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  • 英语
  • 2023-04-29
  • 课课击破选修7答案
  • 英语选修六第三单元课后题答案
  • 英语选修七固学案答案

  • 课课击破选修7答案


    Book 7 Unit 2 参考答案及部分解析


    1-5 ABABC6-10CABCA

    11-15 CBACB16-20BCAAB

    21-25 BDBDB26-30ADBCC

    31-35 ACCBB36-40AFCDE

    41-45 BCADC46-50ADBCD

    51-55 BACDA56-60BDACB

    61. satisfaction62.that

    63. predicted 64.a

    65. that / which66. to move

    67. are being made 68.when

    69. considering 70.as


    71. Known that our school ...

    Known → Knowing

    72. ... give some advices.advices → advice

    73. ... are interested at ...at → in

    74. ... that provide us with ...that → which

    75. As result ... result前加a

    76. ... and singing ... singing → sing

    77. When we are always ...

    When→睁山伍 Although /Though / While

    78. ... we can't easy communicate ...

    easy → easily

    79. ... why I suggested ...

    suggested → suggest

    80. I'悉或ll be glad that if ...去掉that

    One possible version:

    Canyou imagine how science and technology will change our life in 2050?

    With science and technologyused in every aspect of life at that time, we'll live in a greener world withtrees, birds, flowers, blue skies and sunshine. And we'll be able to arrangethings like meals, bathing and sleep with our smart phones. Robots will be ableto do most of the housework for us.

    Asfor work, we'll mostly work at home, communicating ideas for work online. Ifnecessary, we'll have video meetings with our partners around the world.

    Duringour free time, we'll be able to travel to places of interest in new vehicleslike flying cars. We'll even enjoy space trips to the moon and other planets.




    A篇 (体育)


    21. B。细节理解题。由第一段的最后一句可知,参加Girl's NightOut的女孩不需要带高尔夫球杆和钉鞋,只需要穿运动鞋。

    22. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的Foot Golf is whathappens when you combine golf and soccer可知,Foot Golf是一项把高尔夫运动和足球运动结合在一起的运动。

    23. B。推理判断题。根据文章内容以及倒数第三段中的To manage thenumber of people ... Here is a quick and easy form to fill out。可知,本文是一则通知。

    B篇 (学校生活)


    24. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的I don't always get thechance to go to the ones I want because of classes and other schedule conflicts可知,作者因为有课或者其他的日程冲突而不能去参加他想参加的会议。

    25. B。推理判断题。由第一段中的Having five days ...was great和第二段中的One ofthe sessions I enjoyed以及文中的描述可知,作者非常喜欢参加PRSSA的会议。

    26. A。推理判断题。由第二、三段的描述可知,作者从PRSSA的会议中学到很多,再结合第四段中的also allowed ...know each other better ... always try to help each other,可以推断出,PRSSA的会议可以让其成员受益。

    27. D。推理判断题。由最后一段的描述可知,作者强烈建议读者若有机会一定要去参加PRSSA的会议。

    C篇 (语言学习)


    28. B。推理判断题。第一段列的数字就是为了说明科学家SteveSutherland的观点:languagesare in more danger of extinction than birds or mammals,即语言比鸟类和哺乳动物消失的速度快。

    29. C。词义猜测题。由第四段中的Languages may be lostthrough migration和Governmentsalso play a role in the extinction of languages可知,本段主要讲述了导致语言消失的原因,故由此推断,devastate意为“毁坏”。

    30. C。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的As languages arelost, whole ways of life and knowledge may be lost along with them可知,随着语言的消失,与之相应的生活方式和知识也会消失。

    31. A。推理判断题。由最后一段中的language expressessomething about identity, about our place in the world以及Ani Rauhihi说的话可知,我们的语言反映了我们的身份和在世界上的位置。

    D篇 (现代技术)


    32. C。细节理解题。由第三段中的computers can't handleany process that completely integrates information和第四段中的the ability to integrateinformation is a key feature of consciousness可知,计算机没有整合信息的能力,所以没有意识。

