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  • 英语
  • 2023-04-26
  • 小学四年级英语上册知识点
  • 四年级上册英语译林版知识点
  • 新湘少版四年级英语上册期末复习知识点
  • 四年级英语知识点人教版
  • 英语四年级上册知识点总结

  • 小学四年级英语上册知识点




    1. do homework 做作业 2. read a book 读书 3. write a story 写故事

    4. draw picture 画画 5. help my mum and dad 帮助我的爸爸妈妈

    6. talk on the phone 讲电话 7. watch TV 看电视 8. play on the computer

    玩电脑 9. make bed 铺床,整理床铺 10. clean bedroom 打扫卧室

    11. play with teddy bear 和泰迪熊一起玩儿 12. listen to music 听音乐

    13.brush teeth 刷牙 14. wash face 洗脸 15. brush hair 梳头(comb hair)16. put onclothes 穿衣服(take off clothes 脱衣服) 17.fly kites 放风筝

    18. play with friends 和朋友一起玩儿 19. play catch with a ball 玩接球游戏

    20.play with toy 玩玩具


    21. have breakfast 吃早饭 22. go home with… 和某人一起回家 23. come back 回来 24. put…up in the tree把某物放到树上 25.wash clothes 洗衣服 26. sing a song 唱歌 27. play a game 玩游戏28. call… 给某人打电话 29. fall off 掉下 30. play together 一起玩耍



    1. This is a red skirt. 这是一条红色的短裙。(单数)(划线部分要会替换)

    2. These are yellow trousers.这些是红色的裤子。(复数)(划线部分要会替换)

    3. He/She is wearing a green sweater. 他/她穿着一件绿色的毛衣。(划线部分要会替换)

    He/ She is wearing blue trousers. 他/她穿着一条蓝色的裤子。(注意裤子是复数形式,


    4. This is a new sweater.这是一件新毛衣。(单数)

    5.This is an old sweater. 这是一件旧毛衣。(单数)(注意:old 中字母o是元音字母,前面需要使用冠词an)

    6. These are new trousers.这些是新裤子。(复数)

    7. These are old trousers.这些是旧裤子。(复数)

    8. I like your trousers.我喜欢你的裤子。

    9. Are they new? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.他们是新的吗?是的。/ 不,不是。(复数)

    Is it new? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. 它是新的么?是的。/ 不,不是。(单数)

    10. What is she wearing? She is wearing a green sweater, an orange skirtand a brown scarf.她穿着什么? 她穿着一件绿色毛衣,桔色短裙逗轿判和棕色围巾。

    11. Is this your cap? No! It’s Kim’s cap.这是你的帽子吗? 不,这是Kim的帽子。

    12. Are these your gloves? No, they aren’t .这些是你的手套吗? 不是。

    13. What day is today? It’s Monday. 今天星期几? 今天星期一。(划线部分要会替换)

    14. How many days are there in a week? 一周有几天?Seven. 七天。

    15. What do you do in the evening?你晚上做什么?(划线部分要会替换)

    In the evening , I do my homework./I write a story. / I read a book. /Idraw a picture for my story .我晚上做作业。/写故事。/读书。/给我的故事画图。

    16.What do you do at home? 你在家干什么?

    I help my mum and my dad. / I talk on the phone with my friends./ I watchTV after dinner. /I play on the computer. 我帮我的爸爸妈妈。/我和朋友打电话。/我晚饭后看电视。/我玩电脑。

    17. What do you do in your bedroom? 你在你的卧室做什么?(划线部分要会替换)

    I make my bed. /I clean my bedroom. /I play with my teddy bear. /I listento music. 我整理我的床铺。/ 我打扫房间。/我和我的泰迪熊玩。/我听音乐。

    18. What do you do in the morning? 你早上做什么?(划线部分要会替换)

    I brush my teeth. / I wash my face. /I brush my hair. /I put on myclothes.我刷牙。/洗脸 梳头。/穿衣服。



    sheep? sheep (绵羊)hen? hens(母鸡) lamb? lambs(羊羔)

    goat? goats(山羊) cow? cows(奶牛)horse? horses(马)

    goose? geese(鹅) foot? feet(脚) tooth? teeth(牙齿)



    cat? cats dog? dogs book? books ruler? rulers

    2、在以s, ss , x , sh , ch 结尾的名词后面加“es”,如:

    box? boxes peach? peaches bus? buses class? classes


    tomato? tomatoes potato? potatoes


    boy? boys toy? toys day? days


    baby? babies lady? ladies butterfly ?butterflies

    5、以f, fe结尾的名词,去掉f或fe后加“ves”,如:

    shelf? shelves leaf? leaves knife? knives

    三、I like…后面要加可数名词的复数形式或者不可数名词,如:四年级英语六单元知识点

    I like apples . 我喜欢苹果。 I like chicken.我喜欢鸡肉。

    四、特殊疑问句:What are these? What are those ? What are they?在回答时,都要用“Theyare…”

    What is this ? What is that? What is it ?在回答时都要用It’s a (an )…

    一般疑问句:Are these …? Are those …? Are they…?的回答形式也都是一样的,肯定回答:Yes, they are.否定回答:No, they aren’t.

