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  • 英语
  • 2023-04-15
  • o5网英语课时作业本六下答案
  • 英语课时作业精练六下答案
  • 六下英语课时作业答案2023
  • 英语金色课堂六年级下册答案
  • 六下英语课作答案人教版

  • o5网英语课时作业本六下答案



    一、 听音,选出你听到的单词。(5分)

    ( )1、A. older B. younger C. shorter D. taller

    ( )2、A. tired B. excited C. angry D. bored

    ( )3、A. where B. what C. when D. who

    ( )4、A. watched B. washed C. visited D. played

    ( )5、A. learned Chinese B. climbed mountains C. saw elephants D. rowed a boat


    ( ) 1. I went swimming yesterday.

    ( ) 2. My sister is younger.

    ( ) 3. You look so angry.

    ( ) 4. Mary is 140cm tall.

    ( ) 5. Jack’s apple is smaller.


    ( )1、A. Lily is 1kg thinner than me. B. Lily is 1kg heavier than me.

    C. I’m 1kg heavier than Lily.

    ( )2、A. I am going to the bookstore. B. I am going to buy some clothes.

    启凯C. I am going to plant trees.

    ( )3、A. Sorry, I don’t know. B. I’m sorry to hear that. C. I’m happy to hear that.

    ( )4、A. He works in a bus company. B. He works in a food shop.

    C. He works in a hospital.

    ( )5、A. No, they didn’t. B. No, we don’t. C. No, they don’t.


    ( ) 1. A. I like playing ping-pong. B. My favourite food is fish.

    C. I like reading books.

    拍旁友( ) 2. A. He is forty years old. B. He is sixty kg. C. He is 172cm.

    ( ) 3. A. I am going to go fishing. B. I want to be a doctor.

    C. I am going to be sad.

    ( ) 4. A. I do my homework at home. B. I watched TV at home.

    C. I bought a magazine.

    ( ) 5. A. I want a bag. B. I don’袭槐t want this green bag.

    C. I like that red bag.


    ( 1 )How do you feel ,young man?

    ( )I feel sick.

    ( )What’s the matter?

    ( )Thank you.

    ( )Oh, take some medicine and drink hot drinks. You will feel better soon.

    ( )I might have the flu. I have a headache, and my nose hurts.


    1. Li Ming went to the ________ and I went to the _________ yesterday.

    2. Amy is __________ and __________ than me.

    3. Mr. Wang is an ____________.


    ( ) 1. John was busy last weekend.

    ( ) 2. John can play chess.

    ( ) 3. John went hiking last Saturday afternoon.

    ( ) 4. On Sunday morning, John did homework.

    ( ) 5. John and his mother watched TV at home on Sunday afternoon



    ( )1. A. happy B. angry C. wash D. have

    ( )2. A. bigger B. size C. sick D. thinner

    ( )3. A. older B. no C. doctor D. clothes

    ( )4. A. foot B. school C. room D. tooth

    ( )5. A. bread B. head C. hear D. headache


    ( )1. ------I’m thinner and taller than you.

    ------Yes. I’m______and______than you.

    A. stonger , shorter B. bigger, stonger C. younger, older

    ( )2.-----How ________are you?

    ------I’m 54kg.

    A. heavy B. tall C. old

    ( )3.-----What did you do last weekend?

    -----I __________.

    A. reading a book B. go fishing C. read a book

    ( )4.-----What’s the matter with you?


    A. She feels sick B. He has a toothache C. I have a cold

    ( )5.-----Where did he go last weekend?


    A. I went to Zhongshan Park B. He goes to Zhongshan Park C. He went to Zhongshan Park.


    A. Where did you go yesterday? B. How did you go there?

    C. Did you go with your parents? D. When are you going there?

    E. Are you going there next week? F. What did you do yesterday?

    G. Can I go with you ?

    A: Hi, John. You look so tired. ______________________________?

    B: I climbed Huangqi Mountain yesterday.


    B: No, I went there with my uncle.


