英语选修7第五单元课文翻译?秘鲁是南美洲临太平洋海岸的一个国家。从地理上讲,秘鲁有三大地区:狭长的临海地带,与海岸平行的安第斯山脉以及东南部地势较高的平原地区。在高原地区有的的喀喀湖,这是世界上海拔最高的湖, 湖上可以行船。秘鲁有着多种多样的植物,从沙漠中的草到大片的丛林。那么,英语选修7第五单元课文翻译?一起来了解一下吧。
a new dimension of life课文翻译
I sat under the warm night sky, with a cold drink in my hand, thinking of the day -- a magical day! That morning, I snorkeled off the coast of the coral reef, which was the most amazing experience I'd ever had.
Every cell in my body awoke at the sight of this strange beauty, as if I had found a new living space. I first noticed the vivid colours around me —— purple, red, orange, brilliant yellow, blue and green.
The corals are fanciful -- some shaped like fans, plates, heads and streamers, others like mushrooms, branches, and antlers. There are a wide variety of small, neat, graceful fish through the coral, or around the coral.
a new dimension of life
19th January
I'm sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day — a day of pure magic! I went snorkelling on the reef offshore this morning and it was the most fantastic thing I have ever done. Seeing such extraordinary beauty, I think every cell in my body woke up. It was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.
The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding me — purples, reds, oranges, yellows, blues and greens. The corals were fantastic — they were shaped like fans, plates, brains, lace, mushrooms, the branches of trees and the horns of deer. And all kinds of small, neat and elegant fish were swimming in and around the corals.
The fish didn't seem to mind me swimming among them. I especially loved the little oranqe and white fish that hid in the waving long thin seaweed. And I also loved the small fish that clean the bodies of larger fish — I even saw them get inside their mouths and clean their teeth! It seemed there was a surprise waitinq for me around every corner as I explored small caves, shelves and narrow passages with my underwater flashlight: the yellow and green parrotfish was hanging upside down, and sucking tiny plants off the coral with its hard bird-like mouth; a yellow-spotted red sea-slug was sliding by a blue sea-star; a large wise-looking turtle was passing so close to me that I could have touched it.
There were other creatures that I didn't want to get too close to — an eel with its strong sharp teeth, with only its head showing from a hole, watching for a tasty fish (or my tasty toe!); and the giant clam half buried in some coral waiting for something to swim in between its thick green lips. Then there were two grey reef sharks, each about one and a half metres long, which suddenly appeared from behind some coral.I told myself they weren't dangerous but that didn't stop me from feeling scared to death for a moment!
The water was quite shallow but where the reef ended, there was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor. It marked a boundary and I thought I was very brave when I swam over the edge of the reef and hung there looking down into the depths of the ocean. My heart was beating wildly — I felt very exposed in such deep clear water.
What a wonderful, limitless world it was down there! And what a tiny spot I was in this enormous world!
以上就是英语选修7第五单元课文翻译的全部内容,a new dimension of life课文翻译 我坐在温暖的夜空下,手里拿着一瓶冷饮,回忆着当天的事情——这是神奇的一天!这天上午,我戴着呼吸器在近海的珊瑚礁上潜泳,这是我从来没有过的绝妙经历。看到这样奇特的美景,我周身的每个细胞都苏醒了,就像发现了一个全新的生活空间似的。