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  • 英语
  • 2023-04-26
  • 黄鹤楼英文释义法
  • 这是黄鹤楼用英语怎么说
  • 黄鹤楼的英语怎么读怎么写
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  • 黄鹤楼崔颢英文版

  • 黄鹤楼英文释义法

    the yellow crane tower is one of the most famouse places and the old buildings in china .it set at the snake mountain in hubei wuhan.the height of it is nearly 51.4 meters.it was built almost before 1600 years and between BC1981 and 1985 was rebuilt by government.at first it was used in the war but now it is opened for visiting.at the yellow crane tower you could enjoy beautiful scenes.many famouse poets make poems for it .it atrracts mumbers of foreigners to have a visit every year 给分吧~~


    Yellow Crane Tower, located on Snake Hill in Wuchang, is one of the "Three Famous Towers South of Yangtze River (the other two: Yueyang Tower in Hunan and Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi).

    Legend has it that in Wuchang, there used to be a wine shop opened by a young man named Xin. One day, a Taoist priest, in gratitude for free wine, drew a magic crane on the wall of the shop and instructed it to dance whenever it heard clapping. Thousands of people came to see the spectacle and the wine shop was always full of guests. After 10 years, the Taoist priest revisited the wine shop. He played the flute and then rode on the crane to the sky. In memory of the supernatural encounter and the priest, the Xins built a tower and named it Yellow Crane Tower.

    According to records, the tower was first built in 223 A.D during the Three Kingdoms period (220-280). After completion, the tower served as a gathering place for celebrities and poets to party and compose poetry. It was estimated that up to the Tongzhi Reign of the Qing dynasty, as many as 300 poems about the tower had been found in historical literature. Cui Hao, a famous poet during the Tang dynasty (618-907), made the tower well known throughout China with his poem "Yellow Crane Tower".

    Destroyed many times in successive dynasties, the tower was rebuilt time and again until 100 years ago when it was, for the last time, reduced to ashes. The present tower is a complete reconstruction and is the result of four years of work beginning in 1981. Where the old tower was only 15 meters wide, the ground floor of the new structure was increased to 20 meters wide. The tower, 51.4 meters high, is five-storied with yellow tiles and red pillars, overlapping ridges and interlocking eaves, more magnificent than the old one.

    The new Yellow Crane Tower is regarded as the symbol of Wuhan city

    希望作者采纳! 打错了不小心把全部的都打出来了...- -3!


    中国名胜古迹的英文名:Forbidden City 故宫、Tiananmen Square 天安门、the West Lake 西湖、Terracotta Warriors 兵马俑、Greater Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔。

    1、Forbidden City 故宫

    英[fə'bɪdn 'sɪti];美[fə'bɪdn 'sɪti]

    例:We're going to visit the Forbidden city.去桐带败参观紫禁城。

    例:But where is the Forbiden City,Madam Tang.可紫禁城在哪里。行乎

    2、Tiananmen Square 天安门


    英[skweə(r)] ;美[skwer]

    例:The next stop is Tiananmen Square.


    例:Which bus line leads to Tiananmen Square ?


    3、the West Lake 西湖

    英[ðə west leɪk];美[ðə west leɪk]

    例:The west lake is noted for its scenery.


    例:The West Lake was beautiful beyond description.


    4、Terracotta Warriors 兵马俑

    英[ˌterə'kɔtə 'wɔriəz];美[ˌterə'kɑtə 'wɔriəz]

    例:Most of the terracotta warriors stand facing east.


    5、Greater Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔

    英[ɡreɪtə waɪld ɡuːs pə'ɡəʊdə];美[ɡreɪtəwaɪldɡuːspə'ɡoʊdə]

    例:ThisGreater Wild Goose Pagoda ofitsparticularfeature.


    例:There wasaverytallGreater Wild Goose Pagodainthe city.



    北海公园: Beihai Park

    故宫博物锋枝唯院: the Palace Museum

    革命历史博物馆: The Museum of Revolutionary History

    天安门广场: Tian’anmen Square

    毛主席纪念堂:ChairmanMao Zedong Memorial Hall

    保和殿: the Hall of Preserving Harmony

    中和殿: the Hall of Central Harmony

    长城: the Great Wall

    午门: the Meridian Gate

    紫金山天文台: Purple and Gold Hills Observation

    紫禁城: the Forbidden City

    御花园: Imperial Garden

    颐花园: Summer Palace

    天坛: Temple of Heaven

    周口店遗址: Zhoukoudian Ancient Site

    太和殿: the Hall of Supreme Harmony

    祈年殿: the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest.

    少年搭芹宫: the Children’s Palace

    烽火台: the Beacon Tower

    人民银培大会堂: the Great Hall of the People

    清东陵: Easten Royal Toms of the Qing Dynasty

    乾清宫: Palace of Heavenly Purity

    民族文化宫:the Cultural Palace for Nationalities

    劳动人民文化宫:Worker People’s Cultural Palace

    北京工人体育馆:Beijing Workers’ Stadium

    护城河: the Moat

    仙人洞: Fairy Cave


    西山晴雪: the Sunny Western Hills after Snow

    避暑山庄:the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort

    龙门石窟: Longmen Cave

    苏州园林:Suzhou Gardens

    庐山 :Lushan Mountain

    天池: Heaven Poll

    蓬莱水城: Penglai Water City

    大雁塔: Big Wild Goose Pagoda

    华山:Huashan Mountain

    峨眉山:Emei Mountain

    石林:Stone Forest

    西湖:West Lake

    白马寺: White Horse Temple

    白云山:White CloudMountain.

    布达拉宫 :Potala Palace

    大运河:Grand Canal

    滇池:Dianchi Lake

    杜甫草堂: Du Fu Cottage

    都江堰: Dujiang Dam

    鼓浪屿: Gulangyu Islet

    观音阁: Goddess of Mercy Pavilion

    归元寺: Guiyuan Buddhist Temple

    甘露寺: Sweet Dew Temple

    黄花岗七十二烈士墓:Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs

    华清池:Huaqing Hot Spring

    昭君墓:Zhaojun’s Tomb

    毛泽东故居:Mao Zedong’s Former Residence

    周恩来故居:Zhou Enlai’s Former Residence

    越秀公园: YuexiuPark

    岳阳楼: Yueyang Tower

    南湖公园: South Lake Park

    中山公园: Zhongshan Park

    漓江: Lijiang River

    寒山寺: Hanshan Temple

    静心斋: Heart-East Study

    黄鹤楼: Yellow Crane Tower

    黄山: Huangshan Mountain

    天下第一关:the First Pass Under Heaven

    桂林山水:Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters

    秦始皇兵马俑: QinTerra-CottaWarriorsandHorses Figurines


    对于中国的地名,建筑物名的翻译方法族胡常常有三种:一是音译亏喊,二是意译,三是音和意结合。全音译的如:Beijing (北京),全意译:the Great Wall (长城),音意结合的:the Yangtze River ( 长江)。黄鹤楼属于意译:Yellow Crane Tower。对于老外,兆空拦他们不会忌讳发什么音,意译于他们更容易,会读得准确。