    一般疑问句:Is this a(an) …? Is that a(an ) …? Is it a(an)…?的回答形式也都是一样的,肯定回答:Yes,it is. 否定回答:No, it isn’t.















    Unit1 My classroom


    a_e [ei] cake蛋糕 face脸 make制作 date日期 hate讨厌 name名字

    a [?] cat猫 hat帽子 map地图 dad爸爸 man 男人and和 hand手 ant蚂蚁 can可以 maths book数学书blackboard黑板 apple苹果 fat胖的 have有 panda熊猫 candy糖果



    classroom教室 window窗户 blackboard黑板 ligh t 灯 pictur图画e door门teacher’s desk讲台computer计算机 fan电风扇 wall墙 floor地板 really真的 clean打扫 help帮助near旁边 on上面 under下面in里面


    Open the door打开门 Turn on the light 打开灯

    Close the window 关窗户 Put up the picture挂图画

    Clean the blackboard 擦黑板 Clean the window 擦窗子


    1. Where’s my school bag?

    It’s near the computer我的书包在哪儿?在电脑旁边。

    2. Let’s clean the classroom. 我们打扫教室吧。① OK. 好的。

    3. Let me clean the windows. 我来擦窗户。蔽兄

    4. We have a new classroom. 我们有一个新教室。

    5. What’s in the classroom? 教室里有什么?

    One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs.


    6. Let me help you. 我来帮你。Thank you. 谢谢你。

    7. Where’s the green book? It’s under the teacher’s desk.

    绿色的书在哪儿? 在讲桌下面。

    8. Where is the kite? It’s near the window. 风筝在哪里?



    let’s==let us 让我们 let me让我

    What’s in the classroom? A blackboard. a TV, many desks and chairs.Many表示许多,后面应该用可数名词复数形式。


    对话: We have a new classroom? Really?

    Where is my schoolbag? It’s near the computer.

    Excuse me. Oh, sorry.

    六、作文(背熟) My classroom

    This is my classroom. The door is yellow. The desks are green.

    The computer is black. I like my classroom. And you?/How about you?


    Unit 2 My schoolbag


    i_e [a?] like喜欢 kite风筝 five五 nine九 bike自行车 Mike麦克 ice冰 nice漂亮 white白色 fine好rice米饭 knife 刀

    i [i] it它 is是 his他的 big大的 pig猪 six六 fish鱼 English 英语 milk牛奶 in里面 little小的living客厅 kitchen厨房 window窗户 chicken鸡肉 chopsticks筷子 dinner 晚饭 fridge冰箱 this这个


    schoolbag书包 maths book数学书 English book英语书 Chinese book语文书storybook故事书candy糖果 notebook笔记本 toy玩具 key钥匙pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 book书本 ruler尺子pencil-box铅笔盒

    wow哇 lost丢失 so much非常地 cute可爱的


    Put your Chinese book in your desk把你的语文书放进桌子

    Put your pencil box on your English book把你的铅笔放在英语书上

    Put your maths book under your schoolbag把你的数学书放在书包下

    Put your eraser near your pencil box把你的橡皮放在铅笔盒旁边


    I have a new schoolbag. Really? May I see it?

    我有一个新书包。 真的吗? 我能看看吗?

    2. What colour is it? It’s green. I like it very much.

    它是什么颜色的? 绿色的。 我很喜欢它。

    3. What’s in your schoolbag? 你的书包里有什么?

    An English book. A maths book, three storybooks and ….

    一本英语书, 一本数学书, 三本故事书 和….

    4. I lost my schoolbag. 我的书包丢了。

    5. Good night, mum. Good night. 晚安, 妈妈。 晚安。

    6. Put away your books. OK. 把你的书放起来。 好的。

    7.Some more? No, thanks./ Yes, please. 再吃点吗?

    不,谢谢。 好的。

    8. May I see it? Sure. Here you are.

    我能看看吗? 当然。 给你。


    What’s in your schoolbag?

    An English book, a Chinese book and a notebook.

    What colour is it? It’s black and white.

    an English book an egg an orange an apple an ant


    名词复数形式 candy---candies

    六、作文(背熟) My schoolbag

    This is my school bag. It’s blue. It’s a dog. What’s in it? An Englishbook.

    A maths book and a Chinese book. I like my schoolbag very much.


