生物利用度英文?bioavailability 生物利用度;生物药效率 bioavailable 生物及生物药效应的 cavaillon 卡维雍(法国地名)countervail 抵销;补偿;对抗 paravail 最低租户 prevail获胜,流行 travail职业劳动就业打工 trouvaille 新发现,新发明;独特的想法;意外所得 unavailable 不能利用的,那么,生物利用度英文?一起来了解一下吧。
yào wù xī shōu
drug absorption
牙菌斑:plaque (疾病及健康词汇: http://www.geocities.jp/ps_dictionary/medical2/102.htm)
牙龈指数gingivitis index
牙龈出血指数(bleeding index,BI):
检测标准testing standard
适用范围Application scope
漱口水Mouthwash(Gargle, Dental water也可以的)
制定本标准所参考的文献和标准Reference and criteria
临床试验clinical trial
活性成分Active Ingredients
一般原则”(general principles)
患者 suffers
盲法(Blind Method)
Stratified method分层
口腔护理用品Oral & dental care Products
阴性对照negative control
阳性对照positive control
稳定性 stability
生物利用度Biological Utilization
药剂等效性, pharmaceutical equivalence
安慰剂, placebo
位点 site
成年男性和女性 male and female adults
为符合纳入及排除标准的: 不能理解,抱歉,自己再改改吧!
BOP Bleeding on probing
颊侧buccal ridge
The fourth part: Testing criteriaof plaque reduction and gingivitis abating.
Application scope: This criteria is applicable for the products for plaque reduction and gingivitis abating, including toothpaste, mouthwash and other products.
Reference and criteria:
Clinical trials of plaque reduction and gingivitis abating
First: General principles
1. The products containing new active ingredients or systems
The effects of the products containing new active ingredients or systems for plaque reduction and gingivitis abating should be determined by two separate clinical trails.
2.The products containing the active ingredients determined by clinical trails
The effects of oral & dental care products containing the active ingredients and systems determined by clinical trails for plaque reduction and gingivitis abating should be tested the equivalence between the products to be checked and the positive control products which contained the same concentration of active ingredients after choosing proper gingivitis suffers, and also should set up negative control or placebo control group.
3.The effects of the products (such as toothpaste) containing various excipitens(inactive ingredients)which may affect the activity of plaque reduction and gingivitis abating should be tested by clinical trails.
4.The biological utilization and stability of the active ingredients in the blend should be provided with available testimony by the applicant.
Second: Research designs (randomization and control)
Generally the blind method、the stratified method, and the dual-unit parallel observation are used as clinical research methods.
Third: Testing period
The period need for the clinical trails of plaque reduction and gingivitis abating is fairly long. Generally it should be six months, and three clinical check at least (baseline, three months, and six months).
Fourth: Research objectives:
The subjects should be male and female adults suffered from gingivitis
Generally the subject number should be more than 30 in a complete trail.
Fifth: Checking index
1.The checking index should include acknowledged plaque index and the index which may reflect the gingivitis degree. The former includes plaque coverage (such as Quigley & Hein’s PLI modified by Turesky) or bacterium spot thickness (Silness & Löe’s PLI), stress on the observation of bacterium spots near and adjacent to the edge of the gum. If the above index is used, the reasons should be given. Record the degree of gingivitis expressed as bleeding index (BI) (Mazza), MBI, and BOP % (the percent of bleeding on probing sites to the total sites in the whole mouth after examination). The shape and color changing of gum edge and gum nipple could also be used as basic index, such as gingivitis index (GI). If other methods are used, they should have at least the same sensitivity as the above methods.
2.In principle, all the teeth in the mouth should be checked and recorded and six sites (Near-central of the buccal ridge, central of the buccal ridge, far-central of the buccal ridge, near-central of the lingual, central of the lingual, far-central of the lingual) or four sites (three sites of the buccal ridge and central of the lingual) of each tooth should be checked. The representative teeth shouldn’t be used(such as Ramfjord teeth, CPI teeth, etc).
Sixth: Issue and application of products
1.The effective ingredients and concentration of the products to be checked
should be the same as that of thepositive control products, other accessory ingredients should be the same or similar. Their appearance should be similar, if this requirement can not be achieve, then we can only fulfill the single-blind trail and issued the products by non-checkers.
2. Tell the subjects about the using requirement and the attention. We should do quantification as possible, the dosage of toothpaste (such as 1 cm long, 10ml mouthwash or one cover of the bottle/time), applied times daily, duration etc.
3.The conditions should be kept identical as possible except for the testing products. If the subjects use the same toothbrush, their original brushing habits might be kept. For the following reasons: ① Even though they are taught the uniform methods, not always every person can grasp and abide them; ② we should make the experiment similar to various people in their natural lives.
Seventh: Evaluation of effect
1.According to medical stat. Method, we analyze the variation of the whole-mouth mean values of every index of the treatment group and the control group respectively before and after the tests, then analyzes the index variations during every period between the two groups.
2. The evaluation of the effect should be determined according to the mean value variation and block comparison of each clinical index. And all the values and stat. Results should be listed in the report, The subjective evaluated criterion should not be used alone(high effective, effective, little effective, non-effective). In every clinical trail by comparison of the control group and the treatment group, every index reduction should meet the following conditions:[(Control-Treatment)/Control]≥15%。
avail 效用,利益,帮助有用于,有助于
availability 可用性,可供货
available 可利用的;可得到的;有效的
availably 可用地;可获得地
availingly avail的变形
bioavailability 生物利用度;生物药效率
bioavailable 生物及生物药效应的
paravail 最低租户
prevail 获胜,流行
travail 职业劳动就业打工
unavailable 不能利用的,不能获得的
unavailing 无效的;徒劳的;无益的;无用的
unavailingly unavailing的变形
avail v. 有利于,有用 n.利益,效用
prevail v. 流行,获胜
prevailing a. 普遍的,流行的
以上就是生物利用度英文的全部内容,12、BA=Bioavailability,生物利用度,是指药物被机体吸收进入循环的相对量和速率。 13、BA=Blood Agar,血平板。 14、BA model:1999年由Barabasi和Albert提出,是复杂网络理论中的一种模型,即无标度模型(scale - free network model)。 15、BA=Business Analyst,需求分析师,业务分析师,IT行业的专业术语。