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  • 2023-04-14
  • 英语初级听力答案lesson1
  • 大学英语初级听力原文答案
  • 英语初级听力23课答案
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  • 英语初级听力1原文材料

  • 英语初级听力答案lesson1

    Section Two

    A. Page 106

    B. 1.(1) F(2) F

    2. 72.64; at least 20 pounds; 98.95;22 pounds

    3.(1) 200 pounds.(2) Only 150.16 pounds.

    C. 1) She is engaged.2) In the spring. 3) Probably in St. Albans.

    4) Because that’s the place where her parents live.

    5) They are going to buy a flat or a small house somewhere in South London and settle in.

    6) No, she is going to give up her present job but she may look for another one

    when she’s settled in the new place.

    Section Three

    Dictation 1

    I have a watch. It is a Swiss watch. It is not new and my friends are sometimes a little rude about it. They tell me to buy a new one. But I do not want a new one. I am very happy with my old watch. Last week it stopped. So I took it to the shop. I did not ask for an estimate. Today I went to get it. Do you know how much I had to pay? Five pounds just for cleaning a watch.

    Dictation 2

    Have you ever thought what it is like to be one of those beautiful girls that you see on the front of fashion magazines? They meet interesting people, they travel to exciting places, and sometimes they make a lot of money. But they have to work hard. They often have to get up very early in the morning, and of course they have to be very careful about what they eat.

    Lesson NineSection One

    Dialogue 1 She cannot clean the blackboard because there is no duster.

    Dialogue 2 He can’t drink the milk because it is sour.

    Dialogue 3 Because he returned the glove that she had lost.

    Dialogue 4 Because he wants to practice his English


    Unit 1

    Part A

    Communicative Function

    1. How are you?/ I'd like you to meet my classmate.

    2. I'm.../ May I introduce...to you?/ Pleased to meet you.

    3. Come and meet my family./ ...this is Tom./ It's good to know you./ ...this is my sister.

    Part B


    Exercise 1: 1. B 2. D

    Exercise 2:

    1. Yang Weiping:

    China/ Chemistry/ Likes listening to English programs on radio and TV; enjoys English pop songs/ Started learning English several years ago/ Favorite activity: listening; Difficulty: speaking

    2. Virginia:

    Singapore/ Library science/ To get a good job, one has be to fluent in English./ Started learning English in high school./ Favorite activity: reading; Difficulty: writing

    Part C


    How to Improve Listening Comprehension

    Among the four skills of listening , speaking, reading and writing, I find listening most difficult, because I worry about the words I don't know. Now I am trying to focus on the general idea, not worrying about he new words. This makes me feel good, because I know I have understood something. Then, I listen again carefully and if I have any problems I play the difficult part again. In this way I come to understand better both the main idea and the details of the listening text.

    Part D (Refer to TextBook)

    Unit 2

    Part A

    Communicative Function

    1. closing

    2. opening

    3. closing

    4. opening

    5. opening

    6. opening

    Listening Strategy

    1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. a 9. b 10. b

    Part B


    Exercise 1:

    1. 1) b 2) c 3) a

    2. d

    Exercise 2:

    1. a. age b. money c. people's appearance

    2. a. ...say that again? I did not catch it./ b. ...speak more slowly, please?

    3. a....I really need to be going./ ...nice talking to you.

    Part C

    · I hear this idea: 1/2

    · I don't hear this idea but I can infer it: 4/5/6

    · I don't hear this idea and I can't infer it: 3

    Part D (Refer to TextBook)

    Unit 3

    Part A

    Communicative Function

    Maggie likes swimming but she does not care for skiing. She loves flying on planes and traveling by train but she hates getting on buses because they are too crowded and dirty. she is not interested in playing the piano and she prefers reading to playing computer games. She loves going to Chinese restaurants and her favorite food is spicy Sichuan bean curd. After work she is keen on listening to music. She prefers light music to rock, because light music makes feel relaxed. She enjoys watching TV in the evening. She thinks a lot of news programs but sitcoms are the last kind of thing for her to watch.

