目录英国牛津的英语 为某人感到难过的英语 人们常言道英语 物理的的英文是什么 物理的英语physical
Physicists and biologists
n.鐗╃悊瀛﹀��( physicist鐨勫悕璇嶅�嶆暟 );
[渚嬪彞]Some physicists have gone so far as to suggest that the entire Universe is a sort of gigantic computer.
[鍏朵粬]鍘熷瀷锛� physicist
n.鐢熺墿瀛﹀��( biologist鐨勫悕璇嶅�嶆暟 );
[渚嬪彞]The two biologists found, to their surprise, that both groups of birds survived equally well
[鍏朵粬]鍘熷瀷娓楀�囷細 biologist
鍙岃��渚嬪彞 鏌�鏋楁柉璇嶅吀
n.锛堝湪鏈堢悆鏃忔牳鍏勪笢鍖楄薄闄愮殑锛夊紑鏅�鍕掔幆褰㈠北锛堢洿寰勪负35鍏�閲岋級 ;
[渚嬪彞]Galileo's telescope and Kepler's planetary theory were the birth of modern astronomy;
1銆佹暟瀛︼紝 Maths锛屼俊闄礛athematics锛涙暟瀛﹀��, mathematicians锛�
2銆� 澶╂枃锛孉stronomy锛涘ぉ鏂囧�﹀�讹紝 astronomer锛�
3銆佸湴鐞嗭紝Geography锛涘湴鐞嗗�﹀��, geographer 锛�
4銆�鑰冨彜瀛�锛孉rchaeology锛涜�冨彜瀛﹀��, archaeologists锛�
5銆佺敓鐗╋紝Biology锛涚敓鐗╁�﹀��, biologist锛�
6銆佺墿鐞嗭紝Physics锛涚墿鐞嗗�﹀��, physicist锛�
7銆佽壓鏈�锛孉rt锛涜壓鏈�瀹�, artists锛�
8銆侀煶涔愶紝Music锛涢煶涔愬��, musician锛�
9銆佸缓绛戝�︼紝Architecture锛涘缓绛戝笀, architects锛�
10銆佸寲瀛︼紝Chemistry锛涘寲瀛﹀��, chemists锛�
11銆佸巻鍙诧紝History锛�鍘嗗彶瀛︽晱缂撳��, historian 锛�
12銆� 鏀挎不锛孭olitics锛涙斂娌诲�� , politicians锛�
13銆佹暀鑲插�︼紝Education锛涙暀鑲插��, educator锛�
14銆佺�戝�� Science锛涚�戝�﹀�讹紝scientist锛�
15銆佸摬瀛︼紝 Philosophy锛涘摬瀛︽ˉ鍧︽ā瀹讹紝philosopher銆�
Service 锛堟湇鍔′笟閮ㄥ垎锛夛細
Sanitation Inspector 鍗�鐢熸��鏌ュ憳 Wait Person 渚嶅簲鐢� Customer Service Manager 瀹㈡埛鏈嶅姟缁忕悊 銆�Cashier 鍑虹撼鍛�Customer Service Representative 瀹㈡埛鏈嶅姟浠h〃
2.Engineering锛堝伐绋嬮儴鍒嗭級 銆�銆�銆�銆�
Aerospace Engineer 鑸�绌哄伐绋嬪笀 銆�Ceramic Engineer 闄跺櫒宸ョ▼甯� 銆�Electronics Engineer 鐢甸浌鎵嬫�″瓙宸ョ▼甯� 銆�Chemical Engineer 鍖栧�﹀伐绋嬪笀 銆�Engineering Consultant 宸ョ▼椤鹃棶
3.Computers and Mathematics(璁$畻鏈洪儴鍒�)
Applications Programmer 搴旂敤杞�浠剁▼搴忓憳 銆�Computer Operator 鐢佃剳鎿嶄綔鍛� 銆�Computer Operations Supervisor 鐢佃剳鎿嶄綔涓荤�� 銆�Hardware Engineer 纭�浠跺伐绋嬪笀 銆�Computer Technician 鐢佃剳鎶�鏈�鍛�
Assistant Editor 缂栬緫鍔╃悊 銆�Associate Editor 鍔╃悊缂栬緫 銆�Broadcast Producer 骞挎挱鍒朵綔浜� 銆�Author 浣滃�� 銆�Editorial Director 缂栬緫涓讳换 銆�Columnist 涓撴爮浣滃��
5.Accounting and Finance(浼氳�′笌璐㈠姟閮ㄥ垎锛�
Accounting Payable Clerk 搴斾粯甯愭�炬枃鍛� 銆�Accounting Assistant 浼氳�″姪鐞� Assistant Portfolio Manager 缁勫悎鍩洪噾缁忕悊鍔╃悊 銆�Accounting Manager 浼氳�$粡鐞� 銆�Accounts Receivable Clerk 搴旀敹甯愭�炬枃鍛�
1. ----What鈥檚 your father / mother?----浣犵殑鐖朵翰 / 姣嶄翰鏄�鍋氫粈涔堢殑?
