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  • 2023-06-02
  • 用英语介绍中国历史名人
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  • 英语介绍中国历史人物
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  • 用英语介绍中国历史名人

    鐢婚緳鐐圭潧锛圥utting the Finishing Touch to the Picture of a Dragon锛�

    銆�In the Southern and Northern Dynasties Period (420-589), there was a painter called Zhang Sengyou. Once he visited a temple and painted on the wall four dragons, but gave none of them eyes. The onlookers felt that this was odd, and asked why he hadn't painted the eyes. He answered, 'Eyes are crucial for dragons. With the eyes painted on, the dragons would fly away.' Nobody believed this, so Zhang Sengyou took up his brush and added eyes to two of the dragons. No sooner had he finished than the two dragons flew into the sky amid a thunderstorm. The two without eyes stayed painted on the wall.




    Yuan Longping (born September 7,1930) is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator,known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s.

    His "hybrid rice" has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa,America,and Asia鈥攑roviding a robust food source in high famine risk areas.

    Mr.Yuan won the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award of China in 2000,the Wolf Prize in agriculture

    and the World Food Prize in 2004.He is currently is DirectorGeneral of the China National Hybrid Rice R&D Center andhas been appointed as Professor at Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha.

    He is a member of the Chinese Acade my of Engineering,foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences (2006) and the 2006 CPPCC.

    Mr.Yuan was born in Beijing,China.He loves playing Majong and the Erhu (Chinese violin),swimming and motorcycling.










    Fascination China

    China, one of the cradles of human civilization, possesses so many treasures with characteristics that numerous foreign friends e to visit her.

    The first place to go to is, the Great Wall, which is the symbol of China and one of the seven wonders in the world. What's more, it is said to be the only construction that can be seen from the outer space. In the imperial periods, it was used in defense of the dynasties. Since liberation, it has bee a place of interest. There is a famous saying: "He who does not reach the Great Wall isn't a true man."

    China is home to Panda, an animal with only two colors, white and black, but very cute. It's our national treasure, often functioning as a friendly diplomat. Terracotta-clay warriors unearthed in Xi'an, a famous ancient city-were sculptured in Qin Dynasty, the first dynasty of China. When former U.S. President Clinton came to China, he visited terracotta's first. The above mentioned are just a wave of the sea. If you want to know more about this ancient nation, e and be our guest.

    2.涓�鍥藉巻鍙茬殑鑻辫��鍚垫�典綔鏂� 甯︾炕璇戝拰棰樼洰


    history is the birthday of the national education and development of history.It developed feudal society, has created a contemporary world's highest civilization.But when entering certain areas of Western capitali *** , especially when the Western capitalist powers invaded China, the more and more behind.Revolution of 1911 overthrew the monarchy, the establishment of the Republic of China, China won a new starting point for progress.The establishment of the PRC in 1949, opened the road to revitalizing the nation in the socialist future.


    China is a great country with a very early civilization and a long and rich history. The pass, gunpowder, the art of paper-making and block printing锛堝洓澶у彂鏄庡摝锛� invented by the ancient have contributed immensely to the progress of mankind. The Great Wall, Grand C *** , Museum of Chin Sh Huang's Buried Sculpture Legion and other projects built by the people are regarded as engineering feats in the world.



