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  • 英语
  • 2023-04-22
  • sticky fingers新概念
  • 新概念54课课文音频
  • 新概念54课课文原文
  • 新概念英语第54课的朗读
  • 新概念英语第二册54课笔记

  • sticky fingers新概念

    Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it.

    I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily.

    'It's none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!'. (第一课)

    It was Sunday. I never get up early on

    Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until

    lunch time. Last Sunday I got up very

    late. I looked out of the window. It was

    dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought.

    'It's raining again.' Just then, the tele-

    phone rang. It was my aunt Lucy.' I've

    just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm

    coming to see you.'

    'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said.

    'What are you doing ?' she asked.

    ' I'm having breakfast,' I repeated.

    'Dear me,' she said. 'Do you always

    get up so late ? It's one o'clock!''(第二课)

    Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last

    summer, I went to Italy. I visited

    museums and sat in public gardens. A

    friendly waiter taught me a few words of

    Italian. 'Then he lent me a book. I read

    is few lines, but I did not understand a

    word. Every day I thought about post-

    cards. My holidays passed quickly, but I

    did not send any cards to my friends. On

    the last day I made a big decision. I got

    up early and bought thirty-seven cards

    I spent the whole day in my room, but I

    did not write a single card !(第三课)

    I have just received a letter from my

    brother, Tim. He is in Australia.He has

    been there for six months. Tim is an

    engineer. He is working for a big firm

    and he has already visited a great number

    of different places in Australia. He has

    just bought an Australian car and has

    gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the

    centre of Australia. He will soon visit

    Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth.

    My brother has never been abroad be-

    fore, so he is finding this trip very exciting(第四课)

    Mr James Scott has a garage in Silbury

    and now he has just bought another

    garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five

    miles from Silbury, but Mr Scott cannot

    get a telephone for his new garage, so he

    has just bought twelve pigeons. Yester-

    day, a pigeon carried the first message

    from Pinhurst to Silbury. The bird

    covered the distance in three minutes.

    Up to now, Mr Scott has sent a great

    many requests for spare parts and other

    urgent messages from one garage to the

    other. In this way, he has begun his own

    private telephone service. (第五课)

    I have just moved to a house in Bridge

    Street. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my

    door. He asked me for a meal and a glass

    of beer. In return for this, the beggar

    stood on his head and sang songs. I gave

    him a meal. He ate the food and drank

    the beer. Then he put a piece of cheese

    in his pocket and went away. Later a

    neighbour told me about him. Everybody

    knows him. His name is Percy Buttons.

    He calls at every house in the street once

    a month and always asks for a meal and a

    glass of beer.(第六课)

    The plane was late and detectives were

    waiting at the airport all morning. They

    were expecting a valuable parcel of dia-

    mond from South Africa. A few hours

    earlier, someone had told the police that

    thieves would try to steal the diamonds.

    When the plane arrived,some of the de-

    tectives were waiting inside the main

    building while others were waiting on the

    airfield. Two men took the parcel off

    the plane and carried it into the Customs

    House. While two detectives were keep-

    ing guard at the door, two others opened

    the parcel. To their surprise, the precious

    parcel was full of stones and sand!(第七课)

    Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden

    in our town. Nearly everybody enters for

    'The Nicest Garden Competition' each

    year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Frith's

    garden is larger than Joe's. Bill works

    harder than Joe and grows more flowers

    and vegetables, but Joe's garden is more

    interesting. He has made neat paths and

    has built a wooden bridge over a pool. I

    like gardens too, but I do not like hard

    work. Every year I enter for the garden

    competition too, and I always win a little

    prize for the worst garden in the town!(第八课)

    On Wednesday evening, we went to the

    Town Hall. It was the last day of the year

    and a large crowd of people had gathered

    under the Town Hall clock.It would

    strike twelve in twenty minutes' time.

    Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five

    to twelve, the clock stopped. The big

    minute hand did not move. We waited

    and waited, but nothing happened. Sud-

    denly someone shouted, 'It's two minutes

    past twelve! The clock has stopped!' I

    looked at my watch. It was true. The big

    clock refused to welcome the New Year.

    At that moment everybody began to

    laugh and sing.(第九课)

    We have an old musical instrument. It is

    called a clavichord. It was made in Ger-

    many in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in

    the living-room. It has belong to our

    family for a long time. The instrument

    was bought by my grandfather many

    years ago. Recently it was damaged by a

    visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She

    struck the keys too hard and two of the

    strings were broken. My father was

    shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch

    it. It is being repaired by a friend of my





    Lesson51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖励

    My friend, Herbert, has always been fat, but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a week ago. First of all, he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the things Herbert loves: butter, potatoes, rice, beer, milk, chocolate, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk. It was obvious that he was very embarrassed. When I asked him what he was doing, he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk. He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the contents of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets!