    Listening Strategy

    1. /br/ 2. /pr/ 3. /kl/ 4. /tr/ 5. /sp/ 6. /pr/ 7. /pl/ 8. /str/ 9. /gr/ 10. /gl/

    Part B


    Exercise 1: 1.c 2.d

    Exercise 2:

    1. Private

    2. Halls of Residence

    3. Self-catering (rent per week)

    4. 37.86 (single)

    5. 52.78 (double)

    Part C


    1. A busy life

    2. Between 6 and 15 hours

    3. They must remain current in their fields.

    4. They will revise and update them.

    Part D (Refer to TextBook )

    Unit 4

    Part A

    Communicative Function

    1. Yeah/ By the way/ Who?/ Don't you think so?/ Yes./ Quite well.

    2. Like what?/ Yeah/ Hmmm, let me think./ Well./ Come to think of it.

    Listening Strategy

    1. 92381

    2. 2608

    3. 1540

    4. 75

    5. 156

    6. 900

    7. 84200

    8. 1735

    9. 9:40

    10. 5:45

    Part B


    Exercise 1: 1. c 2.a 3. d

    Exercise 2:

    1. At Carol's house on Saturday

    2. He's uncertain whether he can have a good time at the party or not.

    3. He is not good at small talk.

    4. one should talk about something other people are interested in.

    5. by getting them to talk about themselves.

    Part C

    Exercise: 1. F 2.T 3. F 4.T 5.F

    Part D (Refer to TextBook )

    Unit 5

    Part A

    Communicative Function

    1. Call Back David Johnson this afternoon

    2. Call Bill Green at 415-289-1074 this evening. It's important.

    3. Meet Judy outside the Art Museum at ten tomorrow morning.

    4. Don't forget to go to Tom's party this evening.

    Listening Strategy

    1. 6247-2255

    2. 5404-9982

    3. 612-930-9608

    Part B


    Exercise 1: 1. b 2. a

    Exercise 2:

    Telephone Message:

    For: Mr. Johnson of ABC Imports

    Caller: Richard Alexander from Star Electronics

    Mobile Phone Number: 909-555-2308

    Office number: 714-555-2000

    Message: Call Richard Alexander at office number before 6pm.

    Part C


    1. Brian Tong

    2. Good luck Company

    3. Computer sales representative

    4. a degree in Computer science

    5. a computer programmer in a trading company for thee years.

    6. 38839673

    Part D (Refer to TextBook)

    Unit 6

    Part A

    Communicative Function

    1. He wants to know where he can buy a painting

    2. He found out how much the dress cost as well as where hi could buy it.

    3. She suggests that them man buy a tie for his cousin.

    Listening Strategy

    1. 20.50

    2. 50.95

    3. 175.40

    4. 50.80

    5. 594

    Part B


    Exercise 1:

    1. In a department store

    2. there are four people speaking in the conversation. they are the receptionist, the salesperson, Ann and Mark

    3. to buy a dress for Ann

    Exercise 2: 1. a 2. d 3. b 4. d 5. c

    Part C


    1. ...some defective goods

    2. ...was absent/...had mistaken his shop for a second had goods store./ ...was careless

    3. ...the mistake/...exchange the ladies' purchases/...half the price.

    Part D (Refer to TextBook)

    Unit 7

    Part A

    Communicative Function

    1.O, 2.O 3.F 4.F 5.O 6.F 7.O 8.O 9.F 10.O 11.O 12.F

    Listening Strategy (omitted)

    Part B


    Exercise 1: 1.a 2.d

    Exercise 2:

    Steve Wells

    a university junior

    B average

    a lifeguard for two summers

    in an apartment

    hard working and reliable

    seldom absent from work and always on time

    pay the rent of the apartment

    a clerk in the mailroom

    2 to 6 am Monday through Friday


    Part C


    mentioned: 1,3

    not mentioned but can be inferred: 2,5

    not mentioned and can't be inferred: 4,6

    Part D (Refer to TextBook)

    Unit 8

    Part A

    Communicative Function

    1. because he dialed the wrong number

    2. because she was late for work. she overslept.

    3. because he did not notify her earlier about quitting.

    4. because he could not hire the woman.

    Listening Strategy (omitted)

    Part B


    Exercise 1: 1.c 2.b 3.c

    Exercise 2:

    1. he was clumsy and spoiled everything he did.

    2. in a warehouse.

    3. he unpacked the goods newly arrived from the factory and put them in assigned places.

    4. Fred broke a large base.

    5. $350

    6. to deduct part of Fred's weekly wages until the base was paid for.

