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  • 英语
  • 2023-05-06
  • 用英语介绍老师8句
  • 英语作文5句介绍老师
  • 用英语介绍老师三句话
  • 用英语介绍老师职业
  • 英语介绍语文老师简短

  • 用英语介绍老师8句

    My teacher called ,,,,.she is ,,,years old.

    Her comb a ponytail 。She is middle built and tall。雀梁岩渣竖Her eyes are very beautiful and big, 。her mouth is red and small she like,,,顷御,。she is very good。 Her voice is very sweet and we all like to listen to her when she speaks English. Her English knowledge is very much, we can a lot from her,


    I have a teacther. She is very beautiful. I love her


    Miss Hou is my high school English teacher. Her English name is Jenny. She looks so weak that a strong wind may blow her away. She is not too tall, about 150cm. She is experiened of English teaching. She teaches me for three years.In the other word, she is the only English teacher during my high school study. She is special. She will show an English song to us before her class. A few days later, she will ask us to follow the singing on the tape. I can still remember some songs she taught us. It is strang that she looks so weak, but no one in my class will against her word. I think maybe is because her own personality.Everyone respects her. She is serious in work, so that our whole class’s English is good. Happily, she is our friend after class. She always palys badmintonwith us. She is also ready to help us if we have any difficultiy. In my mind, a good teacher is more than a million books. And she will be my mentor forever. Jenny, my teacher, I love you.



    My English teacher is a lady. She is middle built and tall. She has black and curly hair. Her eyes are very beautiful and big, her nose is small.


    She likes playing tennis and she always tells us that doing exercises is very good for our health and it will do good to our study. At the same times, she likes listening to English songs.


    I always can hear that she listens to the music when she is at the office alone. She is a very good English teacher. Her voice is very sweet and we all like to listen to her when she speaks English.


    Her English knowledge is very much, we can a lot from her, so we all like her very much and our English grades are all very good.





    My math teacher has white temples and often wears a simple little black dress. She is easy-going and approachable in class.


    Teacher Sun is our head teacher. He is of medium height, with a round face and a glib mouth. The words from this mouth are always vivid and fluent.

    3、 她是我四年级的班主任王莹老师,她的教育使我终身难忘,在我的心目中,她是一个温柔而美丽的人。

    She is my fourth grade class teacher, Miss Wang Ying. Her education will never forget me. In my mind, she is a gentle and beautiful person.

    4、陈老师知识渊博,教学经验丰富, 上起课来总是那么轻松、活泼、生动、有趣。我们尤其爱听他的作文课。

    Mr. Chen is knowledgeable and experienced in teaching, and his class is always so relaxed, lively, lively and interesting. We especially like listening to his composition class.


    Miss Su is our head teacher. She is in her forties. She is tall, well-proportioned, with heavy eyebrows, upturned nose and rosy lips. Keep a short hair of spirit and be gentle and kind to us.
