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  • 语文
  • 2023-10-22





1.This kind of wood feels soft and sells well. 正确

2.I'm glad to make an acquaintance,Mr Smith.

A. 错误 acquaintance 不可数不能用握备an修饰

3.If it is sunny tomrrow,we will have a picnic. 正确

4.He filled the bottle in wine.

A. 错误 fill...with 固定搭配 把in换成with

5.One should take pride in his national culture.

A. 错误 take pride for 为什么感到骄傲

6.The patients were taken care very well.

A. 错误take care of用段纯毁于被动时of不省略

7.The holiday is drawing near.

B. 正确

8.They are not only classmates but also good friends.

B. 正确

9.They eat away all the potatoes.

A. 错误 eat up 吃光

10.Either of them is from Shanghai.

B. 正裤厅确






1.The cost of medical care today is five times (as high as) it was ten years ago.

A. 错误敏州旅

2.This kind of cake tastes good and (sells good).

B. 正确

3.You must( put on) more clothes in such freezing weather.

B. 正确

4.With his permission, you can stay here (as long as) you like.

A. 错误

5.This kind of cloth is made of (true silk).

B. 正确

6I advised him not to waste so much time wandering, but he just wouldn't (hear).

B. 正确

7.This pair of trousers is too long. I am going to (have it shortened).

A. 错误

8.A continuous rain made us (to stay )桥凳at home for a whole week.

A. 错误

9.It is well known that Thomas Edison( found) the electric lamp.

A. 错误

10.The next morning she found the man(迹冲 lying) in bed, dead.

B. 正确


1.I'll go with you as soon as Ifinish my homework.

2.Collecting stamps as a hobby has become increasingly popular during the

past fifty years.

3.If it doesn'train tomorrow, I won't go to the cinema.

4.When the child let go of her mother's hand, she fell down.

5.I'm going to play football tomorrow afternoon.

6.I was about to leave when it rained

7.Bathrooms in many countries maybe different from the kind you are

used to.

8.We tried to persuade him, but he refused to come.

9.John seldom communicates with others, does he?

10.Children often take a bath each night and enjoyplaying with small


以上就是英语判断题的全部内容,1、We grow rice in the south of the States, 【but 并列连词】in the north【 where it is colder 定语从句】they grow wheat.整体看,句子是由【but】连接的两个分句,因此,是【并列句】。但是,第二个分句中。
