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音乐之声简谱,do re mi简谱完整版

  • 音乐
  • 2023-06-01
  • 音乐之声《哆来咪》简谱
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  • 音乐之声《哆来咪》
  • do re mi音乐之声简谱
  • 《音乐之声》插曲有哪些

  • 音乐之声《哆来咪》简谱

    电影《音乐之声粗颤唯》的插曲《do re mi》数十年来脍炙人口,已经成为经典。下面是简岩培谱版乐洞睁谱以及参考链接。






    let's start at the very beginning

    a very good place to start

    when you read you begin with a-b-c

    when you sing you begin with do-re-mi

    do-re-mi, do-re-mi

    the first three notes just happen to be

    do-re-mi, do-re-mi


    let's see if i can make it easy

    doe, a deer, a female deer

    ray, a drop of golden sun

    me, a name i call myself

    far, a long, long way to run

    sew, a needle pulling thread

    la, a note to follow sew

    tea, a drink with jam and bread

    that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh)



    now children, do-re-mi-fa-so and so on

    are only the tools we use to build a song.

    once you have these notes in your heads,

    you can sing a million different tunes by mixing them up.

    like this.

    so do la fa mi do re

    can you do that?

    so do la fa mi do re

    so do la ti do re do

    so do la ti do re do

    now, put it all together.

    so do la fa mi do re, so do la ti do re do


    but it doesn't mean anything.

    so we put in words. one word for every note. like this.

    when you know the notes to sing

    you can sing most anything


    when you know the notes to sing

    you can sing most anything

    doe, a deer, a female deer

    ray, a drop of golden sun

    me, a name i call myself

    far, a long, long way to run

    sew, a needle pulling thread

    la, a note to follow sew

    tea, a drink with jam and bread

    that will bring us back to do

    do re mi fa so la ti do

    do ti la so fa mi re

    do mi mi

    mi so so

    re fa fa

    la ti ti

    when you know the notes to sing

    you can sing most anything

    doe, a deer, a female deer

    ray, a drop of golden sun

    me, a name i call myself

    far, a long, long way to run

    sew, a needle pulling thread

    la, a note to follow sew

    tea, a drink with jam and bread

    that will bring us back to

    do ... so do

    re ... la fa

    mi ... mi do

    fa ... re

    so ... so do

    la ... la fa

    ti ... la so fa mi re

    ti do - oh - oh ti do -- so do



    《Do Re Mi》是春祥则奥斯卡经典电影《The Sound of Music》(音乐之声)的主题曲之一宴携,




    do re mi音乐之声简谱

    1231313 2344324 3453535 4566546 5123456 623#4567 73#4#567! 7b76475!532 1231313 2344324 3453535 4566546 5123456 623#456 73#4#567! 7b76~4~7~5~!~~



    #4 是 升fa

    b7 是 将xi

    ! 是 高音do

    ~ 是延长音


    DO RE MI

    Let's start at the very beginning

    A very good place to start

    When you read you begin with ABC

    When you sing you begin with Do Re Mi

    Do Re Mi Do Re Mi

    The first three notes just happen to be Do Re Mi

    Do Re Mi

    Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti

    Let's see if I can make it easier

    Do - a deer a female deer

    Re - a drop of golden sun

    Mi - a name I call myself

    Fa - a long long way to run

    So- a needle pulling thread

    La - a note to follow so

    Ti - a drink with jam and bread

    That will bring us back to Do

    Do - a deer a female deer

    Re - a drop of golden sun

    Mi - a name I call myself

    Fa - a long long way to run

    So- a needle pulling thread

    La - a note to follow so

    Ti - a drink with jam and bread

    That will bring us back to Do

    - a deer a female deer

    Re - a drop of golden sun

    Mi - a name I call myself

    Fa - a long long way to run

    So- a needle pulling thread

    La - a note to follow so

    Ti - a drink with jam and bread

    That will bring us back to Do

    Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do So Do

    So Do La Fa Mi Do Re

    So Do La Fa Mi Do Re

    So Do La Ti Do Re Do

    So Do La Ti Do Re Do

    Now let's put it all together

    So Do La Fa Mi Do Re

    So Do La Ti Do Re Do

    When you know the notes to sing

    You can sing most anything

    When you know the notes to sing

    You can sing most anything

    Do - a deer a female deer

    Re - a drop of golden sun

    Mi - a name I call myself

    Fa - a long long way to run

    So- a needle pulling thread

    La - a note to follow so

    Ti - a drink with jam and bread

    That will bring us back to Do

    Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti

    Do Do Ti La So Fa Mi Re

    Do Mi Mi Mi So So

    Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti

    Do Mi Mi Mi So So

    Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti

    When you know the notes to sing

    You can sing most anything

    Do - a deer a female deer

    Re - a drop of golden sun

    Mi - a name I call myself

    Fa - a long long way to run

    So- a needle pulling thread

    La - a note to follow so

    Ti - a drink with jam and bread

    That will bring us back to

    So Do La Fa Mi Do Re

    So Do La Fa La So Fa Ti Re Ti Do

    So Do




    《Do Re Mi》是奥斯卡笑逗经典电影《The Sound of Music》(音乐之声)的主题曲之一。


    Let's start at the very beginning


    A very good place to start


    When you read you begin with “A-B-C”


    When you sing you begin with “Do-Re-Mi”


    Do-re-mi Do-re-mi

    The first three notes just happen to be


    Do-re-mi Do-re-mi


    Let's see if I can make it easier


    -Do Re Mi (电粗纳影《音乐之声》主题曲)
