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  • 2023-04-28
  • 快的乡村音乐英语w
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  • 美国乡村歌曲十大经典
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  • 快的乡村音乐英语w


    Old School Rap 老派说唱

    Rap 说唱

    Underground Rap 地下说唱

    【COUNTRY FIELD 乡村音乐】

    Alternative Country 另类乡村

    Americana 美式乡村

    Bluegrass 蓝草音乐(美国传统乡村音乐,用吉他和班卓琴演奏)

    Contemporary Country 当代乡村

    Country Gospel 乡村福音

    Country Pop 乡村流行

    Honky Tonk 酒馆音乐

    Outlaw Country 叛道乡村

    Traditional Country 传统乡村

    Urban Cowboy 城市牛仔

    【NEW AGE FIELD 新世纪音乐】

    Healing 疗愈

    Meditation 冥想

    Nature 自然

    Relaxation 放松

    Travel 旅途

    枣滚陵【JAZZ FIELD 爵士音乐】


    Acid Jazz 酸性爵士

    Avant-Garde Jazz 前卫爵士

    Contemporary Jazz 当代爵士

    Cool 冷爵士

    Crossover Jazz 跨界爵士

    Fusion 融合爵士

    Latin Jazz 拉丁爵士

    Mainstream Jazz 主流爵士


    Christian Metal 基督金属

    Christian Pop 基督流行

    Christian Rap 基督说唱

    Christian Rock 基督摇滚

    Classic Christian 古典基督

    Contemporary Gospel 当代福音

    Gospel 福音

    Christian & Gospel 基督与福音

    Praise & Worship 盛赞与崇拜

    【LATIN FIELD 拉丁音乐】

    Argentine tango 阿根廷探戈

    Bossa Nova 巴萨诺瓦(融合巴西森巴舞曲和美国酷派爵士的一种"新派爵士乐")

    Contemporary Latin 当代拉丁

    Flamenco / Spanish Flamenco 弗拉明戈(热情奔放、节奏明快)

    Latin Jazz 拉丁爵士

    Portuguese fado 葡萄牙法多(擅长表达哀怨、失落和伤痛的情怀)

    【REGGAE FIELD 雷鬼音乐】


    Dancehall 舞厅音乐(20世纪70年代末期,牙买加流行音乐的一种形式)

    Roots Reggae根源雷鬼(美国摇滚和斯卡民族摇滚的结合)

    Ska 斯卡音乐(牙买加流行乐,节奏较快)



    Lullabies 摇篮曲

    Sing-Along 跟唱曲

    Stories 叙事曲


    【COMEDY FIELD 喜剧音乐】


    Avant-Garde 先锋派

    Baroque 巴洛克

    Chamber Music 室内乐

    Chant 吟诵

    Choral 合唱

    Classical Crossover 古典跨界

    Contemporary Classical 当代古典

    Expressionist 表现派

    High Classical 纯古典

    Impressionist 印象派

    Medieval 中世纪

    Minimalism 简约派

    Opera 歌剧

    Orchestral 管弦乐

    Renaissance 文艺复兴

    Wedding Music 婚礼音乐

    vibration 振动

    sound 音

    tone 音(乐音)

    musical tone 乐音

    noise 噪音

    acoustics 声学

    psychoacoustics 心理声学

    frequency 频率

    intensity 强度

    time 时间

    wave form 波形

    pitch 音高

    loudness 响度

    duration 时值

    timbre 音色 (tone color or quality)

    tuning fork 音叉

    pure tone 纯音

    complex tone 复音 (composite tone)

    overtone(s) 泛音

    (aliquot tone, harmonics, flageolet tone 即upper partials)

    overtone series 泛音列

    partial(s) 分音(partial tone)

    fundamental(tone) 基音 (first partial)

    step 音级(scale step, degree)

    accidental(s) 变音记号

    sharp 升号

    flat 降号

    double-sharp 重升号

    double-flat 重降号

    nature 还原号

    intonation 音准

    octave 八度

    range 音域(compass)

