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  • 英语
  • 2023-05-04
  • 关于父爱的英语作文带翻译
  • 关于父爱的英语作文300字
  • 父爱英语作文80词左右带翻译
  • 和父母之间的温暖故事英文
  • 关于父亲的英语作文初中

  • 关于父爱的英语作文带翻译

    【 #英语资源#导语】父爱不如母爱那样体贴入微,随处可见,他一谈颂般是罩毁埋在心底,只有在关键时刻才显露出来;他的严厉有时是恨铁不成钢,当你做出成绩的时候含闷郑他会欣然一笑。以下是为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


    My father is an ordinary "office worker". Like others, he does ordinary things and lives an ordinary life in the ordinary world every day. But such an ordinary father can always bring me warmth and let me rely on.

    There is a saying in ancient times: strict father and loving mother, but our family is just the opposite. My mother is very strict with me, but my father is obedient to me. Whenever my mother quarrels with me, my father will rush out to stop me, divide my mother and me, first pacify my mother's anxious heart, then communicate with me, and let me realize my mistakes in the conversation. Such behavior of my father not only calmed my mother, but also let me know my mistakes. It is a good father in China!

    My father is an excellent cook. Every weekend, my father will cook my favorite chicken wings. The chicken wings made by my father are many delicacies in the world, much better than those made in restaurants! Every time I eat chicken wings, I wolf down. At this time, my father always shows a knowing smile and says, "This child, eat slowly, eat slowly. Don't choke. The chicken wings are yours!" Whenever I hear this, my heart is always happy! "

    My father likes to take me to travel. Since I haven't remembered much, my father has taken me to many places. Although most of them can't remember, I know I was happy at that time with a little memory fragment!

    My father is now more than 40 years old, and years have left deep marks on his face. Father is not as energetic as before. He is really old

    Father's love is like a mountain, deep and great; Father's love is like the sea, surging and heroic. I will always love my father and accompany him until he gets old.


    My father is very tall. He has bright eyes, a sharp nose and a big mouth.

    Dad is a tolerant person. Once, he put his beloved pen on the table. Because someone called him, Dad was anxious to leave, so he didn't take the pen with him. When I saw it, I took my father's pen and scribbled on the paper. Drawing and drawing, I didn't understand what was going on, but I dropped the small ball on my father's pen. I think I am miserable now. When my father comes back, the younger will scold me severely, and the heavier will beat me. How to do? How to do? I had no choice but to resign myself to my father's fate. However, the result was beyond my expectation. After my father came back, he didn't scold me, but patiently taught me: "Son, you can't touch the adult's things. You should get the adult's consent if you want to touch them. Never damage the other's things!"

    Dad is also a helpful person. Once, he did housework at home. Suddenly, he heard the thunder of "roaring". He went to the balcony and wanted to take in the clothes that his family was drying on the balcony. However, he saw that there were also clothes in the opposite neighbor's house, and there was no one in the family's house. They all went to work. Without saying a word, he immediately ran to the opposite side to help them put their clothes into the house. Then he went back to his home to collect his clothes. By this time, the heavy rain had already fallen. My clothes were wet. Later, his mother criticized him. Instead, he criticized his mother for being selfish.

    After that, the rain stopped and the neighbors came back. Father sent them the clothes. They said, "Thank you so much!" Dad said, "It's nothing. A distant relative is better than a close neighbor. You're welcome."

    What do you say about my father? He is really a generous and helpful person.


    "Thank you, grateful heart..." Whenever I hear this song, I will cry and remember my father who loves me and loves me.

    My father is a busy man. In order to make a living, he travels between the construction site and his home every day. Every morning, my father shouted loudly at the top of the stairs: "What time is it now, my son? He hasn't got up yet!" The cry immediately startled me out of bed. Once in a while, my father would play music at the same volume as the loudspeakers, and let the deafening music spur me to get up. After getting up, I went to the living room and found my father looking at me with a triumphant smile. I took a deep breath and sighed from the bottom of my heart: "Dad, you are tough!" In fact, Dad can sleep for half an hour more because he works later than I do in school.

    Dad came home late every night. Although he was tired, he would check my homework. I remember that time, when I was correcting, my father fell asleep unconsciously, holding an English book in his hands and waiting for me to carry it. I felt ashamed to see the silver on my father's head shining under the lamp, and the wrinkles on his face were more and more. I quickly brought the clothes and put them on my father. I know that the silver and wrinkles are the witness of my father's hard work. You have worked hard for our family!

