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    2010-03-09 10:34 | (分类:默认分类)



    What does Talia→选最长

    According to →Probaly sometime next year

    What is→He likes the idea

    Jack has→Nick sits on a park


    From→wants Nick to agree






    family?→She feels

    now?→They e-mail

    together?→......or just talk

    She first→elementary

    first time?→There were on


    in a show my age get to went away meet up together sort of like hung out

    hate talking back and forth keep this friendship going a long way away


    Nick was→One

    We arranged→We set

    Nick is→He

    We talked→We did

    I can't→It's all





    thinking ,have we ,have been working ,had ,shouldn't ,are going to have ,isn't


    noc cremer a or


    What's...... To....... As....... By.......


    A:What's up J:By

    Unit 2


    Nick's voice was...

    Dean is jealous...

    Nick was...


    What does→some assistance

    When Talia→very eager

    Tony thinks→Dean wants

    When Tony→confident

    When is Tony→Tomorrow

    Tony'蔽野s main→wont' be


    Dean→He's a member of

    Patty suggest→She doesn't

    What's Amy going→Try to

    What is→She want's to get


    When Amy finds→excited

    Patty tells→help Amy

    Amy winks at→make Patty

    Amy doestn't→doesn't want


    get iced tea Coming right up a little get hold of told used to stopped coming Too bad brother works out I'd rather complicated acting catch up acting tip likewise


    How speaker feel→awkward

    What kind→very nice

    How you boss feel→选最长

    What's wrong→mean to kinds

    What happened at last→选最短

    What boss&worker→quarrel


    He was→He was tricked

    He most important→The bottom

    This story→I don't

    He is →He reseats

    What's new→can you


    read between the lines

    She's just →dropping a line

    Along the same line

    but the→bottom line

    lay it on the line

    vacation,→drop me a line

    taking →a hard line


    by spoke examined

    a lot of(money) many(commercials)

    a lot of(members) was edited

    many (soccer)


    ec mo seriin


    is something wrongI'm really stressed outhere's an ideaHmmm…

    that might work


    Are you OK?right

    Unit 3


    What Talia ask→To talk to

    Amy learn→That she has been

    When→in about to


    When Talia says→最长

    What do you know→最短

    What are Amy→最长

    Why does Amy→Jackie

    Amy talk→make

    Jackie says→He has taught

    Atthe end→angry


    What did Dean→To introduce

    What does→To look at

    Whom did→An agent

    What are Dean→最长


    During this→ She wants Jackie


    Jackie doesn't→最长

    Jackie probably→最短


    by the way real stage an agent As a matter of fact incrediblesurprised do seems film director wait adore celebration celebratingNothingreally ever eaten ate exciting the right places bookedperfectpeople-wating impressed plan ahead


    What's the best→最长

    How does she→She uses

    What does she→最长

    What has she→Making hand-made

    When of→最短


    an unplanned→improving

    to research→do your


    to get→find out



    've called

    Have you being doing

    have you taken

    've had

    've been watching

    've eaten




    The actor were

    How was your meeting

    She's absolutely

    What do you think of his

    He's really

    What do you think of it

    Unit 4

    3/19 go to class ; works in journalism ; Walking around the university

    8/19 To remind her…… ; She needs to talk with Jackie a little more ; He teaches Jackie’s acting class ; She wants to find a way to be introduced ……; she wants her to think they’ve met before ; …… Gower Building ; Their majors are different

    9/19 Nick and Talia ; …… excited ; To make a dinner reservation …… ; She acts as……

    11/19 threatening Jackie ; angry ; modest ; apologizing ;

    12 /19 shoe company serious quite serious I’ve got must be talking to find out booked Great work Piece of cake reservation was planning being understand anything else a lot two hours

