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  • 英语
  • 2023-05-06
  • 少年强则国强英文短文
  • 少年强则国强原文英文
  • 少年强则国强英文演讲
  • 怎么让中国变得更好英语作文
  • 我们是中国的未来英语

  • 少年强则国强英文短文

    Resouceful youths lead to a resourceful nation; strong youths lead to a strong country.




    where there is a strong young,there is a strong country



    where there is a will ,there is a way。袭凳


    1. Chinese proverb "Junior strong Guoqiang, said to say that education is fundamental to national development country. In today's China and the world, you will find that our education and Western education there is a big gap between the existence of many problems

    2. There is a Chinese proverb says "The youth are strong and powerful," said that to say that education is a National Development Foundation. But if we look at China and the world of today, you will find that my education in the west there is a large gap between education, there are many questions

    3.There is a Chinese saying "young strong is strong", said that education is the foundation of national developing country. But throughout the country and the world today, you'll find education and Western education there is a big gap in our country, there are a lot of problems


    The strengthness and riches of a country depend on its youth.


    少年富则国大烂富,少年强则国强翻印为老燃:The young rich national wealth, the youth, strong, strong countries(这句话有收滚含漏藏价值哟~)