    Little crows know how to feed back, not to mention us? Dad, have a rest! My son has grown up. He will study hard and cherish our happy home!


    "A grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, and let me have the courage to be myself..." Listening to this song, I thought of my father, and I was grateful to my father.

    My father works in Shenzhen. He is very busy at work and often travels on business. In spite of this, he made sure to go home with me every weekend, tell me a lot of stories and historical knowledge, and play games and activities with me.

    I remember one weekend, the three of us went to the doctor's mountain to ride bicycles. At that time, we chose a professional cycling track, which has a large slope and many challenging curves. We set out along the driveway. After a while, there was a steep downhill in front of us. I quickly braked, but the car still ran down quickly. I was very nervous, and I quickly put my foot on the ground to increase resistance. As a result, I couldn't stop the car. I was very scared. At this time, my father rushed over regardless of everything and blocked my car with his body. As a result, I pressed my father with my car. I'm fine, but my father's knee and calf were cut and blood flowed out. I was very sad, but my father smiled and said, "It's OK. Let's continue cycling." We rode to the end in laughter.


    I am most grateful to my parents in the world, because without them, there would be no me. Tomorrow is Father's Day. Today, let's talk about my father.

    I remember when I was young, my mother often worked overtime, just me and my father were at home. One winter evening, my mother worked overtime again. I suddenly got a high fever. My father touched my head and said, "Ah! It's so hot." He brought the thermometer to measure my temperature. Later, he took it out and looked at it. My father was surprised. At 40 degrees, he hurried to the reception hall, picked up the phone and called 120. Soon, the ambulance arrived. My father helped me get dressed, took a quilt and wrapped me up, He took a thin coat and put it on himself. He picked me up and went to the ambulance. When he arrived at the hospital, my father wrapped me up tightly. He got off the car and carried me to the hospital bed, waiting for the doctor to check. After the check, he accompanied me to have a fluoroscopy, blood test, and then paid the fee. He ran upstairs and downstairs for several times. Although it was winter, my father's forehead was sweating. After the injection, my father asked me whether I felt uncomfortable, thirsty or hungry. Slowly, I fell asleep, but my father didn't sleep. He looked at me all the time for fear that I would turn over and get the needle off. When I woke up, my father asked me if I felt uncomfortable? I said it wasn't too bad. At this time, it was already light. I looked at my father, who had lost his spirit. I knew that my father hadn't slept a night.

    I want to thank my father for taking me on tours, playing with me, buying me delicious food and toys I like. But my father is very strict with me in my study. On weekends, winter holidays, summer holidays, I get up on time every morning to listen to English recordings, and when I finish my homework every day, I will be assigned homework; I was forced to practice the piano... I didn't like him very much at this time, but I also knew that Dad was good for me, so I didn't blame him.

    Dad, I will work hard and become a useful person when I grow up!


    When I was a child, my father was a house to protect me from the wind and rain; Gradually, I grew up. My father was a towering mountain, and I fell asleep on his back; Now, my father is a teacher who teaches me how to live, behave and learn. Every time I look at my father's face, I can always see the wrinkles on his forehead. Although his father always has a serious face, it still can not cover his kindness.

    When I recalled my childhood, it was a snowy afternoon when the kindergarten was over. I looked out of the window. The white snow covered the whole earth. I waited anxiously for my father's arrival, but I didn't see his figure. I was the only one left in the classroom. I was so anxious that I stamped my feet and kept complaining. Suddenly a familiar figure came into my eyes. Ah, it's my father! I trotted towards my father and dived into his warm arms.

    On the way, I jumped and danced, singing a tune in my mouth. My father and I were walking on the road when my father suddenly picked me up and said to me, "It's snowy. I'll take you with me. I was curious to see my father's feet. I saw them sticking into the snow and coming out again. I suddenly felt sweet in my heart. When I got home, my father took off his shoes, and I saw my father's feet were red with cold.

    I am grateful to my father, who protected me and made my childhood safe; I am grateful to my father, who accompanied me and made my childhood colorful; I am grateful to my father, who loves me and makes my childhood as warm as spring.


    In life, I have a father who cares about me meticulously; At work, I have a serious and responsible father.

