目录尽力而为三个含义 只要我们尽力而为英文 全力以赴英语高级表达 只要我们尽力而为英语翻译 每个人都要尽力而为英文
do everything in one's power; contribute according to one's ability; do one's best;do ... to the best of one's capabilities; do the best one can;
I can't promise you the moon, but I'll do the best job I can.
我尽力而为:I'll try to do my best.
还记得我吗? Do you remember me?
我能帮到你什么梁拍吗 Can I help you?
我以后怎么联系液纳你 How can we stay in touch?
能和你闹渣没聊两句吗 May I have a talk with you? Only a second.
to exert all one's strength; to throw in one's whole might; to try one's best; to spare no effort; to do one's utmost; to do all one can2.
at full stretch; full speed ahead; with might and main; to the best of one's ability
我们学友悉兄的平时用的最多的是tryour best!~或者是to do all we can
成语出处: 《孟子·梁惠王上》:“以若所为求若所欲,尽 心力 而为之,后必有灾。”
成语例句: 但我看得目下决难 挽回 , 丞相 可去 尽力而为 。
繁体写法: 尽力而为
注音: ㄐㄧㄣˋ ㄌㄧˋ ㄦˊ ㄨㄟˊ
尽力而为的近义词: 尽心竭力费尽心思,使出全力。《南史·柳仲礼传》:“父 津 登城谓曰:‘汝君父在难,不能尽心竭力,百代之后,谓 全心全意全部的精力和感情 已经表示要全心全意效忠政府
尽力而为的反义词: 敷衍了事办事责任心不强,将就应付 他敷衍了事地说了几句,对方根本没有听懂 聊以塞责姑且应付搪塞,算是尽并高责。 清 赵翼 《陔馀丛考·成语》:“《通鉴记事》: 韩侂胄 当国,京官不敢言
成语语法: 偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容全力而为
常用程度: 常用成语
感情.色彩: 中性成语
成语结构: 偏正式成语
产生年代: 古代成语
英语翻译: do the best one can 日语翻译:凯扮 力の及(およ)ぶかぎり尽(つ)くす 成语谜语: 使劲干 读音注意: 为,不能读作“wèi”。 写法注意: 力盯蔽灶,不能写作“利”。 歇后语: 鸟枪当炮用
1.跳拍历迟高 high jump
2.尽力而为 do everything in one'袭李s power; contribute according to one's ability; do one's best; do ... to the best of one's capabilities; do whatever lies [is] in one's power; exert one's utmost; make the best of one's way; shoot one's best
3. 60米跨栏烂团____