    7. as it would take a long time to deduct $350 from his wages, he could keep the job while he was paying for the vase.

    Part C

    Exercise: 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.b 5.b

    Part D (Refer to TextBook )

    Unit 9

    Part A

    Communicative Function


    Mrs. Faber

    Oct. 20th

    Three nights

    one double room

    130 dollars including breakfast



    8:00 tomorrow morning

    Pudong Airport

    Room 804, Park Hotel

    Listening Strategy

    1. March 12

    2. May 2

    3. 25 days

    4. June 9

    Part B


    Exercise 1: 1.d 2.b,d,e,f,g

    Exercise 2: 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.b

    Part C


    1. they will have two leisurely weks on the beach

    2. expensive/ a train or a bus

    3. share the expenses/ cost too much

    4. have enough time/ the new semester

    5. good food/ casual clothes/ their home

    Part D (Refer to TextBook)

    Unit 10

    Part A

    Communicative Function


    · big/exciting/crowded

    · expensive

    · lovely/historic


    1) very pretty

    2) lovely views

    3) /

    4) fascinating

    5) large shopping malls

    6) stores not too expensive

    Listening Strategy (ommitted)

    Part B


    Exercise 1: 1.a,f 2.d,g

    Exercise 2:

    Located in: Catcotin Mountain in Maryland because it is cool and safe.

    Composed of: an office for the president and living areas for his family and guests as well as a swimming pool and areas to play golf and other sports.

    Set up by President Roosevelt in 1942

    Present name given by: President Eisenhower for his grandson in 1953

    Used as : official presidential holiday resort since 1945

    Used by: several presidents for important meetings and talks during World War Two and in 1959, 1978, and in July 2000.

    Part C

    Exercise: 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F

    Part D (Refer to TextBook )

    Unit 11

    Part A

    Communicative Function

    B: Why don't you buy him a dog? Dogs are so friendly.

    B: How about a rabbit?

    B: Have you thought about bu7ying him a bird?

    B: Then you can buy him some tropical fish. They are pretty.

    B: The market. Shall we go right now?

    Listening Strategy

    1. once a week

    2. twice a week

    3. once a month

    4. every other day

    5. four nights a week

    6. never

    Part B


    Exercise 1: 1.b 2.c

    Exercise 2: 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.T

    Part C

    Exercise: 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.d

    Part D (Refer to TextBook )