    My father is usually very busy with his work, but he will accompany me out to play whenever he is free. He will meet my requirements for toys and school supplies I want. Relatives and friends all said, "Jiahuang, your father cares about you most. You should study hard and become a successful person like your father when you grow up!" Yes, Dad really loves me.

    Dad works very hard. Once, I went to the company with my father. When Dad was going to the workshop, I followed him. Entering the workshop, fireworks curled up here, and workers drove excavators to throw ore into the furnace. At this time, a lot of hot gas came out of the furnace, followed by sparks. Dad went to the stove to check the situation, and patiently guided the workers to operate safely. I stood in the distance and watched, worried that my father would be scalded by Mars. At this time, Dad was choked by the smoke and coughed straight. But he insisted on checking the working conditions of the whole workshop before leaving.

    After leaving the workshop, my father did not rest for a moment, so he hurried into the office and began to make records after the inspection. I gently handed a cup of hot tea to my father's desk, and quietly accompanied him, not daring to disturb his work.

    Looking at my father who works with lights, I thought to myself: "My father's work is really hard, but he still works hard and is strict. I must study hard and repay him when I grow up."


    Whenever a grateful heart rings in my ears and I thank you for this song, the warm current in my heart soon surges up. I can't help thinking of my father and me.

    Today is Father's Day. I want to give special thanks to my father because he gave me life; Gave me a chance to be a man; Because my father gave me courage when I felt most difficult; Gave me strength; Give me light.

    I remember that my father loved me very much since I was a child. He regarded me as the little princess in the family and the apple of his eye. In the past, on Father's Day, I was still a childish child. I didn't know it was my father's day. I jumped and asked for gifts in front of him! Now I am a well read and reasonable young man. I now understand that today is Father's Day and we should bless him. I should thank my father, even if our gift is simple and childish, it will make my father feel more comfortable!

    Now I am a third grade student, and your hard work and sweat have accumulated in my growth. Your love for me cannot be expressed in words. On the occasion of Father's Day, we should say to fathers all over the world: Father, you have worked hard! I wish you a happy holiday!


    In a twinkling of an eye, I was in the third grade, and my father was getting older. In the days when you left my mother, you spent much time and sweat to make me happy. How countless! You often play games with me for my happiness. In order to let me grow, you often go out to work with your aging and weak body. Let me go to school. In order to let me know this beautiful world, you brought me to the world with a loving heart.

    I remember that one day when it rained, I didn't bring my red scarf. I stood at the school gate, afraid to go in, but you left without saying a word. At that time, my heart hated you very much. An hour later, I saw you coming and came to me with a bright red scarf in your hand. Tears ran down my cheeks. Later, I learned that it was you who went home in the heavy rain to take back the red scarf for me.

    Another time, I was ill. You heard the teacher on the phone saying that I was ill. You were very worried. You quickly put down your work and wished you could fly to me. The doctor said, "You just have a small cold. It doesn't matter. As long as you take more rest, you will be well.". At that time, you were relieved. I can see how anxious you are. The anxiety is indescribable.

    I want to say to you: Dad, I love you!


    The bird is grateful to the sky, because the sky makes the bird fly higher; The little fish is grateful to the sea, because the sea lets the little fish swim in it; Flowers give thanks to earthworms, because earthworms loosen soil for them; I am grateful to my father, who can give birth to a decent me; With him, I have more confidence. With him, I enter the door of learning creation.

    Once, I wrote a composition for my father to see. My father checked it and asked me to correct my mistakes. My father asked me, "Which pen did you write with?" I immediately said, "This one." "The words should be written properly, otherwise the teacher would deduct the cleaning score during the exam. So my father went to buy me some good pens in the rain. When I came back, my father was drenched like a drowned rat. Because I didn't write properly, I would write well with the pen my father bought for me. Although this is an ordinary pen, it is full of father's love, courage and confidence. Another time, when I was sick, my father taught me to draw, He also told me to be realistic and not take it for granted. In the art class, the teacher put a national flag on the platform for us to draw. "Do you want to paint as you imagine?" I said to myself. At this time, I remembered what my father had said to me. Don't take it for granted. I took the picture faithfully and handed it in. When I encounter difficulties, my father will come to help me solve them; When I am unhappy, my father will come to comfort me; When I got 100 points in the exam, my father reminded me not to be too proud. Pride will make people lag behind. As the saying goes, father love is like a mountain. I now find that my father has paid a lot for me.

