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  • 2023-08-13

八上英语评价手册答案?Ⅱ、 1、They are both heavy.2、They are both patient.8年级上册英语作业本答案(二) Unit 3第五课答案 Ⅰ、tall , shorter , popular ,faster , quiet , funny ,playing computer games ,那么,八上英语评价手册答案?一起来了解一下吧。





1. A. visiting B. resting C. making

2. A. waiting B. playing C. staying

3. A. vacation B. weeks C. invitations

4. A. phone B. show C. snow

5. A. thinking of B. knowing about C. thinking about


6. Where is Tom going for vacation?

A. Shanghai. B. England. C. Italy.

7. What’s Jane doing tomorrow?

A. She is babysitting her sister.

B. She is playing basketball.

C. She is going sightseeing.

8. When is John going camping?

A. Next week. B. Next month. C. Next Sunday.

9. How long is Mary staying in Hawaii?

A. For two weeks. B. For three weeks. C. For three days.

10.How is the weather in Beijing?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s cold.





Unit 3第四课答案

Ⅰ、taller , quiet , funny , younger

older , thinner , longer , smarter

kind , taller , heavier ,stronger

more outgoing , the most popular

Ⅱ、 1、They are both heavy.

2、They are both patient.


Unit 3第五课答案

Ⅰ、tall , shorter , popular ,

faster , quiet , funny ,

playing computer games ,

more clearly

Ⅱ、One possible version:

In my opinion , Ann is the right person for the English monitor of our class. She is quiet and serious. And she is always a good listener. Gina works hard , but Ann is the most hardworking. We all like her. What's more , Ann likes English. She is better at English than anyone else in our class. She speaks English pretty clearly and beautifully. She usually gets to school early to help with collecting the English exercise books. She is really helpful to both the English teacher and us students.


Unit 2第一课答案


2、help with housework

3、use the Internet / play computer games / go online

4、read English books

5、go shopping



3、usually , often

4、hardly ever




(二)term listfreepublishpayconsidered suggested chiefeditors experience


Everybody will have their idols in their heart. For me, I am a teenager, of course I will chase the star. Someday, when I was walking on the street, I heard a wonderful song from the store, so I remembered the singer. I searched the information and listened to all his songs. I was crazy about the singer, I even imagined meeting him someday. The most unbelievable thing was that I wrote a letter to him though I did not send out. But as the time went by, my attention on him was less and less, at last, I chased another star. I realized paying much attention on the star was wasting the time, I needed to do my own thing.



听力部分(共四大题, 计 40 分)

I. 听毕腔辨单词、短语 (Words and phrases) (共 10 小题,计 10 分) A) 听音, 选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。 每个句子读 两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)

1. A. basketball B. football C. volleyball

2. A. fine

B. find

C. nine

3. A. park

B. mark

C. dark

4. A. bite

B. kite

C. cat

5. A. grandpa's

B. granny's

C. grandma's

B) 听句子,选择正确的一项补全句子。每个句子读两遍。 (答案涂在答题纸上)

6. What he is! A. a lovely boy handsome boy

7. I’m thirsty. Please give me . A. a cup of tea glass of juice

8. Be careful!There’s a rabbit . A. on the wall the floor

9. He couldn’t the train because it was crowded (拥挤的). B. near the bed C. on B. a glass of water C. a B. a polite boy C. a

A. get on

B. get off

C. get to

10. How many can you see in the picture? A. red stars pink flowers II. 句子理解(Sentences) (共 10 小题,计 10 分) A) 听音,判断你所听到的句子与所给图片是(Y)否(N) 相手让衫符。

以上就是八上英语评价手册答案的全部内容,下面给大家分享一些关于人教版 八年级 上英语测试卷及答案,希望对大家有所帮助。 一、听力部分(满分20分) Ⅰ.听 句子 ,选择你所听到的单词或 短语 。每个句子读一遍。
