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  • 2023-05-04
  • 综合英语教程2unit1课件
  • 希望英语第二版unit1答案
  • 综合英语教程2第二版电子书
  • 综合英语教程2unit2答案
  • 综合英语教程2unit1原文

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    The more we talked with each other, the more we understood each other.

    The more you learn, the more you earn.

    The more people you know, the less time you have to see them.

    The more support you give me, the more confidence I have in myself.

    The more time he spent on considering this matter, the more serious he felt it was.


    Revision Test I

    Part II Vocabulary & structure

    Section A

    16-20 BCACB 21-25 BADCA

    Section B

    26. wouldn't have made 27. expressed 28. additional 29. causing 30. more quickly

    31. to shake 32. responsibility 33. being invited 34. to be 35. her marrying

    Part III Reading Comprehension

    36-39 CBDA 40-43 ABDA 44-47 DBAD 48-51CDCB 52-55 CCAA

    Part IV Translation



    A.1 He is busy.

    2 He is learning English.

    3 He has a new book.

    4 He lives in the country.

    5 He will see you tomorrow.

    6 He can understand you.

    7 He must write a letter.

    8 He may come next week.

    9 He does a lot of work every day.

    10 He did a lot of work yesterday.

    11 He played football yesterday.

    12 He bought a new coat last week.

    13 He has had a letter from Tom.

    14 He was busy this morning.

    15 He could play football very well when he was younger.

    16 He always tries to get up early.

    17 He might see you next week.

    18 He always enjoys a good film.

    19 He had finished his work before you came.

    20 He watches television every night.

    B.1 some 2 a 3 some 4 any 5 a 6 some 7 a 8 any 9 any 10 any

    C.1 I haven`t got much butter.

    2 You haven`t got many cigarettes.

    3 We haven`t got much milk.

    4 She hasn`t got many biscuits.

    5 They haven`t got much stationery.

    D.1 bought 2 aired 3 lost 4 listened 5 emptied

    E.1 Did he bought a new car? What did he bought? He didn`t bought a new car.

    2 Can she come tomorrow? When can she come? She can`t come tomorrow.

    3 Were they here yesterday?When were they here?They weren`t here yesterday.

    4 Must he leave early? Why must he leave early?He mustn`t leave early.

    5 Did he give you a pen? What did he give you?He didn`t give you a pen.

    6 Does he live next door?Where does he live?He doesn`t live next door.

    7 Do you know him well?How well do you konw him?You don`t konw him well.

    8 Has he found his pen?What has he found?He hasn`t found his pen.

    9 Did you see that film?When did you see that film?You didn`t see that film.

    10 Did he arrive at two o`clock?When did he arrive?He didn`t arrive at two o`clock.

    F.1 slowly 2 lazily 3 badly 4 carefully 5 suddenly

    G.1 He`ll... 2 She`ll... 3 I`ll... 4 He won`t... 5 We shan`t...

    H.1 his 2 mine 3 hers 4 theirs 5 yours

    I.1 cooler 2 wetter 3 later 4 easier 5 more expensive 6 larger 7 more interesting 8 prettier 9 more beautiful 10 more intelligent

    J.1 yesterday 2 tomorrow 3 today 4 this afternoon 5 the day after tomorrow

    6 the day before yesterday 7 last night 8 next morning 9 this morning 10 yesterday afternoon

    K.1 at 2 on 3 in 4 in 5 on

    L.1 over 2 under 3 across 4 along 5 on 6 in 7 off 8 between 9 into 10 out of

    M.1 Which 2 Who 3 Which 4 Who 5 Which

    N.1 This is the car which the machinic repaired yesterday.

    2 He is the man whom I invited to the party.

    3 These are the things which I bought yesterday.

    4 He is the man who came here last week.

    5 He is the policeman who caught the thives.

    6 She is the nurse who looked after me.

    7 She is the woman whom I met yesterday.

    8 I am the person who wrote to you.

    9 They are the people whom I saw yesterday.

    10 They are the trees which we cut down yesterday.

    O.1 knives 2 boxes 3 shelves 4 wives 5 dishes

    P.1 No.