    Shen Sheng and believed themRetreating about Thirty Miles as Condition For Peace During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B, Duke Xian of the State of Jin Killed the crown prince Sheng because he had heard slanders about Sheng and believed them. He also sent his men to arrest Chong Er, Chong Er answered, "You are too modest. Nevertheless, you still have to show your gratitude to me in one way or another, "retreating about thirty miles as a condition for peace," is derived from the Chapter "The Twenty-second Year of Duke Xi" in ZuoZhuan, the famous mentary by Zuo Qiuming on The spring and Autumn Annals. The idea of this set phrase is to give way to somebody in order to avoid a conflict.;You have plenty of beauties and attendants as well as jewelry and silk cloth, and the state of Chu abounds in rare brides and animals.", I would definitely order my troops to retreat three SHE (one SHE is equivalent to thirty LI. The LI is a unit of length equivalent to 1/2 kilometre. And, King Cheng of the State of Chu gave a banquet in honoudr of Chong Er. He also sent his men to arrest Chonh Er, Shen Sheng's brother. Hearing the news, Chong Er escaped from the state of Jin, remaining a fugitive for more than ten years. After innumerable hardships, Chong Er arrived at the State of Chu at last. King Cheng of the State of Chu treated him with high respect as he would have treated the ruler of a state, believing that he would have a vright fuure.) as a condition for peace. If, under that condition, you were still not reconciled; King Cheng of the State of Chu said, ", the State of Jin became increasingly powerful. In the year 533 B.C., I would have to fight with you.C. Suddenly. Ruled by him, amid the harmonious atmosphere of drinking and talking. This set phrase, therefore, three SHE is about thirty miles;How will you repay me when you return to the State of Jin and bee its ruler one day?" After thinking for a moment, King Cheng of the State of Chu asked Chong Er. ", Duke Wen of the State of Jin ordered his troops to retreat about thirty miles. After retreating, the Jin troops were stationed at Chengpu. Seeing that the Jin troops were retreating, the Chu troops thought that the enemy troops were afraid, and began chasing them. Taking advantage of the Chu troops' arrogance and their talking the Jin troops lightly, the Jin troops concentrated their forces and inflicted a crushing defeat on the Chu troops, thus winning the victory of the battle of Chengpu?", Chong Er said, ". What treasure can the State of Jin boast having to present to your majesty;If I should be fortunate enouge to return to the State of Jin and bee its ruler, the State of Jin would be friendly to the State of Chu. If, one day, I presume?" Smiling, the Chu troops and the Jin troops confronted each other in a battle. Faithful to his promise, there should be a war between the two states; Four years later, as might be expected, Chong Er returned to the State of Jin and became its ruler. He was none other than Duke Wen of the State of Jin famous in ancient history.). One day銆�


    The information revolution, the development of mass media and the achievements in science and technology have doubtlessly ushered us in a rapidly progressing society, where we may have no time to talk about our traditional culture. In the city, no one can escape from the fast pace.We eat the popularized fast food and enjoy the popularized "fast food" culture. Since we get so used to such fast things that many traditional things have been neglected, some people believe that the traditional culture will gradually be lost, but I think it will never be lost.Although entertainments are in abundance nowadays, traditional cultures still continue to dominate.We still regard going to a concert as a luxury. Many classic books touch a string from generation to generation in spite of time and space.And we are still moved by the inspirational spirits of our great ancestors.Traditional festivals remind us of our disposition to the traditional culture. Our relief in traditional culture gets ready to revive at any time.To some traditional cultures that are on decline, we have taken active measures to conserve them. Experts have e up with proper advice on protecting such cultures. Many volunteers have dedicated themselves to studying them. First and foremost,more and more people have discerned the importance of the traditional culture. Therefore, we are sure that our efforts will lead to a brilliant future.If a culture wants to gain an eternal life, it should change itself to cater to the people in its age. So does our traditional culture. Traditional cultures adhering to modern means appear rigorous. For example, we make CDs for classic music so that it can not only meet modern needs but also spread further and more successfully in the modern world. The appearance of traditional culture changes, but the essence will never change and will be well accepted.There is no need to worry about whether our traditional culture will be lost. It is an important heritage of the whole human race. No culture, no mankind. We cherish the traditional culture as we cherish our blood in our body. The traditional culture lies in life, forever continuing.淇℃伅闈╁懡锛屽ぇ浼椾紶鎾�濯掍粙鐨勫彂灞曞拰绉戝�︽妧鏈�鐨勬垚灏憋紝鏃犵枒杩庢潵浜嗕竴涓�杩呴�熸伓鍖栫殑绀句細閲岋紝鎴戜滑鍙�鑳芥病鏈夋椂闂存潵璋堣�烘垜浠�鐨勪紶缁熸枃鍖栨垜浠�銆�




    Great Wall is in the northern part of our country on vast land, the thing spans is being continuous the fluctuation together, imposing, long reaches more than 10,000 miles long walls. This is regarded as in the world history of architecture a big miracle Great Wall. The Great Wall was our country ancient times a great defense project it is condensing our country ancient times people's strong will and highly the wisdom, has manifested our country ancient times the project technology extraordinary achievement, also has demonstrated nation's glorious history.


