1. 画蛇添足
Drawing a snake and Adding Feet
In the Warring States Period, a man in the State of Chu was offering a sacrifice to his ancestors. After the ceremony, the man gave a beaker of wine to his servants. The servants thought that there was not enough wine for all them, and decided to each draw a picture of a snake; the one who finished the picture first would get the wine. One of them drew very rapidly. Seeing that the others were still busy drawing, he added feet to the snake. At this moment another man finished, snatched the beaker and drank the wine, saying, 'A snake doesn't have feet. How can you add feet to a snake? '
1. 文言文(古文)用英语怎么说
文言文(古文) 用英语表达 翻译如下: Classical Chinese (ancient Chinese) 重点词汇释义: 文言文:classical style of writing 古文:prose written in the classical literary style; ancient style prose; ancient Chinese prose; (秦以前的字体) Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty。
2. 初中的文言文的英文翻译
Staying by a Stump Waiting for More Hares To Come and Dash Themselves Against It
This story took place more than 2,000 years ago,in the Warring States period(475-221 B.C.).Tradition has it that in the State of Song at that time there was a man who was famous for staying by a stump waiting for more hares to e and dash themselves against it.
He was a yong farmer,and his family had been farmers for generations.Year after year and generation after generation, farmers used to sow in spring and harvest in autumn,beginning to work at sunrise and retiring at sunset.In good harvest years,they could only have enough food to eat and enough clothing to wear.If there was a famine due to crop failure,they had to go hungry.
This young farmer wanted to improve his life.But he was too lazy and too cowardly.Being lazy and cowardly over everything,he often dreamed of having unexpected blessings.
A miracle took place at last. One day in late autumn,when he was ploughing in the field,o groups of people were hunting nearby.As shoutings were rising one after another,scared hares were running desperately.Suddenly,a blind hare dashed itself headlong against the stump of a dead tree in his field and died.
That day,he ate his fill.
From that day on,he no longer went in for farming again.From morning till night,he stayed by that miraculous stump,waiting for miracles to take place again.
This story es from"The Five Vermin"in The Works of Han Feizi.Later generations often use the set phrase"staying by a stump waiting for more hares to e and dash themselves against it"to show grusting to chance and windfalls or dreaming to reap without sowing.It is also used to show adhering to narrow experiences and not being able to be flexible.
3. 中英翻译古文
1. 初中文言文英文版翻译
Children; the Analects of Confucius ten; peach blossom spring, Zhongyong injury; Mulan; LouShiMing; MS; nuclear boat; road trip; the Three Ges; thank book book; Cheng Tiansi night; the tide; see snow; and Zhu Yuansi; Mr. five willow; Ma; send Dongyang Ma Sheng order; travels of little stone pond; the Yueyang Tower; ong Ting Ji; man travels; Chen family; Tang Ju have succeeded in carrying out an assignment; Longzhong plan; public input; a just cause enjoys abundant support; fish I desire; calamity; Cao GUI debate; Ji Feng Qi an great determination and courage。
With my own efforts, to let you in an unenviable position.