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  • 2023-04-23
  • 英语四级翻译题库
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  • 2017年四级英语翻译真题
  • 英语四级翻译范文20篇
  • 四级英语动漫翻译真题

  • 英语四级翻译题库


    大熊猫(Giant Pandas),作为中国的国宝,被认为是活化石。中

    国大熊猫主要生活在中国中西部和西南部,是目前濒袭局临灭绝的物种。换句话说,中国大熊猫的故乡是四川。四川成都大熊猫繁育和研究中心(Chengdu Panda

    Breeding and Research Centre) 大熊猫的家,是市区附近最大的大熊猫基地。

    Giant Pandas, regarded as a national treasure of China, are considered a

    living fossil. Chinese Pandas mainly lives in central-western and southwest

    China,and is currently an endangered species. In other words, the hometown of

    Chinese panda is Sichuan. And Chengdu Panda Breeding and Research Centre in

    Suchuan — home of the Panda is the biggest panda base near the urban







    从前有个人养了一群羊,一天早上他准备出去放羊,发现少了 一只。他仔正野细一看,看到羊栏(sheepfold)上有个窟窿。显然 夜间有狼钻进羊圏叼走了羊。邻居劝他修羊栏,可是他不听。

    第二天他发现狼又通过窟晓叼走一只羊。他想起邻居的话,就 赶快堵上窟窿,把羊栏补好。此后,他的羊再也没有被狼叼走。


    Once upon a time, a man, who kept a flock of sheep, was ready to herd them when he noticed one of them was gone. Observing carefully, he saw a hole in the sheepfold. Obvi ously, a wolf must have got in and taken the sheep away. His neighbour advised him to fix the sheepfold, but he wouldn, t listen only to find the next day that another sheep was carried away by the wolf. Remembering his neig- hour, s words, he hurried to repair the sheepfold by plug ging the hole. Since then, no sheep was missing in this way ever again.

    The story tells us: if we solve the problem in time, we can prevent ourselves from suffering bigger loss.






    Chinese families attach due importance to children's education. Numerous parents deem that they should work hard to ensure that their children are well educated. Not only are they very willing to invest in their children's education, but they also spend a lot of time urging them to learn. The great majority of parents expect that their children are able to go to prestigious universities. As a result of the reform and opening up, an increasing number of parents can send their children to study abroad or participate in international exchange projects, so as to broaden their horizons. Through these efforts, they expect their children to grow up healthily and contribute to the development and prosperity of the country.




    【解析】此举为主谓宾结构,十分重视:attach due importance to

    【参考答案】 Chinese families attach due importance to children's education.



    【参考答案】Numerous parents deem that they should work hard to ensure that their children are well educated.


    【解析】出现“不仅……而且……”, 选择“not only…but also…”处理,可以将not only提前,将句子处理为半倒装。

    花时间做某事:spend time (on / in) doing sth.

    情愿:bewilling to;投资:investin;督促:push/urge

    【参考答案】Not only are they very willing to invest in their children's education, but they also spend a lot of time urging them to learn.



    多数:most / the great majority of; 名牌大学:prestigious universities.

    【参考答案】The great majority of parents expect that their children are able to go to prestigious universities.


    【解析】此句子有两个状语成分,其中“由于改革开放”是原因状语,处理为“dueto”或“as a result of”;“让其拓宽视野”是结果状语,处理为so as to broaden their horizons.

    改革开放:the reform and opening up; 国外学习:study abroad;参加国际交流项目:participate in international exchange projects

    【参考答案】As a result of the reform and opening up, an increasing number of parents can send their children to study abroad or participate in international exchange projects, so as to broaden their horizons.


    【解析】期待某人做某事:expectsb. todosth; 注意此处“健康”处理为副词,修饰动词“成长”;

    为…做贡献:contribute to

    【参考答案】Through these efforts, they expect their children to grow up healthily and contribute to the development and prosperity of the country.





    In recent years,more and more young people are fond of various forms of self-guided travel.Many travelers choose to travel on foot or by bicycle. They design the routes by themselves and bring their own tents,cookers and other necessities.During their travels,they often find some new and beautiful scenic spots,but sometimes they encounter unexpected difficulties or contingencies/emergencies. Self-guided travelers can not only embrace the nature and enjoy beautiful scenery during their travels,but also strengthen their courage to overcome difficulties and their ability to survive in the wild.



    Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.



    Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.



    Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.


