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  • 英语
  • 2023-04-21
  • 经济法专业英语
  • 经济法英文pdf
  • 经济法英文名称
  • 经济法基础的英文翻译
  • 经济法法律英语

  • 经济法专业英语

    constitution law 宪法双语例句枝携 1. Antimonopoly Law is the constitution law of market economy, and have a pivotal effect in the foreign capital merge. 反垄断法素有“经济宏罩宪法”之称,是经济法的基石。 2. On the issue of the constitutionalization of environmental rights, only one voice can be heard, saying that environmental rights should be lined in the constitution law as human basic right. 就有关环境权宪法化问蔽搭闹题,学界几乎存在一边倒的现象,认为环境权应作为一项基本人权规定在我国宪法中。



    Principles of Accounts, intermediate financial accounting, advanced financial accounting, auditing, financial management, cost accounting, management accounting, financial statements analysis, accounting system design, professional English, Economics, Money and Banking, international finance, international trade, economic law , tax, etc.


    大学英语 College English

    微积卖激族分 Calculus

    线性代数 Linear Algebra

    概率论与数理统计 Probability and Statistics

    微观经济学 Microeconomics

    宏观经济学 Macroeconomics

    市场营销 Marking

    经济法 Law of Economics

    管理学 Management

    中级财务会计 Intermediate Accountment

    政治经济学 Political Economics

    财政学 Finance

    统计学 Statistics

    电子商务 E-Business

    数据库 Database

    人际关系学 Human Relations

    C语言 C Language

    初级会计学 Intro. Accounting

    财务管理 Financial Management

    税务会计 Taxation

    高级财务会计学 Advanced Accounting

    成本会计学 Cost Accounting

    税法与税收筹划 Taxation Law and Planning

    边缘会计 Marginal Accounting

    管理中弊会计 Management Accounting

    审计学 Auditing

    跨国公司理财 Multinational Company Financing

    财务分析 Accounting Analysis

    会计专业外语 Accounting English

    会计理论专题 Accounting Thesis Seminar

    模铅搭拟沙盘演练 Simulated sand-table exercise


    中国税制 Chinese Tax System

    税收筹划 Tax Planning

    外国税制(双语)Foreign Tax System (Dual Language)

    财政学 Cameralistics

    公共部门经济学(双语)Economics of the Public Sector (Dual Language)

    国际税收 International Taxation

    国家预算 State Budget

    会计学氏宽 Accounting

    财务管理歼扮亮 Financial Management

    成本管理 Cost Management

    经济法 Economic Law

    投资学 Investment

    税务会缺饥计 Tax Accounting


    Accounting Principle,

    Intermediate Financial Accounting,

    Advanced Financial Accounting,


    Financial Management,

    Cost Accounting,

    Management Accounting,

    Statement Analysis,

    Accounting System Design,

    Professional Accounting,


    Monetary Banking,

    International Finance,

    International Trade,

    Economics Laws,

    Tax Laws.