    33. C。细节理解题。由第五、六段的描述可知,大脑可以整合信息,第六段举例来说明这一论点。

    34. B。推理判断题。由最后一段可知,人类不可能找到机器人爱人。

    35. B。标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了数学模型表明机器人不会像人类一样有情感体验,机器人是永远不会有感情的,故B项作标题最能概括文章主旨。




    36. A。由第一段的描述以及下文中的There are severalstages of child development可知,A项“这种成长被称为儿童发展”符合此处语境。

    37. F。由该空前的Their thinking skills alsoimprove和该空后的They liketo copy what other people say and do可知,F项“他们慢慢开始把词放在一起来组句子”符合此处语境。

    38. C。由该空前的Children learn many importantskills during this stage以及该空后的Playing with others helps them learn how to get along with all kindsof people可知,C项内容“他们学习如何玩有简单规则的游戏”符合此处语境。

    39. D。由该空后的They become better at ...understand how to be helpful to others可知,在接近青春期的岁月,他们会变得更加独立。

    40. E。由上文的描述以及该空后的As preteens becometeenagers, they move one step closer ...可知,E项“接近青春期岁月的结束标志着童年的结束”符合此处语境。





    41. B。由下文的描述可知,这位女顾客近来处境“艰难(hard)”。

    42. C。由上下文的描述可知,她前一天晚上来过,这次返回来是要“决定(determine)”她能买得起什么。

    43. A。由下文中的was only enough for oneblanket可知,她想给自己和两个儿子买“毯子(blankets)”。

    44. D。由上下文的描述可知,她最后“决定(decision)”买一条毯子和其他一些东西。

    45. C。46. A。由该句中的all of the cash, but it was only enough for one blanket可知,她“数出(counted out)”所有的零钱,却只能买一条毯子,没钱购买“剩余的(rest)”物品。

    47. D。由文中的描述可知,这位先生正“等着(waiting)”结账。

    48. B。由下文中的signaled to me可知,他“静静地(quietly)”看着。

    49. C。由下文的描述可知,他告诉“我”他想为这位女顾客“买(buy)”其他的东西。

    50. D。由下文中的The man provided me with hiscredit card可知,当“我”问他是否确定时,他“点了点头(nodded)”。

    51. B。“当(while)”“我”请这位女顾客稍等片刻时,“我”很快算出了其他东西的价格。

    52. A。由上文中的rang out the rest of thepurchases可知,此处指“总价(total)”。

    53. C。这名男顾客“毫不犹豫地(without blinking)”提供了他的信用卡。

    54. D。由上文中的credit card可知,他“签了字(signed)”,离开了。

    55. A。由上文中的all of the things were hers可知,“我”告诉她,她买的东西已经“结账(checked out)”了。

    56. B。由上文中的She stared at me可知,她非常“吃惊(shock)”。

    57. D。由下文中的I started crying too可知,她感动地流下了“眼泪(tears)”。

    58. A。在“我”十年的兼职工作中,“我”从未见过这样的“无私行为(selflessness)”。

    59. C。由上文中的good可知,这个世界上有很多“非常好的(great)”人。

    60. B。由文中的描述可知,这名男顾客的善举给这位女顾客带来了“欢乐(joy)”和帮助。


    61. satisfaction。考查名词。设空处作宾语,意为“满意”,故填satisfaction。

    62. that。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且从句结构和意义均完整,故填that。

    63. predicted。考查一般过去时。由once可知,此处应用一般过去时,故填predicted。

    64. a。考查不定冠词。a matter of ...意为“……的问题”。

    65. that/ which。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰Devices,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which。

    66. tomove。考查不定式作定语的用法。way作“方式”讲时后跟带to的不定式作定语,且robots与move之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填to move。

    67. arebeing made。考查现在进行时的被动语态。由these days和becoming可知,此处应用现在进行时,且They(指代robots)与make之间是被动关系,故填are being made。

    68. when。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰the 1950s,且在从句中作时间状语,故填when。

    69. considering。考查动词-ing形式作状语的用法。设空处作状语,且engineers与consider之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填considering。

    70. as。考查固定搭配。such as意为“例如”。



    1-5 DADBC6-10 DBDCA


    A篇 (自然)


