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  • 英语
  • 2023-04-29
  • 中国黑龙江省英文
  • 云南的英文名称
  • 云南省的英语怎么写
  • 云南用英语怎么表达
  • 飞机英语打包英语

  • 中国黑龙江省英文

    Yunnan, province in southern China, bordering the countries of Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam. Most of the inhabitants of Yunnan live on a relatively low plateau in the east, which includes Kunming the capital, largest city, and principal industrial center of Yunnan. An inaccessible high plateau, dissected by deep gorges, dominates the western areas. Ethnic minorities, includingYi, Miao, Dai, and Tibetans, constitute about a quarter of the total population. The chief crops, restricted to small areas suitable for farming, are rice and corn. Resources include tin ( at Gejiu), copper ( at Dongchuan), iron are ( at Wuding), and coal ( underlying much of the province).

    Dian is short for Yunnan. It lies in the southwest in China. It is more than 380 thousand square kilometers in area. The population is 37.7 million.

    Yunnan is located in Yungui Plateau. The hilly land occupied 93 percent of the area. And the basin only occupied 6 percent. The topography her is complicated. Approximately, the northwestern part is higher than the southern part. The rivers are parts of Jinsha River, Nu River, Nan pan River, Yuan River and Yiluowadi River. It is the moist monsoon climate of tropical highland in subtropical zone. The vertical change is very striking. Yun nan abounds in mineral resources. Mainly, there is tin, zinc, titanium, copper, antimony, and phosphorous.

    Non-ferrous metals, tobacco and sugar production are in the first places in China. In agriculture, mainly, there is rice, rape and tobacco. Sugar-cane, tobacco, tea and tropical crops are in the important places in our country. The main communication is railway. The highway is important too


    云南 = Yunnan 云南省,简称滇,是中华人民共和国西南部边疆地区的一个省份,省会是昆明。 地理 云南西北部迪庆藏族自治州的雪山 大理洱海接邻省区:贵州、四川、广西、 *** 接邻国家:缅甸、寮国、越南 地形 云南多高山峡谷,大约山地占86%,高原、丘陵约占8%,盆地、河谷约占6%,中国的横断山脉都在云南西部


    740米。最低点是河口县的红河河谷,海拔76.4米。 山脉 高黎贡山 怒山 哀牢山 无量山 梅里太子雪山 玉龙雪山 苍山 水文 河流 云南省有几条亚洲主要河流流经该省,分别汇入太平洋和印度洋。 湖泊 滇池 抚仙湖 泸沽湖 洱海 星云湖 杞麓湖 异龙湖 大屯海 清水海 程海 地质:-- 温泉 安宁温泉:天下第一汤 腾冲温泉 熔洞 建水燕子洞 阿庐古洞 九乡熔洞 火山 腾冲火山 行政区划 现辖8个地级市、8个自治州,以及12个市辖区、9个县级市、79个县、29个自治县 地级市: 昆明 昭通 玉溪 曲靖 保山 思茅 丽江 临沧 自治州罩段带: 德宏傣族景颇族自治州 怒江傈僳族自治州 迪庆藏族自治州 大理白族自治州 楚雄彝族自治州 红河哈尼族彝族自治州 文山壮族苗族自治州 西双版纳傣族自治州 县级市: 个旧 开远 大理 楚雄 瑞丽 景洪 宣威 安宁 潞西 水力 该省物芦人均水资源超过10

    000立方米,是全国平均水准的4倍。 经济 丽江的集市云南的国内生产总值排名全国第燃或19位,人均国内生产总值排名第29位(仅高于甘肃和贵州)。1994年,该省在贫困线以下的人口有700万,10年后降至286万。73个县主要依靠中央 *** 的财政支持。 云南扶持的四大产业是烟草、生物、采矿和旅游。云南还在中缅边境瑞丽开辟边境贸易区. 民族 云南是一个多民族的省份,汉族和25个少数民族杂居。其中云南独有的少数民族有15个:白、哈尼、傣族、傈僳、拉祜、佤、纳西、景颇、布朗、普米、阿昌、怒族、基诺、德昂、独龙。在各省级行政区中,它的少数民族总人口(1433万)名列第2位(仅次于广西)。少数民族占总人口的比重为33.41%,居全国各省级行政区的第7位(次于 *** 、新疆、青海、广西、贵州、宁夏)。其中人数最多的彝族占总人口的11%。


