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  • 英语
  • 2023-04-29
  • 英语口语谈谈你的大学生活
  • 英语情景对话两人日常
  • 英语生活日常交流对话
  • 基本英语日常交流问答
  • 英语交流日常用语

  • 英语口语谈谈你的大学生活



    I'm home. 我回来了。

    Not bad. 还不错。

    See you. 再见。

    So long. 再见。

    Why not? 好轿携呀! (为什么不呢?)

    Allow me. 让我来。

    Be quiet! 安静点!

    Cheer up! 振作起来!

    Good job! 做局祥得好! Have fun! 玩得开心!

    How much? 多少钱?

    I'm full. 我饱了。

    I see. 我明白了。

    I'm lost. 我迷路了。

    My treat. 我请客。

    So do I. 我也一样。

    This way。 这边请。

    After you. 您先。

    Bless you! 祝福你!

    Follow me. 跟我来。

    Forget it! 休想! (算了!)

    Good luck! 祝好运!

    I decline! 我拒闭腊伏绝!

    I promise. 我保证。

    Of course! 当然了!

    Slow down! 慢点!

    Take care! 保重!

    Keep it up! 坚持下去!

    Never mind.不要紧。

    No problem! 没问题!

    That‘s all! 就这样!

    Time is up. 时间快到了。

    What's new? 有什么新鲜事吗?

    Count me on 算上我。

    Don't worry. 别担心。

    Feel better? 好点了吗?





    1.Any day will do. 哪一天都行。

    2.Help yourself.别客气。

    3.Just a moment. 等一会儿。

    4.I'm sure you didn't mean to do it. 我相信你不是故意的。

    5.Let's give him a big hand.让我们热烈鼓掌。

    6.You have my word.我向你保证。

    7.Let me introduce myself. 让我自我介绍一下。

    8.Want to play hide and seek? 玩捉迷藏吗?

    9.Don’t interrupt daddy/mommy. 不要打断妈/爸说话。

    10.Feel free to call me. 随时电话联系塌灶我。

    11.That's great to hear.听到这消息我很高兴。

    12.We had a whale of a time on holiday.假期里我们玩得非常痛快。团裂扮

    13.I feel low today.我今天心情很不好。

    14.Let's get in.咱们进去吧。

    15.See you tomorrow. 明天见。


    1、What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?

    2、May I have your name? 能告诉我你的名字吗?

    3、My name is Thomas. 我叫汤姆斯。

    4、Just call me Tom. 就叫我汤姆吧。

    5、What’s your family name? 你姓什么?

    6、My family name is Ayneswonth. 我姓安尼思华斯。

    7、How do you spell it? 怎么拼?

    8、Who is the lady in white? 穿白衣服的那位小姐是谁?

    9、Could you introduce me to her? 你能把我介绍给她吗?

    10、Rose, let me introduce my friend to you. 罗斯,让我介绍一下我的朋友。

    11、This is Tom. He’s my classmate. 这是汤姆。我的同学。

    12、Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。

    13、Nice to meet you, too. 认识你我也很高兴。


    1,I got it.我知道了。

    2,Help yourself.别客气。

    3,Good luck.好运。

    4,Have a good day.日安。

    5,Excuse me,Sir.不好意思打扰一下。

    6,Enjoy yourself!祝你玩得开心!

    7,Can I help you?我能帮你吗?

    8,Life's full fo surprise.人生充满了惊喜

    9,I'm lost.我给搞糊涂了。




    日常英语交流对话:Getting an interview


    W:How is your job search going?

    M:I don't know. I'm only start looking for a job a few days ago.

    W:I see. Have you found anything that you're interested in?

    M:I've only found a few openings in my field.

    W: What kind of job you're looking for?

    M:I'm trying to find a job in sound engineering.

    W:Hmm, there's not a very high demand for that kind of job, is there?

    M:Unfortunately not. If I can't find anything in that field, then I can also work in the tourism field.

    W:That's a good idea.You have a plenty of experience in the tourism industry, don't you?


    W:By the way, I saw a job in the paper this morning that You might be interested in.

    M:Really? What is it?

    W:It's a job at recritment agency.

    M:That's interesting. Do you think it'll hire me ?

    烂配含W:Well, you have a plenty of experience job hunting. I think you would be the perfect person for the job.

    M:That's true. I might call the mopen and see if I can get an interview. Do you have the details?

    W:Sure. It's the added circle with the red pen in the middle of the classifies, .Good luck.

