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  • 英语
  • 2023-04-22
  • 七下英语人教版翻译
  • 初中英语书人教版翻译
  • 初中英语汉语翻译
  • 初中英语课文翻译
  • 初中英语课文原文及翻译

  • 七下英语人教版翻译

    1.He is too young to drinkthe beer.

    He is not old enough to drink the beer.

    He lsso young that he can't drink the beer.

    2.I eatso much bread that I am too full.

    3.He has already had his bike repaired.

    4.Enough attention to the heavy traffic when you cross the street.

    5.He found it verydifficult to slove the problem.

    6.He said that he had a lot of things to eat.

    7.It isn't my bag and it must be others'.

    8.Take your umbrella, or you will be wet.

    9.I didn't know which to buy.

    I wondered which I could buy.




    1. be ready for sth.(get ready to do sth./prepare for) 准备坦乱数…

    2. be shocked at 对……感到震惊,对……感到惊讶

    3. be shown 被陈列

    4. be short for 是……的简称

    5. be sorry for 感到抱歉

    6. be sure 肯定;确信

    7. be sure of 深信;确信

    8. be sure that 确信

    9. be sure to do sth. 一定要;务必

    10. be surprised at 使……感到意外吃惊

    11. be surprised by 使……吃惊,使……感到意外

    12. be tired from 因……疲倦

    13. be tired of 对……厌倦


    1. be in time for 准时

    2. be / become interested in 对……感兴趣(关心)

    3. be known to 为……所熟知

    4. be late for 迟到

    5. be like 像……

    6. be / get lost 迷失(道路)

    7. be proud of 以……自豪

    8. be made from 用…制成的(看不出)

    9. be made in 在某地制造

    10. be made of 用……制造的

    11. be made by 由……制造

    12. be nice to 亲切的, 体贴的

    13. be pleased to 对……高兴地从事……,做……感到愉快

    14. be pleased with (对……)高兴,满意

    15. be (get ) ready 准让首备好


    1. by bike 骑自行车

    2. by boat 坐小船

    3. by land 由陆路

    4. by sea 由海路

    5. by the way 顺便说

    6. by then 到那时

    7. by the time 到…时候为止

    8. call (up )sb. 打电话给某人

    9. call one’s name 点名

    10. Canon digital camera 佳能数码照相机

    11. carry on 坚持下去,继续下去

    12. catch (a ) cold 着凉,作风

    13. catch a bus 赶公共汽车

    14. catch up with 追上,赶上

    15. clean up 清出,收拾干净

    16. change one’s mind 改变想法(主意)

    17. check out 检查,查看

    18. check- out 收款台

    19. cheer up 高兴起来陪锋

    20. climb up 攀登,爬上

    21. Chinese medicine 中医

    22. clothes line 晒衣绳

    23. credit card 信用卡

    24. come along 来,随同

    25. come back 回来

    26. come down 下来

    27. come from 出生于…地方,来自于


    go to work by bus

    do homework

    the whole night


    listen english

    what is the time?

    when you get up

    my father alwaysgo for a running at 6

    when do her sister back home?

    I usually do my homework after dinner.

    I get up at 5,then do the exercise.

    I love listening to the music.

    He go to work by N0.1 bus.

    After brushed my teeth, I had my breakfirst and went to school.


    1、①He is too small, can't drink beer

    1、②He is too young and he can't drink beer

    1、③He can't drink beer because he is too small


    2、I ate too much bread, so now I'm too full


    3、He has let others repair his bike


    4、A busy road when, should enough attention


    5、He found that it is difficult to solve the problem


    6、He said he had many things to eat


    7、This is not my bag, he must be someone else's


    8、御册Take your umbrella, otherwise you will be wet


    9、①I was not sureto buy which one

    9、②I didn't know which oneto buy




    1.We must fight with the disease

    2.Our class and class 3 a basketball

    3.Against the wind.

    4.Standing against the wall

    5.Children from poor families do not get a good education

    6.She is an educated man

    7.She is an educated man

    8.cloth and paper is recyclable materials

    9.Recycling paper is beneficial to the environment