    Unit 3 My friends


    o_e [??] nose鼻子 note便条 Coke可乐 Mr Jones琼斯先生

    hope希望 home家 rose玫瑰 close关

    O [?] not不 hot热 dog狗 mom妈妈 lost丢失 box箱子

    orange橙色 doctor医生 chopsticks筷子 job 工作


    tall高的strong 强壮的 friendly友好的 quiet安静的 hair头发

    shoe鞋 glasses眼镜 his他的 her 她的or或者

    right对的 hat帽子


    I have a good friend. 我有一个好朋友。

    She’s short and thin. 她又矮又瘦。

    She has two big eyes. 她的眼睛很大。

    She has long hair. 她的头发很长。

    She has an orange schoolbag. 她有一个橙色的书包。

    What’s her name? 她的名字叫什么?

    Her name is Sarah. 她的名字叫萨拉。

    He’s tall and strong. 她又高又壮。

    He has glasses and his shoes are blue.


    What’s his name? 他的名字叫什么?

    His name is Zhang Peng. 他的名字叫张鹏。


    He has short hair.他的头发很短。

    He has small eyes. 他的眼睛很小。

    He has glasses. 他戴眼镜。

    He has a blue schoolbag. 他有一个蓝色的书包。

    She has long hair. 她的头发很长

    She has big eyes. 她的眼睛很大。

    She has red shoes, 她的鞋子是红色的。

    She has a pink schoolbag. 她有一个粉色的书包。

    has是have的第三人称单数形式,当前面的主语是he /she/ it以及能用 he/ she/ it来代替的词是,后面要用has. 如:myfather 可以用he来代替,

    My father _______ glasses. 只能用has, 不能用have.

    当主语是 I/ we /you/ they时,应该用动词原形have。

    如: I have a good friend.

    We have a new classroom,

    You have a nice book.

    They have a happy family.

    What’s his name? His name is Zhang Peng.

    his≠he’s his他的 he’s= he is 他是

    his pen 他的钢笔 he’s pen他是钢笔


    What’s her name? Her name is Chen Jie.

    her ≠she’s 原因同上

    He has short hair.

    He has big eyes.

    hair 是不可数名词,eyes是复数形式,前面不能加a 或者an

    He has a blue schoolbag.


    五、作文(背熟) My friend

    I have a good friend. She is tall and thin. She has long hair. She has bigeyes. She has a pink bag. What’s her name? Her name is …


    Unit 4 My home


    u_e [ju:] use使用 cute可爱的 excuse原谅 tube管道mule骡子

    u [?] duck鸭 cut切 mum妈妈 bus巴士 jump跳 puppy小狗 but 但是 uncle叔叔 fun 开心 under下面study书房 us我们


    bedroom卧室 living room客厅 study书房 kitchen厨房

    bathroom卫生间 bed床 phone电话 table桌子

    sofa长沙发 fridge冰箱 find找到 them他们


    Go to the living room. Watch TV去客厅,看电视

    Go to the study. Read a book去书房,读书

    Go to the kitchen. Have a snack去厨房,吃零食

    Go to the bedroom. Have a nap去卧室,睡觉

    Go to the bathroom. Take a shower. 去浴室,洗澡


    Where is she?她在哪里?She is in thekitchen.

    Where are theye?她在哪里?They are in thekitchen.

    Is she in the study? No, she isn’t. 她在书房里吗?不, 她不在。

    Is she in the living room? No, she isn’t. 她在客厅里吗?不, 她不在。

    Is she in the kitchen? Yes, she is. 她在厨房里吗?是,她在。

    Is it in your desk? Yes, it is. 它在你的课桌里吗? 是,它在。

    Is he in the classroom? No, he isn’t. 她在教室里吗?不, 她不在。

    Are they on the table? No, they aren’t. 它们在桌子上吗?不,它们不在。

    Are the near the phone? No, they aren’t. 它们在电话旁吗?


    10.Are they in the door? Yes, they are. 它们在门里吗?是,它们在。



    如:Is she in the kitchen? Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t.

    Are they under the desk? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.

    问句中出现的名词,答句再出现的时候,可以用 he she it they来代替:

    Is Amy in the classroom? Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t.

    Is John at home? Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.

    Is the elephant in the zoo? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

    Are the glasses on the bed? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.

    六、作文(背熟) My bedroom,

    Look at this room. It’s my bedroom. There is a blue bed. There is a desk.My book is on the desk. My bag is under the chair. I like my bedroom.

    课本P43, My living room,也是一篇作文,二选一,背熟。


    Unit5 Dinner’s ready


    e [i:] me 我 he 他 she 她 we我们 be be动词

    e [e] bed床 red红色 pencil铅笔 get得到 let让


    beef牛肉 chicken鸡肉 noodles面条(复数) soup汤 vegetables蔬菜(复数) chopsticks bowl碗fork叉子 knife刀 spoon勺子 dinner正餐 ready 准备好 help yourself请自便, 随便吃 pass给,递 try尝试


    What’s for dinner? 晚餐吃什么?

