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  • 语文
  • 2024-09-08

大学英语文章阅读?In a word, reading is a good way to improve our English skills. Try to read extensively, you’ll have a lot of benefit from it. 一句话总结,阅读是提高我们英语学习能力的好方法。试着去广泛的阅读吧,你会从中收获很多的。那么,大学英语文章阅读?一起来了解一下吧。










礼仪的大学英语作文 篇1

Good manners are necessary, for one is judged by his manner. A person's manner not only shows what kind of education, he has received, his social status, but they also often indicate what he has.

Good manners means good communication in society. A man of good manners is always a good companion, for he is always in the thoughts of others and of others. He did not force his way through the crowd, but waited for his turn to advance quietly. Politeness is not a particularly advanced story, but they can tell you who owns them is the highest standard.

Good manners, all the first time we have to remember, they respond to other people and ways from their daily actions, his way, his behavior in front of people. To be a good presence, he has to be truly polite and respectful to others. In short, politeness costs nothing and gains everything.




①Tourists were surprised to see a woman driving a huge orange tractor down one of Rome’s main avenues. ②Italy’s political leaders and some of its male union chiefs are said to have been even more puzzled to see that the tractor was followed by about 200,000 women in a parading procession that took more than three hours to snake through central Rome.

①Shouting slogans, waving flags and dancing to drumbeats, the women had come to the capital from all over Italy to demonstrate for “a job for each of us, a different type of job, and a society without violence.” ②So far, action to improve women’s opportunities in employment has been the province of collective industrial bargaining. ③“But there is a growing awareness that this is not enough,” says a researcher on female labor at the government-funded Institute for the Development of Professional Training for Workers.

①Women, who constitute 52 per cent of Italy’s population, today represent only 35 per cent of Italy’s total workforce and 33 per cent of the total number of Italians with jobs. ②However, their presence in the workplace is growing. ③The employment of women is expanding considerably in services, next to the public administration and commerce as their principal workplace. ④Official statistics also show that women have also made significant strides in self-employment. ⑤More and more women are going into business for themselves. ⑥Many young women are turning to business because of the growing overall in employment. ⑦芹模禅It is also a fact that today many prejudices have disappeared, so that banks and other financial institutes make judgments on purely business considerations without caring if it is a man or a woman.

码明①Such changes are occurring in the professions too. ②The number of women doctors, dentists, lawyers, engineers and university professors increased two to three fold. ③Some of the changes are immediately visible. ④For example, women have appeared on the scene for the first time as state police, railway workers and street cleaners.

①However, the present situation is far from satisfactory though some progress has been made. ②A breakthrough in equal opportunities for women is now demanded.


1.avenue n. 林荫道,大街 2.chief n. 首领

3.parading a. 游行的 4.procession n. 队伍,行列

5.slogan n. 标语,口号 6.demonstrate v. 示威

7.province n.(单数,正式)知识(或兴趣、职责)范围,领域

8.bargaining n. 议价,交易 9.go into business从商、经商

10.bre1akthrough n. 突破


1. Italy’s political leaders and some of its male union chiefs are said to have been even more puzzled to see that the tractor was followed by about 200,000 women in a parading procession that took more than three hours to snake through central Rome.

该句主干为“be said+不定式完成式”的结构:Italy’s political leaders and some of its male union chiefs are said to have been puzzled to see…,不定式的核心结构be puzzled to see sth,第一个that引导的宾语从句做see的宾语,该从句中又嵌套了一个that引导的定语从句做后置定语,修饰名词procession。









(1)表示因果关系的词或词组:because,reason,due to,since,so that,therefore等

(2)表示目的关系的词或词组:in order to,so as to,by等


(4)表示对比关系的词或词组:contrary to,unlike,like等




I believe that many people have similar experiences. We don't know whether we should express our love for the important people in our lives. I'm no exception.


I showed it to my mother several times, but mostly in a joking tone. Indeed, it's always weird to say "I love you" even though that's what we think.


Then let's talk about friendship! Friendship is a classic topic. Friends come and go in our lives, accompany us through the journey of life.


以上就是大学英语文章阅读的全部内容,I believe that many people have similar experiences. We don't know whether we should express our love for the important people in our lives. I'm no exception.我相信,许多人都有着类似的经历,我们不知道是否应该向生命中重要的人表达对他们的爱,我也不例外。