    1.D。细节理解题。由第一段中的How young cougars learnto hunt is one of the things cougar researchers ...及第二段中的he put expandable trackingcollars on them too, so he could follow them as they grew可知,给美洲狮幼崽脖子上佩戴项圈是为了观察它们如何学习捕猎,也就是如何掌握生存技能的。

    2.A。推理判断题。由第三段中的Their brown and blackspots could mix with the forest, helping to keep them safe from predators可知,这些棕黑色的斑点与森林的颜色融合,可以保护美洲狮免受其他食肉动物的袭击。

    3.D。词义猜测题。由划线词下文中的They'd still benursed for another month, but they were ready to go out of their hideaway withtheir mother可知,这些美洲狮幼崽应该是“急切地”想出去捕猎。

    4.B。细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的The minute she makesthe kill, she hides it and heads back for the kittens, and they follow her tothe kill site可知,F51捕到猎物后,会叫来自己的孩子们一起分享食物。


    B篇 (现代技术)


    6.D。细节理解题。由第一段中的which allows visuallyimpaired or blind people to be more mobile可知,Alex的发明能够帮助盲人自如地行走。


    8.D。推理判断题。由第六段中的works by using soundwaves to discover objects in the users' path and show how close things are tothem可推断,蝙蝠用声呐对周围的物体进行定位。


    10. A。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的Alex is now workingclosely with the team at the science centre to hold an exhibition for hisinvention可知,他正在筹备他这项发明的展览。











    过去将来完成进行时是由should/would have been + v-ing构成;否定形式should/would+not have been + v-ing;疑问形式是余告将should/would提前。




    Book 7 Unit 3 参考答案及部分解析


    1-5 BBAAC6-10CBBAC

    11-15 ABCCA16-20ABACC

    21-25 BCABC26-30CDCCB

    31-35 CCBAB36-40 GCEAF

    41-45 DDABC 46-50 BCDCB

    51-55 BADBD 56-60 CDDCC

    61. if / whether 62.to see

    63. a 64. scared

    65. being attacked66.where

    67. up 68. depths

    69. much 70. truly


    71. ... some old photo ... photo → photos

    72. ... my most favorite ...去掉most

    73. ... I spend with him ... spend → spent

    74. ... street where had ...

    where → that / which

    75. ... it was scared ...scared→ scary

    76. ... legs outside, talk. talk → talking

    77. ... took her back ...her → him

    78. ... her son were ...were → was

    79. ... was such calm ... such → so

    80. ... been unafraid that ... unafraid后谈租拆加of

    One possible version:

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    Ibought an electronic English dictionary from your website last month. However,some problems have appeared and I'm writing to complain about them.

    First,there are several spelling mistakes, which really surprises me a lot. Inaddition, there aren't enough entries for frequently used words in youdictionary. Besides, the battery doesn't last long, so I have to keep chargingit again and again.

    Onthe whole, I am not satisfied with your dictionary. I would like you to eitherchange the electronic dictionary for another one that works well or give me afull refund.

    Iam looking forward to your reply as soon as possible.






    A篇 (旅游)


    21. B。推理判断题。由第一段Our tiny boat wasploughing through the waves ... I thought how foolish I'd been to come along onthis trip可知,由于天气不好,作者对他出海看鲸鲨的决定感到后悔。

    22. C。细节理解题。由第二段的I was wondering how hemanaged to find his way. To me, it seemed difficult enough to navigate a boatwithout any electronic equipment even on a sunny day可知,作者最想了解这位船夫是如何在海上辨别方向的。

    23. A。细节理解题。由第三段的 ... doubtful that we'dever get the chance to see a whale shark和最后一段作者描述他下水后看到鲸鲨的过程可知,作者此行的目的是看鲸鲨。

    24. B。推理判断题。由最后一段可知,当看到鲸鲨这个庞然大物突然出现时,作者有一点害怕;再由他不敢相信自己的眼睛、与鲸鲨一起游泳和大胆轻抚鲸鲨可知,此时的他又有点兴奋。

    B篇 (历史)