    (voice) register 音区

    small c 小字组c

    great C 大字组C

    contra C 大字二组C

    unaccented octave 小字组

    one-lined octave 小字一组 (one-line)

    two-lined octave 小字二组 (two-line)

    three –lined octave 小字三组(three-line)

    four-line octave 小字四组 (four-line)

    temperament 乐律

    tempered scale 平均律 (equal temperament)

    just intonation 纯律

    pitch name 音名

    enharmonic notes 等音

    (whole) tone 全音

    half-tone 半音

    natural half-tone 自然半音

    natural tone 自然全音

    chromatic tone 变化全音

    chromatic half-tone 变化半音

    notation 记谱法

    staff 乐谱

    treble clef 高音谱号

    bass clef 低音谱号

    clef 谱号 (G clef, F clef, C clef)

    note(s) 音符

    rest(s) 休止符

    breve 二全音符

    semibreve 全音符 (whole note,美)

    minim 二分音符 (half note,美)

    crotchet 四分音符(quarter note,美)

    quaver 八分音符 (eighth note,美)

    semiquaver 十六分音符(sixteenth note,美)

    demisemiquaver 三十二分音符

    (thirty-second note,美)

    hemidemisemi quaver 六十四分音符 (sixty-fourth note,美)

    dot 附点

    double dot 复附点

    dotted note 附点音符

    dotted rest 附点休止符

    score 总谱

    leger line(s) 加线 (ledger line(s))

    head 符头

    stem 符干

    hook 符尾(tail)

    space 间

    line 线

    tie 延音线

    pause 延长号(hold, fermata)

    bar 小节 (bar line小节线,measure)

    legato 连音,连奏

    staccato 断音,断奏

    sostenuto 持音

    trembolo 震音

    glissando 滑音

    relative pitch 相对音高(听觉)

    absolute pitch 绝对音高(听觉)

    sight-singing 视唱

    fixed-do 固定唱名法

    movable-do 音调唱名法

    lyra 乐徽

    rhythm 节奏

    rhythmic pattern 节奏型

    accent 重音

    syncopation 切分音

    meter 拍子 (time)

    duple meter(s) 二拍子 (2/2,2/4,2/8)

    triple meter(s) 三拍子 (3/2,3/4,3/8)

    quadruple meter(s) 四拍子 (4/2,4/4,4/8)

    common meter 普通拍子 (4/4)

    simple meter(s) 单拍子

    compound meter(s) 复拍子

    compound duple meter(s) 复二拍子(6/2,6/4,6/8)

    compound triple meter(s) 复三 拍子(9/4,9/8)

    compound quadruple meter(s) 复四拍子 (12/4,12/8,12/16)

    quintuple meter 五拍子

    time signature 拍号

    multi-meter 变化拍子

    irregular meter (不规则)混合拍子(7/4,11/7)

    Metronome 节拍机 (M.M.=Malzel’s ~)

    duplet 二连音

    triplet 三连音

    quadruplet 四连音

    quintuplet 五连音

    sextuplet 六连音

    septuplet 七连音

    tempo 速度

    dynamics 力度

    tempo mark(s) 速度标记

    dynamic mark(s) 力度标记

    mode 调式(狭指教会调式;广指调式)

    scale 音阶

    key 调

    tonality 调性

    atonality 无调性

    bitonality 双重调性

    polytonality 多调性

    major 大调

    minor 小调

    key signature 调号

    pentatonic 五声的

    natural 自然的

    melodic 旋律的

    harmonic 和声的



    Music has been an integral part of human existence ever since the early stages of civilization. Over the years music has evolved to become an inseparable part of national cultures all over the world. Music binds a soul and has the power to establish a divine connection with God. Music can be considered as a panacea for many diseases and plays an intrumental role in receovery of patients in prime hosiptals all over the world.

    There are innumerable genres of this art form but some of the main categories may be listed as below:

    Instrumental Music:

    Instrumental music is a genre where vocals are not used and only one or some instruments feature throughout the composition. At times these compositions also include vocal inputs that are non-articulate in nature. Some of the leading names in this form of music are Roger Williams, Morris Stoloff, Nelson Riddle, Perez Prado and Les Baxter. Read More

    Trance Music:

    Trance is a type of electronic dance music and was developed during the 1990s. Its most identifiable characteristic is its tempo, which varies between 125 and 150 beats per minute. The most famous names in this genre nowadays are DJs Paul Oakenfold, Tiesto, Sasha, Paul van Dyk, John Digweed and Armin van Buuren. Read More

    Country Music:

    Country music originated in southern USA during the 1920s and since has become one of the more popular genres all over the world. Instruments that feature typically in this category of music are guitar, piano, mandolin, electronic keyboards, double bass, drums and fiddle. John Denver, Taylor Swift and American Idol winner Carrie Underwood are the most well known stars of country music.Read More

