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  • 英语祝贺信作文带翻译

    几种常见英文祝贺信的写法及其范文由于考研英语小枣陵作文会考到应用文,为此本人给大家推荐几种常见英文祝贺信的写法及其范文,希望对你们备考有帮助。在西方,得知朋友订婚、结婚、生孩子、升职都要写信祝贺。祝贺信如同一般的简短书信,可长可短,格式上无特别的要求,空缺但书写时应做到:真诚、自然、亲切动人。内容上可尽情发挥。1、贺生日 Congratulations on a birthdayDear Babs:So you're a year older today —— or don't you want to be reminded? Anyway, congratulations and best wishes.If you feel like holding a celebration, will you let me take you to dinner and the movies, as a sort of birthday treat? You name the day. And in the mealtime, many happy returns!Cordially,Tom亲爱的巴博斯:如凳亏戚果您对庆贺有雅兴的话,我想请您吃饭,或看电影,作为祝贺您生日的款待。请定个日期,同时,祝您幸福愉快!2.、祝贺朋友大学毕业 Congratulations on graduationDear Mr. Li:I learned from Wang Ying that you were graduated with high honors from Huabei University yesterday. I can well imagine how proud of you your parents are now, who have been anxiously hoping to witness your brilliant success. As I understand, you will continue studies in the United States soon. I wish you greater success in your studies and research work.With best wishes.Yours sincerely,Tom亲爱的李先生:3.、祝贺朋友在运动会上获胜 Congratulations on winning a gameDear Jerry:Mother sent me the clippings about your success at the swimming meet. Naturally, I am not surprised at all, but I thought I'd just say “Congratulations” where are going to find room for another silver cup? Some of our girls may be going up to the Tri-State meet. If the tape unrolls straight, and there I shall expect to see you win again.When we're all home for Thanksgiving vacation, we'll have to hold a real celebration.Your one-time swimming rival.亲爱的玛丽:如果能获得顺利批准,我们当中的一些姑娘可能要去参加三州运动会。在那里,我希望能看到你再次获胜。你从前的游泳对手4.、祝贺新年 A letter extending New Year greetingsDear Mr. Barton:As the New Year is quickly approaching, I take this opportunity to send my greetings and best wishes to you for 2005.I hope that the ing year will bring a further increase in exchange of culture beeen our o countries and we look forward to continued friendly relations with you.Yours faithfully,Tom亲爱的巴顿先生:值此2005年即将到来之际,我谨向你致以最良好的祝愿和问候。我希望,在新的一年里我们两国之间的文化交流有进一步的增加,并希望我们与你们之间的友好关系继续下去。


    Dear XXX,How are you? It has been a long time since we last wrote to each other.How are you doing in school? Were there any interesting events? I have been trying very hard to learn English, but it has not improved much. I heard that your English is good and I would really appreciate it if you could give me some tips on studying English. How can we improve quickly over a short period of time? Also, do you have any shortcuts in learning grammar, gaining vocabulary and improving English speaking skills?I will be anticipating your reply! Thank you so much!Yours sincerely,XXX


    A Letter of CongratulationsDirections: You are allowed thirty minutes to write a position on the topic A Letter of Congratulations. You should write at least 120 words and base your con, position on the outline given in Chinese below.1.获悉你考入XX大学,攻读XX专业,特此祝贺。



    A Letter of Congratulations


    Zhangming: Congratulations to you ! I am glad to hear that you have performed brilliantly in the College Entrance Examination and successfully got the admission in the enrollment of Sichuan University, where you will be studying your major, English, there. As far as I am concerned, it is the great efforts which you have made into the preparation of the final exam that results in this excellent achievement. I hope that you will show a better performance in the entirely new surroundings. Congratulations again! Sincerely yours, XXX


    Dear friend,I am very happy to hear that you have found a job as assistant manager in an import and export pany.I'm so proud of you for your achievement.As I know ,you have aways been a hardworking student and conse quently achieved excellent records in almost all the subjects.I have been watching your progress with admiration all the years,and I know more than anyone else how much effort you have put in.Nowadays ,you prove to me that you are the best.Judjing from your current success,I am confident that in the future you will be better and better.Wish your greater progress.Best wishes to you.Sincerely,friend


    when you need real understanding,when you need someone to care,when you need someone to guide you···a father is always there.thank you, dad, for listening and caring,for giving and sharing,for being such a wonderful dad.当你需要真正的理解,当你需要关心,当你需要指点,你总可以去找父亲。


    just happy birthday, dad, isn't much to say,yet in this special message meant for you this special day are many very loving thoughts and warmest wishes, too, for happiness on your birthday and always, all year through.只一句“生日快乐”,爸爸,当然不算什么,但在喜庆吉日里对您格外亲切的祝贺,包含多少温馨的情意都出自我的心窝。

    愿您生日快乐,天天愉快,永远欢乐!only wishes that are made with special love will dofor a dad who is wonderful in every way as you.只有用挚爱绢成的祝福的话,才能献给像您那样慈爱的爸。

    on your special day and every day, may love and joy surround you, because you bring such happiness to everyone around you.have a wonderful birthday!愿您在生日和平日,天天都沉浸在爱和欢乐里,因为您让身边亲人,个个生活在这样的幸福里。

