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  • 2023-04-14
  • 泰山英语作文80词
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  • 介绍泰山景点一段话英文

  • 泰山英语作文80词

    自秦始皇开始到清代,先后有哪渗辩13代帝喊基王引次亲登泰山封禅或祭祀,另外有24代帝王遣官祭祀72次。泰山代表景点有阴阳界、桃花峪、傲徕峰、玉皇顶。接下来是我为大家整理的关于介绍泰李缺山的导游词英语 作文 ,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!


    Hello, everyone. Welcome to Mount Tai. I hope you can have a good timehere.

    First of all, let me give you an introduction to Mount Tai. Mount Tai islocated in Tai'an City, Shandong Province. It is the first of the five mountainsin China, the great symbol of the Chinese nation, and the epitome of theoriental cultural world. Mount Tai has been regarded as a symbol of nationalstability and national unity since ancient times. In ancient times, twelveemperors came to Mount Tai to confer Zen. Therefore, Mount Tai was the onlyfamous mountain in China that had been granted Zen by the emperor. EvenConfucius and Du Fu ascended Mount Tai one after another, leaving some eternalquatrains.

    Next, I'm going to show you around the holy mountain. We are now inHongmen, the starting point for walking up the mountain. There are 666 stepsfrom here to Nantianmen. This number is very auspicious, which means I wish allthe best to my mountaineers. The road is about ten kilometers long and takesabout four hours. Please look up. This stone square is a Tianmen gate. Mount Taihas three gates: yitianmen gate, Zhongtianmen gate and Nantianmen gate. "One" isthe starting point of all things. If you cross this gate, you will enter thegate of heaven. In front of this four column and three door archway, theinscription "Confucius' boarding place" was created to commemorate Confucius'coming here to Mount Tai and to express the feeling that "he is more fierce thana tiger in politics". On the way up the mountain, there is a very interestingword puzzle, which is "Er Chong". Many people don't understand what it is. Infact, these two words mean "boundless wind and moon", that is, remove the borderof the traditional Chinese characters "Feng and Yue" to describe the blue andbeautiful scenery around.

    We've been walking for two hours. We're going to Zhongtianmen. The aerialpassenger cableway runs from Zhongtianmen to Nantianmen with a total length of2078m and a drop of 602m. Starting from Zhongtianmen and passing yunbuqiao, thefive doctors came to the 18th plate after the pines. The 18 plates are dividedinto three 18 plates, slow 18, tight 18, not slow 18, with a total of 1633steps. However, the three 18 plates are less than one kilometer long, with avertical height of more than 400 meters.

    Now we have climbed the steep 18 sets and finally arrived at Nantianmen.It's 1460 meters above sea level. If you enter Nantianmen, you will enterTianting. This road is called Tianjie, which is the Tianshan Mountain in theworld and also the heaven and the earth. Bixia Yuanjun is in Bixia temple. Whenyou go out of Bixia temple to the north, you can see the symbol of Mount Tai,which is "the only one of the five mountains". To the north, you can see the topof Mount Tai, Yuhuangding, which is 1545 meters above sea level. It has beenDengfeng platform since ancient times, which proves that emperors of alldynasties set up altars here to worship heaven.

    Friends, is the scenery of Mount Tai very beautiful? I hope you will cometo Mount Tai with your friends and relatives next time.


    Hello, everyone. Today we are going to visit the world famous MountTai.

    Mount Tai, also known as "Daizong" and "Dongyue", is a world natural andcultural heritage, a World Geopark and a national 5A tourist attraction, with atotal area of 24200 hectares. Yuhuangding, the main peak, is 1545 meters abovesea level, known as "the first of the five mountains" and "the first mountain inthe world".