    Ah! The father's love is so great! I hope my father will be happy on Father's Day. I really thank my father.




    My father has small eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the daddy's hair are not many, he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair",daddy does the management, but daddy usually ever not talk bureaucratically to others, therefore his personal connection is specially good,is the same as me.daddy speaks always extremely temperately,never say hit the person,curse at people are also few,calculated scolded people not to be big, although sometimes also can be angry for a longtime,but just only about one day,could no surpass in one day-long.

    He usually educate me that the person must to be honestly,friendly to other,and working diligently.

    This is my father, I love him forever


    If someone asks me who affects me most in my life, I will definitely tell him or her that the person should be no one else but my father. As a matter of fact, I have been much affected by father's humor, kindness, enterprise, strong will ever since I was a little girl.

    腊宴早Father is well-known for his humor. He always makes use of his wit and humor to relax tense situation at work. He is m humorous that his colleagues and friends all enjoy staying with him. He also uses humor to create a very happy family atmosphere. My mother tends to chatter over little things. Sometimes she talks angrily without any pause. When this happens, father just listens to her without a word. "Why don't you say a word, man?", mother is more angry at father. At this time father would give a cup of tea to mother, then replies: "Why not have tea first, my dear? Just take your time to enjoy it. I'm always your attentive listener." Hearing these words, mother stops talking with her anger gone at once. Such funny scenes often appear between father and mother which makes our family life happy and interesting.


    Everyone has a father. My father is of middle height. He is stout and severe looking, with keen expressive eyes. On first sight you may feel he is hard to approach. In fact he is very kind and considerate. Appearance is often misleading, so judge not by appearance.

    I believe my father is a talented man. He is decisive and efficient in doing things. By his own talents and efforts, he has secured for the family a good soclal position and a comparatively rich life. People of all fields come to my house and, as a result, I gain lots of hard-earned social experiences and see more joys and sorrows of the world.

    But at home, he is a harsh parent. He has high expectations of me. When I am lazy and idling away my time, I can see that it hurts him deeply. When I am doing something great, such as writing a book, he is more than excited. With such a father I am always reminded to go on and on, never give up.


    【 #英语资源#导语】父爱是山,呵护生命的火;父爱是火,点燃宴隐希望的灯;父爱是灯,照亮前行的路;父爱是路,引领我的一晌蔽厅生。为大家准备了以下内容,供大并升家参考阅读。


    Father, have you slept yet? At this moment, I suddenly think of you. I have too much to say, but I can't say... Will you forgive me for those words that hurt you and young frivolous thoughts? I lie in the dormitory and think of my father. I had a quarrel with him before I returned to school, because last week I heard from my mother that my father would take me to the temple fair next weekend. The temple fair used to be my father alone. This time, the organizer of the temple fair gave my father a table, I was very proud and excited about this, but my uncle invited more guests because he was the sole master. My father wronged me and gave me my place! In a fit of pique, I turned down my father's proposal to let me sit in an extra seat. I think that's what I cried to my grandmother. I don't care! The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel. It's like there's a fire of expectation in my heart. However, when a basin of cold water comes down, there's only sad smoke left, which makes my eyes red.

    He loves me, his mother and his grandparents. Our family starts from "love". Dad awed me out of his love. His filial love for his grandparents, his love for his mother's lover, his love for me, his penetration of love is like water, which cannot be cut off. I admit that my father is ordinary. He can't meet my needs. He also looks simple and honest. But he still has a high image in my heart, not because of how much he cares for me, but because of how much he cares for anyone. I can have no father's love, but I will still fear him.

    Slow down, don't let your father grow old again; I would like to use all I have for my father's long life; What can I do for you, a strong father? Take the trivial care. Thank you for everything; Hold up our home with both hands, always do everything, give it to me, am I your pride? Are you still worried about me? The child you care about has grown up! My father!


