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  • 英语
  • 2023-04-13
  • 自律的好处英语作文
  • 自律英语作文初三80词
  • 自律英语作文结尾
  • 如何做一个自律的人英语作文
  • 自律的重要性英语作文100字

  • 自律的好处英语作文


    1.文章讨论了许多年轻人很在意自己外貌的问题,文章的最后指出:“ We need to judge people by what they do, not what they look like.” 你同意文章最后提出的观点吗?对此观点你有何看法?请根据下面提示写一篇英语短文谈谈你的看法,阐述理由,并举例说明。

    In my opinion, I think we need to judge people by both what they do and what they look like.

    A person's personality and ability are very important, but for some jobs, looks are also important, such as an actor or an actress, a waiter or a waitress, or even a teacher Because it's enjoyable to see a good-looking person.

    For example, my teachers in my class all teach very well, and they are kind and helpful. All of us like them. But the most popular teacher is my English teacher, because she looks really beautiful. She dresses herself up every day and always has a smile on her face.

    So let's try our best to improve our ability, personality and looks.






    Good evening,everyone. I am Li Hua, chairman of the Students Union. I am very pleased to welcome you to the party.

    In Guangdong, you can enjoy many traditional food. Such as shrimp dumplings, beef or fish balls, chicken feet and so on. Especially fish balls and chicken feet are really very delicious. I think you will love them. Tomorrow, in the morning, we’ll go to the biggest theatre in Guangzhou. You are going to enjoy Cantonese opera there. We will go to Zhongshan Park in the afternoon. You can experience Chinese Kung fu there. It is amazing. We will attend a lecture on history of Guangdong in the evening.

    I hope you'll enjoy your stay here!





    Self-discipline plays an important role in our life. To be honest, I am a person who is self-disciplined. I used to follow all kinds of rules and hand in the tasks appointed on time at school. And I could not only respected all my teachers but also get on well with my classmates. At home, I was able to balance housework and homework. I usually made a plan in advance to make it easier to achieve my goal. After finishing all the task, I developed the habit of going to bed early and going to bed early. In the society,I spared no effort to improve myself all the time.

    In a word. I have benefited a lot from being self-discipline. First of all, I have had many good habits, which makes my life easier and more regular. Secondly, my life and my study have been to high efficiency so that a lot of time has been saved. Thirdly, being self-disciplined has prepared me for a better and brighter future. In the future, I will continue to be a self-disciplined person.




    控制你的情绪 Control Your Emotion

    You must control and direct your emotions not abolish them. Besides, abolition would be antimissile task. Emotions are like a river. Their power can be dammed up and released under control and direction, but is cannot be held forever in check. Sooner or later the dam will burst, unleashing catastrophic destruction.

    你必须控制并导引你的情绪而非摧毁它,况且摧毁情绪是一件不可能的事情。情绪就像河流一样,你可以筑一道堤 防把它挡李带起来,并在控制和导引之下排放它,但却不能永远抑制它,否则那道堤防迟早会崩溃,并造成大灾难。

    Your negative emotions can also be controlled and directed. PMA and self-discipline can remove their harmful effects and make them serve constructive purposes. Sometimes fear and anger will inspire intense action. But you must always submit your negative emotions--and you positive ones--to the examination of your reason before releasing them. Emotion without reason is a dreadful enemy.

    你的消极心态同样也可被控制和导引,积极心态和自律 可去除其中有害的哪袜芦部分,而使这些消极心态能为目标贡献力 量。有的时候恐惧和生气会激发出更彻底的行好竖动,但是在你释放消极情绪(以及积极情绪)之前务必要让你的理性为它们做一番检验,缺乏理性的情绪必然是一位可怕的敌人。

    What faculty provides the crucial balance between emotions and reason? It is your willpower, or ego, a subject which will be explored in more detail below. Self-discipline will teach you to throw your willpower behind either reason or emotion and amplify the intensity of their expression.


    Both your heart and your mind need a master, and they can find the master in your ego. However, your ego will fill their role only if you use self-discipline. In the absence of self-discipline, your mind and heart will fight their battles as they please. In this situation the person within whose mind the fight is carried out often gets badly hurt.



    【 #英语资源#导语】自律扒谨表现在懂得自爱、勇于自省,善于自控。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


    旁此丛Self discipline is a kind of restraint and reflection; It is a kind of demeanor, a transcendence. People will be successful and self disciplined.

    Life is a boat, self-discipline is water. Only by pushing the boat with water can you sail thousands of miles and sail to the other shore of your life value.

    运樱Franklin used his little black dots to firmly remember all kinds of principles in life and affairs. He never forgot to reflect every day and self-discipline at any time. He regarded shortcomings as enemies and actively overcome them. He was thinking about whether his words and deeds were appropriate and whether this practice was polite at any time. Therefore, he was able to restrain and restrain himself, And while exercising self-discipline, he also formed a good habit, that is, no matter what he did, he always considered the consequences and would not be blind. Self discipline makes him mature, and self-discipline also makes him more perfect. Self discipline is like a cocoon. Let him practice slowly in it and finally become a butterfly. Self discipline is also highly admired by people. Self discipline makes him stable, generous and decent. Self discipline is a strong train, which makes him make rapid progress and direct success.

