目录中医针灸英语 针灸翻译成英语 吴晓玲针灸英文怎么写 针灸的英文音标 针灸的英文单词
[例句]All of those who received the true acupuncture experienced pain relief.
“告洞In China,you'll find a confusing mixture of modern and traditional medical practices. You may be confused, amused and even frightened by the traditional practices that you see.Though the main ideas and techniques are thousands of years old, the traditional medical practices are still important today. Acupuncture (针灸 zhēnjiǔ) is one of them!”
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture(针灸禅渣 zhēnjiǔ) is an age-old healing practice of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are placed at specific points in the body. It's primarily used to relieve pain but also has been used to treat other conditions. More than 3 million Americans use acupuncture, but it is even more popular in other countries. In France, for example, one in five people has tried acupuncture.
How Acupuncture Works
Acupuncture seeks to release the flow of the body's vital energy or "qì气 " by stimulating points along 14 energy pathways. Scientists say the needles cause the body to release pain -- and may boost blood flow and change brain activity. Skeptics say acupuncture works only because people believe it will, an effect called the placebo effect.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Acupuncture needles are very thin, and most people feel no pain or very little pain when they are inserted. They often say they feel energized or relaxed after the treatment. However, the needles can cause temporary soreness.
There isn't yet a consensus in the West about whether acupuncture is effective. The various governing bodies, agencies, and medical societies have differing opinions. Medical surveys or clinical trials also produce differing results. There has been considerable controversy surrounding its value as a therapy and whether it is anything more than placebo. However, many people say that the treatments helped them or relieved chronic pain, and now the procedure has a level of acceptability.
问题一:针灸的英文怎么翻译acupuncture and moxibustion
没错哦 ^_^
问题二:中国 针灸治疗 用乎缺英文怎么说acupunture therapy
Chinese acupuncture treatment
问题四:针灸医生怎么说英文acupuncturist 本身就是名词词性“针灸医此握生”了
可以直接说 I want to be a acupuncturist 即可
问题五:针灸推拿专业用英语怎么说名词the major of acupuncture and massage
动词major in acupuncture and massage
n [U] (medical 医) method of pricking the tissues of the human body with fine needles in order to cure disease, to relieve pain or as a local anaesthetic 针刺疗法; 针刺.
n [C, U] (act of) rubbing and pressing the body, usu with the hands, to relieve or prevent stiffness or pain in muscles, joints, etc *** ; 推拿。
问题六:扎针用岁扒辩英文怎么讲?我指针灸。acupuncture; acupuncture and moxibustion
问题七:关于针灸 英语介绍山寨文化 英语作文
On Shanzhai Culture The Chinese word Shanzhai literally means *** all mountain village,but it's now used to describe products that have names similar to famous brands or people who imitate celebrities. AsShanzhaiculture gradually deepens in people's heart,there have been many arguments about it. Some people hold a viewpoint that pseudo-celebrities are quite something, for it offers a good method for *** all panies to promote their prodocts without trying to spend huge amount of money on real celebrities advertising. However, others maintain that pseudo-products are nothing but fake modities. These people are worried that those who have been deceived will be reluctant to consume,which will make business slack. From my perspective, Shanzhai has bee a culture of its own, representing non-mainstream ideas. Also, it's a new way for mon people to express what they what. As I see, by consuming pseudo-products, people can enjoy a better life with less money. Nevertheless, I dare not agree that a copycat version of CCTV be prt on the screen, as it is so directly related toour country's image. And yet, I do not hope that we bury ourselver into Shanzhai culture and cease our steps in further creativity and innovation. Generally speaking, only if we make good use of Shanzhai culture, can we benifit from it in the broadest sense
第4点是问题产生的关键。因为绝大多数西方针灸试验的结果表明,针灸疗法同不治疗或常规治疗比,是有效的,只是同安慰剂对照比,经常没有显著性差异。最常用的试验对照是,'真刺假穴位',即选不相关的体表位置针刺作为安慰剂对照。这种对照的问题是,人体有'泛穴'现象,针刺人体表面几乎任何部位,都可能产生一定针灸效果(但不是说穴位无特异性),所以'真针假穴'对照组不是安慰剂,也是一种针灸治疗;另外一种有时使用的安慰剂对照组是,'假刺真穴位,即用一种特殊设计的假针具,在真的穴位上' *** ',而患者不能识别真假。这种对照组的问题是,除了假刺也有皮肤接触和轻度的 *** 外(不然不能蒙骗患者),患者接受的不仅仅是无安慰剂暗示,同时还接受了针灸附带的心身疗法(包括放松疗法、环境疗法、医生指导、甚至音乐疗法等),这些心身疗法已经被证明治疗疼痛等多种针灸适合症有效,这些'有效疗法'加强了安慰剂组的作用,淡化了治疗组的效果,可用'气球理论'来解释。另外,'真刺假穴位'也有同样的问题。因此,以上两种安慰剂对照,都不是真正的安慰剂对照,而是不同疗法的对照,所以需要很大的样本才能比较出差别来。这就是为什么大多数'中小样本'的试验结果是针灸治疗同安慰剂治疗同样有效。这个观点可以得到Vickers 2012年发表在Annal Int Med 文章数据的支持。
第6点是说针灸疗法(软针灸和硬针灸)已经包含了心身疗法和安慰剂效果作为一个'整体疗法'(Holistic modality),这个整体是很难分割的。目前还没有一种好的办法可以用来验证其中的每一个单一因素的效果,应该深入探索新的研究方法 。从临床实际看,验证'整体疗法'的效果,使用'实效性临床试验'(pragmatic trial)是比较现实的,最近,已经有一些临床试验结果支持这一观点。
刺灸庆磨Acupunture and Moxibustion
针 needle
针举差渗刺手法 needling techniques
针刺补泻 reinforcing and reducing techniques for needling
行针 manipulating the needle
提 lifting
插 thrusting
捻 swirling
转 rotating
皮内针 intradermal needle
头针 scalp-acupuncture
水针 hydro-acupuncture
耳针 ear-acupuncture
针感 needling sensation
针刺麻醉 acupuncture anesthesia
灸法 moxibustion
艾绒正脊 moxa woool
化脓灸 blistering moxibustion
瘢痕灸 scarring moxibustion
艾炷灸 moxibustion with moxa cone
灯火灸 lamp moxibustion
温针灸 warm needling method
针灸推拿英语:Acupuncture and massage