    1A/5 movie ;Mondays ,Thursday and Saturdays;20 ; e-mail ;Somewhere in the city

    1B/5 have got to go by in between your schedule good for really good

    otherwise ever good for close by quite a bit coming out

    2/5 cake——easy ; charmed——pleased ; hold——wait ; Oops——you say

    3/5 feel ; must——writer ; might——know Jackie ; might not——be married ; must not——suspect ; must——color ; Could——stage name ; can’t be——innocent

    4/5 charmed ; hold ; familiar ; run

    5/5 take up——nice talking to you ; great seeing you ; Catch you later ; got to run——getting late


    8/19 he's trying

    she doesn't

    nick looks good

    a wig

    talia left

    to help save nick

    10/19 yes,...notice

    talia plants

    he watches

    she asked


    a great


    dean almost

    are too concerned


    as I was saying feeling

    as soon as

    conversation plant their table

    Brilliant researcher their table watch for plant the mike cough or something warn Hurry up close the menu order though really hungry Neither am I here comes

    1A/5 preparing

    that the award

    her family

    to show modesty


    BY the way


    watches for


    wore it


    halloween career to put on

    message cared about

    take out on a date

    forgot what's going on


    you look nice in that costume

    having conversation

    BY the way

    1B/5 wonderful award even though deserve earned audience Teacher of the Year sounds sort of appreciate throughout the years an honor to be chosen honestly support of principal superintendent grateful opportunity bestowed on me

    2A/5 23412213

    2B/5 Halloween career to put on message cared about take out on a date forgot what’s going on miss you look nice in that costume so do you having conversation by the way

    3A/5 clean has they to work neither did

    3B/5 go let change neither do I so do I

    4/5 12222

    5/5 2312122

    Unit 6

    3/16 342

    8/19she wants

    he doesn't want to attract


    because she didn't bring


    because he has

    amy's friends


    about helping her

    she pretended

    both nick and jackie

    no,...from the beginning


    proud of her

    jackie's part

    byron walters can't help

    she will try to do somthing

    calm down worried get into

    phonytape posed as Big deal

    superb get suspended

    actress Speaking of which

    introduce film director

    a star patient ridiculous

    quit the business

    my big break at all

    tricked stand for

    1A/5 need a lot of .goverment

    cloning a whole person

    ..parents who

    she felt it scary

    no,...living situation

    1B/5 really curious opinion cloning kind of crimpy science fiction personality something like that clone organs genetic material getting completely out of hand nature versus nurture debate upbringing grieving government control draw the line

    2a/5 keep their

    keep back

    keep me posted

    keep everyone guessing

    keep quiet

    2B/5 show up superb so phony slight pose aswhat if get into ridiculous break calm down suspended big deal trick stand for keep your voice down

    3/5 big deal that gets him to calm down didn’t know is who’s involved making make

    4/5 22221

    5/5 but

    I don't

    that's nonsense



    i see your

    big deal





    Chapter 1

    Reading 1


    III. 1. opted 2. cumulative 3. retain 4. assistance 5. troublesome 6. notion 7. dawdle 8. extract 9. cram 10. tips

    IV. 1. look over 2. get a head start 3. will be held off 4. devote … to 5. in sum 6. opted for 7. in the light of 8. torn down

    V. BDCDA

    Reading 2

    III. D B H F K A C E L G J I

    Charp 2

    Reading 1

    F F T T F F

    D I e j h c a b f g

    1. under control 2. exposed to 3. as well as 4. are often applied to 5. are aware of 6. respond to

    1. I will be glad to see him no matter when he comes

    2. No matter what your opinions are, you are welcome to join in out discussion.

    3. No matter how short the journey is, you always get something to eat on this airline.

    4. I’ll come round tommorrow, no matter who may be here.

    5. No matter where they have fled, the police are determined to track down the criminals.

    6. No matter which road you may take, it will lead you to the station.

    Reading 2

    III. g j h b I c k a e l d f

    vocabulary building

    far-reaching digital anonymous filters simulation retreat assume isolated

    Chartpter 3

    Reading 1


    1. luxurious 2. doom 3. steadily 4. remainder 5. flash 6. grim 7. ponder 8. stern 9. rhythmic 10. bumped