    跟据中国的省份拼 云南英文是"yunnan "





    介绍云南的英语作文 篇1

    旦陪Minority: Yunnan is China's most minority provinces, besides Han, is inhabited by 26 people, the province's minority population occupies total population nearly 1/3. Different nationalities have their own characteristics, so in Yunnan, you can get anywhere without culture.

    Flower Town: Yunnan known as "Kingdom of plants". Europe and the United States to cultivation of Rhododendron, camellia, Primula, orchid lily flowers, mostly from Yunnan, not to mention the domestic cultivation of flowers. Yunnan: camellia, cuckoo, eight flowers of Magnolia, primrose, lily, gentian, Meconopsis, orchid. With Yunnan the four seasons such as spring weather, there is a sea of flowers. Mountain bamboo many, a luxuriant bamboo shoots.

    Karst: Yunnan Eastern Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, after two million years of corrosion and weathering erosion, forming a unique magnificent primary Karst landform, karst terrain, especially in the Lunan Stone Forest, Jiuxiang scenic area most.

    Tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna: located south of the Tropic of cancer in the tropical north edge, the tropical monsoon climate, is warm, sunny, humid and rainy, earth tropic desert with only a piece of green state, is China's tropical rain forest ecosystem preservation is most complete, the most typical, the largest area of the region, but also on the planet today rare animal and plant gene bank, known as one of the earth's natural wonders.

    介绍云南的英语作文 篇2

    Yunnan province is situated in the southwest of China which covers a total area of 394,000 square kilometers. And it is land of natural beauty and mystery. Today people think of it as a “frontier province”, which lie just below the Tibetan plateau and abut Vietnam, Laos and Burma.

    Yunnan’s climate is characterized by small seasonal change in temperature, great difference in daytime temperature and regional contrast between dry and wet seasons. The average temperature in summer is 19℃-22℃. Rainfall is abundant in the area and occurs mainly in May and October each year.

    Due to peculiar geographical environment, complex landforms and sharp falls and rises in elevation, diversified climatic conditions result. There are about 30,000 kinds of plants as well as numerous rare animals live in Yunnan, so Yunnan enjoys a reputation of “world garden” and “Kingdom of animals”.

    Yunnan is endowed with abundance of breath-taking scenic spots. Kunming, the capital city, celebrated as "City of Eternal Spring", is well known for its diverse cultures, breath-taking natural scenery and pleasant climate. Xishuangbanna is famed for its wild herds of elephants and its swarms of peacocks, whose graceful pictures can put professional dancer to shame. And Diqing(Shanri-la) is regarded as Paradise on east, which means “the place of good luck and happiness” in Tibetan language.

    Yunnan is home to 26 ethic minorities which give a rich color to the land. They contributed with their colorful costumes, their traditional songs and dances to the attractive life. The Splashing Water Festival of Dai nationality, the March Fair of Bai nationality, the Torch Festival of Yi nationality, makes you forget to leave. Entering Yunnan, you inadvertently entering the Dongba culture of Naxi nationality, Dai minority culture of Dali, Beiye culture of Dai minority, Beima culture of Yi minority, and also entering a remarkable folk-custom full with myths, dances, paintings, and ancient music.

    介绍云南的英语作文 篇3

    The Yunnan overseas traveling main corporation is the first batchinternational travel agency which authorizes by the national travelagency, is the Yunnan Province traveling profession mainstayenterprise, also is the Yunnan traveling group member. Company manyyears achievement is remarkable, glory China Travel Service hundredstrong one, registration trademark entire province first: L-YN -GJ00001.

