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  • 英语
  • 2023-05-05
  • 做义工的英语短语
  • 做义工英语怎么写
  • 有关做义工的英语作文
  • 你做了什么义工工作英语作文
  • 今天我去做义工了英语

  • 做义工的英语短语


    More and more young people are willing to give up their free time to do voluntary work.






    做义工:dovoluntarywork做志愿工作。一站式出国留学消哪拍攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


    问题一:明天我要去做义工的英文I will do voluntary work tomorrow


    One, clear your volunteer motivation and purpose


    As far as I know, into the volunteer team for all kinds of all sorts of strange things. One of the most important reasons is that want to do something meaningful. Need to remind you that the real volunteer work takes a long time to put into the body, just such a reason, is not enough. Sympathy, excitement and sadness...... These emotions are not enough to support you to face all kinds of difficulties in volunteer work. Bee a volunteer, you first need to do is to sort out their emotions, to make clear why they are willing to join the team.


    Personal experience, love is the greatest power. As a volunteer, only really love your work, love your service object, you can continue to persist.


    Whether big or *** all love, love is the most persistent of the most tenacious emotion.


    Two, on their own conditions, what


    Do you have a good physical condition to participate in volunteer work? Will your family be able to give you full support? Does your work permit you to take some time?......


    We don't need to go bankrupt, the destitute o......>>

    问题三:用英文解释志愿者的含义Volunteers: is not for material reward, based on conscience, conviction and responsibility, voluntary muni俯y and others to provide services and help.

    问题四:有关志愿者工作的英文短语志愿者服务常用英语问候与介绍:【常用句】1.????? Hello!/Good morning/afternoon/evening.您好,早上/下午/晚上好。2.????? How was your trip?您的旅途还愉快吗? 3.????? I’m Li Gang. Nice to meet you.我是李刚,非常高兴见到您4.????? Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Li Gang请允许我介绍一下自己,我叫李刚。5.????? I’m volunteer sent by the Beijing Organizing mittee of the Olympic Games.我是北京奥组委派来的志愿者。指路与向导 【常用句】1.????? Go straight ahead and turn left at the traffic lights.请直走,在红绿灯处左拐。2.????? Take the elevator down to basement Level One and It’s right there.搭电梯到低下一层,它就在那里。3.????? Let me show you where are you going.我来告诉您该怎么走。4.????? Walk down this road to the first crossing and then turn the right.沿着这条路直走到第一个十字路口再向右拐。5.????? It takes twenty minutes to walk there.从这里走过去得20分钟。6.????? Where are you heading.您要到哪里去?.????? You can take the Line 5 get there.您可以坐地铁5号线到那里。8.????? You can take the NO. 629 bus get there.您可以坐629路公共汽车到那里。【关键词、短语】Go straight 直走 walk down 沿着 turn left 左拐 turn right 右拐 Street 街道 crossing 十字路口 corner 拐角 subway 地铁 bus 公共汽车 Lishuiqiao stop 立水桥站 bus station 公共汽车站医疗急救【常用句】1. What’s wrong? /what is the trouble? 你怎么了?5. You’ll be all right soon.你很快就会好的。6. Please calm down. The doctor will be here soon. 请冷静,医生很快就到了。7. I’m giving you a first aid right now.我现在给您做紧急处理。【关键词、短语】Headache 头疼 doctor医生 hospital 医院 unfortable 不舒服【常用句】1.??????? Are you looking for the right entrance? I’m a volunteer.你是在找么?我是志愿者2.??????? We’ll try to provide you with best services.我们会尽力为您提供最......>>





    More and more young people are willing to give up their free time to volunteer


    越来越多more and more

    年轻人young people; kid; a man young in years; YA (young adult); stripling

    愿意碧差like; be willing; be ready; wish; care for

    放弃abandon; give up; renounce; back-out; abjuration

    空闲闹链时间floor time; free time; unattended stand-by time; Idle

    义工volunteer;voluntary workers



    词义:名词:志愿者,义务工作者;自告奋勇者,主动做某事樱伏的人;志愿兵,义勇兵;自生植物;<法律>无因受益人 。动词:自愿做,义务做,无偿做;志愿服役,志愿参军;主动提供(信息),主动说出(或建议);自作主张地说,(未经当事人同意)举荐。形容词:志愿(者)的。

    固定脊兆携搭配:Volunteer Park义工公园。


    1、Volunteer work gives her life (a sense of) purpose.做志愿工作使她的生活有了意义。

    2、She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week.她现在作为一名志愿者每周3天在当地一所学校帮忙。

    3、I am an Olympic volunteer.我是猜改一位奥运志愿者。