    Life is a tree, self-discipline is the soil. Only when trees grow on the soil can they flourish and bear the fruits of life.

    Zhou Enlai made a self-made paper mirror to keep his diary. His words must be correct, and his color should be peaceful, quiet and solemn. Premier Zhou's high demands on himself are beyond people's reach, and Premier Zhou's spirit of self-discipline is more admirable. Self discipline is like a mirror, always sober yourself and always pay attention to your behavior. It reflects your shortcomings and cooperates with correction. It is like soil, nourishes yourself, makes the big tree of life flourish, and also makes rapid progress, Go straight to the end of success.

    Life is tea, self-discipline is boiling water. Only when tea is brewed with boiling water can it be fragrant and highlight the noble personality.

    Browwell, the younger brother of Charlotte, the author of Jane Eyre, once abandoned his studies because he could not restrain himself and could not stand the temptation of the colorful world. His failure was due to his lack of self-discipline. Self-discipline is a control of desire and a rejection of temptation. Self-discipline is a rational and calm thinking. More such thinking will make him more clear his goal, Let yourself show all the value, let yourself take fewer detours and make faster progress.

    Self discipline is the golden reins, which makes people bound by reason and do not deviate from the track.

    Self discipline is a broom of the soul. It makes people know their shortcomings and sweep away spiritual filth.

    Self discipline is a staple that keeps your paper of life true.

    Self discipline is a kind of transformation, the most severe self purification and the smelting of personality. It is like a stimulant, which makes you move forward bravely without any obstacles. It makes you make rapid progress without wasting any time.

    Let's keep it in mind - as Seneca said, "the person who can discipline himself is the most powerful person."


    Life is a boat, self-discipline is water. Only by pushing the boat with water can you sail thousands of miles and sail to the other shore of your life value. Life is a tree, self-discipline is the soil. Only when trees grow on the soil can they flourish and bear the fruits of life. Life is tea, self-discipline is boiling water. Only when tea is brewed with boiling water can it be fragrant and highlight the noble personality. Let's keep it in mind - as Seneca said, "the person who can discipline himself is the most powerful person."

    Franklin used his little black dots to firmly remember all kinds of principles in life and affairs. He never forgot to reflect every day and self-discipline at any time. He regarded shortcomings as enemies and actively overcome them. He was thinking about whether his words and deeds were appropriate and whether this practice was polite at any time. Therefore, he was able to restrain and restrain himself, And while exercising self-discipline, he also formed a good habit, that is, no matter what he did, he always considered the consequences and would not be blind. Self discipline makes him mature, and self-discipline also makes him more perfect. Self discipline is like a cocoon. Let him practice slowly in it and finally become a butterfly. Self discipline is also highly admired by people. Self discipline makes him stable, generous and decent. Self discipline is a strong train, which makes him make rapid progress and direct success.

    Zhou Enlai made a self-made paper mirror to keep his diary. His words must be correct, and his color should be peaceful, quiet and solemn. Premier Zhou's high demands on himself are beyond people's reach, and Premier Zhou's spirit of self-discipline is more admirable. Self discipline is like a mirror, always sober yourself and always pay attention to your behavior. It reflects your shortcomings and cooperates with correction. It is like soil, nourishes yourself, makes the big tree of life flourish, and also makes rapid progress, Go straight to the end of success.

    Browwell, the younger brother of Charlotte, the author of Jane Eyre, once abandoned his studies because he could not restrain himself and could not stand the temptation of the colorful world. His failure was due to his lack of self-discipline. Self-discipline is a control of desire and a rejection of temptation. Self-discipline is a rational and calm thinking. More such thinking will make him more clear his goal, Let yourself show all the value, let yourself take fewer detours and make faster progress.

    Self discipline is a kind of transformation, the most severe self purification and the smelting of personality. It is like a stimulant, which makes you move forward bravely without any obstacles. It makes you make rapid progress without wasting any time.


    In early summer, the branches of the neighbors were crowded with cherries. The little cherries that were intoxicating red could not resist its light even in the dense green leaves. They were so lovely

    I remember the days when the cherry tree blossomed, and I looked forward to its early fruit. Every time I pass by my neighbor's house, I look forward to it for a while, and then walk home disappointed. Later, the cherry blossoms withered, and small green cherries finally grew on the branches. Since then, I have passed my neighbor's house intentionally or unintentionally every time... The weather is getting hot. On the branches of the cherry tree, I finally see the long-awaited red, which is so moist and dazzling. How I want to reach out and pick one and put it in my mouth. It should taste very sweet! However, when my hand was about to touch the little cherry, it stopped, because there was a belief in my heart reminding me that "don't do it with good and evil". I can't pick it without the consent of others. So I retracted my hand and swallowed my saliva back to my stomach. The cherry on the branches is still so attractive and lovely, but in the end I gave up the wrong idea of owning it, and I feel very happy. In the future, whenever I pass by my neighbor's house, I will look up at the cherry, but I don't have the impulse to pick it, just with appreciation. Because there is a kind of faith flashing in my heart.