    What would you like?


    I’d like some soup and bread, please.


    Would you like a knife and fork?

    你想要刀叉吗?No, thanks. 不用,谢谢

    Would you like some soup?


    Yes, please. 是的,请(给我一些)。


    What would you like? I’d like some soup and bread, please.


    所以,虽然前面有表示一些的单词some,后面不需要加s。 但是如果是可数名词,就需要用复数形式:

    I’d like some eggs/tomatoes/vegetables.


    Unit6 Meet my family


    family 家庭 parents cousin,堂兄弟姐妹

    uncle aunt baby brother doctor cook

    driver farmer nurse people but little

    puppy football player job basketball

    parents父母 cousin表兄弟姐妹

    uncle叔伯舅姑姨父 aunt姑姑;婶;姨 baby brother婴儿小弟弟

    doctor医生 cook厨师 driver司机 farmer农民 nurse 护士

    people人们 but但是 little小的 puppy小狗 football player 足球运动员

    job工作 basketball篮球


    How many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人?

    Three. 三个

    My family has six people. 我家有六口人

    How many apples are there on the tree? 树上有多少苹果?

    Is this your uncle? Yes, it is. 这是你叔叔吗?是的,他是

    Is this your aunt? No, it isn’t. 这是你阿姨吗?不,她不是

    What’s your aunt’s job? She’s a nurse.


    What’s your father’s job? He’s a cook.


    What’s his job? He’s a policeman.


    What’s her job?She’s a nurse.



    How many后面要用可数名词复数形式,people是集合名词,本身表达的就是复数,所以不需要加s,但是其余单词要用复数形式:

    How many books are there? Two.

    How many pencils are there in your pencil box? Five.

    答句Two./ Five.是作为单独的句子出现的,


    Is this your uncle? Yes, it is.



    Is he your uncle? 则回答Yes, he is.

    注意:无论问句是this, 还是that,


    Is this your uncle? Yes, this is.

    提问职业:What’s your mother’s job? She’s a nurse.

    还可以用 What’s her job? She’s a nurse.


    my father’s job我爸爸的,Zhang Peng’s pencil张鹏的铅笔

    Chen Jie’s family陈杰的家庭

    my father是男的,所以,my father’s job可以用his job 代替。

    同理,my aunt’s job也可以用 her job代替。
















    1、同义词:supper ===dinner 晚饭

    2、say(第三人称单数) says have =has

    3、同义裤陵链句:Whattime is it? ===What’s the time?现在几点了?

    4、Let’s?后面直接跟动词的原形。如:Let’s go! 让我们走吧! Let’s clean theclassroom.让我们打扫教室吧!

    5、It’stime for ?后面跟名词。如:It’s time fordinner. 该吃晚饭了。 It’s time forEnglishclass. 该上英语课了

    It’s time to?后面跟动词。如:It’stime to eat dinner. 该吃晚饭了。 It’s time to haveEnglish class.该上英语课了。


    1、Whattime is it? 几点钟了?

    2、It’snine o’clock.现在九点。

    3、It’stime for English class.该上英语课了。

    (lunch English class musicclass breakfast dinner P.E class)

    4、Schoolis over. Let’s go to the playground.放学了,让我们去操场吧!

    5、It’stime to go to school.该去学校了!

    ( get up go to school go tobed go home )


    lunch English class music class breakfast dinner P.E class get up go toschool go to bed go home just a minute 复数形式:foot----feet (脚)

    四、It’s time for breakfast. Let’s drinksome milk.

    It’s time for lunch. Let’s have some chicken.

    It’s time for dinner. Let’s eat some rice.

    It’s time for PE class. Let’s jump and run.

    It’s time for English class. Let’s read and write. It’stime for musicclass. Let’s sing and dance.




    1) 肯定句用行为动词原形表示

    They get up very early every morning. 他们每天早晨起来很早。

    I visit my grandparents four times a month. 我一个月去看望祖父母四次。

    2) 否定句用don’t + 动词原形来表示

    We do not go shopping on Sundays. 我们周日不去购物。

    I don’t think you like this colour. 我想你不喜欢这个颜色。

    3) 一般疑问句则是把助动词do提前至句首,后面动词用原形。回答时,肯定用 “Yes, 主语+do”;否定句用 “No, 主语+don’t”。

    –Do they go to school at seven o’clock? 他们七点去上学吗?

    --Yes, they do.

    --Do you like this skirt? 你喜欢这条裙子吗?

