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  • 语文
  • 2024-08-09
  • 241



some parents think that it is necessary and sometimes important for students to do some housework. other parents, however, think that it is study that is of extreme importance to students. priority should first and foremost be given to study both at school and at home. hence students should be exempt from any tedious and time-consuming housework. 
i think students should share some housework with their parents. the reasons are as follows. first, doing some housework can enable the students to have some sense of responsibility. there is a lot of housework in each family. as a member of the family, each one should do his or her share. since a student is a member of the family, undoubtedly, he is of no exception. in the second place, doing some housework can give the student opportunities to get to know his parents better.


i understand that we have not been together for very long, but i want to express to you the love that i feel. my life has been a hellish nightmare, one that haunts and never leaves me to peace. the day that i realized that i loved you, my bad dreams ceased. what i feel for you is that awesome love that poets write about and that we mere mortals only dream of experiencing. it is the love that is considered unconditional and undying; so great that my heart seems to burst with the joy of it. i cannot fathom living my life without you - waking would never be the same without your sweet face to look forward to; i would not be living, just existing; sleeping would be impossible without you to dream of. you have made my life worth every moment, every breath. i know that we are young, and as such are thought not to feel such intense emotion, but what i feel is true and blinding in it's power. you have swept me away and proved to me that magic exists - in you. we will be separated soon, but i believe and have faith that what we feel for each other will overcome and outlast the distance. my heart is yours, my soul in your keeping. please treasure it. mi amas vin!


背课文培养的是语言感觉,和熟练程度,你背了很多英美本土作家的文章以后 自然你的脑中就会对英语的行文顺序和结构有所适应 这对你英语的纯正和词汇句子的扩充都是很有好处的
但是不是说背课文就不用背单词 学语法了 语法是结构的基础 单词是使你说出漂亮英语的必要工具 学英语是一门综合的课程 要求听说读写都要并重 并不是只专注一两个方面就可以的 因为我就是英语专业的 我很有体会 英语学习是长时间的累积 和逐渐培养起来的语感 你们老师说的有一定的道理 背书对英语学习有很大的辅助作用 但是记住 要背国外作者写的哦 可别背中国英语作者的 那个不地道 没国外效果好


不是说背课文别的工作就不要做了,其实背课文培养的是语言感觉,和熟练程度,你背了很多英美本土作家的文章以后 自然你的脑中就会对英语的行文顺序和结构有所适应 这对你英语的纯正和词汇句子的扩充都是很有好处的
但是不是说背课文就不用背单词 学语法了 语法是结构的基础 单词是使你说出漂亮英语的必要工具 学英语是一门综合的课程 要求听说读写都要并重 并不是只专注一两个方面就可以的 因为我就是英语专业的 我很有体会 英语学习是长时间的累积 和逐渐培养起来的语感 你们老师说的有一定的道理 背书对英语学习有很大的辅助作用 但是记住 要背国外作者写的哦 可别背中国英语作者的 那个不地道 没国外效果好



