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  • 英语
  • 2024-04-26




2.shevisits hergrandpaeveryfourdays


4.takeregularexercise isgoodforourhealth

5.headmittedstricting onhischildren

6.lastyear headmittedintoBeijingcollege



Work in pairs. Take turns to ask each other the questions and answer them using noun clauses as the object. Think of more questions  
1. I must say the play which is  enjoyed!
2. I think the bet  which are the brothers have made is very  nice!
3.Henry tell the brothers about his job which is of ease  in America!
4.Henry else  tells the brothers about the interest which is beautiful in America!
5.the brothers want to know the job which/that he's in America about Henry !
6.I think  the more money that/which he can get!


2、I must say that it's really ridiculous。
3、He says that he likes the job very much.
4、He tells hie brothers that they should work hard.
5、They want to know if Henry lives well in America.
6、I think that Henry will soon go to work。


①He used to be a smoker

②She visits her glandpa every four days

③We have a meeting on a regular basis

④Taking regular exercise is good for your health

⑤He admitted blaming to his child

⑥He was admitted into Peking University

⑦He was admitted as a member of the basketball team


He used to be a smoker

Shevisits her grandfather every four days

We have meetings on a regular basis、

Taking regular exercise is good for your health

He admittedbeing very strict with his children

Last year he was admitted to Peking University

He was admitted as a member of the basketball team