    In ancient times, Mount Tai was regarded as a heaven "connecting to thethrone" and became a sacred mountain worshipped by the people and worshipped bythe emperor. There was a saying that "Mount Tai is safe and all the world issafe". From the beginning of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty to the QingDynasty, there were 13 generations of emperors who went to Mount Tai to offersacrifices, and another 24 generations of emperors sent officials to offersacrifices 72 times. The ancient literati admired the magnificent scenery ofMount Tai and came here one after another to travel and write poems. Du Fu'sWangyue and other poems and essays have been handed down from generation togeneration.

    Mount Tai has a beautiful scenery. In spring, flowers are in full bloom,peach and apricot flowers are smiling. Bees and butterflies are flying around inthe flowers. At this time, Mount Tai becomes a sea of flowers. In summer, pinetrees are more green and lush, and Mount Tai is like a piece of black jade. Inthe rainy season, the whole mount tai is shrouded in clouds and fog. In autumn,fruits and melons are fragrant, hawthorn and chestnut are hanging on thebranches, and red and yellow leaves echo each other, adding a touch of gorgeouscolor to Mount Tai. In winter, Mount Tai is covered with snow and pines,reflecting the majestic appearance of Mount Tai.

    Ladies and gentlemen, that's all for my introduction. I hope you will becivilized tourists and keep Mount Tai clean. As the saying goes: "seeing isbetter than hearing". Please put yourself into the embrace of Mount Tai andwatch it carefully!


    Ladies and gentlemen

    hello everyone!

    My name is song _ _ and I'm your little guide today. First of all, I wouldlike to express my warm welcome to you for your visit to Mount Tai. I hope youcan have a good time, eat at ease and live at ease during your visit to MountTai. At the same time, I also hope that the browsing of Mount Tai will leave youa good memory. Before I show you around, I'd like to make a few smallrequirements for you to abide by: "when you play, you should never destroybuildings, carve names on ancient trees and stone tablets, take photos, andleave the tour group alone."

    Now I will take you to Mount Tai, the head of the five mountains. When itcomes to Mount Tai, you may think of the idiom "heavy as Tai", which is astrange and stable mountain. Do you feel a sense of security?

    Good! Now let's go into the mountain together, to appreciate the charm ofMount Tai, to conquer Mount Tai!

    Now you can see the stone ladder surrounded by flowers. We can follow it todaizongfang, and then go up to wanxianlou, wangmuchi and Hongmen. At this time,you can have a brief visit.

    Now we are halfway up the mountain, you see! This stone road is steep andcurved, and this is the most difficult 18 sets to climb. You can't back out,it's time for you to jump! You look up first, people who climb faster than usare like stepping on our heads. Please look down again, are our feet likestepping on other people's heads? Let's work together! Look Whoever gets to thetop of the mountain first is today's hero.

    As you climb, I'd like to introduce Mount Tai to you: Weiwei Mount Tai islocated in the east of Shandong Province, on the east side of the North ChinaPacific plain. It covers an area of 426 square kilometers, with an altitude of1545 meters. There are more than 30000 ancient and famous trees in Mount Tai,including Tanghuai, wangrensong, wududaosong, etc. there are 90 peaks andcliffs, 120 pools, waterfalls and mountain springs in Mount Tai.

    Hoo, Hoo... The South Gate of heaven has arrived. We are already in the"fairyland". Now, let's go to "yueguanfeng". Let's tell you a little secret: ona bright night, you can see the "golden belt of the Yellow River" on themountain!

    Night, gradually opened its mysterious curtain, today's tour is over here,unfortunately, because today's fog is too big, so we can't enjoy Mount Tai - thesunrise. There is such a saying: "climb the sun peak in the morning, the seawater is yellow with melting.".

    Therefore, the beauty of sunrise is indescribable.

    I hope you can enjoy the beautiful sunrise in Mount Tai next time. Thankyou!


    Hello, I'm Feng Qianye, the tour guide. Today, I'd like to show you MountTai, the first of the five mountains.

    Mount Tai, formerly known as Daizong, is located in the east of ShandongProvince, north of Tai'an City, with an area of 426 square kilometers and analtitude of 1545 meters. Mount Tai is magnificent, with a long history andnumerous cultural relics. It is famous for its "unique five mountains". MountTai is like a fish. It is like a national monument standing on the land ofChina.