    Dialogue 2

    M:Well, Was there any vacancy in the form?

    W:Yes, there're a few.

    M:Did you fill out an application form?

    卖和W:Yes, it only took me about ten minutes to fill out the form. It was the shortest application form that I've ever seen.

    M:Did you get an interview?

    W:Actually, they gave an interview right away.

    M:Really? How did it go?

    W:It went really well. I thought I would be a disaster because I wasn't prepared for an interview.But it turned out to be really good.It sounds like more of a conversation with an old friend than an interview with a stranger.

    M:That's excellent!When will you find out if you get the job or not?

    W:She said she'll contact me within a few days.

    M:When will they want the start?

    W:On Monday.

    M:If they offer you the job, would you be free to join them so soon?

    W:You know me. I've been jobless for ages. If they offer me the job, I will start immediately if I have to.

    M:What is the position that they're hiring for?

    W:They need someone to create music for educational purposes.

    M:That sounds fantastic!You'll be great at that!

    W:Thanks.Cross your fingers for me.

    日常英语交流对话:Keeping time


    C. Tristan, Could you stay a few extra miniutes to discuss your project with me?

    T. Sure, We are on a pretty tight schedule, but we should be able to finish it just on time.

    C.Are all of your team members on schedule?

    T;A few of the graphic designers are a bit behind in their work because of computer problems.

    C.How have they decided to deal with that?

    T. They have agree to work over-time until it's finished.They've even decided to come in on the weekend.

    C. That's true dedication. I'm impressed. When is it due?

    T.We agree that the deadline was next Friday.

    C.Right. Well, given that your colleagues are working so hard on this project. I suppose we could change that deadline to Monday morning. I won't have time to look over it on the weekend anyway.

    T.That'd be very helpful. An extra weekend is all they really need.Thanks!

    C.That's alright. Make sure everyone knows that we must stick to the new deadline.

    T. I will.

    C. I know you have a tight schedule, so I won't take up more of your time. Have a good evening.

    T.You, too. See you tomorrow.

    Dialogue 2

    T.Since you did such a fantastic job running the last project, I'd like you to be in charge of this one.

    C. OK, Is the deadline soon?

    T. No, you can take your time on thisi project. We have plenty of time to get it done.

    C.That's great! When is the deadline exactly?

    T.It isn't due until after the bank holiday next month.

    C.So we've got a month and a fortnight to complete it.

    T. That's right. Here is a copy of the project proposal we have worked out for you.

    C.It seems very thorough.

    T.It should be. We have spent the last few months working on the details of the proposal, which will be finalized in a meeting this afternoon. I know it's short notic, but we need you to be there.

    C.What time does the meeting start?

    T. It start at 3:15 and it should last no more than 2 hours.

    C.Where is it going to be held?

    T.In the boardroom. Make sure you read through the proposal and come prepared to discuss it in detail. Today will be a busy day for you, but from next week on, you should be in less of a rush.

    C. Don;t worry. I can handle it, Is that all?

    T. Yes. Remember: don't be late to the meeting.

    C. I won't. See you at 3:15.

    日常英语交流对话:What's going on

    Dialogue 1:

    Kate: You're rather energetic today.What's going on?

    Isaac:Nothing really.I think I've had a few too many coffees.

    K:Free coffee is one of the perks at this place,isn't it?

    I:It's the ONLY perk of this job! How's your day going?

    K:Not that well. I've got that Monday morning feeling today.

    I:Why it that?

    K:My boss has been brating down my neck all day. I can't wait for the weekend!

    I:Your boss is a real slave-driver,isn't he?

    K:You can say that again! He won't even let us check our personal email at work!

    I:That's not just your boss. No one is allowed to send personal emails from the office.

    K:Really? I didn't know that it was against company policy.

    I:Maybe your boss isn't so horrible afte all!

    K:No,he is. Some bosses will bend the rules a bit sometimes, but not my boss.He always follows the rules to a T.

    I:Try not to let it bother you too much.

    K:Thanks.I better get back to my work before my boss yells at me again.

    I:OK,I'll see you in a bit.

    K:Alright.See you later.


    【 #英语口语#导语】在学习日常交际英语口语的时候会发现有一些句子是相当常见、实用的。如果我们将这些口语句子收集起来进行针对性的学习,那么学习效果一定很明显。以下是 考 网整理的日常交际的英语口语900句摘抄,欢迎阅读!