    --No, I don’t. 不,我不喜欢。

    一般现在时胡孙用来表示经常的或习惯性的汪激动作,常与以下的时间状语连用:often 经常,always 总是,sometimes 有时,usually通常,every day/ week 每天/ 周等。

    He usually goes to school by bike. 通常他骑车上学。

    I visit my grandparents every week. 我每个星期都去看祖父母。

    She is always late for class. 她总是上课迟到。

    My parents and I sometimes go out to eat. 我和父母有时出去吃饭。

    It often rains here. 这儿常常下雨。



    He likes reading at night. 他喜欢夜里读书。

    She usually goes to school by bike. 她平时骑车上学。

    The little cat drinks milk every day. 小猫每天都喝牛奶。


    Kelly doesn’t get up early on Saturdays and Sundays. 凯丽星期六星期天起床不早。

    He doesn’t feel well today. 他今天感觉不舒服。


    Does he have lunch at school? 他在学校吃午饭吗?

    Does it take long by train? 乘火车要很长时间吗?

    英语学习 方法技巧







































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    big大;small小; fat胖;thin瘦; long长;short短;

    tall高;short矮; eyes眼睛;ears耳朵; hair头发;mouth嘴;

    nose鼻子;his他的 king国王;snowman雪人;


    1、her hair她的头发 2、her eyes她的眼睛 3、nose and mouth鼻子和嘴巴

    4、our doll我们的洋娃娃 5、his mouth他的嘴巴 6、a big ball一个大球

    7、a thin cat一个瘦猫 8、long hair长发 9、short hair短发

    10、a big nose一个大鼻子 11、very big 非常大 12、very tall非常高

    13、His eyes are big他的眼睛大


    1、Her … is big / small / long/ short/tall/fat/thin 她的…大/小/长/短/高/胖/瘦。

    2、His … and … are big / small / long/ short/tall/fat/thin他的…和…大/小/长/短/高/胖/瘦。

    3、You can …你会… 例:You can talk。你会说话。 You can jump。你会跳


    1、Be动词用法:am,is,are 的用法:我用am,你用are,is用在他,她,它。


    2、It’s time的用法:

    It’s time +to +动词原形 翻译:该是……..的时候了

    It’s time +for +名词(有时名词前+the)

    3、many和much (许多)的区别:

    many +名词复数(可数名词);

    much +不可数名词 如: many students; much rice

    4、too 也;either也:

    相同之处都是 位于句尾;不同之处too 用于肯定句;either用于否定句。如:

    I can play football too。我也会踢足球。 I can’t play football either。我也不会踢足球



    fan扇子; umbrella伞; shoes鞋子;socks袜子;twenty20;thirty30;forty40;fifty50;

    yuan元;only只有; her她的;tail尾巴; long长;forty-five45


    1、how much多少钱 2、Can I help you?我能为你效劳吗? 3、these shoes这些鞋子 4、these socks这些袜子5、this umbrella这把伞 6、well done干的好/好样的

    7、only nineteen yuan只有19元 8、Would you like…?你想要..? 9、five men五个男人

    10、They’re for my sister他们是给我姐姐的 11、How beautiful!多漂亮


    1、Can I help you?我能为你效劳吗?(购物场景) 回答:Yes.I’d like…..

    2、How much is it?它颤蚂多少钱?(问一个物品) 回答:It’s …. yuan.

    3、How much are they?它们多少钱?(问不止一个物品) 回答:They’re …. yuan.

    4、How many …茄纯埋 would you like?你想要多少…? 回答:I’d like …

    5、These … are very nice。这些…非常漂亮。(称赞复数物品)

    6、This … is cool。 (称赞单数物品)

    语法: 数字 十几teen; 几十ty

    one two three four five

    一 二 三 四 五

    six seven eight nine ten

    六 七 八 九 十

    eleven twelve thirteen fourteen

    十一 十二 十三 十四

    fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen

    十五 十六 十七 十八 十九

    twenty thirty forty fifty

    二十 三十 四十 五十

    sixty seventy eighty ninety

    六十 七十 八十 九十





    1、at the snack bar在小吃店 2、would like想要 3、two glasses of juice两杯果汁

    4、three cups of tea三杯茶 5、five cups of coffee五杯咖啡 6、six glasses ofmilk六杯牛奶

    7、Anything else?还要别的什么吗? 8、Here’s a snack bar。这里有一个小吃店

    9、What a big egg!多么大的鸡蛋啊!


    1、What would you like? 回答:I’d like…..

    2、Can I help you?我能为你效劳吗?(我能帮你吗?) 回答:Yes,I’d like…..

    3、I’d like=I would like我想要 (注意:’d的完整形式是would)

    4、Anything else?还要别的什么吗? 回答:(I’d like)….