----He鈥檚 a doctor. / She鈥檚 a teacher.----浠栨槸涓�鍚嶅尰鐢熴��/ 濂规槸涓�鍚嶆暀甯堛��
2. ----What does you mother / father do?----浣犺柉濉岀殑姣嶄翰 / 鐖朵翰鏄�鍋氫粈涔堢殑?
----She鈥檚 a TV reporter. / He鈥檚 a teacher. He teaches English.
3. ----Who鈥檚 that man / woman?---閭d綅鐢峰+ / 濂冲+鏄�璋�?
----He鈥檚 my father. / She鈥檚 my mother.----浠栨槸鎴戠埗浜层�� / 濂规槸鎴戞瘝浜层��
4, ----Who鈥檚 this boy / girl?----閭d釜鐢峰�╁効 / 濂冲�╁効鏄�璋�?
----He鈥檚 my brother. / She鈥檚 my sister.----浠栨槸鎴戝厔寮熴�� / 濂规槸鎴戝�愬�广��
5. ----Who鈥檚 your art teacher?----浣犱滑鐨勭編鏈�鑰佸笀鏄�璋�?
----Miss Wang.----鐜嬭�佸笀銆�
----What鈥檚 she like?----濂归暱浠�婧愭梺涔堟牱鍎�?
----She鈥檚 young and thin.----濂瑰緢骞磋交銆佽嫍鏉°��
1. ----What鈥檚 your favourite food / drink?----浣犳渶鍠滄�㈢殑椋熺墿 / 楗�鏂欐槸浠�涔�?
----Fish / orange juice.----楸笺�� / 姗欐眮銆�
2. ----What鈥檚 your favourite season?----浣犳渶鍠滄�㈢殑瀛h妭鏄�浠�涔�?
(----Which season do you like best?(----浣犳渶鍠滄�㈠摢涓�瀛h妭?
----Winter.) ----鍐�澶┿��)
----Why do you like winter?----浣犱负浠�涔堝枩娆㈠啲澶�?
----Because I can make a snowman.----鍥犱负鍙�浠ュ爢闆�浜恒��
3. ----What鈥檚 your hobby?----浣犵殑鐖卞ソ鏄�浠�涔�?
----I like collecting stamps.----鎴戝枩娆㈤泦閭�銆�
----What鈥檚 his hobby?----浠栫殑鐖卞ソ鏄�浠�涔�?
----He likes riding a bike.----浠栧枩娆㈤獞鑷�琛岃溅銆�
4. ----Do you like peaches?----浣犲枩娆㈠悆妗冨瓙鍚�?
----Yes, I do. / No, I don鈥檛.----鍠滄��銆�/ 涓嶅枩娆�銆�
鏁板�︼紝鏁板�﹀�禡athematics, mathematicians
鏂囧�︼紝鏂囧�﹀�禠iterature, writer
澶╂枃锛屽ぉ鍩规枟鏂囧�﹀�禔stronomy, astronomer
鍦扮悊锛屽湴鐞嗗�﹀�禛eography, geographer
鑰冨彜瀛︼紝鑰冨彜瀛﹀�� Archaeology, archaeologists
鐢熺墿锛岀敓鐗╁�﹀�禕iology, biologist
鐗╃悊锛岀墿鐞嗗�﹀�禤hysics, physicist
鑹烘湳锛岃壓鏈�瀹禔rt, artists
闊充箰锛岄煶涔愬�禡usic, musician
寤虹瓚瀛︼紝寤虹瓚甯� Architecture, architects
鍖栧�︼紝鍖栧�﹀�剁珫鑺�Chemistry, chemists
鍘嗕綑涓�甯﹀彶锛屽巻鍙插�﹀�禜istory, historian
鏀挎不锛屾斂娌诲�禤olitics , politicians
鏁欒偛瀛︼紝鏁欒偛瀹禘ducation, educator