    B: We went there by car


    B: Yes, I am going there next week.


    B: Of course! Let’s go together next week.


    1. than you two I years older am .


    2. you how feel do ?


    3. did what yesterday you do ?


    4. your did clean weekend last you room ?


    5. yesterday I clothes washed last .



    ( am ate make bus take was went eat visit made have skiing )

    Last winter holiday, I ______ very happy. Because I ______ to Harbin with my family. We ______ a snowman and went _____ there. We _____a good time. This summer holiday, we are going to _____ HongKong. We’re going by _____.We’re going to _____ pictures and ______ good food in HongKong. I _____ so happy now.


    1. ___________________________________?

    I am very happy.

    2. ___________________________________?

    I went to a zoo yesterday .

    3. ____________________________________?

    Her father is 65kg.

    4. ___________________________________?

    No, I’m younger than you.

    5. ___________________________________?

    I went to Kunming last weekend.


    You may all know the names of the sportsmen. You may also know what sports they are good at. They are all very good Chinese sportsmen. Let me tell you more about them.

    YaoMing is older than LiuXiang and WangHao. But he is younger than TianLiang. YaoMing is 226cm tall . He is taller than other three. He is also heavier. He is 140.6kg. He looks stronger.

    TianLIiang is older than the other three, but he is shorter and smaller.

    WangHao is a little younger and shorter than LiuXiang. LiuXiang runs faster than the others.

    ( )1、YaoMing is a _________ player. A. football B. basketball

    ( )2、Who is the tallest? ____________. A. YaoMing B. LiuXiang

    ( )3、YaoMing is _________ and ___________than the other three.

    A. shorter , heavier B. taller, heavier

    ( )4、They are from _________. A. Chinese B. China

    ( ) 5. LiuXiang is good at ________. A. running B. swimming

    十七、 阅读判断,对的打“√ ”,错的打“× ”。(5分)

    When you are in England, you must be careful in the street because the traffic drives on the left.

    Before you cross a street, you must look to the right and the left. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then the people on foot can cross the road carefully.

    If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People on foot mustn’t cross.

    In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous(危险) thing then.

    ( ) 1. The traffic drives on the right in England.

    ( ) 2. If the traffic lights are red, the people on foot can cross.

    ( ) 3. If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can wait.

    ( ) 4. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right and the left.

    ( ) 5. When the streets are busy, traffic is safe(安全的).


    一、1.D.I am taller than you.

    2. A.I am tired.

    3. B.What did you do yesterday?

    4.A. I watched TV.

    5.C.I saw elephants.

    二、1. I hurt my arm yesterday.

    2. They went to Beijing last holiday.

    3. I get the flu, so I have to stay in bed.

    4. The dog’s ears are bigger than the cat’s, and its tail is longer than the cat’s, too.

    5. We are going to Hangzhou by train.

    三、( × ) 1、A: What did you do yesterday?

    B: I went diving.

    ( √ ) 2、A: Is your sister older than you?

    B: No, she isn’t.

    ( × ) 3、A: You look so happy today.

    B: Yes, I’m going on a big trip with my classmates.

    ( √ ) 4、A: I am 143cm tall. What about you, Mary?

    B: You are 3cm taller than me.

    ( × )5、A: Whose apple is bigger?

    B: Jack’s.

    四.1. I usually go to work at 7:30.

    2. Which season do you like? I like fall.

    3. What colour are your pens? They’re blue.

    4. Is it Monday today? No, it’s Sunday.

    5. When is your birthday? It’s in July.

    五、( A ) 1、What’s your favourite sport?

    ( A ) 2、How old is your father?

    ( B ) 3、What are you going to be?

    ( B ) 4、Where were you yesterday evening?

    ( C ) 5、Which bag do you want?

    六、How do you feel,young man?

    I feel sick.

    What’s the matter?

    I might have the flu.I have a headache,and my nose hurts.

    Oh, take some medicine and drink hot drinks.You will feel better soon.

    Thank you.

    七、1. Li Ming went to the park and I went to the library yesterday.