    用于What would you like?后作为第二个问句。

    语法: 可数名词与不可数名词




    不能根据some、any、a lot of等词去作判断,以免受误导。

    复数变化规则 (可数名词如何变“复数形式”)

    a.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds ;

    b.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, , glass-glasses ;

    c.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families,

    d.不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, fish-fish,




    例如:a glass of juice, a cup of coffee,a bag of apples




    kitchen厨房;living room客厅;home家;come来;hungry饥饿的


    1、in your bedroom在你的卧室里 2、my skirts我的短裙 3、on the sofa在沙发上

    4、his white cap他的白色帽子 5、come and look过来看看 6、I’d like我想要

    7、in the kitchen在厨房 8、nice and clean漂亮又干净 9、fly my kite放风筝

    10、Here you are给你 11、our new home我们的新家


    1、Where’s …? 回答:It’s in/on/near/…..

    2、Where are …? 回答:They’re in/on/near/…..

    3、What would you like?你想要什么? I’d like…我想要…

    4、We have…in the living room 在客厅里我们有…

    5、How are you?你好吗? 回答:Fine,thank you。



    basketball篮球 well好 yeah是的 can’t不能/不会 football足球 jump跳

    skate溜冰 fly飞 sad伤心的 either也 about关于 try试试

    brother哥哥/弟弟 sister姐姐/妹妹 funny有趣的 breakfast早饭 afternoon下午


    1、play basketball打篮球 2、play football踢足球 3、very well非常好

    4、what about…?…怎么样 5、have a try试一试 6、skate and swim溜冰和游泳

    7、jump and run跳和跑 8、look at me看我(的) 9、don't be sad不要伤心


    1、Can Tom play football?(分清男女) 回答:肯定Yes,he can。否定No,he can’t。

    2、Can Lucy swim?(分清男女) 回答:肯定Yes,she can。否定No,she can’t。

    3、I can’t…我不会… He can’t…他不会… She can’t…她不会…
















    Unit 1 My classroom


    classroom 教室 window 窗户 blackboard 黑板 light 电灯 picture图画 door门 floor 地板computer 计算机 teacher’s desk 讲台 wall 墙 fan 扇子

    near 距离近 really 真的 TV 电视 clean 打扫斗迹 help 帮助


    We have a new classroom. 我们有一个新教室。

    Let’s go and see 让我们一起去看看吧。

    What’s in the classroom? 教室里面有什么?

    One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs.

    Where is it ? 它在哪儿?

    It’s near the window. 它在窗户旁边。

    It’s so big. 它很大。

    Let’s clean the classroom. 让我们一起打缓磨扫教室吧。

    Let me clean the windows. . 让我来擦窗户。

    Look! This is the new classroom. The door is orange.



    1.地点类:on the wall在墙上 near the window在窗户旁边 in the classroom在教室里 on thefan在风扇上 near the computer在计算机旁边


    clean the desks and chairs 清洁桌椅 clean the windows擦窗户 clean the fishbowl清理鱼缸 open the door开门 turn on the light开灯 sweep the floor扫地 put up thepicture张帖图画 clean the classroom打扫教室 clean the teacher’s desk 清洁讲台

    close the window 关窗 Turn on the light 开灯 put up the picture 挂图画 clean theblackboard 擦黑板


    a new classroom一间新教室 excuse me 劳驾,对不起


    :where 引导的是特殊疑问句,“哪里”,看到where 就要想到地点,方位词 ,例如on, in ,under, near等


    let’s = let us 让我们; let me 让我

    文化知识:.想问别人问题,要先说“excuse me对不起,打扰一下。”


    ------Where is it? (它在哪儿?)

    ------It’s near the window. (它在窗户的旁边)

    -----What’s in the classroom? (教室里有什么?)

    -----One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs.


    -----Let’s clean the classroom! (我们打扫教室吧。)

    -----OK. (好。)

    -----Let me help you. (让我帮你吧!)

    -----Thank you. (谢谢你。)

    We have a new classroom. (我们有了一间新的教室。)------Really? 真空哪并的吗?

    Unit 2 My schoolbag


    schoolbag 书包 Chinese book 语文书 English book 英语书 maths book 数学书

    storybook 故事书 candy糖果 notebook笔记本 toy玩具 key钥匙

    lost丢失 so much非常的 cute可爱的

    Let’s spell:

    i-e [a?] like喜欢 kite 风筝 five 五 nine 九 rice米饭 fine 好 nice 好 ice冰

    i [i] big大的 six 六 pig 猪


    1. I have a new schoolbag .我有一个新书包。 I have an English book and a Chinesebook .我有一本英语书和一本语文书。

    2. ------What’s in your schoolbag? 你书包里有什么?

    ------An English book , a maths book , three storybooks and...一本英语书,一本数学书,三本故事书和……

    3. ------What colour is it / (are they) ? 它/(它们)是什么颜色的?