    When we climb up the stone steps at the foot of the mountain, we can seethe winding post road, green ancient wood, pine and cypress Road, and thecolorful wild flowers along the road. From Daizong square, we can see the QueenMother's pool, red gate, Wanxian tower, and then the Zhongtian gate, the pinePavilion, and countless historical sites.

    Standing in Yingke Panasonic, you can see eighteen plates vaguely, becausethe ancients said, "one leaf blinds the eye, but you can't see Mount Tai." Thereare 1594 steps in the 18th plate, about 400 meters high, which can be said to bethe "backbone" of Mount Tai.

    After 18 dishes, we arrive at Nantianmen. Look, there is a tower likebuilding in the middle of the mountain road, standing on the top of themountain. This is the famous Nantianmen. "Nantianmen" these three red goldcharacters, eye-catching.

    The walls of the city tower are painted with red, yellow and blue. Thecolors are harmonious, bright and dignified.

    The final goal is Yuhuangding, on which you can watch the sunrise of MountTai. You can get up early tomorrow morning to watch the sunrise. With the firstray of light from the rising sun tearing through the darkness before dawn, theeastern sky gradually turned from dark to white and red, until the dazzlinggolden yellow, emitting thousands of rays. Finally, a fireball jumped out andsoared into the air.

    Here I hope you can work together to protect our natural environment andcultural heritage, and be civilized tourists. Thank you!


    Hello, everyone. Welcome to Mount Tai. This tall and ancient mountain isrich in natural and cultural accumulation. Today, let's walk into Mount Tai andfeel its bearing of "going to the top and seeing all the mountains".

    Starting from Dai Temple, it passes through daizongfang, yitianmen,Hongmen, Zhongtianmen, and shengxianfang to Nantianmen. It is the road that theancient emperor passed when he granted Zen to Mount Tai. Now it is called"mountaineering scenic spot", also known as Zhonglu. It is the oldest of the sixmountaineering roads. We will climb to the top of Mount Tai from this road.

    Yaoshen Pavilion is the starting point of the ancient emperor's Fengchan.From Yaoshen pavilion to daizongfang, we come to the starting point of Taishanimperial road. We pass by eighteen plates, "tight 18 plates, slow 18 plates, nottight and slow 18 plates", and "tight 18" is the most difficult section in thewhole climbing circle. You can see that the title on the stone wall is "striveto climb", "see Wanshan", "Qingyun ladder" That is to encourage us to overcomethe dangers and reach the highest level only by going up without hesitation.

    After 18 sets, we arrive at Nantianmen, which is the legendary "Tianjie".Standing here, we can understand the heroism of "climbing Mount Tai and makingthe world small".

    Circling along the west side of Daguan peak, we will reach the highestpoint of Mount Tai - Yuhuangding. Those stone steps that seem endless along theway have finally come to an end. Here is the famous "zenith". The zenith stonelies in a circle of stone railings. It is less than meters high and has a roughsurface. If it is anywhere else, it will be the most common stone. But here,beside the pavilion, there is a tablet that says "Mount Tai's zenith is 1545m".According to the analysis of geologists, it was the first one to arch from thetrough 30 million years ago. It is rooted in the depth of the earth's crust of10000 meters. The whole mountain is holding it and making it beautiful Toweringinto the clouds, it has become a veritable "top stone".

    This is Mount Tai. I hope you have a good time here.















    Mount Tai is crowned as the most famous of China's five great mountains, namely, Mount Tai in East China, the Hengshan Mountain in South China, the Huashan Mountain in the West China, the Hengshan Mountain in North China and the Songshan Mountain in Central China.

    Mount Tai is situated in central Shandong Province,stretching over 200 kilometers. North of the city of Tai'an stands Mount Tai's highest peak, rising to 1,545 meters above sea level.This mountain impresses visitors with its majestic and precipitous appeal, its summit Yuhuanding overlooking the surrounding valleys and perilous peaks.