    1.Thank you for the invitation.谢谢你的邀请。

    2.I assure you. 我向你保证。

    3.I bet you can. 我确信誉搏你能做到。

    4.I can handle it. 我自己可以应付。

    5.I can‘t afford it我买不起。

    6.I can‘t believe it. 我简直不敢相信。

    7.I can‘t resist temptation. 我不能抵挡诱惑。

    8.I can‘t stand it 我受不了。

    9.I can‘t tell. 我说不准。

    10.I totally agree. 我完全同意。


    Where can I catch a taxi?哪里我可以叫到出租车?

    The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there.出租车站台就在左边转角处。

    Are you free?您有空吗?

    Sure. Where are you going?当然。您要去哪里?

    Drive me back to Santa Clara.载我到圣塔克莱拉。

    Santa Clara? OK. That's about 20 miles away.圣塔克莱拉?好的,大约是20英里远。

    How much will it cost?需要多少钱?

    庆没祥That'll be thirty-six dollars, sir.先察野生,车费是36元。

    Here you are. You can keep the change.给你。零钱不用找了。

    You're very generous.你真慷慨。

    That's alright. You're a lot of help.没关系。你帮了很大的忙。

    Take me to the railway station.载我到火车站。

    Take me back.载我回去。


    A:Hi, Dora. So, I hear you are going to United States next week.

    B:So I am.

    A:When did you get your passport?

    B:I got it last week.

    A:How long is it valid?

    B:It's valid for five years. I'm planing to do a doctor's degree during my stay there.

    A:Good. Good luck to you!

    B:Thank you very much.


    1.Enquiries are dwindling.询盘正在减少。

    2.What about delivery time?什么时间交货?

    3.How about the supply position?供应情况怎么样?

    4.Please give us your best price.请给我们报。

    5.What about the terms of payment?以什么作为付款方式?

    6.Do you offer FOB or CIF?你们报船上交货价还是到岸价?

    7.Can you quote a CIF price for me?你能报到岸价格给我吗?

    8.Can you shed all light on your price?我想要你们的全部报价。

    9.Please make us an offer for Leather Glovers.请报皮手套的价格。

    10.We'd be willing to accept your CIF price.我愿意按照到岸价交易。


    1. We'd like to express our desire to establish business relationship with you on the basis of quality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods .


    2. In order to extend our export business to your country we wish to enter into direct business relations with you.


    3. Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us .


    4. We look forward to further extensions of pleasant business relations.


    5. It’s our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you.


    6. We look forward to receiving your quotation very soon.


    7. I hope you see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost.


    8. We hope to discuss business with you at your earliest convenience.



    1.For here or to go? 这里吃还是外带?

    去速食店店员问你的第一句话通常是这一句, 不要急著点餐, 先回答这一句再点.

    2. Does it go with drinks? 有没有附赠饮料?

    P.S: 有些套餐有附饮料, 如果不确定, 可以问一下, 如果没有的话, 可以当场点.

    3. Is that all? 就这些了吗?

    有时他们会用 anything else? 总之, 这二句都是一样的, 如果是, 就回答 That's it!

    4. Here you go! 你的餐来了!

    这句话在美国用的相当普遍, 你拿什么东西给别人, 就可以说这一句, 另外跟这句很类似的是 There you go! 通常用在会话的结尾, 表示我同意你的看法, 和 Here you go 是不太相同的!

    5. I am fixing to go out. 我正准备要出门.

    Fix 这个字在美国南方真的很常见, 记得我第一次听到老美这么跟我说, 我的直觉反应就是他正在修理什么东西, 但实际上 Fix 在这里的用法是正准备要出门的意思, 也就相当于 I am about to leave.

    6. I'll fix the plate for you. 我等下帮你准备食物.

    第一次听到我室友说 I can fix the plate for you, 我立刻反应是, Is there any plate broken? 其实不是这样的. Fix the plate 指的是准备食物. 例如我们在炒菜前可能会先把所有要炒的菜都洗好, 分好, 放在盘子上准备好像, 这就叫 Fix the plate. 所以下次如果再听到老美说 I'll fix the plate 可别以为他把盘子给打破了喔!