    一、听力测试(共25小题,计30分) 第一节:听句子,选择正确的图片(共5小题,计5分),每个句子读两遍。 1. A.B.C. /uə// ei // əu /2. A.B.C. 3. A.B.C.4. A.B.C. 5. A.B.C.第二节:听句子,判断图片与所听内容是否相符,是选“A”,否选“B”(共5小题,计5分),每个句子读两遍。 6.7.8. 9. 10. 第三节:听句子,选答语橡隐(共5小题,计5分),每个句子读两遍。 11.A. Bob. B. Alice.C. John. 12.A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, she is.C. No, she doesn’t. 13.A. Good.B. Nine o’clock. C. Under the bed. 14.A. English.B. Green. C. Basketball. 15.A. Bye-bye.B. Me, too. C. Thank you. 第四节:听小对话,回答问题(共5小题,计5分),每段对做如派话读两遍。 16. What’s Cindy’s favorite color? A. Black. B. White.C. Purple. 17. Does Ken like fishing?A. No, he doesn’t.B. We don’t know. C. Yes, he does. 18. Who teaches Dave science?A. Miss Zhang. B. Mr. Zhang.C. Mrs. Zhang. 19. What does Jim like eating?A. Oranges. B. Bananas. C. Apples. 20. What does Lucy think of painting(画画)?A. Too difficult. B. Very interesting.C. A little boring. 第五节:听长对话,回答问题(共5小题,计10分),每段对话纯贺读两遍。 听下面一段较长对话,回答第21-22两小题。 21. —What does Lily want to do?—She wants to _________.A. swim B. singC. jump 22. How is Lily?A. She’s fine.B. She’s at school. C. She’s not fine. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第23-25三个小题。 23. How much are all the things?A. 10 dollars.B. 8 dollars.C. 20 dollars. 24. Where are they?A. At school.B. In a shop.C. At home. 25. What does the boy want to buy?A. Three notebooks, five pens and three color pencils. B. Five notebooks, five pens and three color pencils. C. Five notebooks, three pens and three color pencils. 笔试部分(90分) 二、单项填空 (共15小题,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的答案。26. 下列单词中划线部分的读音不同于其他三项的一项是:A.sellB. help C. twelve D. be 27. ---Here _________ some books for you, Tom.---Thanks a lot. A. isB. areC. amD. be 28. ---Is this your notebook?---No, it isn’t. Ask Jane. She is looking for __________. A. your B. yoursC. herD.hers 29. I think math is _________. I like it very much. A. interestingB. boringC. small D. big 30. I like bananas, but Linda doesn’t like_________. A. itB. themC. they D. these 31. ---I want to see the movie The Penguins of Madagascar (《马达加斯加的企鹅》). Do you know the _________ of the ticket?---Yes. Five dollars. A. number B. priceC. kindD. name 32. Friday is __________ birthday of my grandma’s. A. eightyB. the eightiethC. eightieth D. the eighty 33._____ black shoes are $26.A.That B.ThisC. ItD. These 34. They have ________ art lesson ________ 9:00.A. a, at B. a, inC. an, at D. an, in 35. He wants ______ a pair of white shoes. Let’s go shopping together. A. buyB. sellC. to buyD. to sell 36. ---Do you have yellow skirts in your store?---No, but we have skirts ________ purple and pink. A. forB. inC. atD. with 37. There are ______ months in a year. The __________ month is September. A. twelfth, ninthB. twelve, nineC. twelve, ninethD. twelve, ninth 38. --- How old _______ your cousin?---He is fourteen _______ old. A. Is, yearB. is, yearsC. are, years D. are, year 39.---________ are the trousers? ---Oh, the black trousers? They are only ten dollars. A. What colorB. How muchC. How manyD. Where 40. --Thank you for your help. --___________________.A. No, thanks.B. You’re welcome. C. That’s right.D. All right. 三、完形填空(共10小题,计10分) This is my little brother, Tom. He is a tall41. His eyes, nose and mouth42small. He likes sports very much, and football is43favorite. He likes wearing sports clothes.Tom is a happy boy. Every day he is busy44soccer. He never cleans his bedroom.45his bedroom is not clean or46 . look! His socks and some books are47the floor. There is a pen and a basketball on the floor. He is looking for a(an)48to football match here and there. He likes playing soccer very much,49his schoolwork is very good. His English and math are the best in his class. His teachers