    2 Yes.

    3 She sat near the window.

    4 A middle-aged lady.

    5 She was middle-aged.

    6 She sat opposite Sally.

    7 She said "Hello" to Sally.

    8 To make her beautiful.

    9 No.

    10 She said that she was still ugly to the lady


    跪求新编实用英语综合教程2(第二版)unit1~8课后的习题答团桥案 362393066@qq.com

    2011-7-3 10:37 提问者:Saint_Elf | 浏览次数:1699次

    其他回答 共1条

    2011-7-3 11:07 sgxoxo | 三级






    1.but in this instand

    2.often present

    3.we thanked our hostess

    4.comments were appropriate

    5.did't invent

    6.have to entertain

    7.very explicit

    8.can identify


    1. be aburden

    2. new advances

    3. felt lonely

    4. music is invisible

    5. forgot to insert

    6. queen's attendents

    7. often pets

    8.large chain


    10.50 ondeposit

    11.was interrupted

    12. Evidently,


    1. of accommodation

    2. to the entrance

    3.but hisresidence

    4.theservices are

    5. read the instructions

    6.An additional

    7.i mustapologize

    8. lot of inconvenience

    9.soon comfortably

    10.are available


    1.try to project

    2. the parests announced

    3. ,he deposited

    4. the boy suspiciously

    5. ,whereupon he

    6. without permission

    7. so rotten

    8. made a scene

    9. refrain

    10. too embarrassed



    1. Please dial home and tell them i am on the way to the company

    2. Since then there was never been any setback in production

    3. i saw him insert the key into the lock

    4. i suggest that you make a deposit at the bank

    5. Yesterday Mr.wang checked out from that hotel .


    1. In case of emergency, please dial the alarm number 110.

    2. The off-campus students go to and from school every day by school bus.

    3. The receptionist jotted down his name and ID number before arranging for his room.

    4. Upon departure, please switch off / turn off the air-conditioner.

    5. If you have any additional requests or needs, please contact the resident manager.


    1. I'm afraid these shoes are not available in your size .

    2. Can you smell whether the milk is fresh or not ?

    3. He was caught by the policeman pointing a gun at his manager .

    4. Jack has a strong idea to succeed in the negotiation .

    5. Can you promise to return me the computer in good condition .



    1. would buy → bought / shold buy / were to buy

    2. smoke → shouldn't smoke / should not smoke

    3. must → would / could / should

    4.may → should

    5.would have → had

    6.was promoted → should be promoted

    7. did't → hadn't left

    8.could buy → could have bought

    9.taught → had taught

    10.work → worked


    1. which →that

    2.that →which

    3.who →whom

    4.which →where

    5.who → that

    6.which → that

    7.which → why

    8. whom → that

    9.critisms 后面加as

    10.that → which 】】


    1. He made a note of it in case he might forget.

    2. If she had really wanted to see me, she would have come earlier.

    3. Because there were no buses, we had to walk home.

    4. As soon as I took my seat, the concert started.

    5. Though I have never read the novel, I heard the story in my childhood.

    6.No sooner had I got home than it began to rain.

    7. You’ll be late unless you leave at once.

    8.Lest anyone should think it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true.

    9.This shirt is still dirty even though / though I’ve washed it twice.

    10.Before you know it, your children will have grown up.


    C E A D B F



    2. where is he

    3. might be with

    4. leave a message

    5. call me

    6. 667-3452

    7. welcome


    1. date2. staying3. a week4. a room5. charge6. hotel cost7. deposit

    8. before



    1.Hello , May i speak to Mr. Smith please

    2.Yes , please , tell hime to call the director's office , the number is 864-3509

    3. It would be best if he cold call this afternoon , at about 2 o'clock

    4. thanks a lot


    1. Hello

    2. i am sorry , but he is not in at the moment , would you like to leave a message ?

    3. i 'll tell her as soon as he is back

    4. You're welcome .


    1. I have a reservation with you.2. May I have a look at your passport?

    3. Would you please fill out the registration form?

    4. Here is the key card to Room 5012. 5. The bell-man will show you the way.

    Page 57/3

    1. I would like to check out.

    2. You checked in three days ago.

    3. How much is the rate / rent per night?

    4. How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card?

    5. Here is the change, $23.


    1. But i haven't got a menu yet

    2. I would like to try some western food

    3. i would like to have a roast beef , a vegetable salad and French

    4. A glass of beer , please .

    5. What do you have for desert ?

    6. i'll take it


    1. what sort of beer do you have ?

    2. Would you please recommend me a mild one ?

    3. Bring me a QingDao beer .

    4. It doen't taste good

    5. I think that's enough , thank you