    7. He is a redneck. 他是一个老粗.

    所谓 redneck, 就是一些种田的粗人, (特别是在南方) 因为他们特殊的生活习惯和癖好, 通常会闹出很多笑话, 说起话来有很重的南方口音, 他们会被叫 redneck 我想是因为常在田里工作, 脖子晒的红红的之故, 另外还有一个字 hick, 也是粗人 redneck 的意思.什么样的人是典型的 redneck 呢? 他们喜欢穿迷彩服, 缺了好几颗门牙, 他们开著烂烂的 pickup truck , 他们车上一定会放一把枪, 以便可以随时打猎. 他们住的院子通常会堆满各式各样的杂物, 以致于看起来好像垃圾场一样.

    8. He has a bad accent. 他有很重的口音.

    在美国不同的区有不同的口音, 特别是在南方, 他们叫作 southern drwal, 原因是他们通常喜欢把尾音拉长, 所以叫 southern drawl. 而在整个南方当蔽敬尺中, 我觉得又以 Kentucky 及 Tennessee 的口音最重了. 如果你连这二个地方的口音都能了解的话, 那你的英文大概也没什么问题了.

    9. Heidi, Hire Yew? 嗨, 你好吗?

    这句话也是很典型的南方打招呼用语, 我想这原来是 Howdy, How are you? 但是他们会念成 Heidi, Hire Yew. 我想虽然南方口音普遍被认为不是那么好, 可是有时你刻意去模仿一两句反而会有那种爆笑的效果, 就如同我们也喜欢说 "粉" 可爱, 不也是台湾国语但听来却是格外地亲切吗?

    10. Oh hell no.


    这也是南方的一个惯用语, 特别是黑人很喜欢这么宏高说. Oh hell no 其实就是等于 Of course not. 那个 Oh hell 是用来加强语气的. 比如你问我, Are you married? 我就稿好可以回答. Oh hell no. I am still single.

    也许美国的南方不如北方那么进步, 但是这儿的人们却多了一份的纯朴, 有空不妨也到南方来看看!

    11. I went to Europe last month because my friends live over there. 我上个月去欧洲, 因为我的朋友住那里.

    我想大家一定会很好奇, 那东边又怎么说? 西边又怎么说? 通常他们不分东边或是西边,一律用 over there 或是 out there. 比如说你在美国, 你的朋友住欧洲. 而美国和欧洲并没有很明显的东西之分. 这时你就可以说 live out there 或是 live over there.

    12. I drove all the way up to Boston. 我一路开车到波士顿.

    All the way 翻成中文就是"一路到底" 的意思. 这个片语常跟 up 或 down 合用, 例如你说 I drove all the way up there. 或是比方说去溜滑梯, 你就可以说 You can slide all the way down to the the bottom.

    13. Never look down on people less superior than you. 不要轻视不如你的人.

    Look down on someone 就是说你看不起人家, 有点像是中文里狗眼看人低的意思. 所以才会说 Look down. 要是很看得起某人, 则是说 Look up on someone.

    14. Can you keep it down? 你能不能保持安静.

    Up 和 Down 也常常用来表示声音的大小喔. Keep it down 就是保持音量不要太大. 像是有一次我们在考试, 结果走道上还有一些人在喧哗. 我是很想叫他们小声一点但是苦于不知要如何开口. 还好我朋友这时挺身而出, 跑去跟他们说 Can you keep it down?

    15. Do you take money? 你们要收钱吗?

    很多东西真的一定要先问清楚才行, 天底下真的没有白吃的午餐这种事情. 尤其美国的一些大城市路上有很多街头艺人, 穿著奇装异服, 有些观光客好奇拿著照相机喀喳一声, 他就跑过来跟你要钱了. 有一次更扯. 我同学说我们大家跟他合照一张, 结果他每人跟我们收一块美金. 哪有这么好赚的事? 但是照片都照了又不能说不给. 所以出国观光, 这种简单的句子一定要熟记. Do you take money? 要是他说 Yes, 再问他 How much? 这样才不会吃亏.

    这句话你也可以简单地问, Is it free? 但是记得, There's no such thing as a free lunch. 看到有人站在那里, 就该心里有数了.

    16. Have you heard of Buffalo, New York? My parents live up there. 你知道水牛城吗? 我的父母住在那边.

    南边的地方通常会加 down, 那北边就是加 up 了. 你说 live up there 那一定是指在北方. 像水牛城地理在美国的北方, 我在亚特兰大就可以跟别人说 My parents live up there. 但要是你人在加拿大, 那这句话就要说成 Live down there. 因为水牛城是在加拿大的南方. 所以用 up 或 down 全视南方或北方而定.