    Hip Hop Music:

    Hip Hop music is also referred to as Rap and has been developed in USA. In this form of music the performer keeps on chanting a rhyming speech in a definite rhythm and is accompanied by musical instruments like turntables, guitars, synthesizers and drums. At present the leading artists in this genre are Eminem, Kanye West, Jay Z and 50 Cent. Read More

    Techno Music:

    Techno music developed in Detroit, Michigan during the later half of 1980s and is a sub-genre of electronic dance music. The instruments normally used in this form of music include synthesizers, samplers, sequencers, drum machines, and keyboards. Well known artists of this genre are John Acquaviva, James Pennington, Dave Clarke, Carl Cox and Richie Hawtin. Read More

    Avant-garde Music:

    The term avant-garde music can be used to denote any genre that is more advanced than its contemporaries. It could be a fusion of different styles or innovations within a particular genre. The word avant-garde music is also used interchangeably with experimental music though the difference between the two is in the use of tonality. Read More

    Pop Music:

    Pop music is a commercial form, which primarily targets the youth. This genre normally has simple and comparatively short songs, which feature technological improvements to provide variations. The top names in this form of music are Elvis Presley, Elton John, Michael Jackson, ABBA, Madonna, Backstreet Boys, Westlife, Usher, Enrique Iglesias and Boyzone. Read More

    Latin Music:

    The music of Latin America combines various genres and styles that are found in different countries in South and Central America. This genre has been influenced significantly by Spanish and African music and features elements of local musical traditions. The most well known styles in this genre are Nueva Cancion, Reggaeton, Salsa, Latin Ballad and Tejano music. The leading artists in this genre are Pitbull, Don Omar, Wisin and Yandel, Marc Anthony and Julion Alvarez. Read More

    Rock Music:

    Rock music developed during the 1950s and 60s in UK and USA and its origins lie in rock and roll. The instruments that feature usually in rock compositions are guitars, drums and key boards with vocals playing a major role. The most famous names of this genre are Beatles, Bon Jovi, Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, Metallica, U2, Queen, Eagles and Scorpions.

    音乐类别打击乐 percussion吹打乐 ensemble of wind and percussion instruments吹奏乐;管乐 wind music / band music合奏乐 part music管弦乐 orchestral music弦乐 stringed music丝竹乐 sizhuyue,stringed and woodwind instruments琴乐 keyboard music军乐 martial music室内乐 chamber music器乐 instrumental music声乐 vocal music交响乐 symphony古典音乐 classical music流行音乐 pop music摇滚乐 rock and roll / rock民间音乐 folk music民族音乐 ethnic music民歌摇滚乐 folk rock爵士乐 jazz乡土爵士乐 funk重金属音乐 heavy metal蓝调;布鲁斯 blues节奏与蓝调音乐 rhythm and blues (R & B)灵魂音乐 soul Gospel music摇摆乐 seing爵士摇摆乐 boogie rock爵士摇滚乐 rock jazz迪斯科流行乐 disco乡村音乐 country music打击乐 rap瑞格音乐 Reggae新世纪音乐 New Age music


    country music

    folk song


    pop music(流隐举行灶模碧乐码桐)



    country music

    英 [ˈkʌntri ˈmju:zik] 美 [ˈkʌntri ˈmjuzɪk]




    For a long time I just wanted to play country music.


    A singer on the country music station was singing a lament for the late, great Buddy Holly.



    卡朋特:基郑1.yesterday once more 2.close to you3.top of the world 这三首是这个组合我最喜欢物穗的歌曲

    经典老歌:4 right here waiting5 Scarborough Fair6 Because I Love You7 Love Story 8 Summer Kisses Winter Tears9 tears in heaven 10 Unchained Melody 12 You're My Everything

    13 Rose Rose I Love You 14.Casablanca 15. The Sound Of Scilence16.Say You, Say Me

    17.Sealed With A Kiss 18.More Than I Can Say 19.time to say goodbye20.heyjuliet 21.could this be love21.rhythm of falling rain22.sunshine in the rain 23.flightless bird

    披头士: Let It Behey jude

    jason marz:luckyI'm yoursI won't give upliving in the moment

    泰勒斯威夫特: hey stephen love storymean our song fearless

    turning pagethe wind blowswhatever this town


    惠特尼休斯顿:11 I Will Always Love You 12 I want to know what love is