    祝您生日快乐无比!thank you, mother, for your love, your *** iles, your faith and trust, but most of all for being such a wonderful mother.谢谢您,母亲,谢谢您的爱抚、您的微笑、您的信念、您的信任,但最重要的是,谢谢您是这样慈祥敦厚的母亲。

    word can say so little when someone cares so much.mother, i'm wishing that these were a way to tell you the things that i'd so like to say ——how thankful i am and how very proud, too, to have a wonderful mother like you.您对我的爱是这样深,言语的表叙显得实在无力。



    Thank the friends greetings(标题)Sky gradually dim down. An afternoon with the sunset glow disappeared. Have a look at home, no one. Except for the one at my feet constantly called a kitten.Some of the surrounding black, matches and I'm feeling at the moment. So I don't have to turn on the lights. Just a look at the dark, sink......Suddenly, a call es in. The ringing of the phone started I was startled, slowlylifted the phone, listen. Just know is a friend of greeting.Not what purpose, nor what theme. Just saying "are you ok!" , a simple greeting,will really touched my heart.The friend is not boring. At this moment to think of me, at least, understand that this is a rare friend.A greeting, a few sound blessing, it is enough to make my heart warm.In regards to my friends at the same time, I also think, whether it should be togive others a greeting?People's minds, and everyone wants a greeting, especially in now the society where money. The truth is not in exchange for money, only the truth can move the heart.A short letter, a phone call, a card, a voice, all can bee the municationbeeen people, munication bridge.Beeen us we don't lack of greeting, also cannot lack the blessing. It is ourgreetings to lift a finger, to shorten the distance beeen you and me.By the way of "you, okay......" Most of the time, a word, a *** ile, a greeting gently,can change a person's life state, change one's attitude towards life, so as tochange a person's quality of life. What you need to do, and that is enough, let I to establish confidence, produce power. Thank you, my friends, my progress needs your support, your encouragement. Your attention is my way to the source of strength, let me continue to move forward.中文:感谢朋友的问候天色渐渐暗淡下来。






    就这样一只看着黑暗,沉沦下去…… 忽然,来了一个电话。

    那电话 *** 刚开始还吓了我一跳,缓缓地举起电话,一听。







    在朋友问候我的同时,我也在想,是否也应该去给别人一个问候? 人同此心,每个人都渴望一声问候,特别是在现在这金钱社会里。











    It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.又该迎接新的一年了。

    我们向你及你的亲人们致以最美好的祝福,愿你在新的一年里事业兴旺,幸福美满!New Year es but once a year. But when it es it brings good cheer.新年一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。

    Peace and love for you at New Year from all your students.祝老师新年充满平安和爱。

    Much joy to you in the up ing year. May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings e at New Year and stay with you all the year through.让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在新年来到你身边,伴你左右。


    This period of time will be one of the most crucial in your life right now as it might just as well decide your future, so it's undeniable that you are feeling stressed right now. You might be looking around you at all your peers and think yourself inferior to them but have more faith in yourself. People have different areas of strength, people excel at different things and there is absolutely no need for you to pare amongst yourself. Try to take some time off and think through your thoughts, talk to your friends and families! Don't stress yourself too much and remember to always find time for yourself. Lastly, I wish you good luck in getting through this phase. Don't worry, everyone is going through the same thing, we're all here to support you all the way!

    Today is Teachers' Day. We say happy Teachers' Day to all of our teachers before class. They are very happy to receive our greetings. My class sends a flower to each of our teacher to show our thanks to them. Yesterday, I made cards by myself as the gifts to teachers. Today, I send the cards to my Chinese, math and English teacher. They said the cards are very beautiful. I am excited that they like my gifts. Teachers are important to us and they care much about us. I think they are as good as our parents.今天是教师节,上课之前我们祝所有的老师教师节快乐。









    转载请注明出处 » 几种常见英文祝贺信的写法及范文


    Congratulations,all of us feel proud of your remarkable achievements!


    I am so pleased and happy to hear that……


    I write to congratulate you upon……


    I offer you my warmest congratulations on your……宏哪铅


    We are just as proud as can be of you and send our congratulations.


    I wish you still further success!


    We look forward to bragging about you in the years ahead.



    It was exciting news for me to learn of …

    Please accept my sincere/hearty/warm congratulations on …

    It was a great pleasure to send you my congratulations on …

    I was delighted to learn of your success /achievements in …

    You don’t know how excited and happy we felt at the news of …

    I am really happy to learn that you have been elected…

    It is with great pleasure that I hear of your success.

    I was very delighted to hear the news that you…

    Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to…

    Heartiest congratulations upon your …


    Wish you good luck!

    We wish to share your honor and joy.

    I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead.

    May all go wonderfully in your new post!

    May every happiness be yours!

    All my best wishes for an even more prosperous future/successful career!

    May each succeeding year bring you great happiness and prosperity.

    Every good wish to you for much health, happiness, and prosperity!


    Dear Mr. / Ms,

    On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of your National Day, please accept our heartiest congratulations. May the trade connections between our countries continue to develop with each passing day!

    Yours faithfully






    Congratulations to you !

    I am glad to hear that you have performed brilliantly in the College Entrance Examination and successfully got the admission in the enrollment of Sichuan University, where you will be studying your major, English, there.

    As far as I am concerned, it is the great efforts which you have made into the preparation of the final exam that results in this excellent achievement. I hope that you will show a better performance in the entirely new surroundings.

    Congratulations again!

    Sincerely yours,



    Dear Ming Zhang:

    How are you? I'm really glad to hear that you are enrolling in Sichuan University. I admire your consentrate and intelligent. Congratulations.Wishing you all the best!


