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  • 音乐
  • 2023-04-23
  • 音乐美文活着就好
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  • 音乐美文活着就好

    3.Life in a Violin Case 3.情系小提琴 In order to tell what I believe, I must briefly sketch something of my personal history. The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising business career and study music. My parents, although sympathetic, and sharing my love of music, disapproved of it as a profession. This was understandable in view of the family background. My grandfather had taught music for nearly forty years at Springhill College in Mobile and, though much beloved and respected in the community, earned barely enough to provide for his large family. My father often said it was only the hardheaded thriftiness of my grandmother that kept the wolf at bay. As a consequence of this example in the family, the very mention of music as a profession carried with it a picture of a precarious existence with uncertain financial rewards. My parents insisted upon college instead of a conservatory of music, and to college I went – quite happily, as I remember, for although I loved my violin and spent most of my spare time practicing, I had many other interests.为了阐明我的信仰,我必须简单介绍一下迹旅我的经历。 我人生的转折点是我决定不做发迹有望的商人而专攻音乐。父母虽然与我志趣相投,也像我一样热爱音乐,却反对我以音乐为职业。考虑到我的家庭情况,他们的态度是完全可以理解的。我祖父在莫比尔的斯普林希尔学院教皮态授音乐达四十年之久,深受学院师生的热爱和敬重,他的工资却只能勉强维持一大家人的生活。父亲常说若不是祖母精明能燃州源干,克勤克俭,一家人非挨饿不可。所以在我们家,只要一提起音乐这个职业,大家就联想起收入不稳定的那种苦日子。父母坚持要我上大学,不让我进音乐学院,我也就上了大学。记得当时我还挺开心,因为虽然我热爱小提琴,大部分时间都用来练琴,我还有许多其他的爱好。 Before my graduation form Columbia, the family met with severe financial reverses and I felt it my duty to leave college and take a job. Thus was I launched upon a business career – which I always think of as the wasted years. Now I do not for a moment mean to disparage business. My whole point I is that it was not for me. I went into it for money, and aside from the satisfaction of being able to help the family, money is all I got out of it. It was not enough. I felt that life was passing me by. From being merely discontented I became acutely miserable. My one ambition was to save enough to quit and go to Europe to study music. I used to get up at dawn to practice before I left for “downtown”, distracting my poor mother by bolting a hasty breakfast at the last minute. Instead of lunching with my business associates, I would seek out some cheap café, order a meager meal and scribble my harmony exercises. I continued to make money, and finally, bit by bit, accumulated enough to enable me to go abroad. The family being once more solvent, and my help no longer necessary, I resigned from my position and, feeling like a man released from jail, sailed for Europe. I stayed four years, worked harder than I had ever dreamed of working before and enjoyed every minute of it. 没等我从哥伦比亚大学毕业,家里的经济情况就变得很糟,我感到自己有责任退学找工作,这才投身商界——我始终认为那段经商岁月是虚掷光阴。 我从来无意贬低经商,我的意思是它不适合我。我经商只是为了挣钱,除了能补贴家用给我带来一点满足以外,钱是我经商得到的一切。这是不够的。我感到年华似水从我身边流走。对职业的不满使我痛苦不堪。我唯一的抱负是积攒足够的钱,辞去商务,到欧洲学习音乐。于是,我每天黎明即起,练习小提琴,然后去“商业区”上班。几乎来不及囫囵吞下仓促准备的早餐,弄得我可怜的妈妈惶恐不安。我不与业务合伙人共进午餐,总是找个便宜的餐馆,随便混上一顿,信手写些和声练习曲。我不停地挣钱,终于一分一分攒够了出国的钱。这时,家庭经济情况也好转了,不再需要我的帮助。我辞去商务,感到自己像出狱的犯人一样自由,便乘船去了欧洲,一去就是四年。我学习比从前想象的刻苦得多,但我非常快乐。 “Enjoyed” is too mild a word. I walked on air. I really lived. I was a free man and I was doing what I loved to do and what I was meant to do. If I had stayed in business, I might be a comparatively wealthy man today, but I do not believe I would have made a success of living. I would have given up all those intangibles, those inner satisfactions, that money can never buy, and that are too often sacrificed when a man’s primary goal is financial success. When I broke away from business, it was against the advice of practically all my friends and family. So conditioned are most of us to the association of success with money that the thought of giving up a good salary for an idea seemed little short of insane. If so, all I can say is “Gee! It’s great to be crazy.”Money is a wonderful thing, but it is possible to pay too high a price for it. “快乐”一词还不足以表达我的心情,我是乐不可支,飘飘欲仙。我过着真正的生活。我是个自由人,做我爱做的、命中注定要做的事情。 假如我一直经商,今天可能会相当富有,但我不认为我的人生会很成功。我可能会放弃一切无形的、金钱绝对买不到的精神上的满足;这种精神上的满足常常因为人的主要生活目的是发财致富而不可企及。 我脱离商界之举是与所有亲友的忠告相违的,因为我们大多数人习惯把成功与金钱联系在一起,为理想而放弃高薪似乎是发疯。如果真是如此,我倒要说:“咳,发疯可真好!”金钱是好东西,但可能为了金钱,我们付出的代价太昂贵。














