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  • 2023-11-24

僵王博士的复仇音乐?酷狗上有,名字叫植物大战僵尸 战斗音乐 1:42秒,http://disk.kugou.com/downSongs/506161A1958E8CBE/9/mini.html 个人觉得很好听,那么,僵王博士的复仇音乐?一起来了解一下吧。


laura shigihara专辑“植物大战僵尸original soundtrack”里的音乐名字才是真名字,“植物大战僵尸”专辑的音乐名字全乱了,把名字翻译一下就可以轻易看出来



泳池:Watery Graves(潮湿的坟墓)

迷雾:Rigor Momrist

屋顶:Graze the Roof(在屋顶)

该专辑里不加“IN GAME”为草稿,加的为游戏中原声,一般第一段为正常音乐,第二段加游戏中大波僵尸来袭时的伴奏

而“植物大战僵尸”专辑中音乐名字为Braniac Maniac(僵王博士)

Faster(主题曲) Kitanai Sekai(水池)Look up at the Sky(选择你的植物)

Loonboon (迷雾 ) Mountains (解谜模式)

Ultimate Battle(夜间Uraniwa ni Zombies ga! 白天Watery Graves



Lura Shigihara(植物大战僵尸音乐作者)打僵王的音乐是她植物大战僵尸音乐专辑里的《Braininc Maniac》。


00:04.46]"There's a zombie on your lawn"

[00:08.75]"POP CAP"


[00:24.29]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[00:28.74]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[00:33.29]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[00:37.57]we don't want zombies on the lawn.我们不想要僵尸在草坪上

[00:42.12]I know your type: tall,dark,and dead.我知道你的种类:又高又黑又不死

[00:45.02]You want to bite all the petals off of my head.你想要咬掉我脑袋上的所有花瓣

[00:48.29]And then eat the brains of the one who planted me here.然后吃掉将我种在这里的人的脑子

[00:52.43]I'm just a sunflower but see.我只是一个向日葵但是

[00:54.73]me power an entire infantry.看我整个步兵队的力量

[00:56.91]You like the taste of brains we don't like zombies.你喜欢脑子的味道,我们不喜欢僵尸

[01:02.61](I used to play football,我以前要玩橄榄球

[01:07.26]Road cones protect my head,路障保护我的头

[01:11.84]I have a screen-door shield,我有纱窗盾

[01:16.23]We are the undead!)我们是不死族

[01:19.22]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[01:23.58]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[01:28.09]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[01:32.45]we don't want zombies on the lawn.我们不想要僵尸在草坪上

[01:36.98]Maybe it's time to reevaluate.也许是时候重评价

[01:40.13]I know you have a lot of food on your plate.我知道你盘子里有很多食物

[01:43.01]Brains are quite rich in cholesterol.大脑真的很高胆固醇

[01:47.05]You're dead so it doesn't matter.你是所以无所谓

[01:49.59]Instead we'll use this solar power.而我们将使用太阳能

[01:51.83]To make a lawn defense at any hour.来做一个随时防御的草坪

[01:57.47](I like your tricycle,我喜欢你的三轮车

[02:02.04]There's butter on my head,有块黄油在我头上

[02:06.66]I'm gonna eat your brains!我要吃你的大脑

[02:11.79]We are the undead!)我们是不死族

[02:14.33]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[02:18.37]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[02:22.94]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[02:27.22]we don't want zombies on the lawn.我们不想要僵尸在草坪上


酷狗上有,名字叫植物大战僵尸 战斗音乐 1:42秒,http://disk.kugou.com/downSongs/506161A1958E8CBE/9/mini.html



在游戏安装目录下 有一个文件夹 我忘了叫什么了你找找 里面有 游戏里 所有的音乐所有的音乐都在那个文件夹下

