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  • 英语
  • 2023-04-24
  • 后羿射日英语版简短
  • 后羿射日英语故事
  • 后羿射日翻译英文
  • 后羿射日英文版简短80词
  • 后羿射日英文版简短带翻译

  • 后羿射日英语版简短




    Once upon a time, there were ten suns in the sky.

    The farm crops were destroyed, and monsters came out to hurt human beings.

    The common people had nothing to depend on for their living.

    The king sent Houyi to kill those monsters and shoot the suns off the sky.

    Houyi accomplished the mission, and he was greeted as the hero of the world.


    Once upon a time, the god of fire started to fight against the god of water and the god of fire won as a result.

    The god of water was so mad that he broke the pole which supported the sky, and it appeared a big hole in the sky.

    It causes many disasters for common people, such as flood, fire, and monsters which are eating human beings.

    Nvwa, a kind-hearted god, fixed the hole in the sky and used a giant turtle's leg to serve as the sky pole to support the sky.

    The disaster ended, and people had their happy life back.


    One of the emperors in Tang Dynasty gave a monk, who is called Xuanzang, a mission to do.

    The Budda asks a monkey, a pig, and a monk to help Xuanzang to accomplish the mission.

    The mission is going to the west and get the scriptures from the Budda.

    The four monks ran into many monsters and demons, but they've never given up and they overcame all the difficulties.

    The four monks brought the scriptures back to the kingdom, and the emperor was very happy.




    In ancient times, serious droughts occurred on the earth. The heat scorched the forest, dried the earth, and dried the grass and seedlings. Originally, Emperor Jun and Xi gave birth to 10 children who were the sun.

    They lived overseas in the East. There was a big tree named Fusang in the sea water. Ten suns sleep beneath the branches and take turns running out in the sky to shine on the earth.

    But sometimes they come out together and bring disaster to mankind. In order to save mankind, Hou Yi bowed and arrowed, shooting at the nine suns. See the sky burst fireballs, fell a three-legged crow. Finally, there is only one sun left in the sky.










    1.春光罩肢染绿我们的双脚 一、歌谣 寂寞咆哮 茂密 蹦跳 裸露 荒山野岭 枝繁叶茂 提示:荒 茂 裸的写法 用另一个字组词。 二、拥抱果园 撑起大伞 结束煎敏搜熬 金色的秋天 茂密的树丛 寂寞的荒山 提示:为什么可以拥抱果园?物拿世怎么理解? 三、1、裸露 浑浊...5964


    Once upon a time there were ten suns in the sky. The weather was so hot that crops withered, animals dead. People lived very hard. There was a young man called Hou Yi who was good at archery. People asked him to spare him the nine extra sun down. Hou Yi then climbed a mountain near Shanghai, and then shot down nine of the suns. People were very happy. He and her wife married, and lived a happy life.

    总体来带燃橘看,run-on 非常严重。不。要。总。用。逗号段让。

    Houyi born with genius archery talent, when he was grown he got amazing arm strength and superior arrows skill. Back at the time there were 10 suns, strong sunlight scorched the earth, crops were burn to wither, almost to melt even the stones, and the sea was boiling up. People couldn't breathe in the hot air, the beast took the opportunity to come out to harm humans. Houyi felt sorry for the people in agony, determined to risk his life to help people out from harm. This man was good at archery,he selected a highland point, took the bow and arrows, shot to the sky, Justa loud noise "bang"蠢团, one of the suns was shot and fell. Houyi shot out nine arrows in a row, nine suns were falling down one by one. When he wanted to re-shoot and get the last sun down, he suddenly thought, if there was no sun, the earth will be all in the dark, humans wouldn't survive, then he left the last sun on the sky, let this sunbenefitthe mankind.