    森数美文的朗读不仅能让学生培养良好的语言表达技能,还能在更深入地理解文本的过程中受到思想此坦首品德以及审美的教育。我精心收集了100字英语美文,供大家欣赏学习! 100字英语美文篇1 Me: The clock is ticking and tomorrow is my special day. 时钟滴滴答答的走着,明天对我来说意义非凡。 I wonder what people will say. 我想知道人们会怎么说。 Will they greet me or just say hi. 他们会欢迎我吗?还是仅仅说声“你好”。 Ha-ha as if they all remember my natal day. 哈哈,说得好像他们都记得我出生那天一样。 Mther: Oh! One thing I realize as I get little older is that we should value our lives and spend it meaningfully. 当大一点的时候,我开始意识到,我们应该珍惜当下生活,让它变得有意义。 Dream big and set plans. 放胆做梦,并为此指定计划。 I thank God for helping me to achieve my goal each year. 感谢上帝,让我每年的目标都得以实现。 Although not everything is perfect, but somewhat closer to that. I surpassed my 2016 with a #goalmet and proudly to say that building my own family is a gift. 虽不是所有的目标都实现得非常完美,但是多少都在朝着目标迈进。2016年的目标我都已经达成,而且还为家庭建信陪设孕育了一个礼物为此我很傲娇。 Thank you God for the most special gift I got last year. Soon I will get to see it. I do promise to take good care of it. 感谢上苍在2016年就给我了这个特别的礼物,不久我就会见到TA了而且我发誓我会好好照顾TA Me and my husband waiting for our fruit. A fruit made with love. A fruit that we dream of. A special gift that forever we will treasure. A baby I will name as baby Z. 丈夫和我都在等待我们的结晶,我们都梦寐以求的爱的结晶.这份特别的礼物我们都会永远珍惜。我们会给这个宝贝取名叫Z。 100字英语美文篇2 I'm just sitting here in my room today, listening to music while it rains outside my window, and I can't stop thinking about how happy I am and how great my life is. There's nothing particularly special about it - I'm not rich or famous, I'm not exceptionally talented, and I don't do anything particularly fabulous for a living. But I feel somewhat organized, I have a clean room and a car and a job, and most of all what makes it great is the mere fact that I feel happy. 今天我坐在自己的房间里,听着音乐,窗外下着雨,我不由得感到自己是多么愉快、生活是多么美妙。尽管我不是什么大富大贵,社会名流,也没有智力超群,或是做什么伟大的事情来营生。但是我感觉一切井井有条,我有一个干净的房间、一辆车以及一份工作。但是最重要的是,我单纯觉得快乐。 I know this may not seem like the most interesting story in the world, but when I was twelve, I was deeply suicidal. 我知道这看起来不像是什么世间的奇闻异事,但是在我12岁的时候,我非常想自杀。 I'm sharing my good mood today because I know there are tons of people out there who struggle with life. 今天我和大家分享这种岁月静好的心情,是因为我知道还有很多人都遭受生活的苦楚和折磨。 Not even necessarily the outward details of their lives, but the inner demons that exist within their minds. 不仅仅有生活中的外在琐事给他们添堵,还有内心的怪兽在作祟。 I want you to know - if that's you - that the mere possibility of reaching a place of inner peace is worth it. It is worth hanging on for. 我想让你们知道的是,很少有人能真正达到内心平和,但是这种为达到这种状态值得坚持磨炼。 I was probably 25 when happiness and contentment became my default emotions. It took a long time, and it took a lot of change, pain and growth. But now that I'm here, it feels permanent. And the emotions of the past feel like they happened to someone else. They are so foreign and distant to me. For some, it may take even longer, and it may take even more. But I cannot imagine even for a second that the struggle wouldn't be worth it if this is the end result. 我可能直到25岁才让知足常乐变成一种情绪上的常态。这中间需要很长的时间,很多的改变,痛苦让你成长。现如今我的情绪变得稳定而长久,回忆起之前的种种好像是发生在别人的身上,对于现在我来说是那么的陌生和遥远。对于有些人来说,获得这种安定的心境要花更长的时间,做更多的改变。但是如果经历了所有折磨还是无法改变什么,结果一点都不值得,关于这个我想都不敢想。 That's it. I just wanted to share my positive vibes with everybody. The world can be an amazing place if you let it, and you can be an amazing person. You probably already are. Good luck, and please never give up. I hope that today, you all feel a little bit of love. Thanks for reading. 我想用这种积极的情绪感染大家。只要你想世界就会变得美好,同样的你也可以成为更好的人。也许你已经足够好了。那么好运,要保持不要放弃。我希望我的分享能够让你感觉到一点小温柔。感谢阅读。 100字英语美文篇3 I've been job hunting for about eight months. 在八个月的时间里,我一直在找工作。 A few weeks ago I went to an interview and handed off my car to the valet guy. 几周以前,我开车参加一个面试,把车子交给停车的侍者。 As I was waiting for the elevator I heard him tell his coworker that he would kill for a coffee, so after my interview I stopped at the cafe in the lobby and grabbed one for him. 在我等电梯的时候,我听见他对他的同事说自己超想来一杯咖啡,于是面试结束,我在门廊顺便买了一杯给他。 He was super grateful and asked for my business card. 他显得非常感动,还要了张我的名片。 I gave it to him, thinking maybe he wanted to send me a thank you email or something. 我给了他一张,想着他无非会写封感谢邮件或者做之类(表达谢意)的事情。 The next day I got a call from the manager at this big staffing agency in our city. She was the valet guy's cousin and he asked her to call me. I ended up meeting with her in person, and after only a week she found me my dream job. Today was my first day, and it went perfectly. 隔天我就接到了那个停车侍者表姐的电话,原来她就是我们当地最大职介结构经理,而且就是那个侍者叫她打给我的。职介经理亲自和我会面约谈,短短一周她就帮我找到了梦寐以求的工作。今天是我上班的第一天,进展非常顺利。 Be nice to everyone, all the time. (我的心得是)要把体恤他人,常挂心间。