    25. C。推理判断题。由第二段的Egyptian royalty usuallywore sandals that had a different style from those with lesser status, whileslaves were not allowed to wear anything on their feet可知,在古埃及,鞋是身份地位的象征。

    26. C。词义猜测题。由划线词后的These shoes were oftenvery difficult to wear ... fashion rather than comfort often leads to ...可知,此处指中世纪尖头鞋在贵族中成为一种时尚,从而引领了其他不同鞋形的出现。

    27. D。细节理解题。由最后一段的Mechanical shoemakingappeared in the 1800s ... it was possible to make shoes that were shaped to fiteither the left or right foot可知,十九世纪机械制鞋之前由手工制作的鞋左右脚形状相同。

    28. C。写作手法题。本文按照时间顺序介绍了鞋的演变过程——从早期人类穿编织的草鞋,到古埃及人最早发明鞋底,再到制鞋工业的出现。

    C篇 (现代技术)


    29. C。细节理解题。由第二段的the winning team finallytook home a $2 million grand prize可知,加利福尼亚州举行的为期两天的DARPA机器人挑战赛冠军得主获得了200万美元的现金大奖。

    30. B。篇章结构题。划线部分所在句的the disaster指代上文的福岛核电站事故,科学家认为如果当时能有机器人去关闭核电站的阀门,那么那场事故就会避免,故此处的the job指关闭阀门。

    31. C。细节理解题。由最后一段介绍机器人参赛规则的Teams had tocomplete the challenge in one hour可知,参赛机器人需要在一个小时之内完成比赛内容。

    32. C。主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了在加利福尼亚州举行的DARPA机器人挑战赛赛况及其规则。

    D篇 (文学)


    33. B。细节理解题。由Susan Farris介绍的It will inspire you to connectwith your family, love more deeply, dream bigger, and find deeper truths withinyourself可知,《百年孤独》这部讲述了一个激励人心的故事。

    34. A。推理判断题。由Michael Langdon介绍的Many people have foundinspiration in the dying man's last words和Tuesdays with Morrie is a quick read with a long-lasting impact可知,他认为《相约星期二》这本书值得一读。

    35. B。推理判断题。由《引爆流行》的作者在其书中阐述的if thesituation is right for an idea to spread, sometimes a small change can thencause it to spread like wildfire可知,该书作者认为微小的事情也会产生大的影响。




    36. G。由下文的Malik's family ... His mothercooked us ...可知,同事Malik邀请我们去他家。

    37. C。由下文作者描述的Djemaa el-Fna广场上繁荣的场景可知,该广场非常有意思。

    38. E。由下文的come from the desert可知,作者在Djemaa el-Fna广场上甚至看到了一群骑骆驼的人。

    39. A。由上文的There's so much to see and do以及描述的各种壮观美景可知,作者认为Marrakech这座城市的一切都很棒。

    40. F。作者在此处是表达其对Djemaa el-Fna广场的喜爱。F项中的If I ever have the money与下文的I don't even have a job形成对比。





    41. D。由下文多次出现的children和babies可知,本文主要介绍的是古典乐对“婴儿(babies)”智力的影响。

    42. D。43. A。由上文的listening to classical music can increase intelligence可知,此处指“聆听(listening to)”十分钟莫扎特的音乐可以暂时“提高(improved)”智力。