    Yesterday was father's day. As a new father, I was full of joy. This was my first father's day. It coincided with father's day, which was a Sunday. So I took my mother, wife and children for a walk in the park. Maybe it was because it was father's day. There were many children playing in the park. I lit a cigarette after seeing the rest of the surrounding children and unconsciously entered into deep thinking, I think what will the future look like for many children under their creation? Will there be future military generals, stars in the performing arts circle, school teachers, company managers, unit leaders, business leaders, athletes in the sports industry, giants in the financial sector... I am happy to see my son. My son looks more like me, but his skin color is still like his wife, or from a certain perspective, he is as beautiful as his wife. I feel that he has a noble temperament like his wife.

    At home, I slept for a while. In my dream, my son had grown up. He was over 1.9 meters tall. He was a little bigger than a male model. He was wearing a beautiful uniform. In my dream, my son became a captain, driving the world's cargo ships. I felt very proud. After waking up, I was filled with emotion. The so-called "thinking every day and dreaming every night, and the hope for a son to become a dragon" is one of the indispensable life expectations of all parents, At this time, I wonder if my father had similar expectations? It has been 8 years since my father died, but I am sure that my father has absolutely unexpected expectations for me.

    In order to make my son grow up happily, I secretly determined to provide and create an environment suitable for the growth of children, which is my responsibility and obligation as a father. Baby, my father will make you thrive, give you all the environment I can create, and make you a pillar of the society.


    Father's day, a day of filial piety. In this festival, my father is the happiest person, but I am also very happy, because my father can have a happy day again. "Poor parents all over the world." Who can feel the father's happy touch when the fetus is operated? Who can feel the pain of a mother in childbirth?

    When a baby falls to the ground, the parents are full of excited laughter; When babies in swaddling clothes keep crying and laughing, parents show the most patience. When we learn language and call out "father" and "mother" for the first time, our parents give us countless kisses in return; When we are frustrated or full of grievances, the comfort of our parents will timely heal the trauma of our hearts and give us the courage to stand up again.

    It can be said that the care of parents brings us endless happiness, the love of parents accompanies us to grow up healthily, and parents are the "God" who protects our life. "Filial piety comes first." Parents' unselfish love doesn't expect anything in return, but children can't forget their roots, lose a grateful heart, and lack the will and action to honor their parents. When parents grow old in middle age, they need our help and support. When you bring your parents the eggs you fried for the first time, they feel very fragrant; When you bring a cup of hot tea to your tired parents after work, they drink it very sweet; When you learn to wash clothes. Get up and fold the quilt. When you clean the house, your parents will feel that you have grown up. Filial piety to parents is a kind of family affection, a kind of love, a virtue, a note of family harmony and social harmony, and a moral code that all children in the world should follow.

    Hold fast to the Castle Peak. Father, if you are firm and brave, I deeply love you. The passage of time can make the skin full of wrinkles day by day, but in my mind, you are always young, father!


    Today is father's day. All father's festivals represent love for father.

    I carefully made a gift for my father - quietly put a small note in the mailbox downstairs, which was full of holiday wishes for my father.

    This special note is actually the message board I gave my father. It was written with my sincere wishes to Dad on father's Day: "Dad, you have worked hard. I wish you a happy father's day. Thank you for your hard work and nurturing! I will study hard!"

    I look forward to my father's mood when he sees the "message board". I believe dad will be overjoyed when he comes back from work at night and sees this unusual note.


    Today is a special day for you and your fathers.

    On weekdays, you take care of my daily life. When you get up in the morning, you can see that you are busy in the kitchen. They say that mom is working hard in the kitchen, but in my opinion, Dad, your cooking has always been the first.

    I remember this birthday, I was thinking about how to answer my homework. You mysteriously called me: Jingjing, come here. I was puzzled because you never called me when I was doing my homework. I walked away curiously. You mysteriously took the box and put it in my hand. I took it back to the house and found it was a mobile phone. "Usually you restrict me from playing with mobile phones. Why did you buy one for me today?" I looked puzzled. "Your father won't buy it for your birthday. It's the only thing left." I was overwhelmed by my father and smiled, "I also bought your favorite color." I secretly thanked my father.

    It is said that my daughter is my father's little cotton padded jacket. I haven't done enough, but my father wishes you a happy father's Day!


    Father is like the ink on the inkstone. As I grind it, it grows deeper and deeper.

    As a child, I regarded my father as "cold-blooded". In my eyes, loving me means loving me, just as the loving kangaroo mother holds her "son" in her arms all the time. However, my father only scolds me and urges me to do this and that. My father only cares about the crops in the field all day... But he never thought of leaving some time to amuse me. The father in my heart is a serious face, an expression that makes me afraid. My father is fresh water on the inkstone. It is light.