    Singing Contributes to a Joyful Mind(歌唱带来欢乐)

    Of all the things that make me happy, singing is what I like to do best. I sing for no particular purpose. In short, I sing for fun. There is no limit to what I sing, so long as it can let out my emotion and pass the pleasant voice to others. It is something more satisfactory and exciting to draw echoes from them. It is nothing bad to spread joy around, is it? As you can tell, singing is my second life.



    Music in my life

    Music is an important part in my life,I even can't live without music.

    Acturally,I like many kinds of music,I'd like to talk about my favorite music here.Well,I like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and it's mixes some morden melody,it sounds very nice and pure,can bring you into the never land and dream land,just relax,and forget all the problems.I like Enya,she is a very famous New age singer,her song just like the voice of heaven,her song is as nice and beautiful as herself!

    I'm not keen on American pop songs,they are terrible for me!The melody is not soft and nice at all!So fast and strong beat,too exciting,and can't hear them clearly.I can't stand the strong beat,that nearly make me fainted!

    In a word,music has an very important place in my life.As for the importance of music to my life,I think you can guess,it just like meals and sleeping,I can't live without it.Does anyone want to take it away from me,I'm gonna fight him and never give up!


    I love the Chinese national music. The Chinese national music is famous for its moderation, briefness, neutralization, implication. Being different from the western music, the Chinese national music only has five scales, and emphasized in the line –shaping .

    I love the Chinese national musician Song Zuying, not only for her beauty and her beautiful sounds, but also for her diligence and her hard working. Although she has made great success in her career, she will never forget her early teacher—Jin Tielin, who helped her a lot before, and the native people and her mother land.

    Song Zuying is the most powerful young musician in China. She has a broad sound territory and beautiful sounds. Her singing flavor is originated from the national culture, and she makes good use of the scientific singing technique; during the performance she is good at using her heart; also she always have the correct understanding of the works. So we can say she has her unique singing flavor. The masterpiece the loving of ourChina is the most famous one, which is loved by all the Chinese. Her record the flowing sounds for one hundred years can be regarded as the one which represents the high lever of the Chinese national music. In February, 2007, she was autographed by Grammy. People all over the world get to know her name and her beautiful sounds.

    Song Zuying, a person who has a successful career, a happy family, good character, is admired by all of us.