    7.涓�鍥藉巻鍙叉枃鍖栭仐浜�, 鑻辫��浣滄枃

    It's alarming tosee that many heritage places have to give way to construction of localeconomy, which I personally think is short-sighted.

    It's mon sensethat cultural relics are part of our history as well as our present life. In my personal opinion, todestroy cultural heritage means to ruin our culture and to betray our history. Therefore, things must be done tostop the irresponsible action.

    • As far as I'm concerned, weshould first spare no effort to makepeople realize the importance and necessity of protecting cultural heritage,which seems a challenging task, though. Besides, the government should wisely set up funds for the preservation for cultural heritages.•To conclude, I strongly believe thatif everybody makes a *** all change, we'll make a great difference on theprotection of heritage places.



    If your visions of Beijing are centred around pods of Maoist revolutionaries in buttoned-down tunics performing t'ai chi in the Square, put them to rest: this city has embarked on a new-millennium roller-coaster and it's taking the rest of China with it.

    The spinsterish Beijing of old is having a facelift and the cityscape is changing daily. Within the city, however, you'll still find some of China's most stunning sights: the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven Park, the Lama Temple and the Great Wall, to name just a few.

    2銆丆hina is a great country with a very early civilization and a long and rich history. The pass, gunpowder, the art of paper-making and block printing锛堝洓澶у彂鏄庡摝锛� invented by the ancient have contributed immensely to the progress of mankind. The Great Wall, Grand C *** , Museum of Chin Sh Huang's Buried Sculpture Legion and other projects built by the people are regarded as engineering feats in the world.



    Retreating about Thirty Miles as Condition For Peace

    During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.), Duke Xian of the State of Jin Killed the crown prince Sheng because he had heard slanders about Sheng and believed them. He also sent his men to arrest Chong Er, Shen Sheng and believed them. He also sent his men to arrest Chonh Er, Shen Sheng's brother. Hearing the news, Chong Er escaped from the state of Jin, remaining a fugitive for more than ten years.

    After innumerable hardships, Chong Er arrived at the State of Chu at last. King Cheng of the State of Chu treated him with high respect as he would have treated the ruler of a state, believing that he would have a vright fuure.

    One day, King Cheng of the State of Chu gave a banquet in honoudr of Chong Er. Suddenly, amid the harmonious atmosphere of drinking and talking, King Cheng of the State of Chu asked Chong Er. "How will you repay me when you return to the State of Jin and bee its ruler one day?" After thinking for a moment, Chong Er said, "You have plenty of beauties and attendants as well as jewelry and silk cloth, and the state of Chu abounds in rare brides and animals. What treasure can the State of Jin boast having to present to your majesty?" King Cheng of the State of Chu said, "You are too modest. Nevertheless, you still have to show your gratitude to me in one way or another, I presume?" Smiling, Chong Er answered, "If I should be fortunate enouge to return to the State of Jin and bee its ruler, the State of Jin would be friendly to the State of Chu. If, one day, there should be a war between the two states, I would definitely order my troops to retreat three SHE (one SHE is equivalent to thirty LI. The LI is a unit of length equivalent to 1/2 kilometre. And, therefore, three SHE is about thirty miles.) as a condition for peace. If, under that condition, you were still not reconciled, I would have to fight with you."

    Four years later, as might be expected, Chong Er returned to the State of Jin and became its ruler. He was none other than Duke Wen of the State of Jin famous in ancient history. Ruled by him, the State of Jin became increasingly powerful.

    In the year 533 B.C., the Chu troops and the Jin troops confronted each other in a battle. Faithful to his promise, Duke Wen of the State of Jin ordered his troops to retreat about thirty miles. After retreating, the Jin troops were stationed at Chengpu. Seeing that the Jin troops were retreating, the Chu troops thought that the enemy troops were afraid, and began chasing them. Taking advantage of the Chu troops' arrogance and their talking the Jin troops lightly, the Jin troops concentrated their forces and inflicted a crushing defeat on the Chu troops, thus winning the victory of the battle of Chengpu.

    This set phrase, "retreating about thirty miles as a condition for peace," is derived from the Chapter "The Twenty-second Year of Duke Xi" in ZuoZhuan, the famous mentary by Zuo Qiuming on The spring and Autumn Annals. The idea of this set phrase is to give way to somebody in order to avoid a conflict.