    When I entered junior high school, I accepted the turning point of life - independent life for the first time. On the first day of school, my father didn't accompany me to school. However, I'm not surprised. Just like in spring, when it rains, people always grab an umbrella at will when they go out. I can't get used to living on campus. In the silent night, I secretly shed tears. I miss my father's deep voice before dinner - "eat!" I miss my father's scolding, his expression, and everything he gave me.

    To my delight, on a sunny day. I looked forward to my father. A load of rice made my father's back slightly hunched. Big drops of sweat slid down from the temples. At this time, my father used to grasp the cloth across his shoulders. Put it on your face. Seeing my father's Liberation shoes covered with yellow mud, I knew that my father had been busy. The noise of the campus has completely disappeared. Only my father's gasping voice. I stood there and dared not face my father's eyes. I was afraid that my father would see the tears in my heart and I was speechless.

    I can't forget my father's back when he left. My thoughts are fading away.

    Years are merciless. They have turned my father's temples into white frost. How I want to use the shoulder pole soaked by my father's sweat to carry the burden for my father and share his worries. But the distant father, I can only repose the words, and my bright heart emerges.

    "When I was a child, I used to sit on my father's shoulder. My father was the ladder to the sky, and my father was the cow pulling the cart..." after listening to this song "father", my heart was torn apart by pictures.

    The ink on the inkstone is getting thicker


    I, a careless student, although I look cheerful, I am actually very shy. This time, the teacher asked us to express our love to our parents, but I encountered great difficulties.

    On the way home, my heart was like fifteen buckets of water. I thought about it. How should I express it? Just say it? No, no, not according to my character; That's on paper. No, no, it's not generous. Oh, my God, what can I do? I kept looking at my father, feeling that he was so kind, but I. Alas, I'd better go home and talk about it! I scratched my ears and cheeks for a long time. Looking at the flowers on the roadside, it seemed that they were worried about me.

    How time flies! We'll be home in a minute. I looked at my father and was speechless. At this time, my father asked me instead, "Yang Yang, why are you so strange today? You seem to keep staring at me." He looked at me strangely. My whole body was in a cold war. A cold sweat broke out in my hands. I felt like a rabbit in my heart. I didn't know what to say. So I dodged the topic: "Dad, it's a nice day today!" "Yes." He answered. I poured him a cup of tea, ready to go to his side and say "I love you" to him. However, somehow, my feet just couldn't step away. I took a step back. In this way, I walked slowly to my father for a few minutes. I hesitated and whispered, "Dad, I want to say I love you!" Hearing this, Dad opened his eyes and asked in surprise, "Yang Yang, are you serious?" Suddenly, a force from somewhere gave me enough courage to say loudly, "Dad, really, really, I love you!" Dad saw my serious face and smiled happily. That bright smile made me unforgettable all my life. He hugged me all at once, kept kissing me, and said happily to me, "well, my mother and I love you too!" Suddenly, a warm current poured into my heart, warming my childlike innocence. The whole room was filled with happiness. Maybe this is father's love! Father's love is like mountain, mother's love is like water. I want to sing out my love loudly: "Mom and Dad, I will always love you."


    Many days and nights, he always went out at dawn and returned with the dusk. He was my father.

    He is a man who doesn't like talking. I don't say more than three words to him every day, but every time he says something, it has this profound meaning. I remember once, after I took my test paper home, my father looked at me as sad and said to me in a slightly disappointed tone: "try hard next time!" I dried my tears and nodded. I will never let you down again next time.

    I don't know when I saw the photos of my father with years. When I was a child, you were young and lovely. When I saw the photos of you serving as a soldier, you were so beautiful. But now your temples have turned white. It can be seen that these are the traces of years, and the wrinkles appear more on your dark face.

    I have always felt that you are indifferent to me, but I have no idea that your concern for me lies in action. You are not good at expression. You may think that only action can prove it. You are doing simple work and working hard. You are the pillar of our whole family. You will do your best to give us a warm home.

    This is my father, an ordinary father. If I were to choose the "most beautiful father", I would vote for him without hesitation. Because he taught me a lot, learn to be strong when I am lonely, never give up when I fail, and never be proud when I succeed. He is so beautiful, just like a flower, blooming beautifully in my heart.