    2. Amy is taller and stronger than me.

    3. Mr Wang is an actress.

    八、1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T

    John was very happy last weekend. On Saturday, he went hiking with his parents. In the morning, they went to a forest park by car. There is a river in the park. His father and John went fishing in the river. In the afternoon, they read a funny story-book together. Then they played chess. And John won. They went home at 4:30. On Sunday morning, John helped his mother do housework. In the afternoon, John and his mother went to the cinema and watched Harry Potter 3. Wow, it was great.




    十二、1.Can you make kites?

    2.What did Mike do yesterday?

    3.Where is the library?

    4.What’s the matter with you?

    5.How did you go to Beijing?

    十三、1.I am two years older than you.

    2.How do you feel?

    3.What did you do yesterday?

    4.Did you clean your room?

    5.I washed clothes yesterday.

    十四、was , went , made , skiing , have , visit , bus , take , eat , am

    十五、1. How do you feel?

    2.What did you do yesterday?

    3.How heavy is her father?

    4.Are you older than me?

    5.Where did you go last weekend?



    十八、Mike was busy last weekend.He cleaned the room Saturday morning.He did his homework in the evening.Sunday morning, he went swimming.In the afternoon ,he played football.


    1. 六年级英语升学考试模拟试卷及答案

    2. 2015-2016六年级英语期末测试卷

    3. 六年级英语练习题

    4. 六年级英语升学考试复习练习题及答案

    5. 六年级英语升学考试模拟卷及答案

























    12 5 78.5 786 3/25 2 4 2又1/2





























    Ⅰ.(略) Ⅱ. 1. ruler 2. key 3. map 4. jacket 5. orange 6. pen 7. English 8. spell 9. what 10. please Ⅲ. 1. C I 和O都是元音租掘字母。 2. B 字母I的笔划是三划。 3. C 题意:“这是一把钥匙吗?”“是的,它是。”问句是一般疑问句,应用yes或no来回答,B项中主语不能用that,D项前后矛盾,只有C项符合题意,故选C。 4. A 题意:“闭做你的夹克真好看。”“谢谢。”对于别的赞扬,应该表示轿型衡感谢,故选A。 5. B eye发音为[ai],与字母Ii同音。 6. B 题意:这用英语怎么说?介词in表示“用某种语言说”,故选B。 7. C 询问英文名称应该用“What‟s this in English?”,是固定句型。 8. B “Fine, Thank you. And you?”意为“很好,谢谢。你呢?”,回答一般是“I‟m fine, too.”,意为“我也很好。” 9. D 英语中元音字母一共有五个,分别是a, e, i, o, u, A项中的k,B项中的n和C项中的j均是辅音字母。 10. B 题意:我的名字是汤姆。my name是第三人称单数,故be动词用is。 11. A 题意:“这是什么?”“这是字母Q。”由答语可知问句是询问是什么东西,故选A。D

    项语序不对。 12. C 题意:“早上好。”“早上好。”当对方打招呼用Good morning.时,回应也用相同的语句。 13. A 题意:“你身体怎么样,海伦?”“我很好,谢谢。”询问某人近况用How are you, 尤其指身体状况。 14. C 题意:“晚上好,辛迪。”“晚上好。”跟某人打招呼,直接在招呼语之后说出名字即可,之前不加任何介词。名字首字母要大写,故选C。 15. C 题意:“这用英语怎么说?”“这是bike。”It‟s 是It is的缩写,It指代问句中的this,以避免重复,is是谓语动词。 Ⅳ. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C Ⅴ. 11.in 12. an 13. a 14.it 15. Q-U-I-L-T Ⅵ. 1. B 2. C 3. E 4. A 5. D Ⅶ. 1. Good morning. 2. Good afternoon. 3. Good night. 4. I‟m sorry. 5. That‟s all right. 6. Thank you. 7. Excuse me. 8. Thank you. 9. What‟s this in English? 10. How do you do?


    What did you do yesterday? I visited my grandparents.