    1. switch on 2. faced with 3. responsible for 4. aside from 5. unaware of


    1. probably means decided its destruction

    2. probably means shaking, hitting something

    3. probably means making one unhappy, very serious

    Reading 2

    rockets: Crew fired distress rockets from the bridge of the ship

    Lifeboats: lifeboats were lowered into the water. People gathered to get in boats

    Ladies: ladies were allowed to enter lifeboates before men

    Wireless operator: he continued to send distress signals

    b d c e g f h a

    Discuss (P54)

    Sea travel causes dangers that most people don’t expect. All readings: passengers didn’t expexct disaster.

    A ship or plane should have the necessary equipment in case of disaster. Readings 1/2. The Titanic lacked sufficient number of lifeboats.

    crises may bring out the worst behavior in people. Readings 1/2. Crew had to shut doors to prevent passengers from rushing to board life boats. Two men boarded lifeboats, leaving women still aboard.

    when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Reading 1 Ariane was just a teenager, but she persevered and endured the physical hardships of her situation. All survivors exhibited bravery. Readings 1/2: Crew worked diligently.

    Chapter 4

    1. Food-borneillness can be caused either by infection or by intoxication

    2. The microbe grows only in the absence of oxygen, in low-acid conditions, and at temperatures that support growth of most bacteria-40°to 120°Fahrenheit.

    3. The botulium toxin can be destroyed by heating.

    4. HACCP: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point plan, is a system plan to identify and correct potential microbial hazards in the manufacturing distribution, and commercial use of food products.

    5. You can protect yourself by carefully inspecting the seals and wrappers of packages.

    II. T T F T T F F T

    III. 1. emerged 2.infected 3. disturbance 4. inevitable 5. consumption 6. revelation 7. malnourished 8. bulging 9. overwhelmingly 10. decay

    IV. 1. died of 2. suffers from 3. should focus all our attention on 4. On occasion 5. rely on 6. make up 7. protects from 8. as a result

    V. A A D A B

    Reading 2

    I. 1. It is a kitchen that can ensure safe food. It includes not only the clean appearance but also safe food practices.

    2. They are the practices of food storage, food handling and cooking.

    3. The purpose of the quiz is to learn how to keep food safety in your kitchen through examing your current food safety practices.

    4. The main danger to food safety is the infection and growth of bacteria, which may cause food-borne illnesses.

    5. The key to keep correct practices in the kitchen is to keep the infection and growth of bacteria from food.

    6. To make sure the correct food safety practices and improve the current ones in your kitchen.

    III. 1. bacteria 2. rare 3. snack 4. substitute 5. potential 6. contribute 7. harbor 8. survey 9. thaw 10. medium

    IV. 1. A. nutrient B. malnutrition C. nutrition

    2. A. sanitary B. unsanitary C. sanitation D. sanitize E. sanitizer

    3. A. microbiological B. microbiologist C. microbiology

    4. A. acids B. acidly C. acidifying D. acid

    5. A. spots B. spotless C. spotlessly D. spotted

    6. S. periodically B. periodicals C. periodic D. period

    7. A. frosted B. defrost C. frosted D. frost

    8. A. Strategically B. Strategic C. strategist D. strategy

    Chapter 5

    Reading 1

    II. T F F T F F T T T T

    III.1. breadwinner 2. access 3. restricted 4. confined 5. consequences 6. pursued 7. shift 8. perception 9. attributed 10. administrator

    IV. 1. benefit from 2. being under the domination 3. in terms of 4. be responsible for 5. for the sake of

    V. C D B D A

    Reading 2

    II. The first writer stresses the limitation of sex-role stereotypes to men’s opportunities of free emotional expression_r. The second writer addresses the association of meaningful change in the sex-role structure in the future with the redefinition of both masculinity and feminity. The last two writers speculate the possible effects brought about by the achievement of sexual equality in our society.