    To reach Mount Tai's summit,we will feast our eyes on the charming scenery and appreciate the ancient architectual works of various styles.Soon we will trudge along a staircase that leads to the Heavenly Southern Gate. When we reach the Riguan Peak and look around in the distance, we will find ourselves carried away in invountary admiration by the overpowering endless vistas of mountains beyond mountains and scenery beyond scenery.




    Tai Mountain is in the middle of Shandong Province. It is great. There are many trees and a lot of spring water. If you are lucky, you can see sunrise at the top of Tai Mountain, There are many places of interest in Tai Mountain. Some trees and some stone tablets may tell you interesting stories about Confucius, Emperor Qin and so on. So when you visit Tai Mountain, you'd better walk wtep by step to the top, and then you will enjoy more.

    Taishan Mountain

    Mount Tai is crowned as the most famous of China's five great mountains, namely, Mount Tai in East China, the Hengshan Mountain in South China, the Huashan Mountain in the West China, the Hengshan Mountain in North China and the Songshan Mountain in Central China.

    Mount Tai is situated in central Shandong Province,stretching over 200 kilometers. North of the city of Tai'an stands Mount Tai's highest peak, rising to 1,545 meters above sea level.This mountain impresses visitors with its majestic and precipitous appeal, its summit Yuhuanding overlooking the surrounding valleys and perilous peaks.

    To reach Mount Tai's summit,we will feast our eyes on the charming scenery and appreciate the ancient architectual works of various styles.Soon we will trudge along a staircase that leads to the Heavenly Southern Gate. When we reach the Riguan Peak and look around in the distance, we will find ourselves carried away in invountary admiration by the overpowering endless vistas of mountains beyond mountains and scenery beyond scenery.


    Hope you can practice your English


    Taishan Nantianmen:

    overlooking the wonders of thousand cliff

    Bi Xia Temple from the West Nantianmen to God for the days of street door at the very top of the sun, the terrain relatively flat. The main attractions are Nantianmen, Tin Street, Phoenix Mountains, cliffs, etc. Confucius.

    Nantianmen also known as the door for three days. Nantianmen in the 18 end of the winding mountain path to the top is a mountain located in the flight between Longyan and Xiang Feng Ling pass on. Looking up from the next, like a palace in heaven, is the gateway to the Peak Goldenthal. Yuan Yuan was founded in the first year (1264), Ming and Qing dynasties rebuilt many times, after the founding of two renovated. Now maintained in the Qing Dynasty architectural style. Door for the tower-style building, in conjunction book: "the provision of Jiuxiao door, step three-day Trips Yang; order Chong 10000, commands the wonders of thousands of peaks." Overlying Mount Air Court, built-in 3 the Ming Dynasty bronze statue of the goddess.

    A small hospital gate, main hall for the three spirits Hou Temple, built during Emperor Song Tai Shan Dong Feng, Si-Zhou Tang Expostulation Yichen, Ge Yong, Zhou Wu three, later renamed the temple. Home Dongyuetaidi this statue.

    Before the main hall for the East and West side hall, 1984 redevelopment, for the bronze statue of the goddess of the Ming Dynasty. After the main hall is the newly-landscaped gardens, stone fence and a half around, open spacious, looking Dai Yin Zhu Jing.

    Tin Street Nantianmen northeast Shihfang, Ming Inscribed "Secondary" Abolishment. 1986 reconstruction, the people of Wu Zhongqi Inscribed "Heaven Street." Square before the north have returned to Luang House, built in 1989 for the third Tai'an City Guest House. The east, Mount CMC Nantianmen Management District, the local police station and other resident and guest houses.