    ------It’s /( They’re ) blue and white. 它/(它们)是蓝白色的。

    ------It’s /( They’re ) black and white. 它/(它们)是黑白相间的。

    短语: 1. 地点类 in your schoolbag 在你的书包里 in your hand 在你的手里 in your desk 在你的课桌里on your English book 在你的英语书上 under your schoolbag 在你的书包下面 near your pencil box在你的铅笔盒旁边

    Put your Chinese book on your desk. 把语文书放在你的课桌上

    Put your pencil box on your English book. 把文具盒放在你的英语书上

    Put your maths book under your schoolbag 把数学书放在你的书包下

    Put your eraser near your pencil box 把橡皮放在你的文具盒旁边

    其他类: have a new schoolbag 有一个新书包 black and white 黑白相间的

    语法点:what colour引导的也是特殊疑问句, 问的是颜色,回答中肯定有例如purple, red 等等表示颜色的词。


    ------What’s in your schoolbag? (你的书包里有什么?)

    ------An English book and a Chinese book.(一本英语书,一本语文书。)

    -------What colour is it?(它是什么的?)

    -------It’s blue and white.(它是蓝白色的。)

    ------Here it is! (它在这儿。)

    ------Thank you so much! (非常感谢。)

    Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag.


    Unit 3 My friends


    strong 强壮的 friendly 友好的 hair 头发 quiet 安静的 shoe鞋 glasses眼镜

    his 他的 or 或者 right正确的,对的 hat 帽子 her 她的


    I have a new friend. 我有一个新朋友。

    A Chinese friend? 一个中国朋友?

    He’s tall and strong .他又高又壮。

    I have a good friend. He’s tall and strong. 我有一个好朋友,他长得又高又壮。

    He has short hair. 他有短头发。

    My friend has glasses and his shoes are blue. 我朋友戴眼镜,穿蓝色鞋子。

    You’re right! 你说对了。


    an orange bag 一个橙色的包 big eyes大眼睛 a new friend 一个新朋友 short and thin 又矮又瘦tall and strong 又高又壮 brown shoes 棕色的鞋 blue glasses 蓝色的眼镜 long hair 长头发 shorthair 短头发 a green bag 一个绿色的包


    This is my classroom. It's big. 这是我的教室。它很大。

    The door is green. The windows are yellow. 门是绿色的,窗户是黄色的。

    Let's go and have a look. 让我们去看看吧!

    We have 6 new lights. 我们有六盏新灯。

    Where's your seat? It's near the door.你的座位在哪里?在门附近。

    Let's/ let me clean the board. 让我们/让我擦黑板。

    Open the door打开门 Sweep the floor. 扫地。

    Turn on the light. 打开灯。 Put up the picture. 挂图画。

    Clean the board. 擦黑板。 Clean the window 擦窗户。

    Window board light picture door floor computer teacher's desk wall fan

    Unit 2 my schoolbag

    I have a new schoolbag. 我有一个新书包。

    What colour is it? It's black and white. 它是什么颜色的?它是黑白相间的。

    My schoolbag is heavy. What's in it?我的书包很重。里面有什么?

    Put your notebook in your bag. 把你的笔记本放进书包。

    How many English books do you have? I have 6. 你有多少英语书?我有六本。

    How many Chinese books can you see? I can see 20.


    Chinese book English book math book notebook story-book Bag pencil penruler book pencil-case

    Unit 3 my friends

    My friend is strong. He has short hair. He likes sports.我的朋友很强壮,他有着短头发,他爱运动。

    I like music. She likes painting. 我喜欢音乐,她喜欢绘画。

    What's his name? His name is Zhang Peng. 他叫什么名字?他叫张鹏。

    long hair short hair thin strong quiet music science sports

    painting computer game student boy girl friend.

    Unit 4 my home

    Welcome to my home. 欢迎来我家。

    This is my house. It's big. 这是我的房子,它很大。

    Where are the keys? They are in the door.钥匙在哪里?在门上。

    Are they near the table? Yes, they are. /No, they aren't.他们在桌子附近吗?是的/不是。

    Is it on the shelf? Yes, it is. /No, it isn't.在架子上吗?是的/不在。

    Study kitchen bathroom bedroom living room home classroom

    phone bed sofa shelf fridge table

    Unit 5 what would you like?

    What would you like for lunch? I'd like some beef. 你中餐想吃什么?我想吃些牛肉。

    What's for dinner? 晚餐吃什么?

    Can I help? Sure, pass me a plate. 我来帮忙, 好吗?当然好啦, 给我一个盘子。

    Help yourself.请自便。

    I can use chopsticks. 我会用筷子。

    rice knife fish noodle beef soup vegetable chopsticks spoon

    plate fork

    Unit 6 meet my family

    This is my uncle. He's a baseball player. He looks strong. 这是我叔叔。他是一个棒球运动员。 他看上去很强壮。

    How many people are there in your family? 你们家有几口人?

