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  • 音乐
  • 2024-08-09

异域异国音乐?Fields Of Deeley Urban Trad(风笛+女声)Juanes《La camisa negra》(西班牙风)Davai Za - Lube(俄语)Coldplay《Strawberry Swing》草莓秋千 (挺特别的一首歌,那么,异域异国音乐?一起来了解一下吧。



1. 起航在旋律的海洋: 从深情的《西波涅》到激昂的《船歌》,每首都像一叶小舟,带你游历异国风情。感受《莫斯科郊外的晚上》的静谧,或是《喀秋莎》的悠扬,每一首都充满了故事和情感。

2. 春天的交响乐章: 《春之歌》如同温暖的微风,美国的《月亮河》与德国的《乘着歌声的翅膀》交织出春天的诗篇。《樱花》绽放于日本,《哎哟妈妈》唤起思乡之情,旋律中洋溢着世界各地的喜悦与哀愁。

3. 浪漫与传统并存: 法国的《马赛曲》与爱尔兰的《伦敦德里小调》展现独特韵味,西班牙的《斗牛士之歌》则传递着无畏与豪情。俄罗斯的《三套车》和日本的《拉网小调》则是民族自豪感的象征。

4. 旋律的多样性: 从美国的《哎呀妈妈》到印尼的《丰收之歌》,这些歌曲跨越地域,诉说着各自的文化和历史。无论你是在寻找温情的旋律,还是想感受异域的热闹,这里都有你的答案。

5. 结束语: 这份歌单只是冰山一角,每首歌都是一个故事,等待着你去聆听。希望这份民歌之旅能为你的生活增添色彩,让我们共同沉浸在美妙的音乐世界中。






The Ugly Black along the African Coast

The opposite of the civilized white were the colored, especially the black had worse image than the Indies. With full of discrimination, the black were called as Negroes. In the novel, we could find that they had the character of simplicity, friendliness and wisdom. When Robinson asked some food to eat, they were so kindly to fetch the food for the stranger. They were not as foolish as we originally imagined, and thought out a good idea to give the food to Robinson within precaution of each other: “they took a safe way for us all, for they brought it to the shore and laid it down, and went and stood a great way off till we fetched it on board and then came close to us again.”(Defoe, 22) They lived with nature, and mastered many skills to support their life. They did much better work at taking off the skin of the leopard only with the sharpened piece of wood. However, in the whites’ eyes, they were stereotypically contented fool, offensive, ugly, suppositious, lazy, weird and pessimistic. They were still unavoidable to depict as ugly people with quite black and stark naked, “The women were as stark naked as the men”. (Defoe, 24) They looked strong, while in front of the beasts, they were extremely frightened and were vulnerable to the attack of wild animals. They had no arms except a long slender stick that they would throw them a great distance with good aim, though it couldn’t resist the attack of the wild beasts. When they saw Robinson’s advanced arms—gun and powder that he used to kill the leopard as a reward for their food, they were so astonished that “some of them were even ready to die for fear, and fell down as dead with terror”. (Defoe, 23) Besides, the foolish local people worshiped the gun and gun-taker; and they thought he were the God from the heaven. Here Defoe portrayed their foolishness pretty well and indicated that only the noise and the fire of the colonist’s gun could conquer one nation to another. Naturally, such foolish people needed to be civilized by the kind and just whites.

3. The Cruel Cannibals—the American Indians



20世纪70年代末,殖民话语批评才进入西方文学理论和批评,赛义德率先在他的《东方学》1书中把“殖民话语”作为研究对象,它集中分析了殖民话语:各种文本形式,西方对非西方文化所进行的知识编码和制造。赛义德指出:1旦西方话语作为真实性和普遍性。它就可以用来压迫东方。同样,在音乐领域,1旦西方音乐的概念知识体系作为音乐理论的正宗性来普及,它就可能对异域音乐的概念知识体系及文化差异性或个性压抑,并且可将异域音乐纳入西方音乐或“国际音乐”主导语价值之中,变得容易接受,使这种主导语的统治地位以及第三世界音乐的“边缘性 , 落后性”合理合法。










1. 骠国乐,描绘了骠国的音乐文化,表现其乐趣之深厚与丰富多彩。一个“乐”字概括了骠国音乐的欢乐氛围和愉悦情感。

2. 盛威扬,形容骠国音乐的盛大和震撼力。这种音乐不仅在本国盛行,还传播到了四面八方,展现出骠国文化的强大影响力。

3. 异域风情展华章,这句话描绘了骠国音乐的独特性。作为异域文化的重要组成部分,骠国音乐带有浓厚的地方特色和民族风格,展现出了别样的华彩。

4. 舞者翩翩如飞翼,描述了舞者在音乐中的优美动作。他们如同展翅的飞翼,轻盈而优雅,为观众带来了视觉上的享受。

5. 鼓声震天显威煌,描绘了音乐中的鼓声。那震撼的鼓点,仿佛能震天动地,展现出音乐的威武与辉煌。

6. 异国音乐传四方,这句话意味着骠国的音乐文化已经传播到了世界各地,成为了一种国际性的艺术形式。

7. 骠国文化放光芒,总结了骠国音乐的魅力与其文化的灿烂。骠国的音乐不仅是一种艺术形式,更是其文化的载体,通过音乐,人们能感受到骠国文化的独特魅力和深厚底蕴。

以上就是异域异国音乐的全部内容,《新乐府·骠国乐》全文翻译如下:骠国乐,盛威扬,异域风情展华章。舞者翩翩如飞翼,鼓声震天显威煌。异国音乐传四方,骠国文化放光芒。乐声悠扬如泉水,舞姿曼妙似游龙。翻译解释:《新乐府·骠国乐》是唐代创作的一首乐府诗,主要描述了骠国的音乐文化及其魅力。1. 骠国乐,描绘了骠国的音乐文化。
