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  • 英语
  • 2023-04-26
  • 西游记英语简介20字
  • 西游记师徒四人英文名
  • 猪悟能用英语怎么说
  • 猪八戒为什么叫pigsy
  • 猪刚鬣英语翻译

  • 西游记英语简介20字


    玄奘 / 唐三藏

    英语里称他为 Tripitaka 或者 Xuanzang

    美猴王 / 孙悟空

    英语里称他为 Moneky King 或者 Sun Wukong

    猪八戒 / 猪悟能

    英语里称他为渗晌扮 Pigsy、Monk Pig 或者 Zhu Bajie

    沙僧 / 沙悟净

    英语里称他为 Friar Sand 或者 Sandy


    西游记:Journey to the West

    花果山:Mountain of Flower and Fruit

    水帘洞:Water Curtain Cave

    南天门:Southern Gate of Heaven

    灵霄殿:Hall of Miraculous Mist

    离恨天:Thirty-Third Heaven

    兜率宫:Tushita Palace

    丹房:Elixir Pill Room

    蟠桃园:Peach Garden

    蟠桃胜会:Peach Banquet

    瑶池:Jade Pool


    御马监:heavenly stables

    龙宫:Dragon Palace


    美猴王:Handsome Monkey King

    孙悟空:Sun Wukong

    弼马温:Protector of the Horse

    齐天大圣:Great Sage Equalling Heaven

    大闹天宫:Havoc in Heaven

    玉帝:Jade Emperor

    王母:Queen Mother

    大禹:Yu the Great

    太上老君:Supreme Lord Lao Zi

    太白金星:Great White Planet

    托塔李天丛灶王:Heavenly King Li

    降魔大元帅:Grant Demon-Subduing Marshal

    哪吒:baby-faced Nezha

    巨灵神:Mighty Magic Spirit

    二郎神:god Erlang

    四大天王:Four great Heavenly Kings

    增长谨孙天王:Sword Heavenly King

    广目天王:Lute Heavenly King

    多闻天王:Umbrella Heavenly King

    持国天王:Snake Heavenly King

    马天君:Keeper of the Imperial Stud

    七仙女:seven fairy maidens

    土地:local guardian god

    天将:Heavenly General

    天兵:heavenly soldier

    仙官:immortal official

    神仆:immortal servants

    东海龙王:Dragon King of the Eastern Sea

    龟丞相:Prime Minister Tortoise


    天马:heavenly horse

    定海神珍:Magic Sea-Fixing Pin

    如意金箍棒:As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel

    火眼金睛:fiery eyes with golden pupils

    风火轮:Wind-fire Rings

    金刚琢:special bracelet

    炼丹炉:cook furnace

    玲珑塔:magic pagoda

    金丹:Golden Elixir Pill

    仙桃:magic peach

    仙酒:immortal wine

    仙果:magic fruit

    瞌睡虫:sleep insects

    法力:magic power

    降龙伏虎:subdue dragons and tigers


    孙悟空(孙行者,齐天大圣):the Monkey, the Monkey King, the Great Sage Equalling Heaven.有时也直接翻缺汪译为Sun wukong。

    猪八戒:Monk Pig,本是天蓬元帅(Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy),后因调戏嫦娥(goddess in the moon)被贬。

    沙僧:Sandy,或者Monk Sha。

    唐僧:Tang Monk, Tripitaker(Tripitaka三藏经)。


    此外《西游记》的英语是:Journey to the West(向西的旅程)。

    金箍棒(golden cudgel)、筋斗云(somersault cloud)是孙悟空的标配。孙悟空锋首一开始在花果山(Mountain of Flowers and Fruits)占山为王。

    后来拜师须菩提(Subhuti)学得七十二变(countless changes of tactics/seventy-two Metamorphoses);

    然后又大闹天宫(make havoc in Heaven),被如来佛(Buddha)收到五指山(Five Finger Mountain)伏基仔五百年,后来跟随唐僧西天取经。


    猪八戒 Pigsy

    孙悟空 monkey king

    沙僧 Sandy

    唐僧 Tripitaker

    西游记:Journey to the West

    花果山:Mountain of Flower and Fruit

    水帘洞:Water Curtain Cave

    南天门:Southern Gate of Heaven

    灵霄殿:Hall of Miraculous Mist

    离恨天:Thirty-Third Heaven

    兜率宫:Tushita Palace

    丹房:Elixir Pill Room

    蟠桃园:Peach Garden

    蟠桃胜会:Peach Banquet

    瑶池:Jade Pool


    御马监:heavenly stables

    龙宫:Dragon Palace


    美猴王:Handsome Monkey King

    孙悟空:Sun Wukong

    弼马温:Protector of the Horse

    齐天大圣:Great Sage Equalling Heaven

    大闹天宫:Havoc in Heaven

    玉帝:磨唯Jade Emperor

    王母:Queen Mother

    大禹:Yu the Great

    太上老君:Supreme Lord Lao Zi

    太白金星:Great White Planet

    托塔李天王:Heavenly King Li

    降魔大元帅:Grant Demon-Subduing Marshal

    哪吒:baby-faced Nezha

    巨灵神:Mighty Magic Spirit

    二郎神:god Erlang

    四大天王:Four great Heavenly Kings

    增长天王:Sword Heavenly King

    广目天王:Lute Heavenly King

    多闻天王:Umbrella Heavenly King

    持国天王:Snake Heavenly King

    马天君:Keeper of the Imperial Stud

    七仙女:seven fairy maidens

    土地:local guardian god

    天将:Heavenly General

    天兵:激游禅heavenly soldier

    仙官:immortal official

    神仆:immortal servants

    东海龙王:Dragon King of the Eastern Sea

    龟丞相:Prime Minister Tortoise


    天马:heavenly horse

    定海神珍:Magic Sea-Fixing Pin

    如意金箍棒:As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel

    火眼金睛明尘:fiery eyes with golden pupils

    风火轮:Wind-fire Rings

    金刚琢:special bracelet

    炼丹炉:cook furnace

    玲珑塔:magic pagoda

    金丹:Golden Elixir Pill

    仙桃:magic peach

    仙酒:immortal wine

    仙果:magic fruit

    瞌睡虫:sleep insects

    法力:magic power

    降龙伏虎:subdue dragons and tigers

    白龙马 white horse


    猪镇模闷棚八戒御罩缓[zhū bá jiè] one of the chief characters in “Pilgrimage To The West” who was supposedly incarnated through the spirit of pig, a symbol of man's cupidity 双语例句 1. Zhu Bajie in the body also demonstrated a super tenacity..



    pig读法 英[pɪɡ] 美圆迹缺[pɪɡ]州让




    1、buy a pig 买猪

    2、fatten a pig 使猪肥壮

    3、keep a pig 养猪

    4、kill a pig 杀猪

    5、dirty pig 脏猪

    6、fat pig 肥猪


    pig近义词 sow


    sow, broadcast, scatter, strew这组词的共同意思是“撒”,其区别是:


    2、scatter强调碎片随意散落,例如:Flowers scattered the path.花散落在小路上。

    3、sow专指播种,引申指传播思想、理论,例如:These seeds should be sown in April.这些种子应在4月播种。

    4、broadcast强调广为撒播,向四面八方扩散,专指“撒播种子”时,可与scatter 换用。


    1、sow newly 新种

    2、sow among 在…中播种

    3、sow in 在…播种

    4、sow with 播种

    5、farrowing sow怀孕母猪
