目录外国人生理期怎么说 姨妈期间用英语 月经期英文period 在生理期用in还是onperiod 泰语我在生理期怎么说
I 'm on my period. 专用说法是 I come to the menstruation.比较有意思的说法是 My aunt flow is visiting.类似敏好于中文的大姨妈蔽哪来了吧……宏拿码
女生每个月的生理期的英语翻译▌月经,即menstruation,也可以说成menstrual period或period。
Menstruation is amonthly dischargeofbloodandmucosal tissuefrom theinner lining of the uterusthrough thevagina.
irregularperiods 月经不调
firstperiod 初潮
PMT(premenstrual tension) 经前焦虑
PMS(premenstrual syndrome)经前综合征
1. 吃光所有的
2. 痛哭一遍
3. 冲所有人发火
4. 痛哭一遍
5. 重复以上
↓pad 卫生巾
↓tampon 卫生棉条
↓menstrual cup 月经杯
↓hot water bottle 暖水袋
Finding a place for a birthday dinner
A: Got any idea for where to celebrate your birthday dinner?
B: I have no idea. I figure out this weekend all restaurants will be crowed and packed like a sadin can. You know, Halloween is around the corner.
C: Now I give you a tip. How about throwing a party at my aunt's villa in the surburb?
A: Are you sure your aunt will be so generous as to let a lot of strangers come inside her house?
C: Maybe she will not.
B: Let us find a Karaoke bar.
A: Okay. That is practical.
是生理期的姨妈吗 那是menstruation, period都行
亲戚姨妈就aunt,比如蜘蛛侠就管举行祥他姨妈叫 Aunt May (May是他姨带慎妈的名正搏字)