    Who are they? 他们是谁?

    What's your father? He is a driver.你爸爸是干什么的?他是一个司机。

    uncle family teacher aunt student baby baseball parents father

    mother brother sister grandpa grandma player doctor driver

    farmer nurse



    classroom教室 window窗户 blackboard黑板 light灯 picture图片 door门 computer计算机 fan风扇wall墙 floor地板

    短语:讲台teacher’s desk


    1.We have a new classroom.我们有间新教室。

    -----Really?What’s in the classroom.真的吗?教室里有什么?

    2.Let’s go and see!让我们去看看吧!

    ----OK/Great/Good idea.

    3.Let me help you!我来帮助你

    -----Thank you.谢谢你

    4.Where is the picture?图画在哪?

    -----It’s near the window.它在窗户旁边.


    Open the door打开门 Sweep the floor. 扫地。

    Turn on the light. 打开灯。 Put up the picture张贴图画。

    Clean the board. 擦黑板。 Close the window关上窗户。


    Schoolbag 书包 storybook 故事书 candy 糖果 notebook笔记本 toy 玩具 key钥匙

    语文书Chinese book 英语书English book 数学书maths book


    1.I have a new schoolbag. 我有一个新书包。


    2.What’s in your schoolbag?你书包里有什么?

    ----An English book, a maths book and threestorybooks.一本英语书,一本数学书和三本故事书.

    3.what colour is it?它是什么颜色?

    -----It’s blue and white.它是蓝白色的.

    4.What’s in it?它里面有什么?

    -----An English book.一本英语书.

    5.Here it is!它在这里

    -----Thank you so much!非常感谢


    Put your Chinese book in your desk.把你的语文书话在你的书桌里

    Put your pencil box on your English book把你的铅笔盒放在你的英语书上

    Put your maths book under your schoolbag把你的数学书放在你的书包下面

    Put your eraser near your pencil box 把你的橡皮放在你的铅笔盒旁边


    Strong强壮的 quiet安静的文静的 hair头发 shoe鞋 glasses眼镜friendly友好的


    1. What's his name? /Who’s he?他叫什么名字?

    -----His name is Zhang Peng.他叫张鹏。

    2. He has glasses and his shoes are blue.他戴眼镜,他的鞋子是蓝色的.

    3. He is tall and strong他又高又壮



    Study书房 kitchen厨房 bathroom浴室 bedroom卧室 living room客厅起居室 phone电话 bed床sofa沙发fridge冰箱 table桌子


    1.Where is the cat?猫在哪?

    -----It’s in the living room.它在客厅

    2.Where are the keys? 钥匙在哪里?

    -----They are in the door.在门上。

    4. Are they near the table? 他们在桌子附近吗?

    -----Yes, they are. /No, they aren't. 是的/不是。

    5. Is it on the shelf? 在架子上吗?

    -----Yes, it is. /No, it isn't.是的/不在。


    Go to the living room.Watch TV.去客厅.看电视

    Go to the study.Read a book.去书房.看书

    Go to the kitchen.Have a snack.去厨房.吃零食

    Go th the bedroom.Have a nap.去卧室.打个盹儿.



    knife刀noodles面条 beef牛肉 soup汤 vegetable蔬菜 chopsticks筷子 spoon勺

    fork餐叉 bowl 碗 chicken鸡肉


    help yourself


    1.What would you like for dinner? 你晚餐想吃什么?

    ------ I'd like some beef. 你中餐想吃什么?我想吃些牛肉。

    2.What's for dinner? 晚餐吃什么?

    -----Some fish and vegetables.一些鱼和蔬菜.

    3.Help yourself.请自便。

    -----Thank you.谢谢

    4.Would you like a knife and fork?你想要刀叉吗?

    -----No,thanks.I can use chopsticks. 不了,谢谢,我会用筷子。

    6. Would you like some soup?你想要一些汤吗?



    Make a salad制作沙拉

    Pass me the bowl把碗递给我

    Pass me the knife把刀递给我

    Cut the vegetables切蔬菜

    Use the spoon 用勺

    Use the fork 用餐叉

    Now let’s try it!现在让我们试吃一下!



    Uncle叔叔舅舅 family teacher aunt姨姨,婶婶parents父母football player 足球运动员doctor医生driver司机farmer农民 nurse护士 cook 厨师


    1. How many people are there in your family? 你们家有几口人?


    2.What's your uncle’s job? 你叔叔是干什么的?

    -----He is a driver.他是一个司机。

    3.Is this your aunt?这是你姑妈吗?

    -----Yes.She’s a nurse.是的,她是一名护士

    4.My family has six people.我家有六口人.