    With the growth of age, the temptation of cherry is not big for me. In the face of boring "XYZ" every day, the desire for answers is increasing.

    I still remember that night, I "fought hard" under the light until midnight. With me, only my father's voice, I really want to sleep, but today's homework was not completed. In the face of exercises, when can I finish it. Under the entanglement, I had the idea of turning over the reference answer. My hand followed my thinking, but when it was only one page away from the reference answer, I thought of the moment when I stretched out my hand under the cherry tree that day. The alarm clock continued to turn, and the time passed minute by minute. The hour hand had pointed directly to 11 o'clock. I picked up my pen again, performed math problems on the draft paper, and turned over the reference answers. The confusion at that moment has been transformed into the soberness at the moment. I can't help but be secretly happy.

    The cherries on the branches look really attractive, but the moment I reach out, it makes me sweeter than tasting the cherry fruit; The accuracy of reference books is indeed high, but I cherish the answers I have worked out by myself when I pick up my pen again; There are many temptations in the world, but they can't resist the temptation of firm faith! Learn self-discipline and you will have a broader world.



    When people are in the public, they have the sense that they should not speak loudly in the public place and they should not jump the line and so on, these are rules for them, though it is not the law makes it, but the power of morality. Self-behave seems easy to do, but when the great temptation comes, self-behave will be changed quickly.


    It has been reported that in Hong Kong, a police car which was loaded with crash attracted many people to grab the money when the crash slipped down from the police car. It was such crazy, the money should be handed to the band, while on its way to the bank, people grabbed some and then left quickly. Two days later, the police found back most of the money, some people who refused to return the money were caught into the prison.



    Self discipline, self-discipline, is an essential habit in life. Self discipline is not easy to have, but easy to abandon. If you don't pay attention, you break the invisible line that binds you.

    I used to separate myself from self-discipline because of desire, unable to extricate myself and immerse myself in my own world.

    It was a June morning. I got up in the morning, walked through the corridor, slowly approached my study, turned on my computer, clicked into a familiar Web page, and began to browse hungrily. I haven't read any words in the seven days' warming up vacation, and I spent it in the virtual online world.

    The eighth day, the first day of the exam. I really don't know how I got out of the exam room and how I finished it. I just remember that there are ugly blanks on the exam paper and blank blanks in my mind.

    That night, I wanted to review the Chinese for tomorrow's exam, but when my parents didn't pay attention, I started reading extra-curricular books again

    On the day when I closed school, when I opened the page of my report card with anxiety, I saw scores headed by "7" one after another, and the frustrated feeling immediately took the place of computers and mobile phones in my mind. I really regret that if I had taken a little more time to read the textbook, I would not have ended up today.

    That summer vacation, I was immersed in the ocean of topics, and my computer was removed, replaced by a pile of exercise books and problem sets. I have unspeakable sadness in my heart. If I don't play computer, I won't fail the exam. I don't need to sacrifice my time for practice! Why did it end today? So many homework, perhaps the whole summer vacation in desperately to do homework! Why should we have known this day!

    Now I am not as naive as before. I know that self-discipline is very important to get an ideal score. So I began to try my best to be self-discipline. I get up at 6 o'clock every morning, open the English tape, start reading in the morning, go to school at 7 o'clock, I can't chat with my deskmate in class as before, I have to listen to the class conscientiously; when I come home from school, I can't open the computer to play CS, I have to finish my homework, and then preview the text. I made a list of the plans and began to implement the above contents. At first, I was a little bit out of control. Later, gradually, I was used to the feeling of self-discipline.

    Because of self-discipline, I have made great progress in my study. In the mid-term exam, I got the top 20 in my class. I'm very grateful to me at that time. I woke up from my desire and achieved self-discipline.

    Self discipline is very important. It's not easy to have it, but it's easy to abandon it. If you lose the ability of self-discipline, you will be attracted by the temptation around you, make some unnecessary mistakes, thus losing freedom and even affecting life.

    Self discipline is what we all want to achieve, and it is the priceless treasure in our life. It guides us to walk on the road of life, and further and further.













    Earlier chapters have placed heavy emhasis on the importance of taking control of your mind. This control is pivotal to your personal initiative, positive mental attituded, and controlled enthusiasm. Self-discipline is the process that ties all these efforts together for you. It isnt possible to achieve self-discipline without making some progress on theose other principles; self discipline requries self-knowledge and an accurate assesssment of your current abilities. Likewise, the other principles cant really be put into action without self-disciples cant really be put into action without self-discipline. It is the channel through which all your personal power for success must flow.

    Think of your mind as a reserveoir in which you have been storing up potential power. You will now learn to release that power in precise quantities and specific directions. This is the essence of self-discipline.