and classmates like him, and he gets on50with them. ( )41. A. girlB. boyC. babyD. man ( )42. A. be B. isC. am D. are ( )43. A. his B. herC. my D. your ( )44. A. takingB. carryingC. bringing D. playing ( )45. A. So B. And C. BecauseD. Or( )46. A. dirty B. tidyC. uglyD. beautiful ( )47. A. in B. atC. ofD. on ( )48. A. ticketB. subjectC. key D. answer ( )49. A. then B. but C. also D. and ( )50. A. good B. wellC. bad D. badly 四、阅读理解(共15小题,计15分) (A) Dessert house We have three kinds of desserts(甜点): small, medium and large. A small dessert with strawberries, bananas and ice cream is 10¥. A medium dessert with apples, tomatoes and cheese is 12¥. A large dessert with pears, potatoes and ice cream is 15¥. Welcome to our house.Noodle House We have some great specials. Special 1 is chicken and cabbage noodles, and the large bowl is just 4¥ and the small 2¥. Special 2 is mutton and carrot noodles, and the large bowl is only 5¥ and the small 2.5¥. Special 3 is beef and potato noodles. The large bowl is 4¥ and the small 2¥. Special 4 is tomato and egg noodles. The large bowl is only 3¥ and the small 1.5¥. Large drink is only 5¥. And all the fruits are free. Come and get your noodles today! ()51. How many kinds of desserts does Dessert House have? A. threeB. twoC. one D. four ()52. If you have 30¥ and you can buy ______kind(s) of desserts. A. three B. twoC. one D. four ()53. Today we order a large dessert, two small bowls of mutton and carrotnoodles and a large bowl of tomato and egg noodles. We need to pay______¥. A. 26 B. 20 C. 23D. 24 ()54. Nancy likes dessert very much but she doesn’t eat tomatoes or potatoes.She can eat _______. A. a large dessertB. a medium dessert C. a small dessertD. both A and C ()55. Mary wants a large bowl and Emma wants a small bowl. They only have 6 ¥and Emma doesn’t eat eggs or beef. They can eat a large bowl of______noodles and a small bowl of ______ noodles. A. mutton and carrot, tomato and egg B. chicken and cabbage, mutton and carrot C. tomato and egg, beef and potatoD. beef and potato, chicken and cabbage (B) Many children like to watch TV. It’s very interesting. The programs(节目)on TV tell us many things about the country and a lot of news about the world, Judy watches TV on Sundays. There is an English program getting to know America. It’s her favorite program. It tells about the life of America, such as buildings, traffic, food, houses, movie stars. Why does she love the program? Because she likes English. She likes English best of all the subjects. When she is watching the program, she can remember every word she sees on TV. That helps a lot, because she learns many new words, English really interests her(令她感兴趣). She likes learning English. On weekdays, she doesn’t watch TV, but reads English story books every night before she goes to bed. She can learn a lot from the TV program and the story books. ()56. When does Judy often watch TV?A. On Sundays. B. On weekdays. C. At night. D. On Saturdays. ()57.Getting to know America is a(an)______program. A. AmericanB. EnglishC. JapaneseD. Chinese ()58.Why does she love the program?A. She likes English.B. She can learn a lot from it. C. It helps her a lot. D. A, B and C. ()59. The program is about______. A. English storiesB. American foodC. the life of AmericaD. American people ()60. Which one is TRUE ? A. Judy learns English at school and home.B. Judy watches her favorite TV program on Sundays.C. Judy reads English books every day. D. Judy likes English a little. (C) 阅读上栏中几个人物的信息,从下栏中选出与之相对应或他们最感兴趣的信息,并将答案的字母编号填写在题前括号内。其中有一项为多余选项。 ()61. Yangli is a Grade Three student. She is interested in art. She wants to learn to draw. ()62. Ted is a middle school student. He likes China and he likes Chinese history very much. ()63. Mr Smith has a daughter, Lucy. Lucy’s math at school is very bad. Mr Smith is very worried. ()64.Bob and his friends like playing football very much, but they often can’t find a suitable place(合适的地方)for it. ()65. Zhang Hua is a student. Next year, he will go to England to study. But his English is not good. A. English Corner(角) Place: Renmin Park Time: 4:00-6:00 every Sunday afternoon You can improve your English and make friends here. B. Art Club Place: Children’s Hall Time: 7:00-9:00 every Saturday evening We have very good art teachers to teach you. C. Chinese History Stories Price: 20 yuan You can buy it at any bookstore. From the book, you can learn a lot about Chinese history. D. Happy Time Playground Open time:7:00-9:00 pm every weekend Price: 20 yuan Here you can play all kinds of sports. E. Math Lessons Time: 7:30-9:00 every Friday evening Price:700 yuan a month Are you weak in math? If you are, we can help you. F. Ping-pong Club Time: Every afternoon Place: The school gym Are you interested in playing ping-pong? If your answer is yes, join us! 五、句型转换(共5小题,计5分) 66. My brother wants to join the music club. (改为一般疑问句)_____ your brother want to join the music club? 67.My mum’s birthday is on 7th October. (对划线部分提问)______ is your mum‘s birthday? 68. It is her new sweater. (改为复数句)______ their new sweaters. 69. Do you know Mary is from America? (否定回答)No, I ______. 70. How much are these yellow socks? (改同义句)How much is this ______ of yellow socks?六、词语填空(共10小题,计10分) come, for ,well, daughter , one, have,know, banana, when, we Dear Tom, My name is Liu Yun . I’m a 12-year- old girl. I’m the only __71___ in my family. My birthday is also the National Day(国庆节). It’s the __72___day of the tenth month. My parents _73__ a party for me on that day. My friends ___74___to the party. They bring(带来) me many birthday presents(礼物),and they sing (唱) Happy Birthday to me. __75_ eat some fruit: strawberries, oranges and _76___. We eat chicken and cakes ___77__dinner. We also play games. We have a __78__time! What’s your age (年龄)? __79___is your birthday? Can you let me __80__? 七、单词拼写题 (共10小题,计10分) 根据句意和给出的首字母,完成单词,每空一词。 81. Saturday and S___________ are the weekend.82. May is the f________ month of the year. 83. I need a pair of shoes f________ sports in P.E. class. 84. Let’s t_________ about the food, because Mary’s birthday is coming. 85. This eraser is not yours. It’s m________. 86. There are all kinds of v____________ and fruit in the market.87. My father likes sports, but he only w________ them on TV. 88. This question is too d__________. We can’t do it . 89. Grace is so nice. Her classmates r________ like her very much. 90. Lily’s room is untidy. Her things are e_______________. 八、口语应用(共15小题,计15分) (A)从B栏中找出与A栏各句相对应的答语AB 91.What color are they? A. He is very well. 92.Who´s this man? B. They are blue. 93.What are these?C. They are yellow socks. 94.Let’s play soccer. D. Yes, please. 95.Can I help you? E. It’s under the desk. 96.Is this your shcoolbag? F. Thank you. 97.Where’s your math book? G. You’re welcome. 98.The sweater looks nice on you. H. He’s my teacher. 99.Thanks for your dictionary.I. No, it’s Lucy’s. 100.How is your grandpa?J. That sounds boring. (B)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话,使其完整、通顺。选项中有一项多余。 Torn:Hey, Helen.Helen: Yes?Torn:Is my computer game on the table?Helen: 101. ______________. It's in the bookcase.Torn:Oh, OK. How about my ping-pong bats? 102. ___________?Helen: They're on the chair. So, 103____________. Torn:That sounds good but my hands hurt(受伤). Helen: 104. _________________. How about watching ping-pong games? Torn:Interesting! Helen: 105._______________