    Nantianmen points lower layers. Lower for the arched openings, stone and assembled articles, coupons stone bagging, stone articles top shop, surrounded by ice tray out eaves, what length of 9.65 meters, 6.26 meters north and south into the deep, 4.7 meters high. Arched doorway, 3.7 meters wide, 3.25 meters high, the Inlay plaque "Nantianmen" gilding. Both sides of Xiang stone couplet: "the provision of Jiuxiao Yang-door step 3 days sites, order Chong 10 000 1000 cliff overlooking the spectacle."

    Superstructure Mount Air Court, Miankuo 3 8.43 m, depth 5.2 meters, 5.3 meters high pass, second column five purlins five beams, heavy beams from the rack, yellow glazed tiles Juanpeng Xieshan Ding eaves. Lower eaves or upper walls, open arch to the south is between the door and one window in each opening between the two. Door Agariishi plaque "Mount Air Court", white, red walls laced with gold foil, and top with yellow glazed tiles shine, even more majestic and impressive.

    Under a dolmen Nantianmen west, wall Xiang Nantianmen create monument, author Duren Jie Yuan, Yan Zhongfan writing. From the inscription of view, there is no room Nantianmen Yu Yuan ago, Taoist Yuan Zhang, Department whom the preparation of pure, after several years of construction made of.

    Nantianmen north built a temple 3, Miankuo 11.7 m, depth 9.6 meters, 7.4 meters high pass, Four-five seven purlin beam before and after the gallery-style, heavy beams from the frame, hard top five ridges. Circular columns, Fu Pen-type column bases, eaves purlin, Lanna amount of ink lines and other decorative gold painted dots. Praise God the porch in the monument, carved like Yin Xian. Nantianmen and temple on both sides of the middle of the old East side hall all three, before the founding of destruction, in 1984, using the original base of a wall reconstruction.



    《Climb mount tai》

    Today we come to mount tai, the most famous of the five great mountains. And our mission here is to climb mount tai. First we took a bus to the beginning of the hike. When we got there, we bought some crutches and some raincoats. Everyone is ready. Our mountaineering trip is about to begin.

    At first we were all excited and didn't feel tired at all. On the way we also saw many famous people's calligraphy. But after a while, the panting became uneven. Father and uncle see this situation let everybody rest for a while. When everyone was almost rested, we went on climbing.

    But mom didn't know where she was. I looked around and was surprised to find that my mother was a long way ahead of us. Seeing this, my mother's behavior aroused my morale, and I went after her. Finally I caught up with my mother. I asked her why she didn't rest with the rest of us, but would have to go first. "Stupid birds fly first," she joked to herself.

    I've burned too much energy chasing my mother. I had to rest where I was. To keep me from falling behind, my father said, "I'll walk for another half hour and I'll buy you a pancake." Pancakes are a famous snack. I can't come here without them. And as a true foodie you have to eat pancakes. So the pancakes gave me motivation. I walked on, one step, two steps, three steps。

    Wow, it's finally the south gate. What a success! It's been a long time. At this time, although I feel very tired, but the joy of climbing mount tai, let me forget tired. The road behind was almost flat, and I was talking to my friends. I turn my head carelessly, but let me see a very beautiful painting. The fog covered the mountains, but there was a faint view of the rolling hills and the beauty of the looming cable car. We came to the place where we ate, and after dinner we took the cable car down the hill.

    Tired and happy day is over. Tomorrow we will go to kongfu and Confucius temple.










    We take a holiday of 7 days because of the National Day.As we all know,Ottober 1 is the National Day of China in Gregorian calendar.

    In the holiday I went to visit the Yellow River Forest Park togeter with three of my classmates.It was very boring when staying in the bus for a long time,which made me doze off all the time,and at some time,I nearly struck my head on the chair in the front of me.After two hours' journery by bus,we finally got to the park.But to my disappoint,there was nothing intresting here,which were quiet normal things.Compared with the college I stayed in,here was very noisy and messy.Though the park is beside the Yellow River,the air is still a little smelly because there are a lot of animals such as horses,cocks and so on here,which make lots of wastes every day while few people clean them.In a word,the park is not so good as I had expected,and I felt unsatisfied about it.