    Lesson52 A pretty carpet 美丽的地毯

    We have just moved into a new house and I have been working hard all morning. I have been trying to get my new room in order. This has not been easy because I own over a thousand books. To make matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my books on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk on them to get in or out of the room. A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those books on the floor. 216;This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,217; she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 216;You don217;t need bookcases at all. You can sit here in your spare time and read the carpet!217;


    Lesson53 Hot snake 触电的蛇

    At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line. In this way, he was able to solve the mystery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires. The snake then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.


    Lesson54 Sticky fingers 粘糊的手指

    After breakfast, I sent the children to school and then I went to market. It was still early when I returned home. The children were at school, my husband was at work and the house was quiet. So I decided to make some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands were soon covered with sticky pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Mrs Bates. It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-knobs. I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the door-bell rang loud enough to wake the dead. This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter !


    Lesson55 Not a gold mine 并非金矿

    Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. A new machine called 216;The Revealer217; has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where211;it is said211;pirates used to hide gold. The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. Very excited, the party dug a hole two feet deep. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk. In spite of this, many people are confident that 216;The Revealer217; may reveal something of value fairly soon.




    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 1:A private conversation(alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 2:Breakfast or lunch? 早餐… (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 3:Please send me a card (alex,03-04)

    · 新概型锋旦念英语第二册 Lesson 4:An exciting trip 激动人心… (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 5:No wrong number无号码错误… (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念卜扰英语第二册 Lesson 6:Percy Buttons (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 7:Too late 为时太晚 (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 8:The best and the worst 最… (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 9:A cold welcome (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 10:Not For Jazz (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 11:One good turn deserves … (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 12:Goodbye and good luck (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 13:The Greenwood Boys (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 14:Do you speak English? (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 15:Good news 佳音 (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 16:A polite request彬彬有礼… (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 17:Always young青春常驻 (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 18:He often does this他经常… (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 19:Sold out票已售完 (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 20:One man in a boat独坐孤基仿… (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 21:Mad or not是不是疯了 (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 22:A glass envelope玻璃信封 (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 23:A new house新居 (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 24:If could be worse不幸中… (alex,03-04)

    · 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 25:Do the English speak En… (alex,03-04)



    After breakfast, I sent the children to school and then I went to the shops. It was still early when I returned home. The children were at school, my husband was at work and the house was quiet. So I decided to make some meat pies. In a short time I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands were soon covered with sticky pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates. It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the doorknobs. I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead. This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter!




    As soon as the writer returned home from the shops she began to make some meat pies.When the telephone rang soon afterwards,her fingers were very sticky.She spent ten minutes talking to Helen Bates on the telephone.After that she looked at the mess she had

    made.Her fingers,the telephone and the doorknobs were covered with pastry.Just then the postman rang the doorbell.He wanted her to sign for a registered letter.


    Lesson51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖励

    My friend, Herbert, has always been fat, but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a week ago. First of all, he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the things Herbert loves: butter, potatoes, rice, beer, milk, chocolate, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk. It was obvious that he was very embarrassed. When I asked him what he was doing, he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk. He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the contents of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets!


    Lesson52 A pretty carpet 美丽的地毯

    We have just moved into a new house and I have been working hard all morning. I have been trying to get my new room in order. This has not been easy because I own over a thousand books. To make matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my books on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk on them to get in or out of the room. A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those books on the floor. 216;This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,217; she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 216;You don217;t need bookcases at all. You can sit here in your spare time and read the carpet!217;


    Lesson53 Hot snake 触电的蛇

    At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line. In this way, he was able to solve the mystery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires. The snake then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.


    Lesson54 Sticky fingers 粘糊的`手指

    After breakfast, I sent the children to school and then I went to market. It was still early when I returned home. The children were at school, my husband was at work and the house was quiet. So I decided to make some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands were soon covered with sticky pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Mrs Bates. It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-knobs. I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the door-bell rang loud enough to wake the dead. This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter !


    Lesson55 Not a gold mine 并非金矿

    Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. A new machine called 216;The Revealer217; has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where211;it is said211;pirates used to hide gold. The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. Very excited, the party dug a hole two feet deep. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk. In spite of this, many people are confident that 216;The Revealer217; may reveal something of value fairly soon.