    III. I p f m k b n a l d c g o e j h

    Chapter 6

    Reading 1

    II. F T T T T

    III. 1. drenched 2. alien 3. attuned 4. diverse 5. censored 6. malevolent 7. supervise 8. parental 9. accountable 10. diversified

    IV. 1. among many others 2. are worthy of 3. holds accountable for 4. is concerned about 5. live with 6. relies on 7. seek out 8. is treated as 9. was attuned to 10. sprang up

    VI.B D D C A

    Reading 2

    II. f k h a j I b c d e l g







    3/16 BBB

    8/凳派16 CABAC

    9/16 ABA 1211 take a break why not some other time party available listen without talk to you about researching background

    work on hoping for break may be it By the way

    1A/5 CBCAB

    1B/5 kind of it’s about right I did past three years paid of earned break the case in comparison to depends on a lot harder

    in general my roommate way too for myself a balance

    2A/5 confident relaxed tense in a bad mood

    2B/5 1)How about 2)too 3)Why don’t 4)enough 5)Let’s 6)to walk

    3/51)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing


    5/53 1 1 2 3 1


    3/16 AAB

    8/16 AABB

    9/16 ABCC 221 get expert run broadcast competition In fact Speaking ought to give away Good thinking handle care audio expert

    fast on it You do hard to believe wake up smell the coffee crazy famous taking a bribe smart I hope get in the way work on

    1A/5 BBCBA

    1B/5 heard about was caught they say what to think stuff you’d like to really convinced actually natural athlete in the

    season any opinion about disqualify for the sake of shame to in trouble with start rumors

    2A/5 BACEDF

    2B/5 1232





    3/16 CCA

    8/16 ABB

    9/16 ABAA 3133 Bad news audio expert check urgent be sure absolutely sure have an idea may remember confide in reporter

    researcher chance lose one more day only one more day won’t be sorry story get tell me everything deserve a break story

    charming charm out of

    1A/5 BABBC


    1)was thinking2)That would be ok 3)this new mall 4)having a sale 5)kind of 6)a whole lot less7)just really8)end

    up using little 9)Well

    10)little girl11)the whale 12)sounded really good 13)a lot14)a lot less15)you know what 16)

    treat you to

    2A/5 1)figure it out 2)investigate 3) result 4)make sense 5)ruined

    2B/5 BCEDFA

    3A/5 1213


    4/5 ABBB

    5/5 1311213


    3/16 BAB

    8/16 ABACC

    9/16 ABAA 2231 listen

    your side of the story


    all alike

    judge me


    only goal



    deal with


    charges serious

    threw a game gambling debtsgave access to

    stop from

    Did you or

    didn’t you

    throw the game

    get show viewers Take your pick innocent


    1B/5 ran into

    my gosh

    doing fantastic

    the same old

    how exciting

    perfect for

    or something like that

    a boring job

    gets to


    telephone company

    2A/5 ACCA

    2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time /Take a look

    3A/5 a a the a

    3B/5 aren’t /will you/does she/could he/hasn’t he/doesn’t she/didn’t I/wasn’t he

    4/5 ABAAB

    5/5 ABCACA

    测试A TEST A因顺序随机,请自己判断题号


    when did Lance


    Nick thinks that


    3/3 listen to



    1/3 in a bad mood /exhausted

    2/3 trustworthy/dishonest

    3/3 which prase has the same meaning




    are /am /Let’s go /too much /why don’t I

    */31)aren’t you 2)an 3)was 4)the 5)have seen 6)good 7)my 8)am able to 9)different 10)haven’t been able to

    */31)receiving 2)are going to 3)over 4)should 5)’d better


    */5(stress 重音)


    */5(rising stress falling那个)



    1 1

    */5 (判断是否相同)


    */5 (unlQUE





    1)I was sort of hoping2)it sounds really good3)that woiuld be a little more fun 4)That sounds really good

    */36)if you put it that way…

    7)i will spend a lot too…