    17 . Hey, look at the girl up there. 嘿, 看看在上面的那个女孩.

    要注意一下 up 和 down 不完全当北边和南边解释. 要看上下文而定. 像在这个句子里, up there 代表的是在上面的意思. 因为在日常的对话中我们不太可能说, "看看北边的那个女孩" 我们只会说, 看看上面的那个女孩. 所以英文中的道理也是一样的. 同理, Look the girl down there 就是看看在下面的那个女孩.

    18. Let's call it a wash. 剩下的不用给了!

    假设我欠你 9.8 块, 你欠我 10 块钱, 这时说 Let's call it a wash, 就是" 差不多, 不用算了, 不用计较" 的意思罗! 不过说真的这句话我问过老美, 有些老美也不知道, 所以并不是很常用就是了.

    19. Pass the hat. 大家出钱吧.

    有一次要跟老美要去系上的聚会, 我好奇地问他们, Is it free? 结果有个老美跟我说. pass the hat. 害我当场楞在那里不知如何是好, 又问了一次, 他还是说 pass the hat. 事后才知道, 原来 pass the hat 就是说拿个帽子跟大家收钱, 看你要交多少随意. 因为在国外的乞丐都是拿帽子讨钱的, 跟台湾拿碗的不太一样. 所以说法也就不同.

    如果你去参加了一个所谓 pass the hat 的聚会, 就一定会用到 put in (plug in) 这个动词. 这个动词就是每个人 "出多少钱" 的意思. 例如, Everybody puts in 5 dollars. 就是每个人出五块钱.

    20. Let's chip in 20 dollars to buy him a present. 让我们大家凑二十块钱帮他买份礼物吧.

    Chip in 就是大家出钱的意思, 这跟以前介绍过的 pass the hat 有点类似. 但 pass the hat 指的多半是大家自己出自己的, 而 chip in 则是说每个人出一点钱,把这个钱拿去作一件事. 可能是买礼物啦, 或是分担一些共同的费用. 例如有一次我去别人家玩, 结果很不幸的门不知道为什么被锁住了, 大家都进不住, 这时就有人说, OK. Let's chip in some money to call the locksmith.

    21. How much is the cover? 入场费是多少钱?

    美国的一些夜生活场所例如舞厅, 电动游乐场等, 都有所谓的入场费 (cover). 这个 cover 通常是不包括饮料以及吃东西的消费. 另外老美有一个比较口语的问法, How much to get in? 问的也是 cover 是多少钱. 所以下次如果再跟老外去 night club, 不妨问一声, How much is the cover? 或是, How much to get in?

    22. I am broke. 我很穷.

    以前在国内说自己很穷总喜欢用 I am poor 这样的句子. 但我发现在美国 I am poor 用得并不多. 一般会用到 poor 这个字都是讲穷人 poor people 而言, 当然说我很穷用 I am poor 也没错. 可是相较之下说 I am broke 的更多. 比方说别人邀请你去吃饭, 你可以说 No, I am broke. Maybe next time.

    23. She just got a sugar dad. 她找到一个有钱的老男人.

    有些年轻貌美的女性会去认一些有钱, 但是生活无趣的人当乾爸, 甚至是跟人家拍拖, 为的就是看看能不能得到什么好处. 这种有钱的老男人就被戏称为 sugar dad 同样的, 有钱的老女人呢? 就叫 sugar mom.

    24. Ching-Ching. 钱钱.

    大家知不知道开收银机时会有什么声音? 就是清脆的 ching-ching 二声, 那开收银机要做什么, 当然就是有钱赚了, 所以 ching-ching 就代表钱钱的意思, 像是 force of nature 中, 男主角跑去同性恋酒吧客串跳脱衣舞, 结果赚了很多钱, 一路就听他在 ching-ching ching-ching.

    希望大家都能有很多 ching-ching, ching-ching.

    25. Is she big-boned? 她是不是很魁梧啊?

    Big-bone 看字面解释就知道是指骨架很粗大. 这对美女(美国的女人) 来说是见怪不怪的. 在电影 Something about Mary 中就有这一句, Is she big-boned?

    那娇小的女子怎么说? 娇小就是 petite. 很多从亚洲来女生来美国都抱怨买不到合适的衣服, 其实很多店都有一区 petite. 去那里找找, 保证你会有意想不到的收获. 若是真的找不到, 就试试 teenager 那儿也有许多合适的衣服.