    44. B。 “媒体争相报道‘莫扎特效应'”是“研究学者发表听音乐有助于提高智力的文章”的结果,故此处用As a result。

    45. C。此处的phenomenon指代上文“人们研究听音乐提高智力并对此争相报道”这一现象,再由DonCampbell在其书中指出听古典音乐的各种好处可知,他认为此现象“有趣(interesting)”。

    46. B。47. C。此处指古典“音乐(music)”的各种好处——改善健康与记忆,对抗身心失调,“减轻(reduce)”压力与抑郁。

    48. D。研究“听古典音乐提高智力”的Don Campbell很快又“接着(followed)”推出The Mozart Effect for Children一书以及针对幼儿父母发行的 CD和相关产品。

    49. C。由下文的bestselling和popular可知,如今有大量可提高婴儿智力的同性质音乐产品“可供选用(available)”。

    50. B。由expectant mothers to wear on theirstomachs可知,还有特别为怀孕的准妈妈“设计(designed)”的音乐播放器。

    51. B。52. A。此处指通过把音乐播放器放在准妈妈的肚子上“这种方式(In this way)”,让婴儿在“出生(born)”前就听音乐。

    53. D。上文是人们对“莫扎特效应”的推崇,而下文则指出一些人对此效应的怀疑,故此处用However。

    54. B。由whether it is a proven reality orjust a fad designed to make money可知,一些父母 “质疑(question)”“莫扎特效应”。

    55. D。由上文的some doubt和下文的incorrectly described as ...可知,最初研究“莫扎特效应”的心理学家Frances H.Rauscher对此表示了“怀疑(doubtful)”。

    56. C。由上文的the original studies和下文的these findings可知,此处指对“莫扎特效应”最早的“研究(research)”大多指向特定任务的短期成效。

    57. D。58. D。由下文心理学家Frances H. Rauscher给出听古典乐的建议可知,她“认为(believes)”最早的研究被错误描述成能普遍提高“智商(intelligence)”。

    59. C。60. C。由下文的make a genius out of their baby可知,心理学家Frances H. Rauscher建议“父母(parents)”在砸钱创造天才孩子“前(before)”要三思。


    61. if/ whether。考查连接词。Frank就旅行事宜向对方咨询,故填if / whether。

    62. tosee。考查不定式作状语的用法。设空处作状语,表目的,且my daughter与see之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填tosee。

    63. a。考查不定冠词。take a vacation意为“休假”。

    64. scared。考查形容词作表语的用法。be scared to death意为“吓死了”。

    65. beingattacked。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作of的宾语,且attack与my wife之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填being attacked。

    66. where。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰waters,且在从句中作地点状语,故填where。

    67. up。考查固定搭配。make up one's mind意为“下定决心”。

    68. depths。考查名词。设空处作宾语,且其前有the限定,故填depths。depth作“最深处”讲时,常用复数。

    69. much。考查固定搭配。由you would like to spend和About one thousand dollars可知,此处问的是钱的预算是多少(how much)。

    70. truly。考查副词。设空处作状语修饰happy,故填truly。



    1-5 CBADB6-10DCBAB


    A篇 (健康)


    1.C。词义猜测题。由下文介绍NHMC所提供的医疗服务可知,此处指该医疗中心是利用自然疗法和天然药物来帮助患者解决疾病问题。故此处的cope with有“克服”之意。

    2.B。细节理解题。由倒数第三段的we cannot provideheart surgery可知,向所有人群提供自然疗法医疗服务的NHMC不提供心脏方面的手术。

    3.A。推理判断题。由最后一段作者提出的疑问Who said naturalhealth was too limited?可知,自然疗法受到人们的质疑。

    4.D。写作目的题。由文中对NHMC的介绍the first all-purpose naturalhealth centre in the country和对其医疗科室的简介,尤其是最后一段作者的呼吁Come and visit us ...可知,本文旨在介绍第一家利用自然疗法医治患者的综合性医疗中心并欢迎大家前来参观。

    5.B。推理判断题。由文章首段的We, at the NaturalHealth Medical Centre (NHMC), use ...和末段的Come and visit us ...可知,本文最可能是一位来自NHMC的员工介绍他工作的健康中心。

    B篇 (兴趣与爱好)

    本文是记叙文。文章介绍了用废旧物品为无家可归的人制造移动房子的雕塑家Gregory Kloehn。


    7.C。细节理解题。由第二段的he did have a smallwooden structure ... that he offered them可知,Gregory把他做的木房子送给了那对无家可归的夫妇。


    9.A。推理判断题。由倒数第二段的each mobile shelterwhich is built with a team of volunteers可知,由Gregory发起的Homeless Homes Project运动得到了志愿者们的大力支持。

    10. B。推理判断题。由最后一段Wonder 说这是她五年来住过的最好的房子可知,这个新房子满足了她的需求。
