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  • 2023-04-12
  • 骆驼祥子原版电影
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    Recently, I read the classics, Lao she's camel xiangzi, which makes me feel a lot.

    Novel through a poignant story of the old rickshaw pullers, represents how old a integrity, strong, kind, labor YangCheFu process from body to soul to destruction. Shoko honest, robust, simple, for life to be positive and tenacious spirit of the camel that his only wish is to buy a car of his own to pull, become an independent worker. Later, after three years of saving, he used his hard-earned money for a car, but it was not long before, was private. The second time he saved up enough money, but the damned sun detective to 怍. The third time, he took their, also use their money to buy the car, originally life has been very good, but their dystocia died, sad, but can't, had to sell the car to their burial. His desire after after many setbacks, finally completely broken. The little child suicide, he loved out his heart finally a spark of hope, it lose any begging and confidence for life, from the aspirant spirit and self-indulgence. He became a good numb, was down and out, cunning, take advantage of, food and drink piao wager the walking dead.

    This book made me realize how old was darkness, what a daunting, there were people into a ghost. Xiangzi is only Beijing an ordinary can no longer ordinary, too ordinary ordinary rickshaw pullers, in society is inconspicuous, but still can't let go of his fate, tortured spirit, he ruined his dream, then a kind of person. Tragedy is always creepy, scary.


    《沿着马可·波罗的足陪轿历迹》(In The Footsteps of Marco Polo)汉译英帆陵,新世界出版社,1986年

    《骆驼祥子》(Camel Xiangzi)汉译英, 外文出版社, 1979年

    《骆驼祥子》修订版双语版, 外文出版社, 2001年

    《骆驼祥子》,双语版,香港中文大学出版社,2004年 An Introduction to Chinese-English Translation, (与叶子南合著),Hippocrene Books, NY, USA, 2007年


    《理解与表达:汉英翻译案例讲评》外文出版社(与李长栓合著), 2012年 《汉英新词辞典》,主编, 外语教学与研究出版社, 2000年

    《现代汉语词典》(2002年增补版汉英双语版),英语顾问, 外语教学与研究出版社, 2002年





    "Luo Tuo Xiang Zi" is Lao She's most representative work, and successfully created the first full-fleshed city worker in Chinese modern literature. This novel explores the story of Xiang Zi, a poor rural peasant, who comes to the city with the hope of realizing his dream through individual struggle and hard work, a venture that ultimately ends in failure.

    The text approaches the tragedy of Xiang Zi from three angles, and argues that the tragedy is caused by contemporary society. At the core of the argument is that the Xiang Zi tragedy is an inevitable product of his times and his society. The life of Xiang Zi, from struggle to failure, is the tale of the physical and psychological suffering of a man at the mercy of a corrupt and backwards society. The darkness of society, the influence of others, his personality and limitations ultimately decided the failure of his struggles. The life of Xiang Zi is one that is both tragic and spectacular.


    Rickshaw Boy" is a masterpiece of Lao She, to Peking (now Beijing) the whereabouts of a rickshaw pullers Shoko for clues to the late twenties life of the people of Beijing as the background to the bumpy rickshaw pullers Shoko, tragic life experiences as the main plot , exposes the darkness of the old China, denounced the ruling class of worker exploitation, oppression, expression of deep sympathy for the working people, to show that the warlord, the dark bottom of the poor under the rule of the people living in Beijing abyss of suffering picture. Another movie, television, drama and so on.


    Novel by the bitterness of an old story of rickshaw pullers, described how one of the old society, integrity, good strong, kind, self-reliant foreign driver of the soul from the body to be destroyed in the process. Shoko honest, robust, simple, life has a camel-like positive and tenacious spirit, but his one desire after several setbacks after they were completely shattered. His favorite son of a small blessing to commit suicide out of his mind the last one spark of hope, it lost any of begging for life and confidence, from a good strong and become self-motivated to corrupt. He became a numbness, down and out, cunning, good advantage, Chihepiaodu of walking corpses.
