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  • 2023-04-13
  • 丽江古城介绍英语
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  • 一座古城的英文
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  • 丽江古城介绍英语




    Dali ancient city更多释义>>


    大理古城 Dali Old Town;Dali old city;Dali Ancient Town

    大理笑渣古城青年旅馆 Tibetan Lodge

    大理古城正门 Dali main entrance


    英文介绍大理 20分

    From eighth to the 13th century, Nanzhao State and Dali State established in the Dali area lasted for nearly 600 years, roughly during the corresponding period of the Tang and Song dynasties. The establishment and consolidation of Nanzhao and Dali states put an end to the separatist regimes in the border areas in Yunnan Province in ancient China. Rulers of both Nanzhao and Dali states tried to bine the Chinese civilization in the Central Plains with the culture of the minority groups and extensively assimilate the culture of neighboring countries, thus forming a regional culture with a unique charm.

    For generations, people of Nanzhao and Dali states studied books in Chinese and observed ethics of the Han people. Their palaces, temples, official documents, and etiquette are similar to those in the Central Plains. Historians call the two regimes“states of ceremonies”银轮 in which the people knew “ethics and music and observed the morals and manners of the Tang Dynasty.” The two regimes produced many poets, historians, and men of letter as well as rich books and records. Dali is referred to as a “碰搏悄well-known land of historical documents.”: Rulers of Nanzhao State accepted at an earlier stage the thought of “ruling their state by ethics and music,” which was enforced by feudal rulers in the Central Plains. In 793, Yi Muxun, king of Nanzhao State, organized the performance of Music Presented by Nanzhao State to the Tang Emperor in Chang’an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. The perf......>>



    Dali Yunnan


    急需要英文介绍大理古城的文章,谢谢 5分

    The beginning knows the big reason, ing from generally two place:" An absolute being 功 " of a 皇爷 ordered in the novel of gold 庸 the pure and far mystery of the ancient country of south 诏 , a 遐 of stirring 掩 think;The movie of 60's of last century 《 five gold flower 》 one song" the butterfly spring side to meet", even will manage the landscape to sing the south north of big river greatly.

    The big reason history is profound, the vegetable contain" a nation of cultural heritage" good reputation.Long history and bright culture, left abundant cultural object historic monument for big reason.But between the jade 洱 silver 沧 , much more attractive 姿 of natural landscape, if the mountain of 苍 hold, Eel Lake such as mirror, the butterfly spring deep 幽 诡秘 , breeze, flower, snow, the four greatest wonderful views of month, even will manage to lead toward 3000 year agos greatly ancient for far ages.

    A big reason still a white clan mainly gathers to reside the ground.The colorful and folk romantic feeling, the building special features of" three squares on shining on the wall"," four match five courtyards", all explores the ancient country of south 诏 to open a leaf to peep the window of the 秘 for the people.

    Cold winter silently but go to, manage the most stirring seasonal changes …… in " breeze" of the ancient city exactly and greatly

    The flowing water rounds the streets and lanes to spend to often open a......>>


    Hello everyone. Today I'd like to introduce my hometown-Dali, a place where one has to go in his life. As a famous tourist desitination in the world, Dali has a wonderful weather that is as warm and bright as spring in all seasons. There are butterfly fountain, antique city, pearl square and Foreigner's street, etc where lived Bai ethinic group, who are nourished by beautiful wind, flower, snow and moonlight.


    上次本人学习的那家 l v l 进步幅度就是较.好.的,名称为ABC








    Xi'an is a city of long history ,there are many attractions,the most famous is the Terracotta Warriors


    city偏向于现枣野代化指的是现凳帆喊在工业商业繁华的城市 而town恰恰相反,town有镇、乡村的意思这样翻译更贴轿含切 望采纳




    Ancient city of Ju state



    ancient city; early city



    The old town centre is girdled by a boulevard lined with trees.



    [网络]old town; Gucheng District; historic district; ancient city;


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