    九、书面表达 (共1题,计10分) 假如你是英语报社的记者Yuanyuan,采访了一位来自美国的交换生,现在请你根据下面表格中的信息介绍这位同学的大致情况。 要求:1、信息完整,包含所有要点,并可适当发挥。 2、词数60词左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。 Name Frank Age 14 E-mail Address Frank123@163.com Date of Birth January 5th Food apples… Sport basketball… Subject English… … … I’m a reporter Yuanyuan. Today I interview Frank, an exchange student from the USA._________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 七年级英语期末学情调研双向细目表(2014.12) 考查项目 题型 操作定义 题号 分值 考查知识 及要素 考查能力要求 预设难度 记忆识别 理解表达 综合运用听力 A)听句子,选图片 能根据所听句子,选出正确的图片。 1—5 5 时间、电话用语、生活、交际等 √ 低B)听句子,判断正误 能根据所听句子,判断图片正误。 6—10 5 比较、能力、喜好、地点等 √ √低C)听句子,选答语 能根据所听句子,选出正确的答语。 11—15 5 时间、原因、判断等 √ √中D)听小对话,回答问题 能理解较短对话的内容,根据问题选择正确的答案。 16-20 5 判断、时间等 √ √中D)听长对话,回答问题 能理解较长对话的内容,根据问题选择正确的答案。 21-25 10 判断、时间等 √ √中 语言知识及运用 二、选择填空 能根据语境和句子灵活运用语言知识和交际用语 26 1 语音 √ 低27 1 情态动词 √ √低28 1 现在进行时 √√ 中29 1 副词 √ √中30 1 动词 √ √低31 1 现在进行时态 √√ 高32 1 动词 √ √中 33 1 冠词 √ √中34 1 介词 √√ 中35 1 交际用语 √√ 低36 1 祈使句 √√ 低37 1 固定用法 √√ 中38 1 固定用法 √√ 低39 1 固定用法 √√ 低40 1 电话用语 √√ 中三、完形填空 能理解段落中的各句子之间的逻辑关系;理解文章主题和故事清洁以及综合运用语言知识。 41 1 动词 √ √低42 1 名词 √ √低 43 1 副词 √ √低 44 1 连系动词 √ √中45 1 连词 √ √中46 1 动词 √ √中47 1 代词 √ √中48 1 动词 √√ 中49 1 名词√中50 1 词义辨析 √√ 高四、 阅读理解 能根据上下文推断、理解生词的含义;能理解段落中各句子间的逻辑关系;能读懂常见题材的阅读材料;能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息和完成任务。 A饮食文化 51-55 5 细节理解、归纳理解、整体理解 √ √中B兴趣爱好 56-60 5 细节理解、归纳理解、主旨归纳,推理判断 √ √中C地理常识61-65 5 综合理解、归纳理解、整体理解√ √ 低五、句型转换 根据题目提示,转换句型。 66-70 5 句型的熟练应用 √√ 中六、选词填空 能根据所给的词汇,理解大意,选择合适词汇,合理运用该词的正确形式完成文章。 71-80 10 词汇在语境、语意中的运用 √√ 中七、单词拼写 根据所给的首字母,理解句子大意,写出整个单词,并用该词的正确形式填空。 81-90 10 语言交际及语义的理解运用 √ √中八、口语应用 能根据所给的句子,理解大意,选择相对应的答句。 91-105 15 语言应用 √√ 中九、书面表达 能仿照所学的文章话题写出与日常生活相关的短文;能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。10 语言综合运用能力及收集信息、归纳总结能力 √ √ √ 中 听力材料 一、听力测试(共25小题,计30分) 第一节:听句子,选择正确的图片(共5小题,计5分),每个句子读两遍。 1. Let’s read /ei/ 2. This is my father’s quilt. 3. I like playing ping-pong. 4. These trousers are thirty dollars. 5. Look at that old woman, she is my grandmother. 第二节:听句子,判断图片与所听内容是否相符,是选“A”,否选“B”(共5小题,计5分),每个句子读两遍。 6. Look! Here is my dictionary. 7. Come on, Jack! It’s nine o’clock, we are late for school! 8. An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. 9. My birthday is on May, 2nd. 10. Mary’s telephone number is 301-7458. 第三节:听句子,选答语(共5小题,计5分),每个句子读两遍。 11. What’s her name? 12. Does she like bananas? 13. Where’s my tennis racket? 14. What’s your favorite subject? 15. Linda, your new dress looks nice. 第四节:听小对话,回答问题(共5小题,计5分),每段对话读两遍。 16. — Cindy, what’s your favorite color?— Purple. 17. — Do you like fishing, Ken?— Yes, I like it very much. 18. — Dave, is Mr. Zhang your science teacher?— No. My science teacher is Miss Zhang. 19. — Jim, what do you like eating, bananas or apples?— I like bananas. My sister, Kate, likes apples. 20. — Lucy, do you like painting?— No, I don’t. Painting is too difficult for me. 第五节:听长对话,回答问题(共5小题,计10分),每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段较长对话,回答第21-22两小题。 M: Hi, Lily, how are you? W: I’m fine, thanks. M: What do you want to do? W: I want to swim. I think it’s easy.听下面一段较长对话,回答第23-25三个小题。 W: Can I help you? M: Yes, please. I want some notebooks and pens. W: How many notebooks and pens do you want? M: Five notebooks and three pens. W: Is that all? M: Oh, do you have any color pencils? W: Yes, we do. How many do you want? M: Three, please. W: Here you are. Anything else? M: No, thanks. How much are they in all? W: They are 10 dollars. M: Here is the money. W: Thanks. Goodbye. 答案:1-5 BABCB 6-10 AAABB 11-15 BCCAC16-20 CCABA 21-25 AAABC 26-30 DBDAB31-35 BCDCC 36-40BDBBB 41-50 BDADA BDADB 51-65 ABCCDABDCB BCEDA66-70 Does, When, They’re, don’t, pair 71. daughter; 72. first; 73. have;74. come; 75. We;76. bananas;77. for; 78. good;79. When;80. know 81.Sunday82. fifth83. for 84.thinks 85. mine86.vegetables 87.watches88.difficult89.really 90.everywhere 91-100BHCJD IEFGA 101-105BADCF









    1、大多数实义动词在词尾加“s”在清辅音后发音为/ s / ;扰稿在浊辅音及元音音素后发音为 / z /。 如speak→speaks / s / ; come→comes / z / ; play→plays / z / 。

    2、以辅音字母加“y”结尾的动词,要先将“y”变为“i”然后再加“es”读/ iz /。 如study→studies / iz / ; fly→flies / iz /。

    3、以“s、x、ch、sh”结尾的动词在缓伍孝词尾加“es”发音为/ iz / 。 如teach→teaches / iz / ; watch→watches / iz /。

    4、以“o”结尾的动词,在词尾加“es”。 常出现的两个以“o”结尾的动词go和do后加“es”读/ z / 。 如go→goes / z / ; do→does / z /。

    5、记住最为特别的be的三单is ,have的三单是has。