    The company organization and the reception entering and/or leavingcountry traveling service, enters a country the traveling service forthe public figure of foreign nationality, the overseas Chinese comesChina to arrange, including each kind of group writing style, theindividual tourist type, the family type traveling goes sightseeing,the commercial inspection, the cultural exchange; Undertakes each kindof exploration, on foot, feature tourism project and so on bicycle,national minority character and style. Leaves country swims theservice to arrange for this province citizen to go to, the horsenewly, peaceful, places such as Philippine, South Korean, Australian,Hong Kong and Macao area visits friends and relatives, the inspectionexchange. The company eliminates enters a country outside the service,but also undertakes each kind internationally, the domesticconference, the Chinese citizen travels the vacation, the studyexchange, the frontier traveling; Charge d'affaires domestic andforeign machine, the vehicle, the passage ticket, the hotel orders,service and so on passport, visa request.


    My home in Yunnan, the United States and picturesque landscape of Yunnan.我的家乡在云南,云南山并滑水美如画Xiongqi spectacular deep canyon, Pentium river flow, waves Green Wave dense forest, bright red hills of Yamahana burning.幽深的峡谷雄奇壮丽,奔腾的江河川流不息,茂密的森林绿波荡漾,艳丽的山花燃红山岗。The legend of the beautiful ancient sounds, day and night, singing songs of Haofang, a large number of national unity, friendship, and happiness to their homes happy auspicious.古老的传说优美动听,豪放的山歌日夜欢唱,众多的民族团结友爱,幸福的家园枣团美满吉祥。Lijiang, Yunnan, Xishuangbanna is beautiful云南的丽江,西双版纳很漂亮Wele to Yunnan, the most beautiful place欢迎来到绝岩腊云南,最美丽的地方 My hometown is a remote south yunnan province town - GongHeXian, it is famous hometown. My hometown is the beauty of mountains, where water show live yi, haney, yao, dai minority. My hometown is well-known for tropical fruit has a banana, litchi, mango, watermelon...








    In XX Province

    (XX是专有名词, 前面不加冠词)


    In western Yunnan

    In western Yunn埂n Province

    In the western part of Yunnan Province

    To the west of Yunnan Province

    用 in 还是 to 关键在于 ”在“的意思,



    Baoshan City is in the western part of Yunnan Province


    Burma is to the west of Yunnan Province



    问题四:云南英文简介First I should say, “wele” to Yunnan, It’s my honor to your guide.

    “Yunnan” this word refers to “the South of Clouds”, it sounds beautiful and it is really a beautiful place. Let me tell you something about this wonderful land.

    Yunnan, located in the Southwest China, has a vast territory, magnificent mountains and rivers, and abundant natural resources. With an area of 390,000 square kilometers, Yunnan is the eighth largest province in China. It is an inland province, with Guizhou Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the east, Tibet Autonomous Region in the northwest, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the southwest. Outside China, Yunnan borders on Burma in the west; Vietnam and Laos in the south. With a long borderline, is the main passageway connecting China with the Southeast Asian nations.

    In Yunnan, there are more than 6000 rivers which belongs to 6 river-system :the 金沙 River system, the 南盘 River system, the 源 River system, the 澜沧 River system, the 怒 River system and the 伊洛瓦底 River system. And such plex river systems cannot be found in other provinces. Not only can many rivers be found in Yunnan , but also 37 lakes with an area of over 1square kilometers can be seem here, boasting a large number of plateau lakes. For example, the Dianchi Lake was called the bright pearl of Plateau. Later we can enjoy the beautiful view. There are 700 hot springs as well, all of which attract lots of friends all over the world.

    According to our Chinese culture, a pe......>>

    问题五:到达云南用英文怎么说My mom suddenly want to yunnan



    问题六:标准英文翻译“来自中国云南”是什么? 谢谢From Yunnan, China

    问题七:云南是著名的旅游地用英语怎么说Yunnan is a famous tourist destination.


    问题八:英语你来云南做什么What do you e to Yunnan for?

    For what / Why do you e to Yunnan ?

    What do you e to Yunnan to do ?