    Then came the third Sunday in May, which was my long-awaited holiday - father's day.

    "Mom, what do you want to give grandpa?" I asked my mother with my chin in my hand. Mother pondered for a moment and said, "fruit basket!" "Mom, can you help me think about what to give dad?" "Go to the boutique."

    So, we came to the boutique. We chose from left to right. We all thought these gifts were not very good. "Ah, dad is a dog. Just give him a puppy!" I suddenly had such an idea.

    We went to the plastic and found a lifelike puppy very interesting. Hairy hair, bright eyes and smiling face make people like it more and more. I thought to myself: this little dog is very cute, just him.

    I bought it, asked the waiter to pack it, and went home happily.

    When I got home, I wrote a blessing on the paper and put the gift beside the bed.

    I discussed with my mother to make a frightening plan: we hid in the place where my father had to go into the room. When my father came in, we scared him. So we quickly hid. "Dong Dong Dong..." "here comes dad!" Grandma opened the door when dad walked past us. "Wow", we jumped out Ah, I'm scared to death! "Dad was shaking all over." a man, he was scared by us. Ha ha! " Mother taunts father.

    When Dad came into the room and found the gift, his eyes were wide open. He couldn't help holding me around the living room for a few times.

    I will never forget this father's day.


    I am most grateful to my parents in this world, because without them, there would be no me. Tomorrow is father's day. Today, let's talk about my father.

    I remember when I was a child, my mother often worked overtime, and my father and I were at home. One winter night, my mother worked overtime again, and I suddenly had a high fever. As soon as my father touched my head, "ah! It's so hot," he took the thermometer and measured my temperature. After a while, he took it out and looked at it. My father was shocked. At 40 degrees, he hurried to the lobby, picked up the phone and dialed 120. Soon the ambulance arrived. My father helped me dress, took a small quilt and wrapped me up, However, he took a thin dress and put it on himself. He picked me up and went to the ambulance. When he got to the hospital, my father wrapped me up. He got out of the car and took me to the hospital bed, waiting for the doctor's examination. After the examination, he accompanied me to do fluoroscopy, blood test, and then pay the fee. He ran upstairs and downstairs for several times. Although it was winter, my father's forehead was sweating.

    After the injection, my father asked me with concern whether I felt bad. I was thirsty and hungry. Slowly I fell asleep, but my father didn't sleep. He kept looking at me for fear that I would turn over and get rid of the needle. When I woke up, my father asked me if I felt bad? I said it was no longer uncomfortable. At this time, it was already slightly bright. I looked at my father. My father had no spirit at all. I knew that my father didn't sleep all night.

    I want to thank my father for taking me to travel, playing with me, buying me delicious food and toys I like. But my father is very strict with my study. On weekends, winter holidays, summer holidays, I get up on time every morning to listen to English recordings, and after finishing my homework every day, I have to assign extra-curricular homework to me; He forced me to practice the piano... At this time, I didn't like him very much, but I also knew that my father was good for me, so I didn't blame him very much.

    Dad, I will try my best to be a useful person when I grow up!


    The most significant and priceless thing on earth for me is my parent's love . If it was not for you, I would no way have received such great achievement !It's you and your help, like god, you are my own personal brand of memory.Thank you very much for your selfless giving, my dear ones, I will spend my whole lifetime in remembering my parents, never forgetting. Wish them happiness forever!




    All over the world,no one can love us more than our parents.When we come across bad things,they will never hesitate to offer us courage.When we fail our exam,father always tends to punish us while mother tells us to work harder next time.There's no doubt that they show love in different ways.But they indeed love us.Home is the place that we can find comfort no matter what happens.So come back to see them as often as you can.They are always ready to support you and it is time that you cared for them.




    People say that father’s love likes a mountain: heavy and silent. It’s heavy because he puts all his love to us and it’s silent because he does not know how to express. Faced his love, we accept it silently without saying a word to show our appreciation. Before I was going to senior school, my father had never said a word to show his love to me, so that I thought he did not love me very much and sometimes I was upset about it. However, when I left home for senior school, he called me frequently and just asked me some simple questions like: how’s your study and life? When do you come home? or something like that. Gradually, I realize that he misses me although he would never say it out. So this is father’s love, not so obvious but definitely deep.
