When you love somebody
They'll always leave too soon
But a memory a memory
Can make a flower bloom
We wanna be remembered
Don't wanna live in vein
But nothing lasts forever
This world is in a losing game
I wanna mean something to somebody else
Feel a significance in the real world
It's not enough to live out a lucky life
I'm forever chasing after time
But everybody dies dies
If i could buy forever at a price
I would buy it twice twice
But if the earth ends in fire
And the seas are frozen in time
There'll be just one survivor
The memory that i was yours and you were mine
Everybody dies dies
Chasing after time time
No i don't wanna be afraid afraid to die die die
I just wanna be able to say that i have lived my life
Life life
Oh all these things humans do
To leave behind a little proof
But the only thing that doesn't die is love
Love love love love
I'm forever chasing after time
But everybody dies dies
If i could buy forever at a price
I would buy it twice twice
But if the earth ends in fire
And the seas are frozen in time
There'll be just one survivor
The memories of our life time
Everybody dies dies
Chasing after time time
So keep me alive
So keep me alive
So keep me alive
Immortal - Marina & The Diamonds
Turu Turu-Gisela
Tinc un turu turu turu dins del cap
Que fa turu turu turu i no s?en va
Ho fa sempre quan em sento trista y sola
I em deixa mes o menys tal com estaba
Si pogues yo detenir un minut del teu cami descubria alla on ets
Si m?estas portan a dins
Encara sort que entre tu y yo
Va neixent un sentiment
Que fa turu turu turu turu turu tu
Yo et trucare pero donam una excusa
Vas olblidar donar-me el numero de casa
Yo no puc imaginarme tota sola
He pecat si no t?ho dic tot ara
I fins perdo el sentit
Que no tinc ni una amiga
El que em falta es nomes tu
El teu somriure y les teves caricies
Perque tot entre tu y yo
Esta magic i increible
No es rendirem pas no
Lluitarem de mica en mica
Y aquest turu turu turu fins al cap
Que em va fent mal que li dic yo para
Que hi ha un turu turu en aquesta vida
meva que em borra tota la melancolia
I dema probare
De deixar de ser perversa
Em sento millor aixi
Jugant a ser princesa
I potser et cantare
Molt suau dues can?ons
Les escoltaras aixi
Sentiras mil emocions
Potser esperaras
No podras estimar
Y ta aleixaras
D?aquest turu turu turu turu turu tu
Si es que tinc un turu turu dins del cap
Perque si tens dubtes t as d?enamorar
Cada dia amb la teva companyia
Ni el mes fort vendabal lo alunyaria
No preguntis mes com es
Que em roba la conciencia
Perque si no hi ets no se
Aturar aquesta imapciencia
Trobarem escolta?m be
Un inmes mon d?estrelles
Amb un turu turu turu turu turu turu tu
Y aquest turu turu turu disn del cap
Donant voltes amb el foc com una nuria
I al final descubriras
Que et queda solament
Turu turu turu turu
walking in the son
do be di boy
Bet On It
hey mickey
golden sky
happy boys and girls
be what you wannabe
oh susanna
现代啦啦操是以团队的形式出现,技巧啦啦操结合Dance(舞蹈)、Cheer(口号)、Partner Stunts(舞伴特技,是指托举的难度动作)、Tumbling(技巧)、Basket Toss(轿子抛)、Pyramid(叠罗汉)、Jump(跳跃)等动作技术。
竞技啦啦队分为技巧啦啦队和舞雀喊蹈啦啦队。其中技巧啦啦队包括Mixed(男女混合组)、All-Female(全女子组)和Partner stunts(舞伴特技);舞蹈啦啦队又包括Pom(花球)、High kick(高踢腿)、Jazz(爵士)和Prop(道具)四个组别。